Doctor Who and Related Transcripts

Torchwood transcripts - series 2

Episode 5: Adam

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Episode transcribed by beccaelizabeth (e-mail address beccaelizabeth @ ) of the Torchwood Transcripts LiveJournal community as follows.
Transcript hosted at (link valid on 11 March 2010).

Right! Disclaimer time: We all know this belongs to the BBC, the very nice people who make pretty guys kiss for us. I pay my licence fee but that don't mean I own any of it. So clearly I'm pretty much hoping they don't mind. But it's not like anyone will be reading these things and not watching, right? Everyone can go watch on the website. But we'll be buying the DVDs and everything. Yes? Yes.

(stage directions)
NAME: of who is saying this bit here
'this is when they're on comms' (or being telepaths, or possibly thinking, not seen to talk)
stuff I added that wasn't in the subtitles
stuff on subtitles but I didn't hear it
*action* like in chat, or a *sound effect*.
between // and // they're talking over each other, same time.

If that all looks a bit complicated please to be coming up with something simpler.

Torchwood 2-05 Adam

opening credits

JACK: (voiceover)

Outside the Government, beyond the police.
Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race.
The 21st century is when everything changes...
And Torchwood is ready.

(Interesting new images in the montage – who is this new ginger bloke?)

INT DAY Gwen's bedroom
(Rhys is in bed, probably naked though thankfully under the duvet. Gwen is dressed apart from one shoe. She's standing, partly on the bed, and wrestling Rhys for it.)

GWEN: (giggling)
RHYS: Come on let's...!
GWEN: No, I can't, I'm late as it is. (He topples her into bed.) Argh! (they laugh) Rhys!
RHYS: You're itching to get back to work, aren't you?
GWEN: (Pause of grinning and looking away.)
RHYS: Oh, I'll take that as a 'yes', then.
GWEN: Having you to come home to, that's the best bit. Aw...
RHYS: (vomiting noise. they laugh together.)

INT Hub Desk area
(Owen is wearing glasses, and a grey cardigan, buttoned up neatly. Jack comes in with a large box with Torchwood stencil.)
JACK: Unlabeled Class D artefacts. Tosh, I need you to run a full check.
TOSH: Sure.
JACK: Owen, you can help.
OWEN: Happy to.
JACK: Adam, I know how much you love audits. It's gotta be done. If you could...
ADAM: Go through the reports, find out when they came through the rift.
JACK: OK with that?
ADAM: I have been for the last three years.
JACK: You're late.
GWEN: Yes, Paris was lovely, thank you! (Sees Adam, sat in a chair like one of the team. Looks around at others.) Who the hell is this? (Others look confused at her confusion. Owen stares over the top of his glasses.)
ADAM: Just cause that's what I said to you on your first day... remember?
(He puts his hand on her shoulder, and suddenly we have sepia toned flashback. Sequence of incidental moments in Torchwood, messing around, basketball, coffee pouring with a weird freeze and woosh effect)
GWEN: '...A nice strong coffee...'
(Flashback ends and her attitude switches.)
GWEN: Sorry, couldn't resist. Come here, you! Good to see you. Hey, Tosh, you're looking good.
(Close up on Adam, smile falling off and kind of sneering.)

Opening credits with their names on

INT Hub Desks
(Starts with computer screen – Adam's picture. Blank name field, 'Adam Smith'. DOB blank until he fills in 16/11/82. Recruited is also blank – he fills it in 07/05/05-0000. The 05 supports the three years if this year on Torchwood is 08, working best if it's after May.)

TOSH: Adam, what are you doing with your personnel file?
ADAM: Nothing, just finished updating details of rift activity.
TOSH: Any idea when this came through? It's got a low meson energy reading.
ADAM: No, I'll keep looking.
(Hand on her neck and sepia flashback again. Adam looking at Tosh, Tosh looking at Adam. Smiles and eyes. Kissing And then the weird whoosh and freeze effect as the two stand together.)
ADAM: A year ago today.
TOSH: Our first kiss.
ADAM: You remembered.
(Adam and Tosh kiss. Is creepy. Owen comes out of his autopsy area and makes a bit of a clatter.)
TOSH: You OK, Owen?
OWEN: Er, yes, yes, yes, don't worry about me. No, no, it's just, er... kissing in work... I wasn't expecting it. (He goes away again. And we the audience are somewhat baffled, because the vast majority of the kissing in work we've seen featured Owen.)
ADAM: We'll celebrate tonight.
(More kissing. Does anyone else want to throttle this guy already? And again the smile falls off when no one is looking.)

INT Hub, Cells
(Jack walks in, heads for the opposite door)
(Weevil growls)
JACK: Save it.
(Walks past next cell... and there's a small boy inside, with his own musical theme. Jack stops in shock. We see again that whited out flashback from 2-01, the hands slipping apart.)
GWEN: Jack?
(He looks at her, then back in the cell. Boy is gone.)
JACK: Yeah, fine. (He turns to look again.)
GWEN: (She slaps him, quite possibly on the butt.) Did you miss me?
JACK: Were you gone? (He chases her out, probably attempting tickle. Then he turns and stares back along the cells. Er, why was he down there anyway?)

INT Hub desks
(Tosh walks in. Gwen and Ianto are on the sofa reading stuff and comparing it to odd metal things.)

TOSH: Just doing a quick check. We had rift activity two days ago, but nothing seems to have come through.
OWEN: (strange voice) Apart from me! (A small furry toy animal is waggled around on the corner of a screen. It's possibly the most pathetic looking toy rat ever. It also squeaks.)
TOSH: What's that?
OWEN: It's a screen-cleaner. I thought you might like it, um... Do you... do you like it?
TOSH: Just what I need. A small rodent looking at me while I work. (Walks on, then turns back to deliver zinger.) Think I'll call it Owen.
OWEN: (Walks off, folder clutched to chest in one hand, and *sighs*)
GWEN: He's like a little puppy, bringing her sticks. When's he gonna realise he's got no chance?
IANTO: Love's blind, apparently. He's idolised her for years now.
ADAM: Oh, leave him alone. I think it's sweet. He's happy.

EXT NIGHT, Cardiff from above

INT NIGHT Gwen's flat
(Gwen walks in, finds the lights already on. Looks a bit puzzled, heads for the kitchen counter. Doesn't see Rhys in his bathrobe come in behind her.)

RHYS: E-e-ey! (grabs her)
GWEN: (screams, twists out his grip and backs away into the kitchen)
RHYS: Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.
GWEN: How did you get in?
RHYS: With a key!
GWEN: (pulls a big kitchen knife from the drying rack, brandishes it at Rhys)
RHYS: This isn't funny.
GWEN: Stay back, all right? Stay back!
RHYS: Gwen, what's going on?
GWEN: How do you know my name? Eh? (Pulls her gun from her bag, puts the knife down and aims at Rhys) I know how to use this. Now Who are you? And What do you want?
RHYS: You know who I am...
GWEN: Fine, if you won't tell me fine. You stay there. Don't you move. (Gets out phone and speed dials) Jack... Yeah, someone's broken into my flat. He had a key. He knows my name.
RHYS: It's Because I live here with you!
GWEN: Shut it! Shut it! Yeah Can you hurry, Jack? He's a nutter. (Puts phone down, aims two handed at Rhys.) You have picked the wrong girl to stalk, mate.

EXT NIGHT a street
(SUV is parked on a corner with the blue lights flashing. Jack gets out and runs across street with gun drawn and pointed in the air. Adam follows him. There follows a slightly hilarious sequence where their charging to the rescue is interrupted by her having to buzz them in. I mean, is that normal operating procedure? Do they chase aliens down alleys and then find they've gone off home to some flat and have to use the trade entrance button or buzz around the neighbours until someone opens the door? Practical!)

(*door buzzer*)
RHYS: Gwen?
GWEN: Stay there! (she backs off, keeping the gun on Rhys as she heads for the door phone)
(*door buzzer*)
GWEN: Jack?
JACK: Gwen, it's us!

INT NIGHT Gwen's flat
(Okay the Rhys and Gwen parts were in here anyway, but now Jack and Adam arrive, guns aimed and all heroic scary. And then rather puzzled...)

GWEN: In here, Jack!
JACK: What's going on?
GWEN: You tell me. Look, he's put photos of us up. He must have done it while I was at work. He's deluded! He keeps saying he's my boyfriend.
JACK: He is. It's Rhys.
GWEN: I've never seen him before in my life!
JACK: You've been with him for years.
RHYS: See!
JACK: Give me the gun, Gwen.
GWEN: No! He... he grabbed me, Jack. Who knows what he was going to do?
RHYS: How can you say that?! What have you done to her?
JACK: Nothing.
RHYS: Oh, come on, I know what kind of sick games you play. Pills that make you forget... Is that what this is, yeah? Are you phasing me out so you can have her all to yourself? (Rhys, proving he has no sense of self preservation, moves in to shove Jack around... while two other people point guns at him. No, hang on, Adam isn't aiming any more, there's just Gwen... so it's more than he's acting as if threat from Gwen isn't real. Huh.)
GWEN: Stay away from him.
RHYS: We're engaged! I bought you the bloody ring you're wearing!
GWEN: (stops and stares. Jack nods. She brings her left hand up from where it's been supporting her gun and looks at her finger. Big shock. Goes back to gun grip.)
ADAM: Why don't you come with me to the Hub.
RHYS: Who the hell are you?
JACK: He's one of us.
ADAM: We can check you. Jack will stay and take care of things.
GWEN: (Lowers her gun, looks dazed, goes off with Adam. Turns to say) Don't let him go. If he comes after me again, I'll kill him.(Then leaves.)
(Moment of Adam alone in the hall, looking pensive.)
JACK: (To Rhys) Trust me, I didn't do this. But whatever's happened... we'll put it right.
(Rhys nods)

INT Hub, autopsy area

OWEN: Right, well, no signs of long-term damage, as far as I can see. Or alien intervention. But, I must be missing something. I'm sorry, but it's a mystery to me why you can't remember Rhys.

INT Gwen's flat
(Jack sets up a camera, half the scene is seen through the camera screen, or then from the Hub showing it on the computer there.)

RHYS: Is this really necessary?
JACK: She needs to remember.
RHYS: (*sighs*)
JACK: Where did you meet?
RHYS: Er, college. Fancied her from the moment I saw her. Er, Not just her looks, you know, I mean, I mean she is a looker, er...
JACK: 'Tell me about your first kiss.'
RHYS: 'Erm, in the supermarket. I was going to make her spag bol... and then I realised, didn't I? Bloody garlic. Can't kiss a girl with garlic breath. So um... We were in the queue //and er...'
ADAM: Do you remember that?
GWEN: Sort of. It's like I'm...
RHYS: 'I said, I wanted to do something else. // Something without garlic. (Maybe, he's background noise while she talks mostly.) '
GWEN: I'm seeing what he's saying, but... //
RHYS: 'So she gets pissed off.'
GWEN: I don't remember how I felt.
RHYS: 'Because the queues are so long.' (again, best guess, background noise)
ADAM: Believe me when I tell you that that is your fiancé.
RHYS: '...and I kick off...'
ADAM: Your memory's just playing tricks on you, that's all. //Okay.
RHYS: '...and I end up shouting out why I'm changing the recipe.' She starts to laugh. 'She calls me Rhys the Rant and then she kissed me, right there in the queue.' And I thought then, Jack, I thought, 'I'm going to marry this bloody mad woman, even if it kills me.'

INT Hub, Meeting room
(Owen is running the new box through that pretty little round scanner.)

TOSH: Worked out what that thing is yet?
OWEN: No joy yet. But you should have a look at the detail, Tosh. It's gorgeous. Oh, let me get that.
TOSH: Have you managed to open it yet?
OWEN: Er, no, sorry. I'm not doing very well, am I?
TOSH: It's gonna be a long night.
OWEN: Yes, which is why I brought... some sandwiches! One for you... And one for me. Smoked salmon, that is your favourite, isn't it?
TOSH: How d'you know that? I'm gonna need a beer.
OWEN: What, while we're working?! Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, right, relax, kick back, it's a good idea. Er, not for me though, thanks!

INT Gwen's flat
(Ianto comes in, brings Gwen back. Jack goes to leave but Gwen grabs him on the way past.)

GWEN: Don't leave me, Jack.
JACK: You'll be OK.

(Lets go of her, leaves. Ianto winks and gives a thumbs up before following. Gwen looks nervous. Rhys gives her the puppy eyes. He's quite good at it.)

EXT NIGHT that same street corner opposite Gwen's

JACK: What was that all about?
IANTO: Temporary amnesia. Owen's checking possible causes. Oh... (Throws SUV keys.)
JACK: (Catches keys, bleeps the alarm... then sees the same weird little kid next to the lamp across the street. Gets more of his theme tune out this time.)
IANTO: Weevil sighting by the sewer in Rockall Street. Jack? Jack!
JACK: Can you see him?
JACK: (Turns, sees empty street.) I'll drop you off and check out the sighting. (Both climb in.)
IANTO: I could come with you. It's been a while since we went hunting together.
JACK: I'll be fine on my own.

INT Hub, Meeting room
(Tosh has even more buttons unbuttoned than when she was looking sexy and good earlier. And it's a lot more noticeable. She brings in two beers and perches on the table. The framing means either her cleavage or her crossed legs and short skirt are in view at all times.)

TOSH: Go on. Live a little.
OWEN: Well, as it's you. (Accepts the beer like it's unusual. We're really through the looking glass.) Thank you.
TOSH: Call it a celebration.
OWEN: Oh, yes?
TOSH: Adam and I have been together for one year today.
OWEN: Right, right.
TOSH: A whole year. My stomach still flips when he touches me. I've never known anything like it. The two of us, we just fit. D'you know what I mean?
OWEN: Erm, not sure I do, no.
TOSH: Don't worry. You'll meet the right girl one day.
OWEN: Yeah. Tosh... Erm... Erm... D'you really think I look like a rodent?
TOSH: (*laughs*) Come on, we're going to crack this box even if it kills us.

INT Sewers, random corridors
(Jack climbing down ladders that are in no way in the hub and wandering around corridors that are likewise drippy and full of pipes and not at all on their set.)

JACK: Come out, come out, wherever you are. Giving me the runaround, huh? You picked the wrong day, my friend.
(Torch catches oddly dressed human in beam)
FRANKLIN: Get out! Get out, son.
JACK: Dad?
(Jack does)

EXT NIGHT Construction site
(Jack clambers out the sewer hole and keeps going, in a panic.)

ADAM: Jack? Was it down there? The Weevil?
JACK: No. How did you get here?
ADAM: I came with you, Jack, remember? (Hand to shoulder)
JACK: Yeah, of course.
ADAM: Are you OK? Jack, what did you see?
JACK: My past.

INT NIGHT Gwen's flat
(Gwen and Rhys sitting on the sofa, Gwen looking at pictures.)

GWEN: If what you say is true...
RHYS: It is. We love each other.
GWEN: But how could I forget that?
RHYS: (Gets up, goes to kitchen, checks fridge.) Nothing in. I WAS going to take you out for a meal. (Pours drink) Didn't want the weekend to finish, I suppose.
(He sounds a bit broken. She looks at the photos. Big awkward gap.)

EXT NIGHT A car park I think? With basketball hoops and portacabins. Then a playground or sports field or something kid games related
(It's chucking it down with rain. Not convenient TV rain either. Rain rain rain.)
(Jack stalks away, with the away seeming more important than the to, and Adam chases after him.)

ADAM: Jack, please. Talk to me. What about the past? Is it your childhood? (Jack stops. Adam catches up with him.) I've always been here for you, Jack. From the very beginning. I'm the one you can confide in, remember? (Hand to shoulder again.)
JACK: It was meant to be buried. I buried the memory over 150 years ago. Why now? (Walks away again.)
ADAM: Well, maybe it's time. Maybe up until now, your subconscious was protecting you. But you can't block out the past forever.
JACK: (Turns and gets in his face.) I can't afford to remember.
ADAM: Jack, talk to me, please.
JACK: Why?
ADAM: I can help. Trust me.
JACK: I'm not sure I should do this.
ADAM: Just tell me what you see. I can help you. That's why I'm here. Where are you, Jack?
(Flashbacks – sand and sun and very very bright. First we see Jack standing in his familiar greatcoat staring out at the sea, then we see a kid in the same pose, but dressed in bleached sandy tones that aren't contemporary clothes. Running in the sand, seeing a really nifty agglomeration of buildings, kind of like portacabins stacked together but all smoothed and sandy looking.)
JACK: Boeshane Peninsula. My home in the 51st century. We lived under the threat of invasion. (Kids running, holding hands.) They came without warning. We thought they'd pass over us, like they always did. (Kid!Jack hides under tree roots.) But they didn't. Not that day.
ADAM: Who?
JACK: The most horrible creatures you could(n't) possibly imagine. (Many people on a beach running, including the kid and dad he's been seeing repeatedly.) Their howls travelled before them.
FRANKLIN: Run! Take Gray. Keep him safe!
JACK: Take Gray.
ADAM: Gray?
JACK: My little brother.
Kid!JACK: No, no, Dad. Come with us.
FRANKLIN: No, I've got to go get your mother. Run!
JACK: One minute, I was holding his hand. (Running, Gray falling, kid!Jack hiding) I don't know when he let go.
KID!JACK: Gray? Gray? Gray! Gray, where are you? Gray!
JACK: One minute, his hand was in mine, I don't know when he let go. I don't think I noticed, I thought he was there, just behind me.
JACK: I retraced my steps, hoping that I'd see him again.
ADAM: Did you find him?
JACK: I ran all the way home.
KID!JACK: Gray! Where are you? Gray! (Running along beach to Boeshane buildings.)
ADAM: Jack, what did you find?
KID!JACK: (Finds his dad lying in front of a curved sandstone building. Dead, bleeding.) Dad? No! Can someone help? Please!
JACK: I searched for Gray for years. I never found the body.
ADAM: It wasn't your fault.
JACK: I let go of his hand! It was the worst day of my life. It's the last thing I want to remember.

INT Hub Meeting room
(Ianto lounges against a pillar while Owen and Tosh work.)

TOSH: So, according to the molecular breakdown, this potentially alien complex artefact is, in fact, made out of wood.
OWEN: Well, perhaps it fell in the crate by mistake. Picked up meson energy from the other stuff.
TOSH: Yeah, right!
OWEN: Oh, yes, sorry, it's a stupid idea.
IANTO: I think Jack brought it in.
TOSH: No, I'm sure Adam found it on an excavation a few months back.
IANTO: I'll have a look in the diary. I like to log the interesting stuff.
TOSH: You write about artefacts in your diary?
IANTO: Among other things. (*winks*, leaves)
OWEN: So, we are done for the night.
TOSH: I guess.
OWEN: Everything all right?
TOSH: Yeah, just, Adam hasn't rung yet.
OWEN: Ah. Sure he will. I know I would, if it was our anniversary. I wouldn't disappear. In fact, I would... cherish you.
TOSH: Ah, Owen!
OWEN: Yeah, no, no, really, really, I would. In fact, I wouldn't let you out of my sight, Tosh... because I love you.
TOSH: What?
OWEN: Yeah, there we are. I've said it. I... I love you. Yes, I always have, actually, ever since we started working together, and in fact, I actually ache for you, physically. When you're in the room, I when you're in the room I just want to reach out and touch you and...
TOSH: Owen!
OWEN: No, no, no, you know, I can't keep this secret any more! My mum said to me, 'Seize the day', and so I am seizing it, and you know I've got so much love to give you, Tosh, and and you know, you won't know that unless I tell you. So here I am, telling you that I love you. You know I know there's Adam, OK, but you know, I think... In fact, I know that we would be amazing together, erm... if you would only just give it a chance. (Pause. Tosh won't look at him. Puts hand on hip, scowls.) Oh, God. Say something.
TOSH: That is completely inappropriate.
OWEN: Pardon?
TOSH: What are you thinking of?
OWEN: I'm sorry, I //just wanted you to know.
TOSH: How dare you!// I'm with Adam. And even if I wasn't... you're not my type. Never will be. (Stalks out. Door closes.)

INT NIGHT Supermarket

GWEN: Maybe I should be on my own tonight.
RHYS: No way. What if you forget who you are?
GWEN: I know who I am.
RHYS: It's not just you who's lost something.
(at the checkout, mobile phone rings)
GWEN: But you remember.
RHYS: All you know about me. //You're my girl, my best friend.
CASHIER: (On phone) Hey, all right? What's happening?
RHYS: Suddenly, all that's gone.//
CASHIER: (wanders off, completely ignoring Rhys waiting.) A stormer of a night!// What about her, mate?
RHYS: Where's he going now? He just walked off! He knows I'm waiting. Oh, fine. I'll help myself, then! Here you are. (flings some cash at the desk.) Keep the change. Buy some spot cream! I'm not coming here again. It's overpriced. There's a £1.50 charge on the cash machine. It's a bloody disgrace.
GWEN: (*laughs*)
RHYS: Honestly. Kids these days. Don't know the meaning of hard work. What?
GWEN: Rhys? Rhys the Rant! Always when you're in a queue, or driving, or when you're on the phone to one of those automated phone thingies...
RHYS: Hey, it's OK. It's OK.
GWEN: (*cries*)
RHYS: (takes Gwen's hand, grabs shopping bags) Come on, sweetheart.

INT Hub... is it night when the lights are out? Anyway, Hub sofa under the Torchwood sign, only blue lights on
(Ianto sits alone on the sofa. He reads his diary, which is an actual book made of paper with a lock on it. He's flipping through backwards getting more and more wound up. He leans forwards and puts the book down, does thinky prayer hands, then leans back. Reveal Adam, now sitting on the other end of the sofa without setting the door alarms off to get in.)

ADAM: What's wrong?
(Ianto startles, jumps off the sofa.)
IANTO: My diary. -(Adam picks it up.)- You're not in it. Everyone else is. (Adam gets up and walks forwards, as Ianto backs up across the Hub.) Why would I leave you out when you've been here so long? Like I'm remembering a man who doesn't exist. (Adam drops the diary. His hand flickers in and out of existence.) What are you?
ADAM: (Grabs Ianto, shoves him up against the pillar that becomes the fountain.) Cross me, and I will fill you full of fake memories until your head is on fire, because that's how I exist.
IANTO: (Shoves Adam away.) Gwen. What did you do to her?
ADAM: Memory is a very delicate thing. Feeding myself in wiped other memories out. It's a side-effect of what I have to do in order to survive.
IANTO: Jack has to know.
ADAM: (Grabs Ianto, shoves him against wall, puts hand on forehead. Ianto starts to shake and choke, like a seizure.) Remember this.
(Flashback, freeze and circle effect, Ianto in the rain choking a woman. Then throwing her down on a mattress against an alley wall.)
ADAM: I know you didn't mean to kill her. You just couldn't stop yourself. Remember this.
(Ianto and a struggling woman in an alley... Adam with his hand on Ianto's forehead again. Ianto slumps to the floor, while the memory of struggle distorts.)
IANTO: I didn't do that.
ADAM: (Apparently in a rainy alley himself now.) Oh, yes, you did, and she wasn't the first.
(Woman tries to run, reaches a dead end, crashes into it. Terrified, backs up against it, rain pouring and Ianto advancing on her.)
WOMAN: Please don't hurt me!
ADAM: 'Good old Ianto, loyal Ianto. Roaming the streets at night for bait.'
(Silhouette, woman walking away, Ianto clenching and unclenching his fist as he stalks her.)
IANTO: My. . .diary!
ADAM: (dragging Ianto down that alley, throws the diary away.) All human record is a lie. You twist it into what you want to believe. (distorted images, then Ianto back in the Hub, on the floor, crawling on his back away from Adam.) But we know the rot in your heart. You crave flesh.
IANTO: No. Please.
ADAM: (Grabs Ianto in the Hub, then they're in the Alley, face to face and Adam's hands pressing into Ianto's head as he shakes and tries to scream.) Remember it.
IANTO: Aaargh!
(Ianto grabs a woman and chokes her and his scream becomes hers. Parallel images, victim and violator.)
ADAM: Remember it. (Adam in front, looking right into camera, shadows behind, woman being hit.) Remember it! Remember it! (Distorted visual of Ianto and woman.) Remember it!
IANTO: (in the Hub, screaming) Aaargh!
ADAM: (With Ianto carrying a cloth wrapped form. They dump it in a bin. Then Adam with his hand on Ianto's shoulder.) I helped you dump the bodies. It's me you call. (Back in the Hub, Adam pins and kisses Ianto, holding his neck like the women in the visions were choked. He pulls him in in a parody of an embrace, tucks him under his chin.) You know, I forgot what a rush it is, feeding in the bad stuff. (He lets go and walks away.)

(Ianto in the Hub? in the alley? same position, looking around, he's too muddled to know which. Then Ianto in the rain in the alley with the dead woman. He sees her, then presses a fist to his mouth, curls up and sobs, screaming, absolutely wrecked.)
(This sequence is really disturbing. Mind rape, sexual assault, persuading Ianto it's his fault even as these things are done to him, trying to get Ianto to trust his abuser... I'm feeling rather sick now. Nasty and dark.)

EXT NIGHT A rooftop
(Jack is doing his broody thing, standing on a high place looking out. Rather uselessly considering what we just cut from. He's not seeing the here and now at all, he's staring off into flashback land)

EXT DAY Sand and steel - Boeshane
(A figure runs in, a woman... She cries over the body.)
JACK'S MOM: Franklin? Franklin, wake up. Please!
JACK'S MOM: (Hugs kid!Jack) Where's Gray? Where's Gray? Where is he, son? Where is he?
KID!JACK: We were running so fast. One moment, his hand was in mine...
JACK'S MOM: No, not my little boy! Not my little boy!
JACK: (Standing behind himself in the vision.) Why now? (In the dark back in Cardiff.) Why now?

INT NIGHT Gwen's bedroom
(Gwen has a pink bathrobe and grey pyjamas. They cover everything up. She takes the robe off then climbs into bed and gets under the covers, on the far corner to Rhys.)

RHYS: Anything?
GWEN: It's still a bit of a blur, but I'm getting there.
RHYS: That's all we've got, really. Memories. That's what brought us to here. To this point.
GWEN: We found it before, we'll find it again.
RHYS: You know, I, um, I always worried that you'd... that you'd just settled for me, you know. Cos if you met me now, Gwen, with all that goes on in your life, could be that you wouldn't look twice at me.
GWEN: Don't say that.
RHYS: (kisses her) Do you remember that?
GWEN: No. It felt like the first time. But it was nice.
RHYS: (kisses her elsewhere, lower, her neck I think.)
GWEN: I like that.
RHYS: I know. (He grins.)
GWEN: Remind me some more. (She nods back at the bed, flicks her eyes that way, and they both grin as they lie down together.)

INT NIGHT Toshiko's bedroom
(Music plays – Tricky, Christiansands)
(Tosh and Adam together, stripping, snogging, groping. Really uncomfortable to watch. She pushes him down on the bed, but it's still him assaulting her. He rolls them over and pins her down, then pauses.)

TOSH: What's wrong?
ADAM: How far would you go for me? I need to know. Would you die for me?
TOSH: Yes.

INT Hub, still dark
(Jack comes in, alarms and bars around the door. He heads towards his office.)

IANTO: (Loud whisper) Jack.
(Pulls him up short. He turns, then sees.)
JACK: Ianto. Hey. What's wrong?
(Ianto is sitting in his area, by the spiral stairs, but he's slumped and looking rather out of it.)
IANTO: You'll have to put me in the vaults. Lock me up. I killed three girls. (*sniffs*) Strangled them.
JACK: Stop kidding around!
IANTO: (voice changes) I'm serious. I murdered them, in cold blood. I took their bodies, and... (*jumps*, startles and stares off into the Hub. Reacting to stuff in his head.) You have to lock me away... before I turn on you. None of you are safe.
JACK: Hey, hey, come here, come here. (*grabs*) What's happened to you? (*hugs*)
IANTO: (*whispers in his ear*) I'm a monster.

INT Hub, Jack's office
(Ianto and Jack sit opposite sides of the desk. Jack sets up a bleepy machine, with green lights on it.)

JACK: Best lie detector on the planet. If something's untrue, the light turns red. Go.
IANTO: My... hands on her throat. And it felt so good. Squeezing the life out of her. It reads as truth.
JACK: I don't believe it. OK, tell me about the second girl.
IANTO: She tried to get away... but I was too quick. Pleading... And I... I didn't care. Something in me wants to kill.
JACK: No. This is not you. (Turns machine off.) Something's changed you. You're not a murderer. (Hand to Ianto's shoulder as he walks past.) I'm certain of it. (Jack stalks out. Ianto looks noteably less certain.)

INT Hub, desks, in the dark
(Jack pulls up CCTV files of the Hub, finds Adam and Ianto.)

ADAM: 'All human record is a lie. You crave flesh. Remember this.'
IANTO: (*screams*)
(Jack types some more, pulls up other records. Maybe the computer is smart and can look for 'remember'?)
ADAM: 'A year ago today... you remembered.'
ADAM: (flashback, closer on his hand on her neck) Do you remember that?
GWEN: 'Who the hell is this?'
ADAM: 'Just cos that's what I said to you on your first day, remember.' (rewind, hands) 'Remember? Remember?' Well, I came with you, Jack, remember. Remember, remember. I can help you - that's why I'm here. 'Remember this.'
JACK: Come here, come here, just look, look. (Holds Ianto in front of the computer screen, shows him.)
ADAM: 'Remember it.'
IANTO: (*screams*)
ADAM: 'Remember it, remember it, remember it. Remember it.'

INT Hub, Autopsy area
(View from the fridge again, Jack pulls out samples.)
JACK: Where's Adam's blood sample?
IANTO: (visibly goes determined, goes to computer, check's Adam's personnel file.) Everything's in order here.
JACK: When was it last updated?
IANTO: Um... 24 hours ago.

(door alarms, lights go on, Jack and Ianto reflexively cover up what they've been doing – change the screen, move apart, Jack picks up a book... one wonders where they got the practice...)
(A gigantic floral arrangement comes in... moved aside to reveal Geek!Owen, who looks less like regular Owen every time I look. It's very odd. Specially since he's actually wearing recogniseable clothes. Just... different. Go acting.)

(Ianto moves away, Owen puts the flowers down on Tosh's desk and goes off to his room. Other people come in.)

TOSH: Stop it!
ADAM: You like it. (maybe... indistinct)
TOSH: Oh... (sniffs flowers, checks card. Owen comes over.) Owen...
OWEN: About last night, um, it was selfish of me.
TOSH: Owen, I think the world of you...
(Some pov shots and close ups through the window establish that Jack is watching very closely, and watching Adam watch them.)
OWEN: I know. I'm really sorry. I don't want to jeopardise our friendship. The most important thing is that you're happy.
TOSH: Thank you.
OWEN: Tosh... You are... you are happy with Adam, aren't you?
TOSH: Completely.
(Door again, Gwen comes in. Ianto is up on the second level, watching.)
GWEN: Hey.
TOSH: Hey, how are you today?
GWEN: Um, things are coming back slowly. Rhys thought I shouldn't come into work but...
ADAM: Hey, we'll look after you. You just have to give yourself time. Come on, group hug.
(Adam, Tosh, Gwen, and Owen group hug! Some indistinct chatter happens, and giggling. Jack stares through the window. Ianto comes down the stairs, stares at the hug, then avoids and heads for the office. Adam breaks the hug to go after him.)
ADAM: Hey Ianto, come here. You all right, mate? (Ianto dodges away from Adam's reach.) Listen, I could murder a coffee. (Sits down at 'his' desk.)
JACK: (Gun cocked and aimed to the back of Adam's head.) Talk to me, Adam. If that's even your name.
ADAM: What?
GWEN: What are you doing, Jack?
JACK: He's not who you think he is. He's been feeding himself into our memories, by touch.
TOSH: Is this some kind of sick joke?
JACK: He didn't exist until two days ago.
ADAM: Can somebody tell me what's going on, please?
OWEN: Jack, we've known him for years. He is part of the team.
JACK: No. He just made you think that.
ADAM: Come on, Jack. (reaches for him)
JACK: Ah, you don't get to me like that.
ADAM: Jack, you know me. You recruited me three years ago.
JACK: When I think of my team I see you there. But I don't feel anything for you. No pride, no warmth... You, the one who I can confide in, the one who unburied the dead.
GWEN: Jack, maybe you've just forgotten him. Like I did with Rhys, yeah?
JACK: Oh I should have spotted it then. That wasn't stress. That was him. By making us think we know him, he disturbs our real memories.
ADAM: I have no idea what you're talking about.
JACK: I'm taking him to the vaults. (Grabs and pushes, heading for the exit opposite, down to the cells.)
ADAM: Jack, this is ridiculous.
TOSH: No! (pulls gun, aims)
GWEN: //Tosh!
OWEN: Tosh//, that's not gonna help.
GWEN: //It's fine.
JACK: Toshiko,// I'm just going to lock him up.
TOSH: Let him go.
JACK: I'm not going to harm him.
TOSH: Why should I believe you?
OWEN: Tosh, Tosh, we can talk about this.
TOSH: Drop the gun, Jack.
(Ianto grabs her and they struggle. Gwen either joins in or stays back near the door, depending on which shot you look at.)
GWEN: //Shit!
TOSH: Get off me!//
JACK: This is what you've done to us. Move.
TOSH: No! Adam!!

INT Hub, Cells
(Adam slams into the door glass, stuck in a cell.)

ADAM: Don't kill me. I had to become part of your memories in order to survive. I didn't mean any harm.
JACK: You've changed us.
ADAM: For the better! You didn't remember who you were. I helped you. Look at Owen, all his cynicism gone. He's a different man now. Selfless, happier. And Toshiko, too - she's never been this confident.
JACK: How did you come here? Why us?
ADAM: All of you have such unique memories, specially you, Jack. All those extraordinary memories you hold - some hidden, some absent. Your singular mind. That's what drew me here.
JACK: Good job. It's what we do best... wipe out aliens.
ADAM: You can't shoot me. You made me live. And you always remember what you killed... (Gray's theme in the music, pensive look on Jack's face.) Don't you, Jack?

INT Hub, Meeting room

JACK: Our memories define us. Adam changed those memories... changed who we are. Now I have to help you all go back, find a memory that defines you. Rediscover who you are. If I'm wrong, he'll still be here when we've done this. (Changes screen to pretty blue visualization, magic hypnotism blue.) Let me take you back to before we all met... Feel around for anything that makes you what you are... the hidden and the forgotten. Tell me where you are.
GWEN: 'The college canteen... Rhys is sitting opposite me, telling stupid jokes.'
RHYS: 'Where do you find a tortoise with no legs? Where you left it.'
GWEN: (laughs)
OWEN: 'It's my birthday.' I'm ten. 'Mum spends the whole day screaming,' "I love you because you're my son" 'but that doesn't mean I have to like you.'
TOSH: 'Maths club,' something so reliable about maths... 'always the right answer.'
IANTO: 'Meeting Lisa,' falling in love, 'never felt so alive.'
OWEN: 'I turn 16. She packs my bags.' That is the nicest thing you've done for me in years, Mother.
GWEN: 'Kissing him in the supermarket.' The look on his face.
TOSH: 'My first flat.' I don't have a flat-warming. 'There's no-one I want to invite.'
IANTO: 'Losing Lisa.' Like the world had ended. (Jack looks at Ianto, all compassion.)
GWEN: The way he looks at me sometimes. (Jack looks at Gwen. So far he's only looked at people when they're talking out loud, I checked carefully.) 'As if he's scared of what he feels for me,' I love him. (Jack straightens up, looks forwards and down. Gwen turns to look at him.) But not in the way I love you.
JACK: (Jack looks, moves, looks like he's going to touch her but he's holding out a pill.) Take this. (Gwen takes it with her ring hand and holds it up.)
TOSH: 'Knowing there has to be more to life than this. Knowing I'm special,' waiting for someone to see it.
JACK: (Hand on her shoulder.) I saw it. (First response Jack makes that is odd *if* he hasn't heard what they're *thinking*. Hmmm.) (click of a pill on the table in front of Tosh.)
OWEN: You save one life, 100 lives but it's never enough. Who'll save me?
JACK: (Hand on Owen's shoulder.) I will. (Pill on table, then back to holding Owen.)
IANTO: 'Coming here' gave me meaning again. (Looks up at Jack) You.
JACK: (Hand in Ianto's hair, gentling him. Kiss on his forehead. Ianto has his eyes closed. Jack puts a pill on the table in front of him, then gently touches his neck. It's like the same gestures as Adam but being exactly the opposite. These are real and all an offer not taking.) You each have a short-tern amnesia pill. It'll make you forget Adam. We have to wipe out the last 48 hours from our memories, go back to who we were.
(Ianto takes his first, quickly and eagerly. Adam in his cell pants and leans on the door. Gwen takes hers, Adam leans against the door and flickers out for a moment. Tosh looks at Owen, who looks back a moment, then takes the pill and takes his glasses off. He keeps flicking glances up at Tosh. They know what's been said, they know it will be lost... but he's chosen already. Then Tosh grabs the remote and changes the hypno pattern to the cell view again.)
TOSH: I'm going to lose so much.
JACK: None of it was real.
TOSH: He loved me... and I loved him. It's no different from real memory.
JACK: (Hand on her face, gently.) He forced it on you. You have to let it go.
TOSH: (She looks at him, then down at the pill. Jack closes her hand on it. She sits down... and takes it.) Goodbye, Adam. (She puts her head down and sleeps. Gwen, woozy, starts to fall, but Jack catches her and lowers her gently. All of them now are asleep at the table, only Ianto sitting up neatly.)

INT Hub, cells
(Adam is slumped inside a cell, Jack walks up outside it.)

JACK: Just me left.
ADAM: Jack, I know what it's like not to exist. Please don't send me back there.
JACK: I have to.
ADAM: What are you gonna do?
JACK: (Holds up little pill.) This will wipe out the past two days.
ADAM: Well, you'll still keep the bad memories. Because they were always yours. But what about the good times, Jack? What about the last good memory of you and your dad?
JACK: It's lost.
ADAM: I can help you find it. I can take you back there. Before I die.
JACK: Why would you do that?
ADAM: I was in the void for so long, the colours of this world almost blinded me, Jack. It was so beautiful after the darkness and the stench of fear. You gave me that. Let me do this for you. Come on. You want this.
JACK: (Long pause... but he does want this. He closes his eyes and tilts his head back. Gasps and grins.) It's early evening...

EXT DAY Boeshane beach
(playing on the beach, possibly baseball.)

JACK: Just me and Dad.
FRANKLIN: Oh, no, you don't!
KID!JACK: (*giggles*) You're out!
FRANKLIN: Ah... You know, one day you won't want to play with your old dad any more.
KID!JACK: Never.

ADAM: (in cells) Are you there?
JACK: (with him in body...) Yeah. (but mind in Boeshane.) Me, Dad and...
GRAY: Dad! Mom //said I could// play too.
JACK: ...//Gray.//
KID!JACK: Hey, Gray!
FRANKLIN: All right, son. One more.
KID!JACK: OK. Whoa, I'll get it.

JACK: (in cells, laughs) I'm running for the ball! (while in memory...) Some other boy is there.
KID!JACK: I don't know who.
KID!ADAM: Can I play?
KID!JACK: Who are you?
KID!ADAM: My name's Adam.
ADAM: (in his cell) Let me play. Before it gets dark.
KID!ADAM: There's lots of room.
KID!JACK: (Pushes him over.)
FRANKLIN: Hey, what are you doing? Are you all right?
KID!ADAM: I just want to play.
FRANKLIN: He can play.
KID!JACK: No! He doesn't belong here. I don't want him playing with us.
KID!ADAM: I'm Adam.
KID!JACK: Don't touch my dad. (pushes him down again.)
FRANKLIN: Hey, easy! Are you all right, Adam? (pulls him up...)
ADAM: (... and present day Adam is now in the memory.) Yes, he just doesn't want to share.
FRANKLIN: Right, well, if you're going to behave that way, we're going home.
KID!JACK: What?!
FRANKLIN: Come on, Gray.
JACK: No, we don't leave yet. We play some more, it gets dark, we light a fire... Mum joins us.
FRANKLIN: Come on, son. I'll race you.
GRAY: Race you!
KID!JACK: Dad! (to Adam) You did this. You spoilt it.
ADAM: (Back in the cells) I made it happen.
KID!JACK: Dad! Dad, I love you.
JACK: Dad, wait... Dad!! (Barrowman speaking again, so much feeling in it the line manages to break my heart in three words.)
JACK: (Back in the cells.) I want the real memory back.
ADAM: Then let me live. That box you found contains my last good memory of you, your dad and Gray. You see, I'm a part of it now and I'll always live as long as you remember it.
JACK: That's why you took me back.
ADAM: Wasn't it lovely? Playing in the sand, no-one knowing what was ahead... your dad laughing. Gray, safe and happy.
JACK: (Just stands there, pulls out the pill, and holds it up.)
ADAM: I don't want to die! You take that pill and you will lose everything I've given you. Wipe me out now and you will lose all your memories of your father. He will cease to have existed for you.
JACK: Goodbye, Adam. (takes the pill. Adam falls to the floor, groaning. In the vision there's a sandstorm.)
JACK: Dad! Gray! Come back! It wasn't like this!
(Adam flickers out, Jack slides to the floor. In the sandstorm he's still calling.)
JACK: Dad! Gray!
(On the floor by the cell he sobs... then slumps unconscious.)

EXT DAY Cardiff bay from above
(Time has passed, so)

INT Hub, Cells
(Jack wakes up, looks around, breathes.)

INT Hub, desks
(Everyone working at computers.)

GWEN: Jack, how have we lost two days?
JACK: What d'you mean?
IANTO: The last 48 hours. None of us can remember a thing.
TOSH: The system's blank, the CCTV's been wiped. What's been going on? What've we been doing?
JACK: I don't know.
OWEN: Great! That's two days of my life that I'll never get back!
JACK: Looks like Toshiko got herself a secret admirer, though.
OWEN: Oh, yeah?
TOSH: To Tosh, love and apologies, Owen. They're from you!
OWEN: (snorts with laughter) In your dreams, Tosh. I think someone's winding you up, darling... No, I don't do flowers... (checks the note) and I definitely don't do apologies. (gives note back, grins at her.)

INT Hub, Jack's office
(Jack finds bag, opens it, pours out box and a sort of key thing.)

IANTO: Did you call?
JACK: Found your diary.
IANTO: Yep, been looking for that.
JACK: And for the record... measuring tapes never lie.
IANTO: (still not looking at him, rolls eyes and mouths 'fuck', I think. Walks away.)
JACK: Hey...
JACK: (Holds up bag, marked 'Adam's property') Who's Adam?
IANTO: Don't know.

(He puts the bag down, picks up the key thing, fiddles with the box until he finds somewhere it slots in. Waits a moment but nothing happens. So he puts it down and walks away. Then the box slides open. He goes back, opens it, looks in, pours the contents out... Only sand. And Gray's theme. Jack looks thinky, but just drops the sand.)


(To note, there's some good stuff on the Jobs website   they found a messed up chunk of Adam's personnel file, and it says 'Jack says he doesn't remember anything either, but he's got one thought that comes up as soon as he tries to think about it: leave well alone.' The slight plot hole with Rhys remembering is still unplugged... but Adam never altered Rhys, Rhys just met him. That can't be enough, otherwise Adam would just wander down the street making sure everyone meets him. Actually, why doesn't he wander along to the pizza place and make them remember him there for a backup? Maybe the group hug thing is needed regularly... can't hug the pizza dude every day. Er, sidetrack. Anyways. End now.)



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