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Written by
As David Agnew, Graham Williams and Anthony Read

Part Three

(Overlap from 'The transduction barrier has failed')

[INT. Panopticon]

BORUSA: He's mad! Guard!
(A GUARD who is standing on the steps to the dais and raises his weapon. One of the shimmering shapes swiftly glides forward, and the beam simply rebounds, hitting the GUARD.)
DOCTOR: (stepping down) Resistance is useless. The Vardans have more power than we have dreamed of and more knowledge than we could hope for. You must submit the way I did when I first met them.
BORUSA: And when was that?
DOCTOR: A long time ago.
BORUSA: So you knew about this all the time? You knew about this before your induction?
DOCTOR: Yes, before that, yes.
BORUSA: And all you know is in the Matrix.
DOCTOR: And all I know is in the Matrix.
BORUSA: You really disappoint me, Doctor. I expected better of you.
DOCTOR: Did you really? Thank you.

[INT. Space Traffic Control]

RODAN: The invaders are in control.
LEELA: Good. Now we can fight them.
RODAN: Didn't you hear the Lord President's announcement? We must submit.
LEELA: You keep your Lord President. I'll keep my Doctor. He has a plan.
RODAN: What plan?
LEELA: I don't know.
RODAN: Then how can you say?
LEELA: He always has a plan.

[INT. Panopticon]

DOCTOR: You will now disperse until my next summons.
(All but BORUSA do so.)
BORUSA: You have no right! (He too turns to go.)
DOCTOR: Borusa. (the other man returns) Have you carried out my instructions?
BORUSA: Regarding what? Supremacy?
DOCTOR: The redecoration of my office.
BORUSA: The matter is in hand.
DOCTOR: Ah. (sotto, grabbing at BORUSA) But is it finished?
BORUSA: I believe so.
DOCTOR: Confirm it, and meet me there within the hour.
(BORUSA nods and exits.)
LEADER: Congratulations, Doctor. You show great promise in the application of power. You could be a first-grade dictator.
DOCTOR: Thank you. You're very kind. That's very kind of you. (sotto, as he walks away from the tin-foil shapes) K9.
LEADER: What did you say?
DOCTOR: Hmm? Nothing.
LEADER: Doctor?
LEADER: How long will it take you to find the Great Key?
DOCTOR: Oh. Oh, it's just a matter of time.
(The DOCTOR exits, and we see K9 too moving.)

[INT. Space Traffic Control]

LEELA: There's no point in further discussion. The discussion is for the wise or the helpless, and I am neither.
RODAN; (rising from her seat) Then what are you going to do?
LEELA: Well, if the Doctor wished me banished, I'll be banished.
RODAN: You will surrender?
LEELA: No! You talk always of surrender. Are all your tribe like this?
RODAN: We are rational.
LEELA: You are cowards. No, if the Doctor wished me banished, it was for a reason.
RODAN: Reason dictates the Doctor is a traitor.
LEELA: Never!
RODAN: Reason dictates-
LEELA: Then reason is a liar!
RODAN: And if I am right?
LEELA: Then I am wrong, and I will face the consequence. Are you coming?
(LEELA holds out her hand. RODAN nods and tentatively takes the outstretched hand.)

[INT. President's office]

(GUARDS are preceding the DOCTOR, who steps into the office without his escort noticing. As the GUARDS stop and turn around, we see the new decorations - the walls and doors are covered in a dull grey metal worked in various orientations of wheel pattern. BORUSA awaits at the far end of the room.)
DOCTOR: Nice. Yes, really nice. Bit rococo for a purist like me. What are you doing here, Borusa?
BORUSA: You wished to see me, your Excellence.
DOCTOR: Did I? Did I really? Oh yes, yes. Are the decorations complete?
BORUSA: As you can see.
DOCTOR: Completely complete.
BORUSA: To the last detail.
DOCTOR: No substitutes, no forgeries, no penny-pinching?
BORUSA: They are the finest to be had in the whole Thessorian Empire.
DOCTOR: And this exquisite relief work, in pure lead?
BORUSA: As you can see.
DOCTOR: Good. Now at last we can talk.

[INT. Corridor]

(LEELA and RODAN are quietly making their way along the corridor.)

[INT. President's office]

BORUSA: But the strain must have been intolerable.
DOCTOR: Nearly. I owe you a great deal, Lord Borusa, especially apologies for the indignities and insults I threw at you.
BORUSA: The president need apologise to no-one.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
BORUSA: The president-
DOCTOR: Need thank no-one. True, very true. It's a habit I picked up.
BORUSA: How accurate is your data?
DOCTOR: Absolutely accurate but not yet complete.
BORUSA: The Vardans can travel along wavelengths of any sort?
BORUSA: In the sense that any electro-temporal field aids communication, are they telepathic?
DOCTOR: Hmm, yes. They can read thoughts.
BORUSA: But a lead-lined room would shield you from them.
BORUSA: Yet you maintained a partial shielding unaided.
DOCTOR: Well, I had the benefit of your training.
BORUSA: And you did not think that I could shield myself?
DOCTOR: Well... (pauses) Lord Borusa, you and the other Time Lords are singularly logical, hmm? You're also short on humour and imagination. You can't offer distractions as I can. What's for tea?
BORUSA: Tea is Camellia in dried form-
DOCTOR: I know what tea is.
BORUSA: Well, what's that got to do with the threat from the Vardans?
DOCTOR: See, you're too single-minded. You're as transparent as good, old-fashioned glass.
BORUSA: You're right. I wouldn't last a moment. My mind is too easy to read. The master learns from the student, eh, Doctor?

[INT. Corridor]

RODAN: So, what are you going to do?
ANDRED: That depends. How much is she involved with the invaders?
LEELA: I am not involved with them. I am against them.
RODAN: She doesn't even know who they are.
ANDRED: But she's the president's friend.
LEELA: Yes, I am. I want to save him.
ANDRED: And that's why you destroyed the transduction barrier.
LEELA: I destroyed the-
RODAN: She couldn't have. She was with me.
ANDRED: Who did, then?
RODAN: I have no idea. Oh look, we must get out of the citadel.
ANDRED: What for?
RODAN: Well, it's safer than staying in here.
ANDRED: All right, but be careful. There's a total curfew on. If any of my men see you, they'll shoot.
RODAN: What?
ANDRED: Kelner's orders.
RODAN: Oh, come with us, Andred.
ANDRED: Somebody's got to try and balance Castellan Kelner. He's having a lovely time, settling old scores, locking people up. Besides, you never know - there might be a chance to have a go at the invaders.
LEELA: Come on.
(RODAN and LEELA leave.)
ANDRED: Or even the president.

[INT. President's office]

BORUSA: But why banish your friend Leela?
DOCTOR: Because she could be the biggest danger of all.
BORUSA: Oh, yes. If I'm as transparent as good, old-fashioned glass.
(LEELA and RODAN, wearing russet cloaks, make their way along with alacrity.)
DOCTOR: Until she gets to outer Gallifrey.
BORUSA: That barbarian garden? How can she be safe there?
DOCTOR: Well, that barbarian garden's her natural habitat. She's a huntress, a creature of instinct. The power out there...
BORUSA: I know. Awful. Can she survive?

[EXT. Outside the citadel]

(Sand dunes extend in all directions against an orange sky. LEELA and RODAN appear at the top of one of them, with their cloaks flapping in the wind.)
RODAN: Ah, I'm so tired. I must rest.
LEELA: We haven't come far enough.
RODAN: I never thought it'd be like this.
LEELA: What, you've never been outside the citadel before?
RODAN: No. Why should I have? There's everything we need inside.
LEELA: This is much better than inside.
RODAN: It's frightening.
LEELA: Why are you scared?
RODAN: It's all so... natural.
LEELA: We must go on. They can still see us here from the citadel.
RODAN: Well, how much further?
LEELA: (pointing) Just over there. Then you can rest.
RODAN: All right.
LEELA: Come on.
(They continue, and we see them after some time has passed.)
RODAN: Now can we rest?
LEELA: Yes. Yes, rest here.
RODAN: Whose stupid idea was it to leave the citadel?
LEELA: Oh, you'd rather be with the invaders?
RODAN: No, you're quite right. It's got to be safer here.
(A spear hits the dune next to her, and the two jump to their feet. They are surrounded by blades held out by fur-robed hunters.)

[INT. Castellan's office]

KELNER: You will stay with the president at all times. You will be his personal bodyguard, do you understand?
BODYGUARD: Yes, Castellan.
KELNER: You will take your orders only from me, and you will report to me everything the president says and does. Understood?
BODYGUARD: Of course, Castellan.
KELNER: You see, there may be those who wish to dispose of the president, but you will protect him against every threat until I tell you otherwise.
BODYGUARD: Nothing will happen to him while I'm guarding him, Castellan.
KELNER: Good. Because if anything does happen, I would have to take over as president, and I have no wish to expose myself to the dangers of that position (pause) for the moment.
BODYGUARD: I understand perfectly, sir.
KELNER: Good. You will be suitably rewarded when the time comes. Now go about your business.
BODYGUARD: Yes, sir. (at the door) And thank you.

[EXT. Hunters' camp]

(The band lead LEELA and RODAN to their camp amidst some scrub and low bushes.)
NESBIN: What's this?
ABLIF: We found them, Nesbin.
NESBIN: Found them?
ABLIF: Thought they were game at first. Jasko nearly put a spear through them.
NESBIN: Were they armed?
ABLIF: This one was. It took all of us to get it off her. (He hands Leela's knife to the other man.)
NESBIN: She is very strange.
(LEELA grabs his arm and throws him over onto his back. She reclaims her knife.)
LEELA: Then don't touch me!
NESBIN: Well, it speaks.
LEELA: I am not an it. (as he rises) I am Leela. This is Rodan. Who are you, and what do you want with us?
NESBIN: I am Nesbin.
LEELA: The leader?
NESBIN: Yes. This is Presta. (a woman with a spear steps forward) And this is Ablif. But what is more to the point, what do you want with us?
RODAN: We don't want anything with you.
PRESTA: It's a trick. They have come here to trap us.
ABLIF: Yes, send them back to the city before they bring their guards on us.
RODAN: No, we're escaping from the city.
NESBIN: Well, then you do want something from us.
RODAN: What?
NESBIN: Protection. Help. You can't survive out here without.
LEELA: I can survive anywhere.
NESBIN: I believe that. What are you?
LEELA: I am a warrior of the Sevateem.
PRESTA: An alien! That's dangerous. Surely they'll come hunting for her.
NESBIN: We'll consider that in a moment. Well, warrior, I don't doubt that you can survive, but what about your friend here?
RODAN: What about me?
NESBIN: Well, you are no alien. I doubt if you've ever set foot outside the citadel in your life before, have you?
NESBIN: Well, out here it's different. You have to fend for yourself.
RODAN: Fend?
NESBIN: That's right. What are you going to eat, for instance?
RODAN: I have some supplies. Look.
(She displays the box of pastel-coloured tablets that she has in her belt pouch.)
NESBIN: They won't last long. When they've gone, what will you do?
RODAN: I, I don't know.
NESBIN: I thought not. You wouldn't even know what you could eat, would you? Have you ever eaten flesh or fruit?
NESBIN: And shelter. Do you understand the need for shelter? No, of course you don't. You wouldn't last three days out here.
RODAN: (starting to break down in tears) I didn't realise. I'm so tired and cold.
NESBIN: Better get her inside.
PRESTA: Are we going to let them stay, then?
NESBIN: We'll decide about that when we've heard their story. This one will need rest and shelter before she can tell us anything.

[INT. President's office]

BORUSA: How much have you told me?
DOCTOR: Well, as much as I dare.
BORUSA: Just so I know how much I am liable to give away.
DOCTOR: You'll be all right. Do you think you can do it?
DOCTOR: You're a brave man, Borusa.
BORUSA: I am a cardinal.
DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, well, this shielding'll make them suspicious if we stay out of sight too long. Let's go.
(K9 enters the TARDIS and extends his antenna to a panel in the base of the console, which opens.)

[INT. Castellan's office]

(The VARDANS and KELNER are in the office. The DOCTOR, BORUSA, and the GUARDS join them.)
DOCTOR: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
KELNER: It is I who should apologise.
DOCTOR: I wasn't talking to you. Move over. Shall we start? Chancellor, these are our new masters. I order you to acknowledge their absolute authority.
BORUSA: You have no authority under the Constitution to order the chancellor to do anything.
DOCTOR: The Constitution is suspended as of now.
BORUSA: This is monstrous, President.
DOCTOR: Yes, but it is so. Do it.
BORUSA: Never. I will not submit to these creatures. I am a Time Lord, a car-
(A foggy white beam hits him in the chest, and he gasps in pain.)
DOCTOR: Don't destroy him. He might be useful to us.
LEADER: You will be responsible for him.
DOCTOR: Yes, of course. Yes, of course. (the beam ceases, and BORUSA doubles over) Get up, you stiff-necked old chancellor. Get up. Castellan, have the chancellor removed to his quarters.
KELNER: Guards, escort the chancellor to his rooms. Remain on guard.
DOCTOR: And don't let anyone in or out. He's under house arrest. (he is taken away) You have to admire him. He has courage.
LEADER: He is foolish. If he causes trouble, we shall destroy him, and you also.
DOCTOR: I've kept my part of the bargain. What more do you want?
LEADER: More? We haven't begun yet. When we are certain that we have complete dominance over your people, then we shall reveal our requirements to you.
DOCTOR: And yourselves, I hope. I find it disconcerting talking to shimmering shapes.
LEADER: The time is not right. First, you must complete the arrangements for the subjugation of your people.
DOCTOR: Naturally, naturally. (arm on KELNER's shoulder) Well, Castellan, the chancellor doesn't seem too keen to help. How about you?
KELNER: It is my duty, sir, to serve the president at all times. I will do whatever you wish.
DOCTOR: I thought you would. You can start by making sure that no-one organises any resistance. That's the last thing I want.
KELNER: Of course, sir. Peaceful co-operation is a much more fruitful course.
DOCTOR: Good. Listen, why don't you regard yourself as acting vice-president?
KELNER: Oh, thank you, sir.
DOCTOR: And you'd better make me a list of all Time Lords holding official positions and let me know which ones you think are reliable.
KELNER: Yes, of course, sir. And perhaps you'd like a list of all known troublemakers at the same time?
DOCTOR: That's the stuff. Off you go.
(KELNER bows. The BODYGUARD he spoke with earlier stands and watches as the DOCTOR seats himself in Kelner's chair.)
DOCTOR: I knew we could rely on him. Well, now that you're safely here, why don't you, er, make yourselves comfortable, hmm?
(K9 continues the work under the TARDIS console. Meanwhile, KELNER returns to the DOCTOR's side, carrying the data requested earlier.)
KELNER: Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?
DOCTOR: Yes. A jelly baby. My right-hand pocket.
(KELNER reaches in and obsequiously removes a paper bag.)
KELNER: What colour would you prefer, sir?
DOCTOR: Orange.
KELNER: There doesn't appear to be an orange one.
DOCTOR: (snatching at the bag) One grows tired of jelly babies, Castellan.
KELNER: Oh, indeed one does, sir.
DOCTOR: One grows tired of almost everything, Castellan.
KELNER: Indeed, sir.
DOCTOR: Except power.
DOCTOR: Is the curfew effective?
KELNER: No incidents have been reported, sir.
DOCTOR: What a splendidly subservient citadel you do run, Castellan.
KELNER: You are too generous, sir.
DOCTOR: (laughing) Have you brought the list?
KELNER: Sir. (He hands over the data he brought.)
DOCTOR: So these Time Lords are the only potential rebels to our new regime, hmm?
KELNER: (bowing again) Yes, sir. I have checked all the biodata extracts personally.
DOCTOR: You have?
KELNER: Well, er, with one or two exceptions, such as your good self.
DOCTOR: Hmm. I should think so too. Well, if these are the only threats to our new regime, we'd better do something about them.
LEADER: Unreliable elements must be destroyed.
DOCTOR: Oh, I hardly think so. They may be persuaded to see reason, and some of them might be useful to us.
LEADER: There is no choice.
DOCTOR: Oh, but there is.
KELNER: There is, sir?
DOCTOR: Yes. Expulsion.
LEADER: Expulsion?
KELNER: Yes, that's an excellent idea, sir.
DOCTOR: None of them can survive out there without help, and there's no help out there.
KELNER: Oh yes, sir. That's an admirable detail. Once people realise that they are liable to expulsion, they will quickly come to heel.
LEADER: Very well, we approve, but leaders such as Chancellor Borusa shall be kept here in confinement.
DOCTOR: Naturally. Well, see to it, Castellan. Oh, and Castellan, if I were you, I'd put them out one by one.
KELNER: Yes, sir. I will start at once.
DOCTOR: Good. (KELNER exits, and the DOCTOR rises) Well, that's a good morning's work, wouldn't you say?
LEADER: Your progress so far has been quite satisfactory.
DOCTOR: Isn't it time we shared a bit of trust? I mean, couldn't you materialise and have a jelly baby? (He holds out the bag.)
LEADER: We are not ready yet.
LEADER: Your next task will be to dismantle the quantum force field around Gallifrey.
DOCTOR: Dismantle it? That's not possible.
LEADER: It has to be possible.
DOCTOR: But if we tamper with that, the whole planet could be vapourised.
LEADER: You will find a way.
DOCTOR: I can't.
LEADER: You will!

[EXT. Hunters' camp]

(The people at the camp are at table, eating. The new arrivals are now wearing fur cloaks.)
NESBIN: Gallifrey invaded? Nonsense. That's impossible.
LEELA: How do you know? You're not Time Lords.
NESBIN: Oh, but we are or, rather, we were until we decided to drop out.
LEELA: What is drop out? You fell?
NESBIN: All that peace and eternal tranquillity. We decided to get back to nature out here.
LEELA: Is this true?
RODAN: Well, I've heard it rumoured, but it's a subject that's never mentioned.
NESBIN: Well, no, it wouldn't be. Might upset their cosy little world.
LEELA: Then you like fighting. Good.
NESBIN: Oh, now wait a minute, listen.
LEELA: No, you listen to me, before it's too late.

[INT. Castellan's office]

KELNER: Your record shows, Gomer, that you are politically unreliable.
GOMER: Unreliable? How dare you, Kelner! There's not a more loyal Time Lord in all Gallifrey.
KELNER: Exactly, loyal to the old ways.
GOMER: What other ways are there?
KELNER: You are considered to be dangerous, a threat to the new regime.
GOMER: I consider that to be a compliment, Kelner, thank you. I may be getting old, but if I had a weapon to use against these invaders, I'd-
KELNER: You'd use it. Yes. Yes, you would. I think we'd be a lot safer with you out of the way.
GOMER: What are you going to do with me?
KELNER: By order of the president, you are to be expelled from the citadel.

[INT. Corridor]

(ANDRED is helping GOMER along.)
GOMER: I'm sorry. I can't go any faster. By the time you're my age... I'm in my tenth regeneration, you know.
ANDRED: (patiently) Yes, sir, I know. I don't mind how slowly we go.
GOMER: In my younger days, I was considered to be lively enough.
ANDRED: That's why you're being put out now.
GOMER: Oh, yes, it would be. Kelner and his sort never let bygones be bygones. We never got on, never saw eye to eye. To tell you the truth, I can't stand the fellow.
ANDRED: (smiling) You're not alone in that.
GOMER: Watch your step, young man, or you'll be following me out there.
ANDRED: Oh, I don't think so. Some of us intend to do something about all this. (GOMER casts his eyes back to the other GUARDS) It's all right. They're with me.
GOMER: Are they indeed?
ANDRED: There are plenty of us, more than Kelner and the president bargained for, and we're gaining strength every hour.
GOMER: Good for you, young Andred, good for you. Now, can I stay and help?
ANDRED: Thank you, but I must put you out, sir. If I don't, Castellan Kelner will get suspicious.
GOMER: Yes, I understand.
ANDRED: But you may find help outside.
GOMER: Help? Out there?
ANDRED: Rodan and the alien girl Leela are already out there. Others are following.

[EXT. Hunters' camp]

NESBIN: But you can't even take care of yourselves!
LEELA: Try me!
NESBIN: When I'm not busy.
ABLIF: Now that's the language I do understand.
LEELA: Then we are agreed? We shall fight!

[INT. Corridor]

BODYGUARD: Where are we going, sir?
DOCTOR: I'm not at liberty to say.

[INT. The citadel]

(ANDRED is speaking to two TIME LORDS.)
ANDRED: You came. Good. Now, listen to me. Before we can do anything against the invaders, we have to dispose of the president. I know it's against every law of the land and it'll mean breaking my oath, but I believe he's forfeited the right to protection. He's a traitor who's brought these creatures in, and he must die. Are you with me?
ANDRED: Right. We must get him away from his invader friends and away from Kelner's tame bodyguard. Then we can strike.

[INT. Citadel]

(The DOCTOR walks over to the TARDIS, with the BODYGUARD still tagging along as ordered.)
DOCTOR: No, no, no. You stay here.
BODYGUARD: But, sir, I can't. I must stay with you. Castellan's orders.
DOCTOR: Rescinded.
BODYGUARD: Beg pardon, sir?
DOCTOR: Do you know what this is?
(He reveals the sash under his outerwear, and the BODYGUARD kneels.)
BODYGUARD: Yes, Excellence.
DOCTOR: Will you disobey me?
BODYGUARD: The castellan will have me shot, sir.
DOCTOR: Well, that's all right. I'll have him shot. You stay there.

[INT. TARDIS console room]

DOCTOR: How's it going, K9?

[INT. Citadel]

(As ANDRED enters, the BODYGUARD rises. ANDRED shoots him.)
ANDRED: Now, look. I'll go in first.

[INT. TARDIS console room]

DOCTOR: K9! (at the console, using the TARDIS's tannoy system) K9, this is no time to be enjoying yourself, all right?
K9: (backing out of the TARDIS innards) Absorption of data most satisfactory, Master.
DOCTOR: Good. Take this. I could try it myself, but they'd be sure to find out. (he places the Matrix circlet on K9, over one 'ear') Come on, K9. Come on. (trying the other 'ear') Easy, easy, easy. Steady now.
K9: Primary circuits locked in.
(The doors begin opening.)
K9: Commencing secondary feed.
DOCTOR: Excellent. Ah, Andred, I've got something for you. A surprise.
ANDRED: In the name of liberty and honour, I sentence you to death, traitor.
DOCTOR: Oh, but-

The above notes, transcription, etc. by Anna Shefl

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