Youth anti-drug activist Peg Osbourn, 16, of Greeley, Colorado, sent a proposal to the National Institute of Drug Abuse in which she outlined ideas for a drug education programme centred on the well-known 'This is your brain on drugs' adverts, with their hallmark sizzling egg. When Peg's mother, Sandy, found methamphetamine powder and a glass smoking pipe in her daughter's room, and grew angry. Finding Peg outside the family's trailer home, Sandy hit her on the head repeatedly with a cast-iron frying pan. As soon as Peg stopped moving, Sandy, 32, took the murder weapon to the police station and turned herself in, according to police reports.
In India's 2005 extreme tractor-driving championship, held in Himachal Pradesh, defending champion Jai Maharaj was killed when his tractor was unable to manage an 80-degree slope. While all of the tractors entered in the competition rolled at this stage of the competition, Maharaj's harness was the only one that broke. The winner, Ladivega Palaman, said: 'He should have used hemp like the rest of us do'.
Upon the death of the founder and sole operator of the Moengo Wildlife Sanctuary in French Guyana, sixty Amazonian llamas were left without an accredited refuge. On account of their protected status, the llamas may not legally be killed or released into the wild. A new home has been found for them, across the border in Wageningen, Guyana, but the move requires a 60-day quarantine. French Guyana's immigration and customs officers are currently operating from a set of makeshift huts and tents while the animals are housed in their offices.
At least seven people were killed when a disgruntled employee launched an
attack in a Nigerian office building today. The seven people were fatally
wounded at Al Djewoda Technologies, an international payment brokerage
firm in Lagos.
One man is in custody in connection with the crime. He has been
identified as Mkal Mdemot. Police have described the shooting as
work-related but have not yet commented on a more specific motive. Six
spears and 47 hand-crafted arrows were retrieved from the office building
lobby after the attacks.
Two residents of Helsinki, Finland, were killed and one injured when the beverages they had stockpiled for the Easter weekend tumbled from the refrigerator where they were being stored. Mika Juoppolainen, who was injured in the beer avalanche, has asked that square beer containers be marketed in order to avoid such a tragedy happening again. He added: 'And more would fit in the fridge that way.'
Shortly after being diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, Tracy Baker of Chagwell Heath, Essex, levelled several charges against various of her other personalities. For instance, she is suing one called 'Sharon' for defamation of character related to statements made in several local pubs, but the most serious accusation is against a personality she calls 'Markie', whom she decided to sue for indecent assault after she noticed irritation to her 'furry front bottom' and sought medical attention.
Italy's Church of the Holy Brother of Christ is being investigated by Church authorities in connection with the sale of what the church claimed to be Jesus's hairs. Sold from the church vestibule, hairs ostensibly from the head of Christ were available until late February for 5,000 lira each. Less affluent parishioners and pilgrims had the option of purchasing pubic or underarm hairs for 1,000 and 750 lira, respectively. Each hair came with a certificate of authenticity signed by the church's pastor, Father Michele Gualco.
Twenty prisoners incarcerated in Florida have decided to take an online news source to court, claiming that their reputations have been damaged by the implication that they are dumb criminals. Sam M. Subiad, representing the group, told the Floridian Herald: 'Being known as of less than stellar skill could harm the complainants' prospects in their chosen professions of burglar, mugger, etc. in future'. Representatives of the site being sued, 'Anna's News Clippings', have issued no comment on the case or the related 'cease and desist' order.
According to AP reports, the 'open container' law in Fort Wayne, Indiana, intended to outlaw open containers of alcohol in vehicles, has a bug. Officials have discovered that the city ordinance prohibits any open container in a vehicle, from a can of soda to a packet of crisps. Violators could face a $50 fine. A new version of the law has been drafted and is now under consideration.
Diarios Bonaerenses of Argentina reports that Azul's Eva de Albertengo received a surprise upon returning home after receiving medical care in Bolivia. A pair of squatters had made extensive modifications to her home, including numerous additions. She decided to sue them in order that her house could be returned to the way she prefers it, and in return the squatters have demanded payment for the renovations and additions they made.
The New York Post reports that Kenneth D. Peer, 23, and a 17-year-old male have been charged with tattooing an obscenity on the forehead of a Norwich, New York, juvenile. Police officer Craig Berry said the attackers used a homemade tattooing instrument to mark the victim with a vulgar phrase and diagram. Berry said that the police have not yet established a motive for the attack.
A Florida City, Florida, man let a woman and her two children spend the night at his home after she explained to him at a shopping centre that she was homeless and didn't want to sleep in a car. When the man woke in the morning, he heard the woman's baby crying and investigated. The woman was gone, as were his television and video recorder. Her two children were not. They are to be transferred to the custody of the state's Department of Children and Families. Police are on the lookout for a woman named Robin Johnson in connection with the case.
Apparently, a 12-year-old boy approached an 11-year-old girl in a park and befriended her. Later, the boy introduced the girl's 13-year-old friend to his twin brother. Both pairs began to date. After the 13-year-old girl's brother saw her hugging what appeared to be an older boy, the police became involved. It turned out the twins were the same person, 18-year-old Lakesia Michelle Mason. Mason is currently undergoing psychiatric evaluation to determine her competency to stand trial in California's San Mateo County Superior Court.
Fumio Saito, a 54-year-old man from Yamagata, Japan, stole a wax model of a bean-paste-covered rice cake from a shop. After he was arrested for shoplifting, he explained: 'I thought it was a real one', according to the police. A Yamagata police officer said of the model: 'I think the man who produced it would feel proud of his work.'
The BBC is asking musicians and other icons for interviews as it creates a series of programmes to air on the digital channel BBC Three. In e-mail sent to the Bob Marley Foundation, the BBC asked whether the Rastafarian musician, who died in 1981, would be interested in 'spending one or two days with us' for a programme to focus on his hit song 'No Woman No Cry'. The e-mail message stressed that the documentary 'would only work with some participation from Bob Marley himself'. The BBC later offered this in a statement: 'We are obviously very embarrassed that we didn't realise that the letter to the Marley Foundation did not acknowledge that Mr Marley is no longer with us.'
A Canadian woman left her home in the temporary care of a 24-year-old man and 18-year-old woman. When she returned to her Windsor, Ontario, home, the place was in disarray. In the refrigerator was a pot containing what appeared to be the remains of a cooked cat. Windsor police Staff Sergeant Ed McNorton said that officers believe the neighbours' pet cat, Prowler, had been killed in the home's bathtub and hung from the shower head. The alleged perpetrators were interviewed by detectives and released from custody pending further investigation.
In a story from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, businessman Don Etsekson
bought a 'smart phone' online. At the time, it was required that those
who buy that model of telephone also purchase a data plan. Surprised
upon later receiving a $9,000 telephone bill, Etsekson rang his long-time carrier,
then AT&T Wireless. He later recounted that, after being routed around the system
and provided with a tech-support number that had been disconnected, he
figured out that the telephone was pre-programmed to remotely download his
e-mail every 15 minutes. He said he hadn't noticed that the telephone
had been fetching all of his spam because the mobile device was connected to the computer
via a USB card. Etsekson complained that this was undocumented behaviour and
that 'I shouldn't be forced to walk through a mine field as a consumer'.
Cingular spokeswoman Anne Marshall responded that Etsekson's situation was unique
to her and that sales staff recommend a $30 usage monitoring plan to those
who buy telephones in person.
The New York Daily News reports that Albert Blacks, a school safety agent in Queens, is accused of sneaking up behind student Michael Price, 16, in a hallway at Springfield Gardens High School and flicking a cigarette lighter near his head. When Price's hair caught fire, the 35-year-old Blacks told the youth: 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was a mistake!', according to police reports. Law enforcement sources told the newspaper that Price shouted at the agent: 'It's not fair! If I had done that, I would've been locked up.' Blacks could face a year in prison, for reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child.
Needing to raise over EUR 200,000 for the restoration of its church organ, Hamburg's St Petri church is selling hymns in ringtone form. Church musician Thomas Dahl said he is confident that the church is going to succeed in the competitive ringtone market. After all, he said, 'we offer melodies that have been popular for centuries'.
Police visited Vermont's Morrisville Cemetery after receiving a tip
concerning the beheading of a corpse and theft of the skull. According to
police chief Richard Keith, 'we had the funeral director come to the scene
and we pulled the casket out; yes, indeed, we found remains and they had
been disturbed'. Nickolas Buckalew, 17, was later arrested and charged
with unauthorised removal of a dead body. According to court documents,
he had talked of using the skull as a bong. Keith said of the widow of
the deceased: 'She did not want to know any details.'
Searching a silo near Buckalew's home, 'within minutes we found the
duffel bag with the remains in it and tools that were used to enter the
tomb and the casket', Keith said. Buckalew maintains that he is innocent.
When Timothy Richards, 45, of Columbus, Indiana, handed police dispatcher Julie Meyers $400 to bail his brother-in-law out of jail, she 'noticed the money was damp and smelled funny'. She said a jailer and then Trooper Chip Ayers sniffed the money and agreed that it smelled of marijuana. Richards agreed to a search of his person and his car, which revealed a pipe and a small amount of marijuana. Richards remained in jail until his brother-in-law was able to pay his $250 bond.
Correctional officers in California are supposed to get 52 hours of training each year in areas such as use of force, prisoner transport, and firearms. State corrections department spokesman Todd Slosek said 40 hours of this are hands-on and that a union contract that entered into effect in July required the other 12 hours to be spent studying bulletins containing policy changes, directives, and puzzles. According to AP reports, one sport-related exercise's instructions said: 'Complete the word find puzzle below and submit it [...] to receive one hour [...] credit. Good luck and have fun!' Some guards were being told that about a quarter of their annual training requirement could be met by working puzzles on the job. Two Corrections Department chief deputy directors have now said that puzzles can no longer be considered part of the training programme or completed for training credit.
On 1 April, the 911 centre in Rogersville, Tennessee, received a telephone call in which two men discussed their plan to steal a refrigerator from a mobile home dealership. On the chance that the 40-minute call wasn't a prank, officers hid at the scene. When Jason Anthony Arnold, 29, and James Keith Benton, 38, emerged from one of the mobile homes with a refrigerator, they were surprised to find officers waiting. Detective Eve Jackson said the mobile telephone that placed the call had apparently been in Arnold's front jeans pocket at the time and had a feature that rings emergency services if the 9 button is held down.
Nashville, Tennessee, police spokesman Don Aaron said that 'from time to time, you come across a case with very unique - even bizarre - circumstances'. Martha Freeman allowed lover Rafael DeJesus Rocha-Perez, 35, to live in a closet of the family home without her husband Jeffrey, 44, finding out. This carried on for about a month. Finally, Jeffrey heard snoring emanating from the closet and told Martha to kick the source of the snoring out of the house. Martha said her husband went for a walk and returned to the wrath of Rocha-Perez, who forced Jeffrey into a bathroom and bludgeoned him to death.
Indiana's Lisa Tonks lost her wallet on a 1985 trip to Yellowstone National Park and Jackson, Wyoming. The wallet, which contained her Social Security card and $177, was turned over to the police. It sat on a shelf with drug paraphernalia and weapons until Jackson police technician Tom Turcol decided recently that it might be possible to find the wallet's owner via the Social Security number contained therein. After succeeding and returning the wallet to Tonks, Turcol said: 'She was quite surprised.'
Florida Today reports that 81-year-old Dorothy Stump depressed the pedal, the wrong pedal, when preparing to take a new Honda Accord for a test drive at a dealership. The car lurched into reverse. Sales manager Joe Sica said Stump 'must have panicked'. The open door of the car hit Stump's husband, 88-year-old Robert Byrum. It went on to hit salesman Christopher Hopper, then a parked Honda Civic, a tree, and finally a wall. Byrum was admitted to a local hospital, where he is in 'good' condition. The salesman is expected to spend about a week recovering. As for the Accord, it's a write-off.
New Jersey's Ryta Z. Deriso, 44, and her 16-year-old daughter set up cones on a quiet street near their home so that the girl could practise parallel parking. The teenager, who had a valid learner's permit to drive, was backing up when she pressed the accelerator pedal and the car jumped onto the kerb. It hit her mother, killing her. Monmouth County prosecutor Robert A. Honecker, Jr, said no charges are going to be filed.
According to Alaska's Kodiak Daily Mirror, a man drove his car into a wall at Anchorage's Division of Motor Vehicles building, cracking the inside of the wall. Sandy Crisel, in the accounting department, said the crash shook her cubicle and caused her to fling a staple-puller into the air. Employee Michelle Steinman said: 'I saw the guy back up, get out of his car and walk into the DMV like nothing happened'. However, no-one in the public area of the DMV office noticed the accident, or investigated when the man apologised to a clerk because he had 'tapped' the building. By the time the police had been alerted, the man had renewed his driver's licence. Officers believe he was driving while impaired on medication. He has been charged with driving under the influence.
North of Toronto, a 59-year-old motorist was pulled over and taken to a South Simcoe Police station for testing on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Sergeant James Buchanan said the man vomited and defecated in the squad car on the way. At the station, Buchanan said, the man scooped up a handful of his faeces 'and placed it in his mouth, attempting to trick the breathalyzer machine'. The machine reported readings of more than twice the blood alcohol limit for being considered intoxicated. South Simcoe Police Inspector Tom McDonald said: 'I don't think alcohol alone would make you do something as disgusting as that'.
Debora Hobbs worked as a 911 dispatcher in Wilmington, North Carolina, until her boss found out that she had been living with her boyfriend for three years at the time she was hired. Hobbs said that she was told to get married, move out of the home, or find another job, as state law prohibits unmarried, unrelated adults of the opposite sex from living together. She chose to resign. The American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina's legal arm has filed suit in an attempt to get the rarely enforced law overturned.
A court has heard that Lynda Iddon, 56, of Greetby Hill in Ormskirk, Lancs., made no secret of her hope that her husband's cancer of the oesophagus would kill him. When he instead made a full recovery, she and her son from a previous relationship, 31-year-old Lee Shergold, allegedly arranged to have him attacked and killed as he returned from his Sunday night snooker evening. This would get rid of a man she loathed and solve her problem with dwindling funds. The attack succeeded: after two years of the mother and son's planning, Kenneth Iddon was dead. Prosecutor Peter Wright said that when Lynda enquired about Kenneth's estate within days of his death, 'it came as a bitter blow, we say, that she, together with her son, had been left precisely nothing in the last will and testament of Kenneth Iddon'.
The Boston Herald reports that a Dorchester, Massachusetts, man wanted some money. He might have figured that robbing a bank would be risky, so he decided to simply cash a cheque for $7,500. Thanh Nhat Le, 51, had plenty of money in his account to cover the transaction: since opening the account with $171 a week earlier, he had deposited a cheque for $4 billion, one for $2 million, and another for a paltry $250,000. Police were called to the bank while he was arguing with a teller. He was arrested for fraud. In his pockets were, allegedly, eight diamond rings, some stolen credit cards, and a large number of bogus cheques.
Erotic City, a bar in Boise, Idaho, thought it could skirt the city's anti-nudity ordinance, which requires dancers to wear at least self-adhesive nipple covers and a thong. The regulation makes an exception for nudity in the context of a performance with 'serious artistic merit', so the club decided to hold 'art nights' twice a week. Patrons were handed pencils and sketch pads before viewing the strippers. Police weren't convinced, and the bar has been raided, with three dancers being given misdemeanour citations.
Pennsylvania's Bucks County Courier Times reports that Upper Makefield's Ryan M. Steel, 27, admitted that he planted 30 or more marijuana plants on someone else's property. The garden, with plants two to three metres tall, was discovered by Hilltown Township narcotics officer Louis Bell when he was hunting for small game on father Robert's property. Louis said: 'My first thought was that he was trying to supplement his retirement' - Robert is the township's former police chief. Steel was caught on camera when he returned to the site. The younger Bell said of Steel's reaction when he saw that his crop had been destroyed, 'he was basically throwing a temper tantrum'. He has pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture, criminal trespass, and agricultural vandalism.
Marketing manager David Cox checked a camel suit and crocodile costume onto a flight from Sydney to Melbourne. He said he was standing near his boarding gate a few minutes later when a child said 'there's a guy with a moose head'. Cox looked up and 'obviously was flabbergasted' to see a baggage handler driving across the airport tarmac while wearing his camel costume, he told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio. Cox complained. Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon said the incident was under investigation. The baggage handler, who was identified from closed-circuit camera footage, could face dismissal.
Male models Christopher Dorm, Triple Edwards, Daniel Royer, and Javier Velarde agreed to appear in an ad campaign against domestic violence on the condition that the posters be displayed only on New York buses or in the metro and that they be removed after five weeks. The posters show the four men behind bars, with captions such as 'Successful executive. Devoted churchgoer. Abusive husband.' The models contend that the city broke its agreement and that the posters, which remained up for nearly a year, appeared in locations such as police stations and charity shops. They claim that people, including friends, now believe they are wife-beaters. The men are seeking $1 million each in damages.
According to Mainichi Shimbun, police in Japan received a telephone call from a 53-year-old Nara resident who explained that 'a strange man is in my bath'. They arrived to find that a man soaking himself, after apparently heading straight for the bathtub from an unlocked back door. The tub's occupant was a 21-year-old officer from the community affairs department of Fuse Police Station. The officer, who was reportedly intoxicated and unable to stand up straight when arrested, is quoted by investigators as saying: 'I thought it was my house', which is about 50 metres away.
Pennsylvania's Blake R. Steidler, 24, allegedly was unhappy with his penile enhancement surgery and vented his frustration by creating a device that included explosives and a model-rocket engine igniter inside a jewellery box. He drove to Ohio to mail this to the Chicago plastic surgeon he viewed as responsible for his disgruntlement. However, after driving home, he turned himself in and rang 911, according to the federal indictment. Ohio police recovered the box and destroyed it.
Mike Paz, the owner of a petrol station in British Columbia, held a cash drawing. The winning entry bore the name 'Mr. Jengels', which turned out to be the name of a dog owned by Kevin Strybos. Strybos explained that he had been trying to avoid telemarketers harvesting his own name. Paz maintained that the CN$ 410 prize belonged to the dog, who can't cash a cheque. Paz has therefore decided to donate the money to the local animal shelter. He offered to also hang a portrait of Jengels on a wall with pictures of other cash winners. Strybos said of the donation: 'I don't know if it really changes too much the way I feel about the whole situation.'
Ruling sheiks in Qatar are developing a new kind of remote-controlled
vehicle, with the aid of Swiss engineer Alexandre Colot. Camel racing,
with its lucrative purses, often involves underfed boy jockeys as young as
four, at least some of whom are kidnapped or bought outright. Sheik
Abdullah bin Saud, in charge of a project to phase out the use of children
as jockeys, says the goal is for all camel jockeys to be mechanical by
2007, with 20 ready when racing season begins in October.
Under the planned system, a camel handler follows the robot in a vehicle
from which a joystick issues forward, backward, sideways, and whip action
commands. The prototype robot, which boasts a GPS beacon and shock
absorbers, has been sprayed with traditional perfume to ensure acceptance
by the camel. Colot said acceptance by humans too could be swift, as
'we're 10 seconds slower than the fastest time recorded for a
five-kilometre race'.
In Columbus, Ohio, witnesses say a 16-year-old developmentally disabled girl with a severe speech impediment was punched and forced to perform sex acts with several boys in a Mifflin High School auditorium while dozens of other students watched. According to Columbus This Week, part of the assault, which left the girl bleeding from the mouth, was videotaped by a student who had a camera for a school project. Afterward, an assistant principal cautioned the girl's father to avoid media attention by not reporting the incident to the authorities. He chose to contact the police anyway. Since then, four boys suspected of involvement were sent home and have not returned to school. Principal Regina Crenshaw has appealed the school board's decision to fire her for not contacting the police, and three assistant principals were suspended for 10 days and reassigned.
Police received several calls from drivers who reported that a militia were surrounding a tanker truck on the way to San Antonio. Police responded, arresting 11 people for obstruction of a highway. One of the fake-machine-gun-armed militiamen, Chris Fenner, explained that those involved were a theatrical convoy heading to a film marathon. He said he couldn't see why anyone could consider the costumed crew's re-creation of a scene from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior to be a real threat: 'I honestly don't know how that could be, because "Road Warrior" was so over the top'. After the arrests, the movie marathon was called off.
Newspapers in India report that an Erode district magistrate has reprimanded a self-proclaimed swami, Senthil Kumar, in connection with a 'ghostbusting' incident at his practice in Velliraveli village. Selvi Dhanalakshmi, 30, was brought to the 27-year-old Kumar by her parents for treatment of an ailment that they believed to be caused by an evil spirit. He locked himself up with the woman while her relatives waited outside. He allegedly stripped her and lit camphor on various parts of her body, then started breaking coconuts on her head while chanting 'mantras'. Hearing their daughter screaming, her parents forced open the door with the help of local residents. Dhanalakshmi was admitted to hospital, and the villagers handed Kumar over to the police.
A woman alerted the police after she was paid EUR 5,000 in fake cash by the Köln-Bonn savings bank in Germany. She explained that all of the notes had the same serial number. Also, a cashier noticed that the money had a 'different' feel to it. The police later confiscated EUR 100,000 in counterfeit banknotes. The bank admitted to not contacting the police immediately, citing a desire to conduct internal investigations first. According to Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger, the district court of Cologne has now issued an arrest warrant for a cashier at the bank, who, according to police reports, has confessed to swapping fake notes for real ones. A police spokesman said the counterfeit money was was well enough made that it could easily go unspotted at supermarket tills.
Reggie Frank, 34, of Brooklyn, New York, was sentenced to six months in detention after pleading guilty to masturbating in a store's lingerie section at a shopping centre. The process was punctuated by his vocal insistence that the sentence should be more lenient. After the sentence was passed - over closed-circuit television - Frank produced his penis and began to masturbate on camera. The court clerk has filed a criminal complaint against Frank for masturbation in public.
A man with a hood over his head and a handkerchief over his face brought what appeared to be a gun into an all-night eatery in Chalmette, Louisiana. He announced that a robbery was in progress. When an employee recognised him and called him 'Chad', he said he was only joking about the robbery. He then told her to relax, removed the hood and handkerchief, and stayed for a while to talk to her, according to a St. Bernard Parish sheriff's report. None of the employees tried to contact the authorities - if they had, they'd have discovered the telephone line cut. When the restaurant's operators heard of the incident from a customer, they were suspicious of 22-year-old Chad Caron's explanation. He is now in jail.
The Dallas Morning News of Texas reports that Paulette Baines, a teacher at a Dallas high school for the gifted, was unhappy that another teacher had reprimanded her seventh-grade daughter, along with other students who were apparently loitering by their lockers. Police said Baines is accused of attacking the other teacher in front of a classroom of students, punching and kicking her. The victim suffered two broken ribs, a concussion, and facial bruising. Baines is on paid administrative leave.
The People's Daily reports that She Xianglin, 39, of Shayang County in China's Hubei province, was implicated when his wife disappeared in 1994 after voicing suspicions that he was having an affair. When police found a badly decomposed female corpse in the couple's town, part-time police patrol officer She was arrested. He said: 'At first, I insisted I was not the murderer. But later I could not bear the endless interrogation and I said I did it.' He was sentenced to death, but this was later changed to 15 years' imprisonment. After he had served 11 years of the sentence, his wife Zhang reappeared, with a new husband and a son. She said she was in the area to finally see her family again, adding that 'I really didn't know what had happened to She, and I thought he would live a better life after I left'. After his release, She said he plans to seek compensation from the government for the emotional trauma he has undergone.
Florida's John McGivney, 64, said 'I'm putting my car out of its misery' after his property manager heard him shoot five rounds from a .380-calibre handgun into the bonnet of his own car. McGivney then put the gun in his pocket and returned to his apartment. McGivney, who was arrested on a misdemeanour charge of discharging a firearm in public, said the 1994 LeBaron had been causing him problems for years and that he doesn't regret the shooting, even though it could lead to his eviction. He told the Florida Sun-Sentinel: 'It was worth every damn minute in that jail.'
Undergraduates at Harvard's Mather House residence hall held a party in which, clad in bathing suits, they danced amid bubbles created by a foam machine. A few left the dance early because of skin irritation. Others awoke the next morning with painful skin rashes. Seven or eight people sought treatment at the college infirmary, according to Harvard spokesman Robert Mitchell. At least one student worried that he had contracted herpes. An anti-slipping agent in the foam can apparently cause rashes if mixed improperly or not washed off the body soon after exposure. Freshman Andrew Trombly said he developed arm and leg rashes and 'knew people who had it all over their body and couldn't get out of bed in the morning'. He added that in 20 years the incident will be a funny memory rather than a painful one.
In 1985, a man referred to only as Fernand I. was convicted of molesting 24 children. According to Het Nieuwsblad, he is suing one of his victims for publishing his name in an autobiographical book, which he claims caused him to lose his job. In the lawsuit, he demands EUR 10,000 from Jef Marynissen, who has claimed that Fernand I. raped him more than 1,000 times over nine years.
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