General crap is here
You can also page through the history of TCrBF media appearances etc. from earlier years
Now that the dust and stomach has settled a bit,
it's time to take stock.
And what a stock we had this year -
the strange thirsty masses who make this possible outdid themselves,
to bring the biggest and baddest set of Craps yet. Thanks, all yous!
Each donation, from the bottom to the very bottom, was Special,
but some clear winners losers soon started to emerge.
One definite killer was OJ (specifically, O.J. Strong 16%).
There were plenty of Mocnes, a couple of Vahvas, some Stipruses,
and a 'strong blond' (even stronger than I am!),
but not much is stronger than blue steel:
We were sure we had found the Crap of Craps.
But then...
Haka Peach soon took pride of pain.
Some of the other contestants:
We lift our glasses to you, and we thank you again for raising
up yours! :)
<- Even triple-bagging it!
Cheers! Until next year/beer!
Although we had plenty of tipples on offer,
thanks partly to surprises delivered to us at showtime...
There were some clearly exceptional excretions.
While Saku's special releases yielded comments such as
“Hyi saatana” and “Worst beer that comes in a fancy package”, drink in particular stood out as special:
That loser earned itself Worst Prize of 2023.
Its stench alone will live on in history.
But even the people who missed it found something memorable.
Mission accomplished: |
We stepped back into place this year:
We aligned ourselves with the cultured cattle,
and this is how we appeared...
through a pair of cheap
plastic-tinted glasses.
A few of the beers posed for mug shots to be posted on some Web site -
Uncrappd or something like that.
Hey, you, on the right! No glass glasses allowed!
The line-up ranged from some real sweeties ... to the roughest of criminals
And then the heavies stepped in,
reminding us who's boss:
As always, the most important thing was this: |
The spring(ish) weather saw our TCrBF trainers
on hand
to lead hands-on training in the obvious field.
Some of them drawn in by the Health and Safety officer's announcement
and others rolling in along the red carpet,
soon the trainees began to arrive:
And here are some of the drainees (with Lithuania Leading the way)...
(Yes, everything was drained)
Training of this sort clearly required limbering up one's muscles,
so there was plenty of weight-lifting equipment available.
Some eager learners were soon ready to try with both hands
'Please, sir, may I have some more?'
'Dark beers matter too!'
'Anyone need brewing lessons?'
There was time for a few classics too,
thanks to this Q&A question: 'Why?!'
Is that green? ...Yes, it's green.
While a Crap time was had by all,
there is a clear need for refresher refreshment training -
after all, the slideshow was very clear about avoiding spills!
Any opinions expressed on this page are opinions. And any resemblance to real facts or events is purely coincidental.