Below you will find a table with links to the archives of my weird news mailings. These are news stories answering such questions as 'Are there any new loony criminals in Florida?', 'What is so weird about my country?', and 'What did Anna tell me about that lady with a huge hairball in her stomach?' without delving into the murky waters of urban legend.
Not all of the items in the Clippings are bellylaugh-funny. Some are genuinely disturbing. Some should make the reader think. Others are covered here because they deserve to be in the news but aren't widely covered elsewhere. A few comments readers have sent in about the Clippings can be found here.
Please note:
If I've forgotten to update this page for a while,
you can get to more recent Clippings either by choosing the most recent
month shown and navigating from there or by going to a monthyear.html URL,
after the pattern of the files linked to above.
The thismonth.html file should always contain the most recent Clippings that I've uploaded.
Please feel free to link to these pages (but not to represent them as your own work / the content of your own site). If there is a specific story you'd like to point people toward, please let me know and I'll stick an anchor on the appropriate page so people can go directly to the story.
Since the thismonth.html file passes into the archives each month, it would probably make sense for you to link to the permanent home of the story you wish to share.
Although I cull the meat - or, some might argue, the chaff - from items covered by various news sources, the wording is my own. You may pass these items along noncommercially, with attribution, without fear of incurring the wrath of the copyright gods.
If you have any pointers to news stories I have not included here and that you think might fit the Clippings, please send them. I'm interested in only stories from reputable news sources (your local paper might well be good enough for me to start with) and that include names or other means of verifying the item in question. I do have an interest in urban legends, but this is not the place for its exhibition... You may use the address, making the obvious removal of commentary on unsolicited email.
You may also use this address if for some reason you wish to complain about the Clippings or a particular story. By doing so, you agree that, unless you specify otherwise, I may quote, in full or in part, what you send. You may not revoke such permission after the fact.
For other stuff on the site, please go here.
© 2000-2025 (just in case anyone might want the contents) Anna Shefl