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Written by
Bob Baker and Dave Martin

Part Two

(Overlap from 'Stay where you are!')

[INT. Corridor outside K block]

(The DOCTOR and ROMANA stare at the wall and the debris beside it.)
DOCTOR: Yes, buried under that rubble.
ROMANA: Then we're trapped. There's no way out.
DOCTOR: There's always a way out, if only we can find it.
ROMANA: Yes, and if one has time. Those guards'll be after us any minute.
DOCTOR: Possibly, possibly. K9's watching our rear.
ROMANA: Sssh, someone's coming.
(They hide, but it's only MERAK.)
DOCTOR: Oh, it's you.
MERAK: Where is she? Where's Astra?
ROMANA: We don't know.
DOCTOR: Just a minute, just a minute. Why do you want to know?
MERAK: I love her.
DOCTOR: Ah. Oh. Oh, well, just before the Marshal, um, arrested us, I did find somebody, and, judging from the voice, it was certainly a young woman.
MERAK: Where? Where?
DOCTOR: She was through there.
MERAK: That's a high-radiation zone!
DOCTOR: No, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'll take a look.
(He looks through the hole that K9 burnt earlier, as K9 trundles over.)
DOCTOR: I can't see anything. K9, any sign of our pursuers?
K9: Negative, Master. They went the other way.
DOCTOR: Good. Now listen, K9. K9, we want this door open, but be careful. There may be someone on the other side.
K9: Understood, Master.
DOCTOR: Come on.
MERAK: (referring to K9 as the mechanical mutt begins to work on the door with short blasts of the laser ray) What is it?
ROMANA: It's all right. He won't hurt you. He's with us.
MERAK: Who are you? Are you Zeons?
DOCTOR: No, no, no, of course not, but we're friendly. Don't worry about that. Romana?
DOCTOR: Keep an eye out round the corner. Come here, Merak.
ROMANA: Right.
DOCTOR: Why would the Marshal want to get rid of Astra?
MERAK: The Marshal? What makes you think he's involved?
DOCTOR: Too many coincidences. Well?
MERAK: Astra and I were trying to make contact with the Zeons to try and make peace. The Marshal knows. He wants the war to go on, of course.
DOCTOR: Of course.
MERAK: How much longer?
K9: Twelve point two three seconds.
MERAK: Well, I knew I was in danger, but I thought Astra was safe. The Marshal always said that he needed her support, her influence with the people.
DOCTOR: Yes. Is there any other reason why the Marshal would want to get rid of her?
MERAK: None that I can think of, no.
K9: Ready, Master.
DOCTOR: Good. Romana? Ready?

[INT. K block]

(The DOCTOR bursts through the door.)
MERAK: She's not here.
(ROMANA tries the tracer.)
DOCTOR: Anything?
ROMANA: Nothing.
MERAK: Here's something.
(He picks up Astra's circlet from the floor.)
MERAK: Look, this is hers.
ROMANA: Then she was here.
K9: Danger, Master. It is dangerous to remain in this environment.
MERAK: Astra - she must be here. She must be.
K9: Radiation levels excessive.
ROMANA: Look, Merak, we can't do anything by staying here.
MERAK: If Astra's been-
MERAK: Then I will stay with her.
DOCTOR: Merak, Merak. People... People aren't dissolved by radiation. You're a surgeon. You should know that. If she's not here, she must be somewhere else.
MERAK: Astra.
ROMANA: Come on, Merak, worrying won't help. Let's just get out of here before it's too late.
DOCTOR: K9. K9, keep an eye on that wall, hmm?
K9: Master.

[INT. Corridor outside K block]

DOCTOR: Merak, do you know if there's anything behind that room?
MERAK: Nothing but a recycling shaft. This area's been disused for years. Radiation leak.
ROMANA: Well, she can't have been there for very long, but how did she get out?
DOCTOR: They could have moved her while we were with the Marshal. They moved the guard's body. On the other hand...
ROMANA: On the other hand, what?
DOCTOR: Well, on the other hand, anything's possible. Well almost. Merak, a recycling shaft? Recycling what, exactly?
MERAK: Scrap-metal waste for the war effort. Everything metal gets put down the shaft to be recycled in the furnaces. Why?
DOCTOR: Oh, just general interest. Come on, let's go.
ROMANA: Where to?
DOCTOR: Well, if there's no way out, there's only one thing to do.
ROMANA: What's that?
DOCTOR; Go back the way we came. I'd like to find out what that Marshal's really up to. Come on.

[INT. Control centre]

(SHAPP approaches the MARSHAL, who is gazing at his reflection again.)
SHAPP: Ahem.
SHAPP: We've got them on scan, sir. Surgeon Merak's with them.
MARSHAL: That traitor. And that machine of theirs?
SHAPP: No sign of it at the moment, sir.
MARSHAL: Have them picked up.
SHAPP: No need, sir. They're coming this way.
(The MARSHAL touches the area behind his left ear.)
MARSHAL: That machine of theirs. Metal, would you say?
SHAPP: Partly, yes, sir.
MARSHAL: Recycle it, Shapp. Locate it and turn it into scrap, understood?
SHAPP: Yes, sir.
(SHAPP leaves, and the MARSHAL turns back to the mirror.
We look briefly at K block, where a small hole appears opposite the door, in front of K9. A deep red light begins blinking behind it.
Back in the Marshal's area, SHAPP returns.)

SHAPP: Got a fix on it now, sir. In K block.
MARSHAL: Get rid of it.
(We see the section of wall in front of K9 rise. Behind the wall is a glowing red symbol, which retreats into the wall. K9 follows it, and the wall slides shut again.)
SHAPP: We've got the machine, sir. It's en route to the recycling furnace.
MARSHAL: Good. Shapp, when you find the others, treat them properly.
SHAPP: No softening up, sir?
MARSHAL: No, Shapp. No brutality.
SHAPP: Yes, sir.
MARSHAL: (to himself after SHAPP has moved away) Not yet.

[INT. Conveyer]

(K9 and the other scrap metal are carried along.)
K9: Blaster inoperative. All other circuits undamaged. Temperature increasing.

[INT. Corridor]

(MERAK can't help but notice ROMANA holding out the tracer as she moves about.)
MERAK: What are you doing?
ROMANA: Looking for something.
MERAK: What?
ROMANA: I wish I knew. All I know is that this will tell us when we find it.
MERAK: And that's why you're here?
MERAK: Not to help us?
ROMANA: Look, we will if we can. You'll just have to trust us, Merak. Will you?
MERAK: What else can I do?
ROMANA: Tell me, apart from that circlet that Astra wears, is there anything else that she always wears or carries?
MERAK: Not that I can think of, no.
ROMANA: I see.
DOCTOR: Come on!
(GUARDS are standing past a sign that reads:

The GUARDS stop the DOCTOR and the others.)
GUARD: You, stop! Take them. Come on, move.
DOCTOR: Where are we going?
GUARD: The Marshal wants to see you now.
DOCTOR: That's funny, I want to see the Marshal. Come on, let's move.
(We see a shot of K9 still moving toward the furnace.)

[INT. Control centre]

DOCTOR: So nice of you to invite us back.
SHAPP: Those two, wait over there. (gestures to the DOCTOR) You, come with me.
DOCTOR: Listen, I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm the Doctor. Who are you?
SHAPP: Major Shapp. This way.
(The DOCTOR follows SHAPP to the Marshal's space with the mirror.)
DOCTOR: Ah, Marshal. I understand you've got a few problems and I was thinking that if you and I got together we c- (notices that the MARSHAL is paying no attention) Er, Marshal? Marshal? Is he all right?
SHAPP: Sssh.
(They move away from him.)
SHAPP: He's meditating.
DOCTOR: What? Does he do it often?
SHAPP: When things are not going well. He makes most of his decisions this way.
DOCTOR: Hmpf. No wonder thing's aren't going well. Standing in front of a mirror gimbling and smiling at himself like that is the first sign of megalomania. He's not a ventriloquist, is he?
SHAPP: A what?
DOCTOR: A ventriloquist. A chap who throws his voice, you know. Throws his voice. Has a dummy. Operates a dummy. A dummy. A du-. A d-, of course!
(The MARSHAL turns to face him.)
DOCTOR: Ah, Marshal.
MARSHAL: Welcome, my friend.
DOCTOR: Friend? The last time I came here, you wanted to shoot me.
MARSHAL: A misunderstanding. I apologise.
DOCTOR: Ah, well, fancy you mistaking me for a Zeon. Really, Marshal.
MARSHAL: I had forgotten.
DOCTOR: Forgotten?
MARSHAL: That you had been foretold. Your coming had been foretold.
DOCTOR: We had? You mean that we were expected?
MARSHAL: It's the war. This endless war occupies my thoughts to the exclusion of all else.
DOCTOR: Yes, I understand how you feel, Marshal.
MARSHAL: Now that you are here, you are the one.
DOCTOR: I am. Am I?
MARSHAL: The one who will lead us to victory.
DOCTOR: Oh, good-o. As long as there's no personal risk involved, of course.
MARSHAL: To halt the hated Zeons in their tracks, wipe their presence from our skies, and free this land, this world, this Atrios.
DOCTOR: This blessed plot.
MARSHAL: Good, good. ...this blessed plot from the terrors of war and the evils of pestilence.
DOCTOR: Yes! No, I prefer the original.
MARSHAL: You, Doctor, you shall give us our victory.
DOCTOR: Yes. But listen, before I do, what happens if I don't?
MARSHAL: The question doesn't arise.
DOCTOR: Oh well, I'm very grateful for your confidence, Marshal. I'll see what I can manage. Er, we're not under arrest, then?
MARSHAL: Oh, my dear Doctor.
DOCTOR: Listen, I shall need to know the situation. The basic situation.
MARSHAL: Of course. Shapp?
SHAPP: We've located the Zeon fleet, sir.
MARSHAL: Then stand by to counterattack. Come, Doctor. Come, you shall see it all.
(The DOCTOR takes a seat in the Marshal's chair and looks at the viewscreen.)

[INT. Conveyer]

K9: Temperature unacceptable. Request further instructions, Master. Master?

[INT. Control centre]

MARSHAL: Now, Doctor, you shall see the mighty battle fleet of Atrios, the weapons that are available to you.
MARSHAL: The new architect of our victory. Shapp, order the counterattack.
SHAPP: Yes, sir. Base to fleet, commence attack. Attack, attack, attack.
PILOT [OC]: Closing. Closing. Range four thirty. Fire zero four. Hold on seven zero. Ranging, ranging. Target acquisition. Fire now. Report RDF and maintain attitude four three break zero six. Closing. Closing.
(We watch two clusters of dots move toward each other on the viewscreen. One of the two groups is much larger.)
PILOT [OC]: (in background) We have full combat state on all sectors.
DOCTOR: Six ships? Is that it? The mighty battle fleet of Atrios?
MARSHAL: It does the people no good to know the truth, Doctor. They live on hope, nothing else. It's been a long, hard struggle. Production is slow, losses are crippling, but we fight on. That's the main thing.
MARSHAL: To win. What else? War is an expensive business, Doctor, but worth it. Now look. Look.
PILOT [OC]: Zero to control, zero to control.
(A Zeon dot disappears from the plot on the screen.)
SHAPP: A hit, sir. A hit, confirmed.
MARSHAL: And another.
SHAPP: One of ours, sir. That's zero four, sir.
MARSHAL: And that?
SHAPP: Zero six, sir.
PILOT [OC]: Power loss on main guide system. Blue leader, attack, attack.
SHAPP: Shall I pull them out?
PILOT [OC]: Zero three, answer, answer.
MARSHAL: Press home the attack.
PILOT [OC]: Request permission to abandon ship. Zero three, answer, answer.
SHAPP: Zero two's gone, sir.
MARSHAL: What in the name of Atrios is the matter with them all? Why? Why?
PILOT [OC]: Request permission to use escape module. ... Request permission to use escape module.
SHAPP: It's inexperience, sir. Brave but barely trained. The best crews went a long time ago.
PILOT [OC]: Immediate reply. Request permission to use escape pod.
MARSHAL: Pull them out.
SHAPP: All units disengage. All units disengage.
PILOT [OC]: Break off. Break off action. Break off immediately. Break off.
MARSHAL: Three ships left, out of a once proud battle fleet of hundreds. Three. You see now why we need your help. We must have the weapon that will wipe the Zeons clear of our skies once and for all. Can you provide it?
DOCTOR: Yes, I think so.
MARSHAL: What is it?
DOCTOR: Peace.
MARSHAL: Very funny. How can we have peace until we have the ultimate deterrent that will ensure a lasting peace?
DOCTOR: Tell me, Marshal. If you had this ultimate deterrent, what would you do?
MARSHAL: Use it, of course. Make sure it works.
DOCTOR: Yes, well, you have a true military mind, Marshal.
MARSHAL: Thank you.
DOCTOR: I'll tell you what I'll do. You help me find the s-, you help me find the princess Astra and I'll knock you up a deterrent. How's that?
MARSHAL: I like you, Doctor.

[INT. Conveyer]

K9: (with a yellow glow just ahead) Overheating. Overheating.

[INT. Control centre]

DOCTOR: Oh yes, I think I can do something for you.
MARSHAL: It must be the ultimate deterrent.
DOCTOR: Oh, it will be, it will be. A sort of parasol affair.
DOCTOR: Well, a sort of umbrella force field, you know, that no Zeon ship can penetrate.
MARSHAL: Oh, so we can attack; they can't retaliate.
DOCTOR: Well, not quite. I mean, they can't get in but you can't get out.
MARSHAL: Then how do we win?
DOCTOR: Well, I mean-
MARSHAL: We must have victory.
DOCTOR: Well, there's always a snag, I mean, but I'll work on it. Look, I'll need K9.
DOCTOR: Yes, my computer, the one you thought was a weapon.
MARSHAL: Well, Shapp?
SHAPP: It's too late, sir. It's on the way to the furnace.
DOCTOR: Furnace? What furnace?
SHAPP: Recycling. We recycle all scrap.
DOCTOR: Scrap! Where is this furnace? Where is this furnace?
(SHAPP points toward the door, and the DOCTOR follows his pointing.)

[INT. Conveyor]

(Metal items are heading to their demise at the end of the conveyor belt.)
K9: Closing down.
(K9 reaches the end of the conveyor and tumbles forward as the DOCTOR crawls along the shaft.)

[INT. Outside the recycling shaft]

(The main party stand in front of a dial, in the red, below which is a sign reading:


MARSHAL: Close down the furnace.
SHAPP: I already have, sir.
MARSHAL: The Doctor must not die. Not yet.
SHAPP: It takes weeks to cool down, sir.
MARSHAL: The Doctor must not die!
SHAPP: There'll be nothing left but slag and clinker. I'm sorry, sir.
MARSHAL: Sorry? Sorry?
(He takes SHAPP by the throat but stops and appears to be struggling as he pulls at his collar. We see a small black device attached to his neck. A light on its protrusion blinks once in green.
The door to the shaft opens in a cloud of smoke.)

ROMANA: Oh! Oh, K9, are you all right?
K9: Affirmative, Mistress.
(The smoke starts to clear, to reveal the DOCTOR carrying K9.)
DOCTOR: Warm for the time of the year. It's a little trick I picked up from the fire-walkers in Bali. They do it all the time. Come on, old boy.

[INT. Control centre]

(Everyone returns.)
MARSHAL: He's not even singed, My apologies, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Oh, that's all right. We all make mistakes sometimes, don't we, K9?
(A little smoke is still coming off K9's 'muzzle'.)
K9: Negative.
DOCTOR: Yes, now listen, Marshal. If you're going to insist we do this your way-
DOCTOR: I thought you might. Now listen. If we're going to set up a one-way force field, one that keeps the Zeons out but allows you to pass through it to attack them, we're going to have to get to know our enemy, so to speak.
MARSHAL: What do you mean?
DOCTOR: I was thinking in terms of a psychological barrier. It's cheap, efficient, and energy-saving, and it would stop the Zeons wanting to come here. Introduce an element of Atrophobia?
ROMANA: Oh, what a brilliant idea!
DOCTOR: Yes, but to do that I'd have to meet one, you see, get to know it. Brain patterns, that sort of thing. Isn't that right, Romana?
ROMANA: Oh, absolutely. There's no other way.
DOCTOR: Now, Marshal, can you arrange that?
MARSHAL: No, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Look, it doesn't have to be anything particularly intelligent. Any prisoner would do.
MARSHAL: There are no prisoners. This is war to the death. Like us, the Zeon warriors are sworn to destroy themselves. Death before dishonour.
DOCTOR: Well, if you can't find me a Zeon, I'll have to think of something else.
MARSHAL: Time is running short, Doctor.
ROMANA: How right you are. Any news of Astra?
MARSHAL: Intelligence reports suggest that she's been abducted by Zeons. If that's the case, then I'm afraid that-
DOCTOR: Quite, quite, Marshal. Marshal, would you excuse us please?
MARSHAL: Certainly.
DOCTOR: Thank you. (He and ROMANA move away to confer.)
SHAPP: Marshal. Zeon fleet closing again.
(MERAK heads toward the DOCTOR and ROMANA.)
ROMANA: Doctor, when you went into the furnace after K9, the Marshal almost went berserk at the thought you might be killed.
DOCTOR: He did? How very considerate of him.
ROMANA: No, it wasn't. Because what he said was 'The Doctor mustn't die. Not yet.'
ROMANA: And listen, I saw something at his throat like a little black cylinder. (She pulls at the DOCTOR's collar.)
DOCTOR: What, a device of some sort? Something you weren't meant to see?
ROMANA: Yes, yes, I'm sure of it.
DOCTOR: A control device?
ROMANA: Yes. If the Marshal's a puppet, who's pulling the strings?
DOCTOR: Yes, and what's behind that mirror he's so fond of looking at?
MERAK: Questions, questions.
MERAK: And no answers.
(We hear yet another explosion.)
MERAK: We're no closer to finding Astra or whatever it is you're looking for. Well, are we?
DOCTOR: Merak, I believe we're closer to finding Princess Astra than we realise. What worries me is... are we supposed to?
ROMANA: A trap.
DOCTOR: Who's pulling the wool over whose eyes? Are we supposed to fall for the Marshal's bluff, or is he supposed to fall for ours?
MERAK: Listen, Doctor, you said a minute ago that we were close to finding Astra. Please tell me where she is or where you think she is.
DOCTOR: It wouldn't make any difference. Even if I told you, you couldn't reach her.
MERAK: Why not?
DOCTOR: Because I think that Astra's on Zeos.
ROMANA: Doctor, you're forgetting something. We haven't been able to locate Zeos, not from the TARDIS or from anywhere.
DOCTOR: Zeos is there, all right. It's just you can't see it.
ROMANA: Why not?
(The DOCTOR takes a step back and holds his hand in front of his face.)
DOCTOR: Can you see me now?
DOCTOR: Why not?
ROMANA: Because your hand's in-. Oh, you mean there's something between us and Zeos.
DOCTOR: Right.
ROMANA: That would account for the orbital shift. But why can't we see whatever's in the way?
DOCTOR: Because it's absorbing the light or energy. Or else it's camouflaged.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. Maybe it's large, or perhaps it's small.
ROMANA: How can you be so sure?
DOCTOR: How could Columbus be so sure?
DOCTOR: Never mind about that.
MERAK: But Astra said that she couldn't get a signal back from Zeos. Where do we start?
DOCTOR: Behind that mirror over there. There's bound to be another entrance. You and Romana go over there and see what you can find.
ROMANA: Right.
(She and MERAK head for the mirror.)
MARSHAL: Reinforcements!
SHAPP: There aren't any, sir.
MARSHAL: Deploy the reserves!
SHAPP: I already have, sir.
MARSHAL: Then we're defenceless.
SHAPP: Yes, sir. We've thrown everything we can at them, and still they keep coming.
MAN [OC]: Fire in Section 7.
MARSHAL: This could be the last battle, Shapp.
MAN [OC]: No response Level 3.
SHAPP: Yes, sir.
MAN [OC]: Collapse in eight.
MARSHAL: Where's that Doctor?
(He is examining paper-tape printouts.)
MAN [OC]: No response Level Fourteen.
MARSHAL: Can we have that force field now? We've committed everything. We're being obliterated. We've nothing left. It's our last hope.
DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. I've worked it all out.
MAN [OC]: Radiation levels
DOCTOR: The problem is energy. If we're using energy to neutralise mass, which is all a force field is, we need enough energy or power erg-wise to counteract the Zeon bombardment mass-wise.
MARSHAL: So, I'll give you absolute energy priority.
DOCTOR: It won't work. Look, K9's worked it all out.
K9: Affirmative. The more you use, the more you need. You'd have to consume the whole of Atrios to give it an effective force field.
DOCTOR: Which rather defeats the purpose.
DOCTOR: Because you wouldn't have a planet to live on.
MARSHAL: Then we are defenceless.
DOCTOR: No, no, not quite, not quite. You remember I mentioned a psychological barrier, hmm, a deterrent that no Zeon would cross?
MARSHAL: Yes, but you need Zeons to experiment on.
DOCTOR: No, I think I said 'examine'.
MARSHAL: There are no Zeons.
DOCTOR: There are on Zeos.
MARSHAL: What exactly are you proposing?
DOCTOR: I go to Zeos, pick up a Zeon, and bring the princess Astra back if she's there.
ASTRA [on viewscreen]: People of Atrios, lay down your arms. Surrender. Resistance is useless. The Zeons can never be defeated. They have taken me captive. My people, my people, they have sworn to destroy Atrios unless you surrender now. If you love me, my people, save me. Save yourselves. Hand over the Marshal and surrender. Surrender now. The war is over. The Zeons-
(The MARSHAL pulls out a connector, and there is a puff of smoke. We hear no more from the viewscreen.)
MARSHAL: This force field. Can you provide it now? Will it give us breathing space?
DOCTOR: Yes, it'll give you time to save your neck.
(The MARSHAL's hand rises to his throat. He heads for the mirror. The DOCTOR follows.)
MARSHAL: You may go to Zeos. There is a way.

[INT. Behind the mirror]

(MERAK and ROMANA have found a small room from which they can see the body of the control centre.)
MERAK: It's the Marshal.
ROMANA: It's a two-way mirror.
(In front of them, behind the mirror, is a shiny orangish skull on a pedestal.)
MERAK: What's that?
MARSHAL [from in front of the mirror]: It's done. The Time Lord suspects nothing. I've directed him to the transmat point in K block where your agents will be waiting.
ROMANA: Time Lord? How does he know?
MERAK: What?
ROMANA: Shhhh.
MARSHAL [in front of the mirror]: My Lord, once you have the secrets of time, please, give me my victory. I've waited so long. Please, my Lord.
MERAK: He said K block. Astra was in K block.
ROMANA: We'd better warn the Doctor. Come on.

[INT. Corridor]

DOCTOR: You know, K9, I've got a feeling we're missing out on something. Are you listening to me, K9?
K9: Master.
DOCTOR: Now listen. Why should the Marshal, leader in a war against Zeos, be the only one to know of a transmatter link with the enemy planet? And why should he tell me? I think one of us is being extremely stupid.
K9: Affirmative.
DOCTOR: Come on.
(We see MERAK and ROMANA hurrying along.)

[INT. K block]

(The wall panel opens, and the DOCTOR prepares to enter what we are now sure is a transmat chamber.)
DOCTOR: Well, good luck, K9. I hope to see you again soon.
K9: Master, I do not advise entry of that-
DOCTOR: Shhh. K9. Can I take the decisions, please? Good luck. I'll see you again soon.
(He enters the chamber, where two masked people are waiting. The transmat chamber door starts closing.)
ROMANA: (running in) Doctor! Doctor, wait! (she reaches the door as it closes fully) Oh, no. K9, it was a trap!

[INT. Transmat]

DOCTOR: A trap?
(He turns, and his two masked companions grab his arms. The transmat activates.)

[INT. K block]

ROMANA: Doctor! Doctor.

The above notes, transcription, etc. by Anna Shefl

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