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Written by
John Flanagan and Andrew McCulloch

Part Four

(Overlap from 'We've done it!')

[INT. Walkway]

(DEEDRIX, ZASTOR, and two GUARDS head down a spiral staircase. When they reach the bottom, CARIS and ROMANA run toward them.)
CARIS: Zastor! The Doctor!
ZASTOR: Has escaped. We heard.
ROMANA: No, that was Meglos.
DEEDRIX: The doppelganger.
ROMANA: You should be up on the surface. You're under attack.
(The GUARDS do so.)
DEEDRIX: The power room.

[INT. Power room]

ZASTOR: Stop the sacrifice! Stop it!
(DEEDRIX grabs the torch out of the DEON's hands.)
LEXA: Heretic! Take him out!
ROMANA: It's the wrong Doctor!
CARIS: The other one's escaped. We saw him.
LEXA: You are forbidden in the power room!
ZASTOR: There are two of them. He's innocent.
GUARD: The Gaztaks have withdrawn.
DEEDRIX: Yes, and the man you want's gone with them.
LEXA: Gaztaks? Is this true?
(ZASTOR nods. The DOCTOR has his eyes on the final rope, which has burnt part of the way through.)
DOCTOR: Won't somebody please say yes?
(LEXA gestures.)

[INT. Grugger's spaceship]

(It is silent for a time.)
GRUGGER: I lost fifty per cent of my crew on Tigella.
MEGLOS: Three men? That's the price of success, General.
GRUGGER: You would never have done it but for us.
MEGLOS: You'll be rewarded, both of you. All the power you need.
GRUGGER: Take over, Brotadac.
BROTADAC: General. (He does so.)
GRUGGER: One day I will go back to Tigella, with an army.
MEGLOS: Unnecessary. Unnecessary, with this. (holding up the Dodecahedron) Its potential has scarcely been touched.
BROTADAC: Approaching Zolfa-Thura.
GRUGGER: Approaching full potential.
MEGLOS: Precisely. Precisely.

[INT. Power room]

(The DOCTOR sits, with most of the other principals gathered round him.)
CARIS: I saw him holding the Dodecahedron, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yes, but what does this Meglos want?
CARIS: He talked about taking it back to the dead planet.
DOCTOR: Zolfa-Thura? Hmm. Why would he want to do a thing like that?
ROMANA: There's nothing there except sand.
DOCTOR: Right.
ROMANA: And the screens.
DOCTOR: Screens? What screens?
ROMANA: The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.
DOCTOR: Of course. The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

(BROTADAC and GRUGGER are looking into the distance as the other PIRATES follow.)
BROTADAC: What's he doing now?
GRUGGER: I can't tell just yet.
(MEGLOS finds a spot between the screens and digs with his hands. He pulls the Dodecahedron from his pocket, sets it in the small hole, and covers it over with sand. He walks back to the PIRATES.)
BROTADAC: Buried it?
BROTADAC: Do you think he'd let me have that?
GRUGGER: What, the coat? You want it? Not cold, is it?
BROTADAC: It's a rather nice coat. Now that he's finished playing the Doctor.
MEGLOS: Well, gentlemen, we are ready.
GRUGGER: What happens next?
MEGLOS: Activation.
(He operates the redimensioner, and his five-sided complex again rises from the sands. The small Dodecahedron sits on top of it, at the centre.)
MEGLOS: Now to see it work.

[INT. Inside the entrance to the city]

ZASTOR: Good luck on Zolfa-Thura, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Thank you, Zastor. Come on, Romana, we're in a hurry.
(A GAZTAK on the floor uses his last energy to raise and fire his weapon.)
LEXA: Romana!
(She steps forward, into the way of the blaster bolt, and is shot. ROMANA lowers her to the ground.)
DOCTOR: She's dead.
ROMANA: She saved my life.
DOCTOR: Yes, but we've got other things to do, other lives to save. Come on.
(ROMANA picks up K9. The DOCTOR and DEEDRIX head out of the room, and ROMANA follows. ZASTOR and a DEON kneel next to LEXA.)

[INT. Laboratory]

MEGLOS: My fellow Zolfa-Thurans tried to destroy all we had and all we knew to prevent this moment.
GRUGGER: The screens are absorbing the power.
MEGLOS: Magnifying it, concentrating it. The five beams they throw out can be made to converge on any point in the galaxy.
BROTADAC: And blast it?
MEGLOS: To infinitesimal dust. Brotadac, you're a discerning sort of fellow. Choose a planet, any planet.
GRUGGER: Oh, make your own mind up for a change.
BROTADAC: I'd rather have the coat.
MEGLOS: And you, General Grugger? What's your choice?
GRUGGER: Tigella. Let's start with Tigella.

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

(The Dodecahedron is now in full size at the top of the complex and is pulsing. The TARDIS materialises just past the screens.

ROMANA: Well done. We're very close.
DEEDRIX: It's lighting up the whole sky!
DOCTOR: Right, now, you all stay here.
ROMANA: You can't go alone.
DEEDRIX: The Gaztaks kill on sight.
DOCTOR: Exactly. On sight. If Meglos can impersonate me-
ROMANA: You can impersonate Meglos.
DOCTOR: Right. I won't be long.

[INT. Laboratory]

MEGLOS: Final adjustment for relative motion.
(MEGLOS removes his scarf and operates some controls at his main desk.)
MEGLOS: Well, gentlemen, the beams are now programmed to focus upon Tigella.
BROTADAC: Start the countdown?
MEGLOS: Patience!
(MEGLOS removes his coat, with BROTADAC eagerly helping.)
MEGLOS: Brotadac, we are about to release a power many magnitudes greater than any intelligence has ever controlled.
MEGLOS: There can be no room for error.
BROTADAC: (clutching and fondling the coat) Mmm-hmm.
MEGLOS: I'll just re-check the screen alignments. (He steps away.)

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

(The real DOCTOR, wearing his coat and scarf, approaches the screens, avoiding two PIRATES leaving their ship as he does so.
He watches MEGLOS leave the complex and head around the building.)

DOCTOR: Shirt sleeves, eh?
(Standing just behind the nearest screen, he removes his scarf. About to take off the coat too, he feels a hand on his shoulder. By reflex, he raises his hands, against the back of the screen. It's a PIRATE.)
DOCTOR: Ah, er, would you say this was vertical?
GAZTAK: (removing his hand) No.
DOCTOR: No. No more than I. Hmm. Erm, would you just mind holding it up for me while I check from inside? That's it. There we are.
(The PIRATE puts his own hands against the screen, while the DOCTOR takes off his coat. The PIRATE starts bending down to deal with the coat but quickly thinks better of it and resumes 'holding up' the screen.)

[INT. Laboratory]

(BROTADAC continues to fondle the coat.)
GRUGGER: Put it on.
BROTADAC: What will he say?
GRUGGER: It doesn't matter. I've got this all figured out. We don't need him. Put it on.
(The DOCTOR enters.)
GRUGGER: That was quick.
DOCTOR: Well, I cut a few corners. I say, I like his coat. Now, what have we got here?
BROTADAC: Start the countdown?
DOCTOR: Not yet, not yet.
GRUGGER: I thought it was already programmed.
DOCTOR: Programmed?
GRUGGER: To annihilate Tigella.
DOCTOR: Oh, well, it is, yes, it is. Nearly. Just a few minor adjustments. I wonder what that's for?
(The DOCTOR steps over to the control desk.)
GRUGGER: You said it focused the beams.
DOCTOR: Oh, of course, yes. Ha-ha. Of course.
(The PIRATE from behind the screen enters, carrying the Doctor's coat.)
GRUGGER: Two coats?

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

MEGLOS: (speaking to a GAZTAK) Splendid. The magnification levels are constant. One more check, and we're ready to go.

[EXT. Next to the TARDIS]

DEEDRIX: The screens - it's unbelievable.
CARIS: I'd like to have a closer look.
ROMANA: I think we should. Come along, K9.

[INT. Laboratory]

DOCTOR: You've served me so well I thought you both deserved a little treat.
(The DOCTOR places his coat over GRUGGER's arm.)
GRUGGER: So it's now just the countdown and then activation.
DOCTOR: That's it.
GRUGGER: Good. Let's get on with it.
BROTADAC: Sixty. Uh, fifty-nine.
DOCTOR: No, no, Brotadac, no. The screens don't reach their maximum capacity for two minutes. I'm just going outside for a little stroll to see if I can catch up with myself. And I don't recommend anyone touch those controls.
(The DOCTOR leaves.)
GRUGGER: Get him.
GRUGGER: Yes. Put him in the spacecraft security hold. We can manage without him. Get him! (gesturing to the second coat) That's yours too, if you want.
BROTADAC: Get him!
(Two PIRATES leave the complex to do so.)

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

(The DOCTOR sees MEGLOS head in his direction. He heads around he building clockwise. The two PIRATES leave the complex as the DOCTOR watches from behind one of the screens. The PIRATES walk up to MEGLOS.)
MEGLOS: Shouldn't you be doing something?
(One of the PIRATES hits MEGLOS in the stomach, and he doubles over. The DOCTOR winces.)
DOCTOR: Oh! Nasty. That could have been me.
(As the two PIRATES drag MEGLOS off, the DOCTOR heads for the complex. He runs into BROTADAC and another PIRATE.)
BROTADAC: What are they playing at?
DOCTOR: Well, I just-
(BROTADAC hits the DOCTOR in the stomach.)
BROTADAC: Get him into the ship.

[EXT. Outside Grugger's spaceship]

(The two PIRATES who deposited MEGLOS leave. K9, ROMANA, DEEDRIX, and CARIS peer around the corner of the ship. They watch as the DOCTOR is dragged onto the ship.)
ROMANA: I knew he wouldn't get away with it. They've got the Doctor.

[INT. Ship's brig]

(The DOCTOR is shoved in and rises to his feet.)
DOCTOR: Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

[EXT. Outside Grugger's spaceship]

BROTADAC: (to another PIRATE) Stay there! If he tries anything, kill him.
CARIS: (as the group creep out from their hiding place again) What are we going to do now?

[INT. Ship's brig]

MEGLOS: Ten thousand years. Cretins. Morons. Half-wits.
DOCTOR: Yes. They've not been very clever, have they, unlike us?
MEGLOS: They probably won't even hit Tigella.
DOCTOR: Well, if my calculations are correct, they certainly won't.
MEGLOS: Your calculations?
DOCTOR: I inverted your control setting. If he starts the countdown, he'll destroy himself, as well as you and me and, uh, well, the whole planet, of course. (He laughs.)

[INT. Laboratory]

(GRUGGER stands at the desk, tapping his fingers. BROTADAC enters.)
BROTADAC: Locked away, no trouble.
GRUGGER: Precisely. Prepare the countdown.

[EXT. Outside Grugger's spaceship]

(ROMANA nods. DEEDRIX reaches for a large stone.)
(K9 wobbles slowly past the GUARD, who smiles as he watches. DEEDRIX hits the GUARD in the back of the head with the rock. It wasn't a strong blow, and the GUARD turns, holding out his gun. K9's beam stuns the GUARD. The others enter the ship.)

[INT. Grugger's spaceship]

(The search of the ship turns up nothing apart from the locked brig door.)
ROMANA: He must be in there. K9, can you open it?
K9: Affirmative, Mistress.
(K9 starts to cut an opening in the door with his beam.)

[INT. Ship's brig]

MEGLOS: (pacing) Three metres by five metres, and I could have had the galaxy, the universe.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. I've often puzzled about that.
DOCTOR: Well, why a good-looking chap like you should want to control the universe.
DOCTOR: Yes. I mean, it baffles me, this burning ambition to-. Burning?
MEGLOS: It's beyond your comprehension.
DOCTOR: Oh, absolutely. Burning?
(A large, uneven chunk of the door falls away, and ROMANA appears through the smoke.)
ROMANA: Doctor? (she sees two of them) Oh, good heavens.
MEGLOS: Out of my way.
DOCTOR: No, Meglos. Hold him!
MEGLOS: You can't take me.
EARTHLING: (separating slightly from the Doctor body) Got you this time, Meglos.
(MEGLOS goes spiny again.)
MEGLOS: On the contrary, Earthling, it's merely you they've got.
(A lopsided green piece of vegetation slithers its way out of the brig.)
EARTHLING: What's happened? What's going on?
ROMANA: Was that Meglos?
ROMANA: He must have modulated himself on a particular wavelength of light.
DOCTOR: Yes. He's what you'd call a colourful personality.
ROMANA: But that would make him virtually indestructible.
DOCTOR: Yes, but we're not. Quick, back to the TARDIS. Or do you want to be atomised?
EARTHLING: Atomised?

[INT. Laboratory]

GRUGGER: Thirty seconds to beams converging.
BROTADAC: Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. (he is reading the numbers out as they are displayed on the monitor in front of him) Twenty-seven. Twenty-six.

[EXT. Outside the TARDIS]

(The DOCTOR stands in the half-open TARDIS door.)
BROTADAC [OC]: Twenty-five.
DOCTOR: You're not going to let us down this time, are you, old girl?
BROTADAC [OC]: Twenty-four. Twenty-three. Twenty-two. Twenty-one. Twenty. Nineteen.
(The TARDIS shudders and fails to dematerialise.)

[INT. Laboratory]

BROTADAC: Eighteen. Seventeen. Sixteen.
(The MEGLOS vegetable makes its way through the room and toward the dried-up cactus skin.)
BROTADAC: Fifteen. Fourteen.

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

(The Dodecahedron is pulsing as Tigella hangs in the sky. Just beyond the screens, the TARDIS still is unable to dematerialise.)
BROTADAC [OC]: Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven. Ten. Nine.
DOCTOR [OC]: It's time this thing had a thorough overhaul.
BROTADAC [OC]: Seven, six.

[INT. Laboratory]

(The cactus has resumed its previous shape.)
GRUGGER: We're moving.
BROTADAC: Four point five.
GRUGGER: The laboratory's sinking.
BROTADAC: Sinking, four.

[EXT. Zolfa-Thura]

BROTADAC [OC]: Five, four
MEGLOS [OC]: Stop the countdown.
(The TARDIS finally dematerialises.)
BROTADAC [OC]: But the clock says-
MEGLOS [OC]: Stop the clock!
GRUGGER [OC]: It must be this button.
MEGLOS [OC]: Stop the countdown! Stop the clock!
GRUGGER [OC]: It must be this button.
MEGLOS [OC]: Fool! Stop!
(Starting at the Dodecahedron, everything goes white.)

[EXT. Jungle]

(The DOCTOR, wearing a full outfit once more, speaks to ZASTOR as the EARTHLING looks on.)
ZASTOR: Well, we've made a beginning, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yes, I'd like to stay and help you, but horticulture's not my strong point.
ROMANA [OC]: Doctor?
ROMANA: (leaving the TARDIS) Gallifrey.
ROMANA: They want us back immediately.
(She returns to the TARDIS.)
DOCTOR: Gallifrey? Do they, indeed. Well, we'll see about that when we've dropped our friend off home. Unless, of course, you want to stay here and do some gardening?
EARTHLING: Well, maybe I will. I'll be in trouble back home.
EARTHLING: I told the wife I'd be in from work in twenty minutes.
DOCTOR: Well, don't worry about that. We can get you back before you leave.
EARTHLING: Ah, good. (His smile fades as he considers this.)

The above notes, transcription, etc. by Anna Shefl

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