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Written by
Gerry Davis (and Robert Holmes)

Part Three

(Overlap from the arriving Cybermen shooting the Nerva men)

[INT. Perimeter walkway]

(KELLMAN arrives on the scene. His eyes land on the DOCTOR.)
KELLMAN: You haven't killed them?
CYBERLEADER: Of course not. We have neutralised them. (as KELLMAN bends down) They are necessary to our plan. What are you doing, Kellman?
KELLMAN: This is the stranger I reported. He calls himself the Doctor.
CYBERLEADER: And because of him, our plan was advanced?
KELLMAN: It had to be. He was interfering. I'd just like to know who and what he is.
(He is going through the DOCTOR's pockets. He pulls a bag of jelly babies from the left trouser pocket and empties most of it out on the DOCTOR's belly when checking the contents. In a waistcoat pocket is an apple core, which KELLMAN sets atop the jelly babies.)

[INT. Tyram's office]

(SHEPRAH ushers HARRY and SARAH into the room. He leaves, turning them over to the door GUARDS' keeping.)
TYRAM: (sitting) I am Tyram, Chief Councillor of Voga.
HARRY: How do you do? I'm Harry Sullivan, and this is-
SARAH: Sarah Jane Smith.
TYRAM: What's your mission here?
SARAH: Mission? We don't have any mission. We just sort of came here by accident, didn't we, Harry?
HARRY: Yes, that's right. It's nothing to do with us, really.
TYRAM: Explain.
SARAH: We'd better start at the beginning. Well, our plan was to find the TARDIS-

[INT. Crew quarters]

(LESTER's hands are over his ears, the DOCTOR's over his eyes, and STEVENSON's over his mouth. All are sitting cross-legged against the wall, sanzaru-style.)
CYBERLEADER: Once our landing is detected, the Vogans will attack in force.
KELLMAN: Oh, they have only light armaments, nothing that can affect your Cybermen.
CYBERLEADER: (pointing to an area on the map under KELLMAN's hands) This is the main shaft?
KELLMAN: Yes, this is a shaft I explored for you. It runs right to the core of Voga.
CYBERLEADER: How far from the shaft entrance is the transmat receptor area?
KELLMAN: Just a matter of yards. I set the receptors as close as possible.
CYBERLEADER: Excellent, Kellman. You have done well. The humans will carry the explosives into the shaft.
DOCTOR: What's your cut, Kellman? Voga's gold?
CYBERLEADER: There will be no gold. Voga is to be utterly destroyed, and this time we shall not fail.
DOCTOR: Oh, really.
CYBERLEADER: And you, Doctor, and your two friends will help us in this task. That is why your lives have been spared.
STEVENSON: I was wondering why you hadn't killed us.
LESTER: We don't have to help them. They can't force us.
CYBERLEADER: Oh, you are mistaken.
LESTER: You'll discover who's mistaken, chum.
CYBERLEADER: The heart of Voga is almost pure gold. Gold is hostile to our function; therefore, Kellman was asked to preserve three animal organisms for this purpose.
DOCTOR: Isn't it wonderful to feel needed, Commander?
CYBERLEADER: Kellman, on our approach run, we detected an operational discharge from the transmat area. Explain that.
KELLMAN: That was his doing. He beamed his two friends down to Voga. I tried to put the transmat out of action, but he managed to fix it somehow.
CYBERLEADER: (as the DOCTOR shrugs) And how much do these humans know?

[EXT. Mines]

(GUARDIANS and MILITIA are shooting at each other. SHEPRAH speaks to all.)
SHEPRAH: Vorus, leader of the Guardians, I have a message.
VORUS: Stay where you are! (stepping out to meet him) Well, Sheprah?
SHEPRAH: Tyram has given fresh orders. My troops will hold their present positions and will not attack your guild chambers.
VORUS: He has shown sense. Your city scum would be badly beaten.
SHEPRAH: Unless we are provoked, Vorus. Then we shall sweep you aside.

[INT. Transmat area]

(CYBERMEN are bringing in explosives, in the form of roundish bombs, and setting them down.)
KELLMAN: Look, I've done everything I can to help. I set up the transmat. I directed the Cybermats. You might never have found Voga if it hadn't been for me.
CYBERLEADER: That is true, and you have been promised great rewards for your assistance.
KELLMAN: That's why I must go down to Voga to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the transmat.
CYBERLEADER: Very well. But return as soon as possible. Once the detonator cycle commences, it cannot be stopped.
(He operates the transmat, sending KELLMAN to the surface.)

[INT. Tyram's office]

TYRAM: You know something, or he thinks you do, that would incriminate him.
HARRY: Incriminate him in what?
TYRAM: Some plot against the state, against me.
SARAH: But we only met Vorus for ten minutes.
TYRAM: It's something to do with the beacon. My suspicions about Vorus are hardening into certainty. He's always had great ambition. This city we're in was once the survival chamber for our people. We've lived here ever since, unseen and safe from further attack from the Cybermen. You know of the Cybermen?
SARAH: Well, yes, I've heard of them, but, but they're meant to have been wiped out ages ago.
HARRY: I remember the Doctor saying that the thing that attacked Sarah was a Cybermat.
TYRAM: I wonder. Has Vorus in the madness of his vanity brought down the vengeance of the Cybermen upon us again? You'll come with me.
HARRY: Where to?
SARAH: Where are we going?
TYRAM: Hmm? Oh, to the gold mines. It's time that Vorus accounted for himself.

[INT. Transmat area]

(CYBERMEN bring in round black bombs and set them on a table.)
DOCTOR: What great rewards have you promised Kellman?
CYBERLEADER: The matter is of no interest to you.
DOCTOR: Everything's of interest to me, and Cybermen possess nothing that a human might want.
CYBERLEADER: You are incorrect.
DOCTOR: Then what is it? You've no home planet, no influence, nothing. You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship.
CYBERLEADER: You speak unwisely. We are destined to be rulers of all the cosmos.
DOCTOR: No, I don't think so, somehow. You tried that once, and you were nearly wiped out.
CYBERLEADER: Because of Voga and its gold. If humans had not had the resources of Voga, the Cyber-War would have ended in glorious triumph.
DOCTOR: It was a glorious triumph, for human ingenuity. They discovered your weakness and invented the glitter gun, and that was the end of Cybermen except as gold-plated souvenirs that people use as hat stands.
LESTER: Watch it, Doctor. I think you've riled him.
CYBERLEADER: That is why Voga must be destroyed before we begin our second campaign.
DOCTOR: Oh, there's to be a second campaign, is there?
CYBERLEADER: We have enough parts in our ship to build an entirely new Cyber Army, and this time, Doctor, it will be invincible. Cybermen function (placing one hand either side of the DOCTOR's throat) more efficiently than animal organisms. That is why we will rule the galaxy.
DOCTOR: Loose thinking. The trouble with Cybermen is they've got hydraulic muscles, and, of course, hydraulic brains to go with them.
(The CYBERLEADER hurls the DOCTOR halfway across the room. This places him right next to the bombs, sitting on a table. He picks one up and backs away.)
CYBERLEADER: Put that down!
DOCTOR: Thank you. (we hear low-pitched ticking) Now, if I'm correct about what this contains and should accidentally drop it...
(He drops it but catches it at knee level. The CYBERLEADER has stepped forward.)
DOCTOR: Now, I want some information from you, Cyberleader.
(The CYBERLEADER has pressed a chest control, and in response a CYBERMAN in the docking area approaches via the perimeter walkway.)
DOCTOR: What's Kellman expecting to get out of all this?
CYBERLEADER: Kellman wants power. He will be ruler of this solar system when we have conquered it.
DOCTOR: Your puppet dictator...
(The CYBERMAN from the walkway arrives behind the Doctor.)
DOCTOR: In exchange. I wouldn't have thought his ambitions lay in that direction.
STEVENSON: Look out, Doctor.
(The CYBERMAN grabs the Doctor, and the CYBERLEADER reclaims the bomb. CYBERMEN push all three of the men down against the wall again.)
CYBERLEADER: Do not kill them.

[EXT. Mines]

(MILITIA ambush KELLMAN as he walks the mines. They have guns out.)
SHEPRAH: Another human.
KELLMAN: Take me to Vorus.
KELLMAN: Quickly, man. It's vital I see Vorus immediately.
SHEPRAH: Vorus is no longer in charge here.
SHEPRAH: Take him away.
KELLMAN: No, no, you don't understand. I must see Vorus! You're in danger, all of you!

[INT. Transmat area]

(Each of the three men has a bomb strapped onto his back.)
CYBERLEADER: Cyberbombs, the most compact and powerful explosive devices ever invented.
DOCTOR: Yes, and their use was banned by the Armageddon Convention.
CYBERLEADER: Cybermen do not subscribe to any theory of morality in war, Doctor. Our calculations indicate that two bombs placed in the central fissure of Voga will fragmentise the planet.
DOCTOR: Fragmentise? Oh well, I suppose we can't expect decent English from a machine.
CYBERLEADER: Prime the buckles. Two bombs should be sufficient. Three will make certain.
STEVENSON: Now what have they done?
CYBERLEADER: The buckles are now primed. Any attempt to remove the harness before the countdown reaches the red zone will cause a secondary explosion. Do you understand?
LESTER: You mean if we attempt to release the harness before then, we'll get blown up.
CYBERLEADER: Correct. It is as well to keep that thought in your minds.
DOCTOR: And when we reach the centre of Voga, we'll be fragmentised, as you put it.
CYBERLEADER: Incorrect. You will have fourteen minutes, the time period of the red zone, to reach your surface and save yourselves by the transmat beam.
STEVENSON: That is not long enough.
CYBERLEADER: Fourteen minutes is considered adequate.
DOCTOR: Anything else before we go?
CYBERLEADER: Yes, Doctor. Your progress will be followed by radar. Any attempt to deviate from the planned course will be immediately detected and the bombs exploded by means of these manual controls.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
CYBERLEADER: Countdown has commenced. You, Doctor, will leave first.
(He is pushed toward the transmat pads.)
DOCTOR: Careful, careful. I might explode.
(A CYBERMAN, bulky manual control in hand, steps onto one pad and the DOCTOR a second. The DOCTOR has his yo-yo out. The CYBERLEADER activates the transmat.)

[EXT. Mines]

(The two who have beamed down step out of the reception circle. Then, the other two men arrive, with another CYBERMAN. The CYBERMEN are shot at by MILITIA.)
DOCTOR: Someone's trying to attract your attention. Come on; let's get out of here!
(Two VOGANS are head-gunned down with a cry. The CYBERMEN follow another. More arrive. It will not be a fair fight.)

[EXT. Main mine shaft]

(The three men are moving through the tunnels without guard.)
DOCTOR: If only they knew about the use of gold.
STEVENSON: You mean as a weapon?
DOCTOR: Yes. It's the only thing that's effective against Cybermen.
LESTER: Do you believe all this guff about giving us time to escape?
DOCTOR: Not a word of it. Once we've reached the explosive zone, we'll have outlived our usefulness.
LESTER: So what do we do now?
DOCTOR: Keep moving. Give their radar scope something to follow.

[INT. Control room]

CYBERMAN: Our warriors report all initial opposition has been crushed.
CYBERLEADER: Excellent. They are now one hundred metres below the surface.
CYBERMAN: Kellman has not returned.
CYBERLEADER: He is of no importance now. His part in our operation is at an end.

[EXT. Mines]

TYRAM: What's your connection with Vorus?
KELLMAN: We were working together. We wanted to lure the Cybermen into a trap.
TYRAM: What trap?
KELLMAN: We're wasting time. The Cybermen are planning to blow Voga apart.
TYRAM: What trap!
KELLMAN: The beacon, of course. Vorus has a rocket aimed at the beacon.
SARAH: What? Harry, we've got to warn the Doctor!
(A trolley arrives.)
SHEPRAH: Councillor, the Cybermen are here!
TYRAM: What?
SHEPRAH: They've landed on the first level. We've suffered heavy casualties and need reinforcements.
TYRAM: How many Cybermen are there?
SHEPRAH: Two, at least. Our weapons have no effect on them.
KELLMAN: You'll never stop them that way. Vorus's rocket is your only chance. That beacon has to be blasted out of the sky.
TYRAM: Sheprah, we must attack the Cybermen with every weapon we have.
SHEPRAH: Very well. (He leaves.)
TYRAM: The rest of you, come with me. We must speak to Vorus.
(MILITIA fire at the CYBERMEN from the gallery above this time, with the same effect as before.)

[EXT. Main mine shaft]

LESTER: Why don't we just wait here?
DOCTOR: I think my idea's better.
LESTER: What is your idea?
DOCTOR: I don't know yet. That's the trouble with ideas. They only come a bit at a time.

[EXT. Outside guild room]

(GUARDIANS shoot at the approaching TYRAM and humans. They duck down behind some large stalagmites.)
TYRAM: Do you not recognise Tyram, Chief Councillor of Voga? Stand aside!
KELLMAN: We've got to see Vorus.
(The response is gunshots from GUARDIANS.)
TYRAM: Stand aside, I say.
HARRY: Sarah, can you try and reach the transmat?
SARAH: And warn the Doctor. Right.
HARRY: I'll see if I can do something about this lot.
SARAH: Take care.
HARRY: And you.
(She runs back. Inside the room, VORUS looks at his rocket on the monitor. He hears the shots and leaves the room.)
TYRAM: Vorus, call off your guards!
VORUS: Enough. You should know better, Tyram, than to try to use force.
TYRAM: Our planet is being attacked, Vorus. At this hour, Vogans should fight together, not against each other.
KELLMAN: Vorus, is the rocket ready to fire?
VORUS: The bomb head is being fitted now.
KELLMAN: Too late. The Cybermen have already landed.
VORUS: What! Have you betrayed us?
KELLMAN: I tried to warn you. Once they were on the beacon, I couldn't delay them any further.
TYRAM: What's this rocket that you speak of, Vorus?
VORUS: Very well, I'll show you.
KELLMAN: Where's the girl?
HARRY: She's gone to warn the Doctor, of course. If people are going to start firing missiles at him, what do they expect?
KELLMAN: If that girl reaches the beacon and starts blabbing about the rocket, the Cybermen will explode their bombs.

[EXT. Mines]

(SARAH witnesses some of the exchange of fire between MILITIA and CYBERMEN. Reaching the river via a side tunnel, she uses one of the skiffs to make her way across.
We see the CYBERMEN's manual control unit indicators approach the red zone.
We return to SARAH, who reaches the other side, steps out of the skiff, and enters the transmat area. She operates the controls on one of the spheres and disappears.)

[INT. Control room]

CYBERMAN: Average progression rate is fifty metres per minute.
(SARAH arrives in the transmat chamber.)
CYBERLEADER [OC]: They will be in the central chamber of Voga in seventeen minutes.
CYBERMAN: Distortion on our radar scope is increasing. The three humans who are carrying our bombs can no longer be identified by separate signals.
CYBERLEADER: That is of no importance now. Even the Doctor believes they will be given time to escape before our bombs explode. They do not know the detonators will fire when the countdown enters the red zone.
(We see that a worried SARAH is listening from the other side of the partition.)

[INT. Guild room]

VORUS: (showing off the rocket on the monitor) Magrik and his team have been working on it for two years, and now we've lost the race by minutes.
KELLMAN: There might still be a chance if that rocket can be fired before the Cyberbombs are in position.
VORUS: Magrik reports a delay in fitting the bomb head. No, we've lost our gamble, Kellman.
TYRAM: (gesturing with his walking stick) You're insane, Vorus. You've brought about the destruction of our race.
VORUS: I wanted to bring them freedom, Tyram. Freedom from fear, freedom to live as Vogans should - on the surface, not cowering like worms in the earth.
TYRAM: And this great plan was conceived in the company of such as he (referring to Kellman) - a double agent, a despicable traitor, a murderer of his own kind, a man whose only loyalty is to himself and the gold he hopes to win?
VORUS: The plan would have worked. I just needed more time.
HARRY: Look, all this recrimination's pretty pointless, isn't it? What we've got to do is get down into that central shaft and stop the bombs being planted.
KELLMAN: The Cybermen hold the entrance. There's no way past them.
HARRY: I should think there's another way down, wouldn't you, Kellman?
KELLMAN: Only the central shaft runs that deep, and the galleries don't connect with it.
TYRAM: Wait. When it was widened, a cross shaft was bored to provide ventilation. I've seen it in our records.
HARRY: Well, let's go and take a look.

[EXT. Main mine shaft]

(The bomb-bearers make their way down the slippery rocks.)
DOCTOR: Steady.
STEVENSON: I'm getting a bit old for this sort of thing.
DOCTOR: We'll rest for a moment.
LESTER: Had any more bits of that idea, Doctor?
DOCTOR: The deeper we go, the heavier the concentration of gold. Before long, it must start affecting their radar picture.
LESTER: Then what?
DOCTOR: Well, it's an outside chance, but if we can get back without being detected and take the Cybermen from behind... All right now, Commander?
STEVENSON: Yes, I think so.
DOCTOR: Let's go.

[EXT. Cross shaft]

TYRAM: It runs for about fifty metres, and the rock's friable. It'll be very dangerous after all these years.
HARRY: Well, in that case, we'll send our expert on ahead. In you go, Kellman.

[EXT. Main mine shaft]

(The indicators of the manual control units approach the red zone as the CYBERMEN continue to kill MILITIA. One rolls step by step down toward the river.
Meanwhile, the DOCTOR and company have been forced to start crawling along.)

STEVENSON: I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm a bit whacked.
DOCTOR: Sit down a moment. Actually, I think we're very near the centre now. This is pretty well solid gold.
LESTER: I wonder if these buckles really would explode.
STEVENSON: I shouldn't put it to the test. They'll explode, all right.

[EXT. Cross shaft]

KELLMAN: It's blocked.
HARRY: Let's see it.
KELLMAN: It's no use. We'll have to turn back.
HARRY: They're giving a bit.

[EXT. Main main shaft]

(The DOCTOR starts to climb a shaft, without the others following. A bunch of rocks at the top give way.)
DOCTOR: Look out! Get back!

[EXT. Cross shaft]

DOCTOR: Look out!
(Rocks pour down. They pummel KELLMAN, while the DOCTOR falls to the level of the others. HARRY checks KELLMAN over and closes the exographer's eyes. He then heads into the central shaft.)

[EXT. Central shaft]

(HARRY comes upon the DOCTOR, who is unconscious.)
HARRY: Doctor? Just a bump on the noggin, Doctor. Nothing to worry about. Now let's get you out of this thing.
(HARRY begins to unbuckle the harness attaching the bomb to the DOCTOR.)

The above notes, transcription, etc. by Anna Shefl

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