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June 2024

June 2024

Speaking from the floor of the Vermont House of Representatives, Republican member Mary Morrissey issued a public apology for having repeatedly poured water into a fellow lawmaker's bag hanging at the statehouse. In response to her assurance that she was 'truly ashamed', Democratic colleague Jim Carroll said that, while recognising her sincerity, he'd endured five months of bag-soaking 'torment' from Morrissey, who hails from the same town he does. The apology and the accompanying admission that 'quite honestly, I don't know why I did it' came after he'd caught her actions on video.

A woman arrested outside a San Diego convenience store for stealing asked arresting officer Anthony Hair whether he is single, then offered sexual activity in exchange for not being brought in for questioning. Hair bundled her into the back of his cruiser anyway. Twenty minutes later, he placed a panic-laced radio call to another officer, explaining that he'd locked himself in the police car while checking on the suspect, who had passed out.
Bodycam footage didn't show her collapse, since Hair had turned off his bodycam. Other evidence was available, however - such as semen on Hair's belt. He has resigned from the force.

Alerted that a woman had been living inside the sign on a Midland, Michigan, grocery-store roof for about a year, local police officers opened the hatch at the back of the sign and found an attic-like space 1.5 metres wide and 3-5 metres long, complete with a Keurig coffee-maker, a mini desk with computer and printer, a telephone, a pantry, and freshly laid flooring. Then the woman popped up, dressed all in black and wearing ski goggles, and asked how the officers had made it onto the roof. Referring to a nickname they'd given her, one replied: 'Ladder. We're not a roof ninja.'
Though not granted time to ring her employer and have a truck collect her belongings, the 34-year-old woman - who'd been caught because contractors had spotted an extension lead - was assured that store staff would remove her possessions and return them to her. Before her rapid departure, she hastened to point out that the sword in her living quarters 'has not been used' and that such a space is 'not for everybody - it's not even for me'.

Our next item takes us to Nebraska, where 74-year-old Constance Glantz passed away in hospice care. Or at least that's what people - including the doctor preparing her death certificate - thought before an undertaker at the funeral parlour started work about two hours later to prettify her body for burial. She was still breathing. After receiving CPR, she was taken to hospital and given more suitable attention.

Surgeons often place samples from patients in specimen bags for analysis. Something different happened after a hernia operation in Brighton: they left a specimen bag inside the patient, Tom Hadrys. Medics at Royal Sussex County Hospital left the sample inside too - a portion of bowel that they'd cut out. Hadrys, 63, recalls hearing a whisper in the recovery room: 'We made a mistake, and I've got to take you back to surgery'. On the drive home from work, the surgeon had recognised his error and made a U-turn.
Unlike the settlement awarded to Hadrys four years later, equivalent to 13,000 euros, effects such as a very weak abdomen will remain with him for life.

A police officer directing traffic at midnight after a fatal car crash in Fullerton, California, had to jump out of the way of a Tesla barrelling toward him in 'self-driving mode'. A dispatcher waiting in the patrol car likewise dived for cover, just before the Tesla hit the cruiser, which had its emergency lights on and was right next to emergency flares. The driver explained that he'd been using his mobile phone while letting his car do the work.

In a story from last month, a Florida woman ventured into her driveway to check why her car alarm kept going off. When she opened the vehicle's door, someone grabbed her arm and tried to drag her inside. Pulling free, she retreated indoors, grabbed a firearm, and summoned the police. When they arrived, freshly escaped prisoner Jesse James Hall, 32, was still standing in the driveway. After a brief chase, he surrendered, though under a false name. However, his fingerprints were on record for some reason.

Our next item takes us to the opposite corner of the US, where Seattle bikini barista Emma Lee, 23, told a man in the Taste of Heaven Espresso drive-through lane that he couldn't unilaterally choose to pay less than usual for his water and litre of coffee. A 15-minute argument culminated in him stepping up to the window with both drinks and hurling them at her. As he was getting back in his car, Lee retaliated by stretching through the window to deliver a 'self-defence' hammer strike that left a hole in his windscreen. Lawsuits have been threatened in both directions, though Lee is content with deciding that the man doesn't need any more coffee, at least from her establishment.

In other hammer news, New Jersey's Edward Kang, 20, flew to Florida to confront a fellow player of online role-playing game ArcheAge, whom he called a 'bad person'. Wielding a hammer from a local hardware store, Kang strode into the youth's unlocked home and non-life-threateningly hit his head. Family members restrained Kang until the cops arrived.
Charged with attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary with a mask, Kang asked about the likely sentence. Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper replied 'I would say, Mr Kang, it's going to be a long time before you play video games again'.

A woman wanting to 'participate in' her niece's community decided to attend Mass at Florida's St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church and receive Communion there. Since her hands weren't held out for it, Fr Fidel Rodriguez assumed that she wished to receive the Eucharist by mouth. She reacted by backing up and shouting. The woman later told the police: 'He wouldn't give me the cookie. I don't know if it was the way I was dressed, or if it is what I look like.'
The cops became involved because, at a later Mass, she tried to grab the plate of hosts from Rodriguez and he bit her hand, thus getting her to release her grip. After that, she was asked to exit the church.

Also in Florida, Hillary Brown enjoyed helping husband Ben by practising medicine without a licence at his facility in Gulf Breeze. She also enjoyed his attention on the operating table there - until she didn't. Recently, the IV bags she'd prepared for herself ran dry while she was receiving liposuction, lip injections, ear adjustments, and other tweaks, so Ben began injecting undiluted lidocaine. Then Hillary reported 'seeing orange', so he opted to focus on the area around the other eye instead. She then stated that she might be experiencing an overdose, suffered a seizure, and died.
Ben, 41, is charged with manslaughter by culpable negligence, and a parallel state investigation has uncovered such issues as him providing 'unwanted Brazilian butt lifts' in conjunction with scheduled procedures. Restore Plastic Surgery has closed its doors.

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