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The Mind Robber
Serial UU

Written by Derrick Sherwin and Peter Ling *
Directed by David Maloney

* Derrick Sherwin wrote episode 1 (uncredited) and Peter Ling wrote episodes 2 to 5.
BBCi Episode Guide
Doctor Who Reference Guide
Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour (Photographs)
Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour (Screen Captures)

Click to read: Broadcast Dates Broadcast Times
Episode 1 14th September 1968 5:20pm - 5:40pm
Episode 2 21st September 1968 5:20pm - 5:40pm
Episode 3 28th September 1968 5:20pm - 5:40pm
Episode 4 5th October 1968 5:20pm - 5:40pm
Episode 5 12th October 1968 5:20pm - 5:40pm

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