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Written by
As David Agnew, Graham Williams and Anthony Read

Part One

[INT. Spaceship]

(A large ship plies its way through space. A tiny one approaches as if to dock with it. When the ships leave shot, we are behind three rounded conical forms, perhaps seats, positioned to look over a star field. A faint metallic crinkling, like that of aluminium foil, can be heard. The DOCTOR enters, stepping in front of the star-field viewscreen and addresses the three figures.)
DOCTOR: I am prepared.
FIGURE 1: Speed is vital, Doctor.

[INT. TARDIS console room]

(LEELA prowls around the console. The room is dimly lit, and she too seems miserable. She squats beside K9.)
LEELA: K9, can you tell me how long he'll be?
K9: Negative. Prognostication impossible in matters concerning Doctor.
LEELA: Prog-what?
K9: I cannot tell.
LEELA: Can you tell me where we've landed?
K9: Affirmative.
LEELA: (after a pause) Well?
K9: Materialisation took place on alien spacecraft.
LEELA: Why wouldn't the Doctor let me go with him?
K9: I do not know. Prognostication impossible-
LEELA+K9: In matters concerning...
LEELA: I know, I know. Well, he may need my help. I'm going to take a look.
K9: Do not touch the scanner control, Mistress.
LEELA: Oh, I know the Doctor said we weren't supposed to, but wouldn't you like to see where he is, hmm? Who he's talking to?
K9: Negative. Wishing for such things is emotion. I am not programmed-
LEELA: Oh, shut up! You're no help at all.
LEELA: (operating the scanner controls to no effect) What's wrong? Why won't it work? K9? K9, what's wr-? K9, sulking is also an emotional thing. If you cannot wish, you cannot sulk. K9! (in baby-talk voice) K9, I'm sorry. (tickling under the robot dog's chin) I didn't mean to shout at you.
K9: Apologies are not necessary.
LEELA: No, no, no, of course they're not. (patting K9's head) Now, can you tell me, please, why this scanner will not work?
K9: The Doctor immobilised the mechanism before he left, in order to prevent you switching it on.
LEELA: You mean he doesn't trust me? (to herself) What is he doing out there?

[INT. Spaceship]

LEADER: We will conclude formalities. Sign it.
DOCTOR: I never sign anything before I've read it.
LEADER: Then read it.
DOCTOR: You promised complete control over the Time Lords.
FIGURE 2: You will have complete control.
DOCTOR: But here in paragraph 4, sub-
FIGURE 2: Lawyer's quibbles, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Well, I've heard that before. Almost got me killed once, but, of course, you know that.
LEADER: Sign it!
DOCTOR: Complete control?
LEADER: My word.
DOCTOR: Well, I've signed so many things, one more won't make any difference.
LEADER: But it will, Doctor. It will.
(The DOCTOR puts his mark to the contract and sticks the bright pink pen in his pocket.)
DOCTOR: I'm honoured to be allowed to serve your glorious cause.

[INT. TARDIS console room]

(The DOCTOR steps into the console room from outside.)
LEELA: Where have you been?
DOCTOR: Sssshh.
LEELA: (sotto) Where have you been? Why did you turn the scanner off? Doctor, where have you been?
DOCTOR: Order K9 to tell you to shut up.
LEELA: Yes. K9, the Doctor said you're to tell me to shut up. (after a brief pause) How dare you!
K9: Adopt silent mode, Mistress.
LEELA: K9, you-
(She sees that K9's laser is ready to fire.)
K9: Imperative, Mistress.
(LEELA is lost for words.)

[INT. Castellan's office]

(The commander of the guards in the Time Lords' citadel sits in a side room of the castellan's office, beside a carved green desk. There is a beep, and he picks up a communications receiver.)
ANDRED: Speak. Where? When? Relative time, please, Rodan. Thank you.
(He sets the receiver down gently and rises from the chair. He enters the body of the room and approaches the castellan, who is working with a hand-held computer. He clicks his heels, then clears his throat.)
KELNER: Yes? What is it, Commander?
ANDRED: A report, sir.
KELNER: Continue.
ANDRED: Temporal scan indicates unidentified capsule approaching.
KELNER: Unidentified?
ANDRED: At this distance, within our own continuum, unidentified, sir.
KELNER: But our own?
ANDRED: Molecular patina indicates Gallifreyan origin, yes, sir, but it's too early for a positive.
KELNER: When, then?
ANDRED: Approximately two minutes relative, sir.
KELNER: Defences?
ANDRED: Green level.
KELNER: (turning to ANDRED) No sense in taking chances, Commander. Go to amber alert.
ANDRED: Yes, sir.
(KELNER picks up a yellow ball from his desk and hands it to ANDRED, who returns to his alcove and picks up the communication earpiece.)
ANDRED: Main security. Commander Andred speaking. Please establish amber alert.
(He sets the ball in an indentation in the desk, and it begins pulsing in bright yellow. An alarm sounds in time with it.)

[INT. TARDIS console room]

(The alarm is faintly audible.)
DOCTOR: Amber alert. They've put an amber alert on me. On me? Cheek.
K9: Cheek?
DOCTOR: Yes, cheek.
K9: Physical characteristics, humanoid facial component.
DOCTOR: Wrong.
K9: Tertiary data check insists definition correct.
DOCTOR: Amber alert? On me?

[INT. Castellan's office]

ANDRED: Confirmation, sir. The capsule is Gallifreyan.
KELNER: Then what is all the fuss about?
ANDRED: Still unidentified.
KELNER: Unidentified?
(Castellan KELNER, sitting at his desk in robe and helmet, uses a gloved hand to turn on a monitor opposite him on the wall. Gallifreyan characters appear.)
KELNER: Only two Time Lords are absent from their duties here on authorised research missions. You will find their molecular codes in-
ANDRED: Yes, sir. Neither match. I've checked.
(KELNER turns off the screen and muses.)
KELNER: Then who is in that capsule? Unauthorised use of a time capsule has only one penalty, Commander. (mildly) See to it.
ANDRED: Yes, sir.
(ANDRED returns to his alcove, white cape billowing behind him. He picks up his communications earpiece.)
ANDRED: (reverberating) Commander Andred to all guard leaders. An unidentified capsule is approaching Gallifrey. Any sentient form on board is to be arrested on arrival. If there is no sign of life, destroy capsule as soon as it materialises.

[INT. TARDIS console room]

(The DOCTOR sits on the floor beside the console, next to K9. He is eating sweeties and holds up the bag to K9.)
DOCTOR: Would you like a ball bearing?
K9: Please do not mock, Master.
DOCTOR: Where's Leela?
K9: Immersed, Master.
K9: Totally immersed in H2O, Master.
DOCTOR: Fine time to take a bath.
(We see her swimming in the TARDIS's pool, which is lined with mosaics. A bath toy floats nearby.)

[INT. Castellan's office]

ANDRED: Excuse me, sir. I've decided to supervise the destruction of the capsule personally.
KELNER: (looking up from his hand-held computer) Yes, of course. Remember, Commander, a sentient who can control a time capsule is a danger. Capture, interrogate-
ANDRED: I will see that all regulations are observed, sir.

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 1: Switch to visual.
(The star field is replaced with pink and purple blocks in moving patterns.)
FIGURE 1: Interesting. He appears to have landed.
FIGURE 2: He may be killed.
FIGURE 1: There will be others.

[INT. Citadel]

(We are in an area that at least resembles the Panopticon. The TARDIS materialises in the central part of this, and ANDRED advances toward it, motioning to his compatriots to remain out of sight. He walks further forward and beckons to the other six guards, who step forward smartly and form an honour-guard-like corridor. Out of the TARDIS steps the DOCTOR. He sees the GUARDS and salutes. LEELA stands behind him.)
DOCTOR: Gentlemen, I'm delighted to be back on Gallifrey.
(The GUARDS raise their hand weapons.)
DOCTOR: Oh, I like it. Yes, I like you. Where are you from, soldier?
GUARD: (stonily) Gallifrey.
DOCTOR: Gallifrey? Never heard of it. Guard of honour? You're a rabble, nothing but a rabble. You're not fit to guard a jelly baby. (to ANDRED) Would you like a jelly baby?
ANDRED: We're here to arrest you.
DOCTOR: Well, let's get on with it. Come on, Leela. (to LEELA) Where do you think you're going?
LEELA: You just told me to follow you.
DOCTOR: You stay here till I send for you.
LEELA: But Doctor-
(The DOCTOR has walked off. ANDRED signals that the guards are to follow. Two of them remain with the open-mouthed LEELA.)

[INT. Corridor]

(The DOCTOR is moving briskly through the hallways, with the GUARDS following.)
DOCTOR: Right. You lead.
ANDRED: No, you follow me.
DOCTOR: Right.
(He pauses to allow ANDRED to lead. In another corridor, the DOCTOR stops at a door and opens it. ANDRED turns around, holding his weapon to the DOCTOR's head and interposing himself between DOCTOR and door.)
DOCTOR: What is it?
ANDRED: That's the chancellor's office.
DOCTOR: Well, I know it's the chancellor's office.
ANDRED: Well, no-one goes in there unannounced.
DOCTOR: Well, announce me.
(ANDRED turns to the door as if to do so, thinks for a moment, then turns back with the gun still raised.)
ANDRED: All right.

[INT. Chancellery]

(ANDRED opens the inner door and steps in. BORUSA is standing here, dressed in a maroon helmet and robe.)
ANDRED: Forgive the intrusion, sir. An unexpected emergency has arisen.
(The DOCTOR steps in, followed by GUARDS.)
BORUSA: Doctor!
DOCTOR: (holding up a hand) I am here to claim my legal right.
DOCTOR: (reciting) I claim the inheritance of Rassilon. I claim the titles, honour, duty, and obedience of all colleges. I claim the presidency of the Council of Time Lords.

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 1: (watching the shifting patterns) I believe we have chosen well. Very well.

[INT. TARDIS console room]

K9: Where is the Doctor?
(The TARDIS makes some low-pitched beeps.)
K9: Speak. (as the beeps change pitch slightly) You are a very stupid machine.

[INT. Chancellery]

(The DOCTOR is seated, hat over his face.)
DOCTOR: You don't dispute my claim, then?
BORUSA: No. Only the arrogance with which you present it.
DOCTOR: Oh, Borusa. (removing the hat) How you used to bore me with your interminable lectures on responsibility and duty.
BORUSA: Which obviously failed.
BORUSA: You make me regret teaching you anything at all.
DOCTOR: You taught me nothing, nothing that instinct couldn't provide better.
BORUSA: Then you must trust your instincts.
DOCTOR: Mmm. And you yours, Lord Borusa.
(BORUSA turns back to face the DOCTOR.)
BORUSA: I'll do what I can to persuade the cardinals to accept you as their president.
DOCTOR: I am the president! No persuasion is necessary.
BORUSA: Politeness dictat-
DOCTOR: I am the president! Is there another candidate legally?
BORUSA: No. That was an unfortunate oversight.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
BORUSA: I meant no disrespect.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, you did. Borusa, before you go, another lesson.
BORUSA: (closing the door again) On what particular subject?
DOCTOR: The Constitution.
BORUSA: You had that at your fingertips last time we met.
DOCTOR: Yes, and if I hadn't, you would have killed me.
BORUSA: Not I, the then-chancellor.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, Did you, did you just assume his office?
BORUSA: The Council ratified my appointment.
DOCTOR: Without a president, the Council can ratify nothing.
BORUSA: There was no president, and the president-elect was elsewhere.
DOCTOR: Yes. But my point is-. Borusa! You haven't been given leave to depart yet.
BORUSA: And until you have been confirmed and inducted as president, I do not need your leave to do anything.
DOCTOR: The ceremony must take place at once.
BORUSA: As soon as possib-.
DOCTOR: At once!
(BORUSA nods calmly, and he opens the double doors to depart.)

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 1: This needs thought.
FIGURE 2: The course is obvious.
FIGURE 1: I may reconsider. The Doctor could be more use to us alive. He understands discipline.

[INT. Castellan's office]

BORUSA: No discipline, that's always been the trouble.
KELNER: He understands the dangers? He accepts the risks of induction without the necessary preparations?
BORUSA: He accepts nothing. That's always been the trouble with him. No discipline.
ANDRED: (entering) Forgive me, sirs. The president-elect desires your immediate attendance.
BORUSA: Then let him rot in a black star.
ANDRED: It is his request, sirs.
(His hand is poised near his weapon.)
KELNER: After all, Chancellor, a request is a request. And it's only a matter of time.

[INT. Chancellery]

DOCTOR: It's always a matter of time, eh, Castellan? Especially for Time Lords. What do you think about my office?
KELNER: Oh, it's simply a formality.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, I know that. No, I meant my quarters. You know, room of one's own, somewhere to be. I do so hate squatting.
BORUSA: The president's quarters are inadequate?
DOCTOR: Correct.[?] Have them re-furnished.
KELNER: In what style?
BORUSA: We are not his lackeys. We are Time Lords of the Supreme Council. I am chancellor.
DOCTOR: Illegally.
BORUSA: I am a cardinal, then. That at least.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes, a cardinal. That at least.

[INT. President's quarters]

(The DOCTOR opens a set of double doors, to a dark room with a large gold compass rose on the floor.)
DOCTOR: Yes, this has possibilities. (He begins walking around the room.)
KELNER: In what style, sir?
DOCTOR: Oh, I don't know. Early Quasar Five with a touch of Riga.
KELNER: With the merest hint of Simian Empire?
DOCTOR: Second dynasty, of course.
KELNER: Of course.
BORUSA: In short, Earth, twentieth century.
DOCTOR: Well I did get used to it. I even liked it at times.
KELNER: Now, that's Sol 3, relative date zero three four one four three nine eight nine.
DOCTOR: No, no, no. I prefer four three seven zero eleven nine.
KELNER: Yes, of course, sir.
(They laugh.)
DOCTOR: Thank you.
KELNER: It will, of course, take a little time, sir.
DOCTOR: Well, that's something we've plenty of, eh, Cardinal? I mean, Chancellor-elect?
KELNER: Will that be all, sir?
DOCTOR: No. See to my friend Leela. Make sure she has comfortable quarters and suitable clothes for my induction. She will attend.
(BORUSA opens his mouth, but the obsequious castellan cuts in.)
KELNER: Yes, of course, sir.
(KELNER bows and exits.)
BORUSA: May I go also, President-elect?
DOCTOR: No. We have things to discuss.
BORUSA: What things?
DOCTOR: Oh, the redecorations, for one.
BORUSA: I'm sure the Lord Castellan is quite capable of-
DOCTOR: Oh yes, quite. But I'd be so very grateful if you'd help him with the small things. The good castellan has his flaws, hmm? I mean, his experience hardly extends to Earth zero seven three period.
BORUSA: Zero seven three?
DOCTOR: Yes, you remember all those marvellous panels, hmm? Very primitive, of course.
BORUSA: Yes, I remember. Where would you like them?
DOCTOR: Everywhere.
BORUSA: Everywhere?
DOCTOR: Everywhere. Floor, ceilings, wall, everywhere.
BORUSA: But lead?
DOCTOR: Sssshh.
BORUSA: It's a very difficult substance to control.
DOCTOR: It is.
BORUSA: Only a few have mastered the art.
DOCTOR: Then more should. Put your best men on it immediately.
(BORUSA nods and makes for the door.)
DOCTOR: Borusa?
BORUSA: (turning) Yes?
DOCTOR: And the door. Everywhere.

[INT. Leela's quarters]

(Clothes are being flung to the ground. The camera rises to show LEELA flinging one outfit after another from a stand onto the floor. The only thing to meet her criteria thus far seems to be a black feather boa, around her neck. ANDRED watches. She picks up a slightly shimmery robe in coppers and earth tones and holds it against herself.)
ANDRED: Yes, that looks good. (as she flings it down) Madam-
LEELA: My name is Leela.
ANDRED: Leela, we've been through the whole cosmos. May I ask what you would like?
LEELA: Well, I would like a quiver, a bow, a pouch of Janis thorns, and my knife back.
ANDRED: (grabbing her wrist) Madam-. Leela, I've told you many times that I can't give you your knife. No weapons are allowed here, except for internal security.
LEELA: The Doctor said you were to look after me.
ANDRED: Yes, those were the president-elect's orders, madam.
LEELA: And don't call me 'Madam'!
ANDRED: I'm sorry! Leela. But I can't give you weapons.
LEELA: Then keep your fine clothes and your useless baubles. And keep your president-elect also!
(She throws down the boa too and storms off.)

[INT. Chancellery]

(BORUSA is decked out in his ceremonial robes, with sash, flowing sleeves, and signature Time Lord collar. The DOCTOR wears a simple long white robe that is tied at the neck. His hand is held at his side.)
DOCTOR: What then?
BORUSA: Then Gold Usher will formally introduce you to the Matrix.
DOCTOR: Ah. Just the Matrix?
BORUSA: There is no 'just' about it. The Matrix is the sum total. Everything, all the information that has never been stored, all the information that can be stored, the imprints of personalities of hundreds of Time Lords and their presidents, their elected presidents, that will become available to you. It will become a part of you as you will become a part of it.
DOCTOR: Yes, that's what I thought.

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 1: Prepare.

[INT. Chancellery]

BORUSA: But you know this already. Once before, you have entered into the amplified panatropic computer.
DOCTOR: Yes. I didn't much care for it, either.
BORUSA: The APC Net is only a small part of the Matrix.
DOCTOR: And when I've been introduced to the Matrix, will I have complete power?
BORUSA: More power than anyone in the known universe, yes.
DOCTOR: I'll put it to good use, the best.
BORUSA: That is your duty.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes, quite, quite.

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 1: Summon the commanders.
FIGURE 2: Full standby?
FIGURE 1: No, not yet. The first phase is nearing completion.

[INT. Leela's quarters]

(ANDRED is wearing a ceremonial breastplate over his red and white uniform jacket. LEELA still wears her light brown leather outfit.)
ANDRED: It is time.
LEELA: This ceremony, it does the Doctor much honour?
ANDRED: The greatest honour Gallifrey can offer.
LEELA: Then I shall not let him down.
(She walks past him and grabs her knife from ANDRED's belt, smiling.)
ANDRED: Leela!
LEELA: Are there any duties for me?
ANDRED: Duties?
LEELA: Yes. Rites I must observe, things to do, things not to do.
ANDRED: No, there's nothing for you to do, but, Leela...
LEELA: (sweetly) Mm-hmm?
ANDRED: If you could avoid killing anyone, it would help.
LEELA: (earnestly) I will try.

[INT. Panopticon]

(Two older Time Lords are speaking to one another. Music is being played, or at least rehearsed, in the background.)
GOMER: Undue haste is one thing. Vulgar bad manners another. It normally takes years to consider an induction, let alone assemble one.
SAVAR: Unsettled times, eh, Gomer? Though still the time will throw up the man.
GOMER: They say with time wisdom comes to a man. Aren't you due for regeneration?
SAVAR: I believe I have wisdom to fit my years.
GOMER: Just so, Lord Savar. Cyclic burst.
SAVAR: I beg your pardon?
GOMER: The answer may lie in the cyclic burst ratio.
SAVAR: The black star protects us. What is a cyclic burst ratio?
GOMER: A little study of mine, a hobby. You comprehend 'hobby'?
SAVAR: I believe I've come across it, sir, but I fail to understand any significant meaning.
(LEELA and ANDRED enter.)
GOMER: That does not surprise me. I'm making a study of what I would term wavelength broadcast power transduction.
SAVAR: Really?
GOMER: Yes. You see, I've noticed lately - well, over the last decade or so - an enormous fluctuation in relative wavelength transduction over a particularly narrow band.
(There is a fanfare, and GOLD USHER precedes three GUARDS down the steps. Each guard carries a cushion for one of the items of presidential regalia. The DOCTOR walks behind them, also at a stately pace. He then mounts the dais as the music subsides. GOLD USHER, staff in hand, stands before the dais and addresses those assembled here.)
GOLD USHER: Honoured members of the Supreme Council, cardinals, Time Lords, Madam. We are here today to honour the will and the wisdom of Rassilon.
(He strikes the floor decisively with his staff, three times.)

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 2: We are near victory.

[INT. Panopticon]

GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Sash of Rassilon?
(He pauses and then strikes the floor.)
GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Rod of Rassilon?
(He repeats this procedure.)
GOLD USHER: Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right to the Great Key of Rassilon?
(After a pause, he strikes the floor a third time.)
GOLD USHER: By custom, with wisdom, and for honour, I shall strike three times. Should no voice be heard by the third stroke, I will, duty-bound, invest the candidate as President of the Supreme Council of the Time Lords of Gallifrey.
(GOLD USHER strikes thrice.)

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 2: Now we have them.

[INT. Panopticon]

GOLD USHER: It is my duty and privilege, having the consent of the Time Lords of Gallifrey, to invest you as President of the Supreme Council. Accept, therefore, the Sash of Rassilon.
(The GUARD holds out the relevant cushion, and GOLD USHER lifts it. The DOCTOR places the sash, composed of many golden plates, around his neck.)
GOLD USHER: Accept, therefore, the Rod of Rassilon.
(GOLD USHER lifts it from its proffered cushion and hands it to the DOCTOR, who takes it in the crook of his arm.)
GOLD USHER: Seek, therefore, to find the Great Key of Rassilon.
(The third cushion is empty.)

[INT. Spaceship]

FIGURE 2: We have been cheated!
FIGURE 1: No. All is exactly as expected.

[INT. Panopticon]

(The DOCTOR signals his acceptance by pointing to the cushion.)
GOLD USHER: Do you swear to uphold the laws of Gallifrey?
DOCTOR: I swear.
GOLD USHER: Do you swear to follow in the wisdom of Rassilon?
DOCTOR: I swear.
GOLD USHER: Do you swear to protect the law and the wisdom?
DOCTOR: I swear.
(A sound is heard, and a circlet rises from the dais to hand height. GOLD USHER takes it in his hands and begins walking around behind the DOCTOR.)
GOLD USHER: I invest you (the DOCTOR kneels) Lord President of the Supreme Council. I wish you good fortune and strength. I give you the Matrix.
(He reverently lowers the circlet onto the DOCTOR's head, bows, and steps back. The DOCTOR rises to his feet, while all the others kneel. The DOCTOR bows his head, then clutches at the circlet. He slowly crumples to the floor. We hear something like whispering sounds as the amber gems set into the sides of the circlet begin to pulse or glow.)

The above notes, transcription, etc. by Anna Shefl

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