Doctor Who and Related Transcripts

Torchwood transcripts - series 1

Episode 8: They Keep Killing Suzie

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Episode transcribed by beccaelizabeth (e-mail address beccaelizabeth @ ) of the Torchwood Transcripts LiveJournal community as follows.
Transcript hosted at (link valid on 11 March 2010).

This programme contains some violent scenes.

JACK: 'Torchwood - tracking down alien life on earth, arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything
changes and you've got to be ready.'

(Voices over flashback recap of first episode)
JACK: Suzie Costello.
GWEN: Why did you kill those people?
SUZIE: The more I used the glove, the more I control it.
If I could get it to work all the time, it could resurrect...
I loved this job. I really loved it.

EXT Cardiff suburban sort of houses, Day.
(Police doing crime scene stuff.
SUV makes driving noises and pulls up, Team Torchwood get out and do the power walk in sunglasses.
Well they work underground, daylight must be a shock to the system.)

DETECTIVE SWANSON: At last. You must be Torchwood? My team bitch about you all the time.
JACK: And you are?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Detective Swanson.
JACK: I'm Captain Jack Harkness.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: So I've heard. Are you always this dressy for a murder investigation?
JACK: (Takes off sunglasses) What, d'you rather me naked?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: God help me, the stories are true.
(Jack puts glasses back on)
GWEN: So who's the victim?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: That's victims, plural. Yesterday, a man was murdered at 96 Oakham Street, Alex Arwyn, 28, single, estate agent, here we go, that's from the scene of crime. Today, in here, we get two more, Mark and Sarah Briscoe, both 33, married, he's a surveyor, she works in education.
JACK: What about the smears of blood? Is that writing?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Work in progress. Come inside and see the finished thing.

(Follow the team through crime scene tape into)
INT Suburban house, very white room, crime scene investigators in it, one working a camera
GWEN: Oh, my God...
(Flash to different images of very dead people. Eeew.)
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Looks like somebody wants your attention.
(TORCHWOOD written on the wall in blood, above blood smeared photo of the dead)
JACK: They've got it.


DETECTIVE SWANSON: We found a few of the killer's hairs from the first murder. Lab results should be in soon.
JACK: Good, we'll need that. Now, if you could just clear the room? Some of this equipment is strictly need to know.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: It was only a matter of time.
JACK: What was?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Torchwood walks all over this city, like you own it. Now these people are paying
the price - ordinary people, ripped apart, with your name written in their own blood. From where I'm standing, you did this, Captain Jack Harkness. You did it.
(Exits. Owen closes door behind her.)
OWEN: Still, at least we've got a head start. If it's someone we've pissed off, that narrows it down to... ooh, four or five million.
(Snaps on latex glove)
JACK: And that's just the humans. Tosh, how we doing?

EXT. In the SUV, Day
TOSHIKO: There's no record of Mr and Mrs Briscoe on our database. Nor yesterday's victim, and no link between him and the Briscoes. No connection between any of them.
Jack? They've got the results on the killer's hair.

EXT Police crime scene outside, Day
(Team Torchwood come out to talk to detective with folder.)
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Initial findings say, Caucasian male, early 40s, smoker, drinks tequila. Doesn't match any DNA profiles. Only thing of interest is a compound we've never seen before. Recognise it?
OWEN: Uh-Oh, we're in trouble.
GWEN: What is it?
OWEN: Compound B67.
JACK: You're kidding?
OWEN: Retcon. He's got Retcon in his blood.

(Dramatic music pause)
(Sky shot of the millennium place)

INT Torchwood base, then meeting room
(See Ianto going to the stairs to join the others, then closeup on Owen looking right at the camera, which is apparently in the screen of the computer, that being what he turns out to be squinting at)
OWEN: B67, aka Retcon, aka the magic ingredient of the amnesia pill.
GWEN: And this belongs to us? Whoever this killer is it's somebody we gave the amnesia pill to?
(Ianto comes in, takes a seat)
OWEN: Is he remembering that he's a serial killer? Or is he becoming a serial killer because of the Retcon?
GWEN: Wait a minute. I've taken Retcon.
JACK: (Grins) Then better stay away from sharp objects. Ianto, how many people have we given amnesia pills to?
IANTO: 2,008.
OWEN: Hey, what if they all become psychotic?!
TOSHIKO: D'you have to sound so happy?
OWEN: I'm just saying. Mean Streets!
JACK: Tosh, narrow the list down to fit Swanson's profile, start checking them out fast as you can. You two, there's got to be a link between the victims, find the link, find the killer. Get to it!
GWEN: Jack? If there is a link, why don't we just ask the victims ourselves?
JACK: Not the right time for a seance, thank you very much.
GWEN: The first time I met Torchwood, you had that glove.
JACK: Heh-heh, no way!
OWEN: Not after what it did to Suzie.
GWEN: It brings people back to life, just for two minutes. We could question the murder victims.
OWEN: That's exactly what she said. She was one of us, we trusted her and now she's dead cos of that thing.
JACK: The glove stays in the safe where it belongs.
GWEN: These murders are happening because of Torchwood. So Torchwood has got to do something.

Inside the safe, Jack's office
(Dark gives way as Jack pulls out the box with the glove in it)
(Watch the others watch Jack get the box unsealed as he talks)

JACK: It fell through the Rift about 40 years ago. Lay at the bottom of the Bay till we dredged it up. I always figured, this wasn't just lost. Whoever made it, wanted rid of it.
OWEN: You know, we never gave it a cool name.
TOSHIKO: I thought we called it the resurrection gauntlet?
OWEN: Cool name.
IANTO: What about the Risen Mitten? (Everyone looks at him. He shrugs.) I think it's catchy.

Look around the inside of the Hub, nice look at the water tower
Autopsy room
(Jack, Ianto, Owen, Gwen, standing at the corners of a corpse on a tray.)
GWEN: Jack? You OK?
(Jack tosses Ianto a stopwatch, then pulls on the glove as he talks)
JACK: Don't forget, the maximum resurrection time is two minutes. That's only cos Suzie
had practice. The most we're likely to get is 30 seconds, okay? Tosh, you ready?
TOSHIKO: (At her computer) Ready. And, recording. This man was victim number one. Name - Alex Arwyn.
(JACK puts his hand on the dead dude's head then starts making interesting faces)
JACK: Come on, Alex. Come back.
GWEN: How does it work?
JACK: You just sort of feel. Like reaching into the dark. Finding the dead. I can't... I don't... Ah. Damn! Ah! (Yanks off glove as it makes kind of electrical noises. Shakes hand with ouch.) Ah! Nothing! Sorry. Never was very good with this thing. Owen?
OWEN: I tried last time. We all had a go, it only responded to Suzie.
GWEN: Well, I never had a go.
(Significant glances exchanged, glove handed over to Gwen, Ianto looking kind of big eyed.
Gwen and Jack swap sides of the table so Gwen can reach comfortably.)

GWEN: (Slides on glove) It's cold.
JACK: It warms up. The glove relies on some sort of empathy. Maybe compassion and... Just be yourself.

BEEPING (computer noises, ready to record)
(Glove on head, reaches out) SHE GASPS
IANTO (clicks the stopwatch, starts ticking)

ALEX: Somebody help me! Oh, my God, help me, help me, help me!
JACK: Alex! I need you to listen to me.
ALEX: Somebody help! HELP ME!
JACK: That's what we're doing! Alex, you were attacked. Do you know who it was? Who attacked you!?
ALEX: Who are you?
OWEN: How long?
ALEX: Where am I?
IANTO: 15 seconds.
ALEX: Who are you?
GWEN: I'm just I'm just trying to help, sweetheart. I'm just trying to help.
ALEX: I want my mum. Please! Let me see my mu... (Goes completely blank)
OWEN: He's gone.
GWEN: Let me keep trying.
OWEN: Gwen, he's dead.
GWEN: But I can bring him back.
JACK: The glove only works once.
GWEN: But I can do it, just let me try.
JACK: Gwen. Look at me. He's gone.
(Looooong pause, then bzzzt noise as she pulls glove away)
IANTO: That was Amazing, she's a natural. 24 seconds!
OWEN: Give Ianto a stopwatch, and he's happy.
IANTO: It's the button on the top.
JACK: What d'you think? Gwen? D'you want to stop?
(Gwen resettles glove on hand)

TOSHIKO: (Still at her desk) Recording. Victim number two - Mark Briscoe.

GWEN: Oh God, I can feel him, it's like a rope from my heart to the glove... Oh, it's so warm.
(He gasps, wakes. Pants, but doesn't freak. (Whispers) throughout.)
JACK: Hey, there. Just look at me. Look me in the eye. That's it.
MARK: (Where am I?)
JACK: You've been hurt, we don't have long, we need to know who attacked you.
MARK: (Is my wife all right?)
JACK: (Nods) We're looking after her. Now Mark, who was it?
MARK: (It was that man. He belonged to Pilgrim, he went to Pilgrim.)
JACK: What's Pilgrim?
MARK: (Oh my God, he had a knife.)
JACK: No, Mark, he's gone, we don't have long, quickly, what was his name?
IANTO: 35 seconds.
MARK: (Max.) Never knew his surname.
TOSHIKO: Trying Pilgrim and Max, get a description.
JACK: You gotta give us something more so we can catch him.
OWEN: He's going.
MARK: There was... There was someone who knew him better... That woman... She was always talking to him...
JACK: What was her name?
MARK: Where's my wife?
JACK: Her name!
MARK: Suzie.
(Shock face reaction shots from Owen, Tosh, Jack, Gwen)
(Hand clicks stopwatch)
IANTO: One minute five seconds.
TOSHIKO: Jack? Did I hear that right?
OWEN: Could be anyone, there must be lots of women called Suzie.
JACK: Not connected to this case. We've been talking to the wrong corpse.

Sky shot, millennium place, night
Meeting room again
(The door squeaks as Tosh walks in)
TOSHIKO: Pilgrim. A religious support group, more like a debating society, meaning of life, does God exist? All that stuff. The point is, it was tiny, more like a hobby, run by Mark Briscoe's wife, Sarah. She had all that stashed in the wardrobe. Handwritten and photocopied, that's why we couldn't find any records, she wasn't even online.
JACK: No mention of Suzie, or Max?
TOSHIKO: Not a word. She didn't even keep a register.
OWEN: It wouldn't be our Suzie, though. She wouldn't go to that support group bollocks.
GWEN: How do you know? I mean, were you friends? Any of you? Who was her best friend
in this place?
OWEN: She sort of kept herself to herself.
GWEN: Well, then. If she needed to talk, maybe that's exactly where she'd go, a group of complete strangers.
JACK: Could be. You've got a point, Gwen. Time we got to know our deceased colleague a little better.

EXT. Rain, tarmac, garages. Night.

GWEN: Have I got this right? When I die, you get to keep all my possessions? My whole life's gonna get stashed in a locker?
JACK: Rules and regulations.
GWEN: What if I leave all my stuff to Rhys?
JACK: We'll stash him away, too. Tread carefully, people. With respect. This is the life of Suzie Costello.

INT ish, the garage full of boxes

TOSHIKO: That's all we are, in the end. A pile of boxes.
GWEN: Is her father still alive?
TOSHIKO: Don't know.
GWEN: But you must've looked him up? To tell him his daughter was dead?
TOSHIKO: When Suzie left Torchwood, she was on the run. She wiped all her records. I couldn't retrieve her files, she was good at computers. Huh... She was good at everything.
OWEN: She was good at murder too. Laugh a minute, that was Suzie.
GWEN: What's that?
JACK: A book. Emily Dickinson. Poet.
TOSHIKO: Jack. Pilgrim. She's part of it.
JACK: That proves it, then. No choice. It's time Suzie came back.

INT. Hub, Morgue, lots and lots of draws
(Dramatic thumps, Jack walks in, I get totally distracted by his rear view, but the music remains dramatic and ominous.)
(Suzie is conveniently in the waist level draw on the middle left. And not somewhere up high, just for instance.)
(The door squeaks. Torchwood obviously needs oiling.)
(Jack pulls out the draw... Hands of Jack, mmmm... er, and then opens the body bag and there's a corpsicle. Anti-mmmm.)

Autopsy room again
(Toshiko, Gwen, Ianto, Owen, Jack, standing around the corpse tray again.)
(Gwen fiddling with the glove, Tosh with her little computery tablet thingy)
(Bit of a long awkward silence)

GWEN: Do we all get frozen? Torchwood staff, when we die, do we all get kept?
JACK: Rules and regulations.
GWEN: How long for?
JACK: Forever. (with little eyebrow flash)
TOSHIKO: Recording.
OWEN: Have you got your stopwatch?
IANTO: Always.
TOSHIKO: I'll record from my station. I'm sorry, but I don't want to look her in the eye. Sorry.
(Tosh leaves, little bit awkwardly, and again with the silence)
JACK: Anyone else?
(Ianto looks at Jack, Jack looks at Owen, who looks away)
GWEN: Any advice? Yeah, I know. Empathy. Even though she did try to kill me.
JACK: You and me both.
(Glove to head)
(flashback - scenes of Suzie's death - shots of Gwen and Jack over the corpse then mixed with now)
OWEN: I'm getting a reading.
(More images, beeping)
No, it's gone...
(Glove go bzzzt)
GWEN: Just...memories. Nothing living. She's too far gone.
TOSHIKO: What do we do now?
JACK: Nothing we can do. That's it. We're out of options.
OWEN: There's always the knife. When she killed all those people, she always used the knife, it's made out of the same metal as the glove.
TOSHIKO: We've seen it before, metallic resonance. Like The glove works better if the knife's part of the process, like closing a circuit.
GWEN: Then let's use it.
JACK: Small detail. The knife was used to kill people. She's already dead.
GWEN: Alright So we kill her again.

Jack's office
(Jack gets the knife out and holds it up, Ianto near him by the desk, the other three off in the other corner)
OWEN: Ianto?
IANTO: (Deep breath, serious face) Life knife.
(Jack nods)
(Owen nods too)

Autopsy room again
(Knife cuts dead arm, making small cut and large becca shudder)
JACK: Anything?
GWEN: No, there was just a sort of spark and then it was gone. I'm sorry, Jack. You're gonna have do it properly.
(Jack looks to Owen, who nods)
JACK: What the hell.
(Jack stands left foot forward with knife in both hands over Suzie's chest, raises it up and stabs)
(Ianto stopwatch hand again, watch starts ticking)
JACK: Suzie? Listen. It's me.
SUZIE: I've gotta go!
(Overlapping voices)
SUZIE: I can't stay, they know.
JACK: Just look, look at my eyes, look at where you are.
SUZIE: I've gotta go!
JACK: Think back, try to remember... Suzie! Suzie! Look at me!
(No more overlapping)
SUZIE: Jack. Oh, my God. There's a knife in my chest, did you kill me?
JACK: You killed yourself, remember?
SUZIE: But... Oh my God, I shot myself.
JACK: We've got to ask you about Pilgrim.
SUZIE: No. Wait a minute. Didn't I kill you?
JACK: Never mind that,
(Owen does significant looking, reaction)
JACK: ...we need names and details.
SUZIE: Who's using the glove?
GWEN: I'm sorry.
SUZIE: Oh, wouldn't you know it, Gwen bloody Cooper.
IANTO: 30 seconds.
JACK: When you were in Pilgrim you gave the amnesia pill to a man, Max, do you remember?
SUZIE: What? You brought me all the way back, just for Max?!
JACK: We need to find him. Who is he? What's his surname?
SUZIE: He was just... some loser...
OWEN: We're losing her!
GWEN: Stay here. Damn you!
JACK: Don't force it, Gwen.
GWEN: She's not getting away this time, stay here! (Collapses with bzzzt noise) No!
JACK: I told you to stop! (tries to catch, hold)
OWEN: It's all right, I've got her, I've got her... (goes to Gwen and cuddles while checking vitals) Hold on... OK, pulse. Yeah She's all right. We need to get her out of here. Can you come and give me a hand?
JACK: It's the glove, I told you they get hooked.
OWEN: All right, don't make a fuss, it's over now.
IANTO: Um, excuse me. I'm still counting.
OWEN: There's not much point, Suzie's dead.
IANTO: No, according to the equipment, she's unconscious.
JACK: What the hell's going on?
OWEN: Oh, my God. He's right. She's alive! Suzie's still alive. Look at her, she's bloody breathing!
JACK: She can't be... (pulls the knife out with icky crunchy squish noise)
OWEN: Nope. Still breathing. No stopping her. She won't die.
IANTO: One minute thirty and counting.
(Dramatic music swells, everyone stares at not-corpse, Gwen all huddled on the floor)

Sky shot Millennium place from yet another angle, Day
INT Interrogation room
(Jack, seen through the fence stuff, walking down the stairs)
(Pan around to Suzie, dressed in dark blue and sitting in a red wheelchair. Track around behind her and... eeeeew. Braaaaains. Er, big hole in the back of her head, where her brains blew out.)
(Pan to Jack, standing next to Gwen. Then overhead camera, see Jack drop a file on the table and sit down.)
(Out to computer screen, CCTV shot of same thing from other side)
(Tosh and Owen are watching at Toshiko's computer, Owen shifting uncomfortably and glancing at Tosh, Tosh just staring)
SUZIE: How long's it been?
JACK: Three months.
SUZIE: When can I die? I just want to go. Can't you leave me alone?
JACK: You seem to be stuck.
SUZIE: But... Am I gonna stay like this? (Stares at Gwen, who glances at Jack and back, shifty) For how long?
GWEN: Don't know.
SUZIE: Can I see my father?
GWEN: You wiped your records. We had no trace of him.
SUZIE: So, he doesn't even know that I'm dead?
(Shot over shoulder includes Jack and Gwen both)
GWEN: Well, you're not any more.
SUZIE: This is sick.
JACK: You started it. Right now, we've got an investigation underway. (Gets folder out and starts spreading photos) Pilgrim. You visited these Pilgrim meetings and gave an amnesia pill to someone called Max. How do we find him?
SUZIE: What for? What did he do? He was just an ordinary bloke.
JACK: We think the Retcon triggered a psychosis. He's started killing.
SUZIE: How many victims?
GWEN: Three. Same as you.
OWEN: (Over intercom) We need to know, how much Retcon did you give him?
SUZIE: Owen. Hello. Scared to face me?
OWEN: (SIGHS) You frighten the shit out of me, yeah.
SUZIE: What about Toshiko? Is she still here?
OWEN: Yeah, she's here.
(Tosh just stares at computer)
OWEN: All the gang. Happy days. But the amnesia pills, how many did you give him?
SUZIE: One a week. Every week. For two years.
OWEN: Christ! No wonder.
JACK: What the hell did you do that for?
SUZIE: I just... I wanted someone to talk to. About this place. It was driving me mad. And he was just... He listened, that's all, he just listened. Every week, as soon as I'd finished talking, I'd give him the pill.
JACK: You overdosed him.
SUZIE: I didn't know that! Keep getting it wrong, don't I? Is that why you brought me back? Did you think I wasn't guilty enough?
JACK: What was his surname?
SUZIE: I don't know. All I ever did was talk about me. It's all my fault, isn't it? Never bloody stops being my fault. Can't you just let me die?
JACK: (Is grinning and possibly silent laughing. Looks up, still grinning.) You don't get off that easy.
SUZIE: Yeah, you did warn me, right at the beginning. He said, "This is the one job you can never quit."
JACK: Then let's get to work. Come on, Suzie! Just like the old days. There's gotta be something.
SUZIE: Hold on... There's someone missing. This girl came every week, student, blonde... She's not in these photos.
JACK: Who was she?
SUZIE: Lucy. Lucy Mackenzie. Said she worked at a club.
JACK: Which one?
SUZIE: Uhhh...
JACK: Come on, Suzie? Which club? For God's sake, this Max is killing every single member of Pilgrim. Now tell me, Lucy Mackenzie, where did she work, which club?!
SUZIE: Wolf. The Wolf Bar.

INT Wolf Bar, probably night, looks all dark and red lit
(Jack, Owen, and Gwen, walk in, wearing the communicator ears. Earcam is sending pictures back to base.)
JACK: Cover the exits.
GWEN: Bloody hell, like I didn't have a banging headache already.
INT Hub, Toshiko's workstation
(Tosh and Suzie are still at the base. Usually it looks at who is speaking.)
SUZIE: That's the glove, Gwen. Gets inside your mind.
GWEN: Yeah, all right Suzie, stop creeping me out. Just tell us, any sign of Max or this Lucy Mackenzie?
SUZIE: Nothing yet. Keep moving round.
JACK: Keep alert, people. To repeat, Max is described as 40, six-three, six-four, stocky, short dark hair, tattoo down his left arm.
OWEN: That narrows it down(!)
(It's a tattoo kind of bar. They keep looking.)

SUZIE: Can't even look at me, can you? It's not like you to be so judgemental.
TOSHIKO: Not like you to go on a murder spree. All right, so it drives us mad, this job. God knows, I've done some stupid stuff. But now, I've got to keep on working, every day, in a job that's got a bit less honour, because of you.

(Jack sort of nodding to the music. I can't decide if it's cute or if he looks like the world's biggest dork. Or if cute because dork. Probably that last one.)

OWEN: Wait, I've got a match on that guy.
JACK: Where is he?
OWEN: Northwest Bar.
SUZIE: Show me. (Earcam swings about, not very steady and with many people in) Owen, get in closer, which one do you mean?
OWEN: Wait, he's going over for the... Wait, I've got a match on our girl, Lucy Mackenzie, the student.
SUZIE: That's her, that's definitely her.
OWEN: It's too late, he's going over. (Pounce, punch, bloke is down with arm twisted behind back) Got the bastard!
SUZIE: That isn't him.
(Ominous knife in crowd shot, then earcam from someone)
SUZIE: Gwen! Behind you!
(Rather than have Gwen disarm the knife man like the policewoman she supposedly is, Jack charges to the rescue. Grabs, crackly noises, little lightnings.)
JACK: (Playing to assembled onlookers) That's one for Ianto. Risen mitten, life knife and that old classic, stun gun. Come on, let's get him out of here.
GWEN: (Into earpiece) You saved my life.
SUZIE: Maybe I came back for a reason.

EXT Cardiff night, from the sky again

INT Torchwood cells, in the corridor looking at the doors on the right and glass cells on the left
(Max is in a cell, Jack is leaning against the wall next to the cell, Owen is standing in the corridor with a clipboard. He leaves pauses after questions, but Max is totally empty face.)
OWEN: OK, so your name is Max Tresillian, can you confirm that? You live at 106 Endeavour Terrace, is that right? Parents, Sandra and Dave, yeah? You're inside the Torchwood facility.
MAX: (Throws himself at the glass and starts hammering it with fists) GROWLS
OWEN: And five, six... Keep watching. Soon as we reach ten...
(Max sits in exact same empty way as ten seconds before)
OWEN: Just stops dead. If this is a drug-induced psychosis, it's a very specific one.
JACK: Like he reacts to the word Torchwood.
(Max does his party trick again)
OWEN: (Loud to be heard over growling) Thanks, Jack.
JACK: (Grinning, to Max) Sorry. (To Owen) But if that's caused by Retcon, then we've got a million more problems on the way. (Goes to leave) Let me know what the scan says.
OWEN: But, what about Suzie? What are you gonna do with her?
JACK: No idea. What do you think?
OWEN: (Most pleasant little smile we've seen on him.) You're the boss.
JACK: (Nods, turns to go (in a not entirely uncamp way), as he leaves says) Torchwood!
(Owen follows Jack out)
MAX: GROWLS (and bangs glass in now empty corridor)

INT Interrogation room
(Suzie on left in wheelchair in blue, now a different lighter shirt but dark cardigan, and dark headwrap. Gwen on right in red)
SUZIE: Can't you ask Jack? Just one favour? I want to see my father.
GWEN: Tell us where he is, we could bring him in.
SUZIE: I'm not letting him anywhere near Torchwood. If he's still alive.
GWEN: What's wrong with him?
SUZIE: Cancer. All that waiting, and then I go and die first.
GWEN: I could contact him on your behalf.
SUZIE: And say what?
(awkward silence, coffee drinking)
SUZIE: So, tell me. Since I've been gone, you enjoying it?
GWEN: (immediately) Yes. Well, you know, this place is sort of... It's mad, isn't it?
SUZIE: Insane.
GWEN: Bloody nuts.
SUZIE: Best job I ever had.
GWEN: Me too.
SUZIE: And the worst.
GWEN: Yeah, tell me about it.
SUZIE: Funny thing is, you always imagine when you're dead, they're gonna miss me at work. Indispensable! But look what happened. I got replaced... someone better. You got that glove working, better than I did.
GWEN: Just got lucky.
SUZIE: No, it's more than that. The others, they prefer you.
GWEN: Don't say that.
SUZIE: You got my job. Almost like you planned it.
GWEN: Except I didn't. And I'm sorry, but I've got my own function at Torchwood and I'm a lot more than just a replacement.
SUZIE: Have you slept with Owen?
GWEN (does not answer. Awkward coffee drinking, the return.)
SUZIE: There you go, replaced me completely.

INT Jack's office
(Jack on the left behind his desk reading a bit of paper. Door, Gwen storms in, Jack starts talking before she can, she paces and waits.)

JACK: I had a boyfriend who used to walk into rooms like that. The grand entrance. It got kind of boring. Although, he was one of twins, so I put up with it. Twin acrobats. Man, I gotta write that book. Maybe even illustrate it. I can talk for a long time, a very long time.
GWEN: Takes me a while to piece things together.
JACK: Meaning?
GWEN: Suzie had the glove. You put her in charge of it. But tell me, Jack, did you ever ask about her father?
JACK: How do you mean?
GWEN: He's got cancer. He's been dying slowly now for years. And what do you do? You give his daughter the one device that brings people back to life! Is it any wonder she got obsessed?
JACK: Oh, so this is all my fault?!
GWEN: Well, isn't it? Did you ever stop and think? Did you... Did you ever look at Suzie? Did you ever... think what that glove would do to her, did you?
JACK: Right from the start, you thought that Suzie's death was because of you, Cos it happened when you arrived. Then you brought her back to life, all the way, because you wanted it so much. OK! We're both responsible! (awkward beat) Now, what the hell are we going to do with her?!
GWEN: I don't know. (longer awkward silence) What if she never dies? Have you thought of that? Like... Undying, forever. Just you and her.
JACK: No way.
GWEN: Could be.
JACK: I wouldn't wish that on her. I'd sooner kill her right now.
GWEN: Could you, though? Kill her?
JACK: Yeah.
GWEN: Really?
JACK: Oh, yeah.

(intercom beep)
OWEN: 'Jack, can you come to the conference room for a sec? Something I need you to see. Kind of urgent.'
(Jack gets up and walks out, leaving Gwen leaning on his desk shaking her head.)

INT conference room
(Ianto is staring and Owen is explaining)
OWEN: I was going over Suzie and Gwen's medical records. I ran them through the philharmon filter. Watch the footage. (See Toshiko and Jack watching computer screen, see computer screen, mostly green picture with a blue shiny going from Gwen through the glove to the corpse.) This is the moment when Gwen brought back Mark Briscoe, the husband. See? Now look at his death. See? The energy flow stops just as he's about to die. But... have a look at Gwen with Suzie.
(Green picture from above, knife goes in, big arcing blue stuff goes from chest to chest, NOT through the glove.)

(Someone out of view): Whoa.
TOSHIKO: What is that?
OWEN: Energy. Life.
(reaction shots from Tosh and Jack, both sitting there with their mouth open. Ianto kind of hasn't changed expression so far. But he's definitely staring.)
OWEN: But with Suzie, it's a permanent connection and she is getting stronger. It's still going, right now. She is draining the life out of Gwen.
JACK: There's always a price.

Interrogation room
SUZIE: More coffee? Is that all you do? Just leave me alone.
GWEN: Have a biscuit, at least. Go on. Just for me.
(takes biscuits off tray, reveals note: 'Road Trip?')

conference room
JACK: The wearer of the glove can bring somebody back, but loses their own life in return.
TOSHIKO: How do we stop it?
JACK: We've got to kill her. Suzie's got to die.
OWEN: Who's gonna do it?
JACK: Like you said. (Pulls gun, finger not on trigger, pointed at ceiling.) I'm the boss. (Leaves. Tosh stares, glances at others, she and Owen follow.)

Interrogation room
(Jack down stairs behing fence again, gun still pointed up but finger on trigger now. Music has gone dramatic. Looks, surprise, goes to communicator thingy on table.)
JACK: Toshiko! Where the hell's Suzie? And where's Gwen?
TOSHIKO: (still at her computer) Interrogation Room.
JACK: No they're not... Find them, fast!

EXT, Cardiff, Car park, night
(Gwen wheels Suzie to a car)

INT Hub, Tosh's desk
TOSHIKO: I can't see them. Hold on. Scanning. (Owen joins her.) Nope. Nothing on internal scans.
OWEN: What's going on, where've they gone?
JACK: (Joins them at desk) Just keep looking... Bring up the SUV.
TOSHIKO: Still there. I'll try exteriors... What about Gwen's car?
OWEN: What's she doing?
JACK: Getting herself fired.
TOSHIKO: Unbelievable.
OWEN: How stupid is that? Thinking she could just drive off.
JACK: Come on. Let's go get them. (Power cut, darkness.) What the hell... (see the doors close and lock, external, internal, and weapons all sealed.)
JACK: (Shouting) Ianto? Ianto?
IANTO: Captain! (Standing next to the water tower, with torch. At waist height. Which he then swivels up to point at Jack. It's... only subtle until you notice.)
JACK: What happened?
IANTO: But I thought you must've done it. We've gone into lockdown.
JACK: Then reverse it!
IANTO: I can't. It's 100%. The doors are sealed. We're locked in.

EXT, Gwen's car, Night
(She's handcuffing Suzie into the passenger seat.)
GWEN: I'm taking you to see your dad and that's it, OK? Sorry. I must be mad. Jack's not stupid. He's gonna catch us.
SUZIE: Oh, you never know. We might get lucky.
(Car backs out)

INT Hub, all dark
TOSHIKO: Everything's gone. Computers, mobile coverage, the lifts, everything... We're sealed in.
JACK: How long does Gwen have before she dies?
OWEN: Two hours, maybe less.
TOSHIKO: Come on! Think! If Suzie set up the lockdown, how did she do it?
OWEN: Entered an override?
TOSHIKO: No She's officially dead, the computer wouldn't give her access.
JACK: Then how did she do it? What the hell did she do?!

Car on the road, heading out of town, night

INT Hub in the dark again
(Team Torchwood thinking huddle)
TOSHIKO: There's got to be an answer. Suzie couldn't physically start the lockdown, Gwen wouldn't have let her. But there's no-one else!
JACK: Wait a minute... We've got a guest.

The cells, emergency red lit
(Jack points torch at prisoner, who is now stripped to the waist (more tattoos and some flab), sitting cross legged, rocking and chanting)

MAX:..Stopped for me
The carriage held but just
ourselves and immortality
Because I could not stop
for death...

OWEN: Is that a poem?
JACK: I wonder. Emily Dickinson?
OWEN: But what does it mean?
JACK: It's a verbal trigger. Say it out loud, maybe repeat it 100 times over and the Hub locks down.
OWEN: But if that's part of the system, Suzie must've installed a vocal command programme, way back.
JACK: Back when she was alive, yeah. Max is just a Trojan horse. Suzie planned this right from the start.

Car on road again
JACK (voiceover): 'Do you see? Max, the Retcon, everything, it's all been a hoax to get us to resurrect Suzie.'

INT Hub Tosh desk
OWEN: She gave Max a whole complex of subconscious triggers.
TOSHIKO: Like, she dies, Max becomes a time bomb... He doesn't see her for three months and, wham, the orders kick in. He follows Suzie's program, and starts killing.
JACK: And the whole chain of events forces us to bring Suzie back.
TOSHIKO: And then she escapes!
OWEN: You've got to admit That is not bad! I'm picking her for my team.
TOSHIKO: If she could lockdown the Hub, she must've installed a way of reversing it just in case.
JACK: Yeah.

Car, roads, night
(Now we get a lot of through the windshield watching)
GWEN: A bit more colour in your cheeks.
SUZIE: It's all thanks to you.
(pause, Gwen glance at her. Gwen lacks some color.)
SUZIE: That night... my last night on Earth, or so I thought... ..before I shot myself, I shot Jack right through the head. I killed him, stone dead and then he just stood up and lived. Am I right? Did that happen? Gwen?
GWEN: Yes, it did.
SUZIE: So he can survive a bullet through the head?
GWEN: Yeah.
GWEN: I don't know. He won't explain it properly. Said something happened to him a while back. He said... He said he can't die. Not ever.
SUZIE: And he makes judgments about whether I'm allowed to live. It's all very easy for Captain Jack, isn't it?
(pause, exchange of glances... I hate it when they do that while driving. watch the road!)
SUZIE: Do you ever wonder?
GWEN: What?
SUZIE: Who is he?
GWEN: All the time.
(Car headlights, into the dark some more)

INT Hub dark
(Ianto sits with phone to ear, one with actual cables stuck on)
IANTO: I've got reception, sir.
JACK: How do you do that? We're sealed off!
IANTO: Just used the Water Tower as a relay.
(Jack takes the phone and goes back to the desk... for no readily apparent reason, but I guess it has to do with lighting and who was actually filming at that moment)
JACK: Nice work, Ianto! (goes to dial, pause, thinks) But who the hell do we phone?!

INT Police station
(ordinary Windows computers, lots of matching desk lamps, file boxes, makes me realise how weird they've made desks at the Hub)

POLICE LADY: Detective Swanson.
POLICE LADY: Torchwood.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: (takes phone, makes tired noise) You'd better not be wasting my time.
JACK: (back in Hub - it generally looks at who is speaking) As a matter of fact I was wondering if you could do us a favour.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: (seen through a transparent photo of the Torchwood written in blood at the start) The humble police, helping the mighty Torchwood? Why don't you just help yourselves? Like you normally do.
JACK: Because we can't.
JACK: We're sort of busy.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Well, I'm busy too, try someone else.
JACK: No, no, no... It's just because we can't at the moment because we're sort of stuck.
JACK: We're locked in.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: You're locked in?
JACK: Just a bit.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Locked in where?
JACK: Um. In our own base.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: You're locked inside your own base?
JACK: And it's not funny.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: (Grinning very much indeed, laughing a bit) And how am I supposed to help you, exactly?
JACK: We need a book of poetry.
(DS again grinning)
JACK: 'It's NOT funny!'

EXT, Car, Night
GWEN: Oh, God, driving at night...
# Just a little... #
SUZIE: Oh, my God.
GWEN: I don't know this one.
SUZIE: It's ancient. My Mum used to sing this, when I was a kid. All those years ago...
# O-o-o-oh, soleil, soleil... #
SUZIE: ..before I died.
(Suzie starts sniffling, Gwen looks really awkward.)
# Soleil, soleil
# Soleil, soleil
# O-o-o-oh, soleil, soleil... #

INT Police place
DETECTIVE SWANSON: All right, Captain Jack, just say that one more time. Nice and clear.
JACK on LOUDSPEAKER: We're locked in our own base and we can't get out.
JACK: OK, you've had your fun. Now Listen, Detective Swanson, one of our team is in danger.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Right, you lot, back to work... (picks up phone again) OK, we've got it. The Complete Poems, it's gonna cost you 20 quid.
JACK: What does the book say?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Er, I don't know, what am I supposed to do?!
JACK: Find 'I Could Not Stop For Death'. Read out the next verse.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: What if it doesn't work?
JACK: Read out the whole book.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: It's gonna be a long night. (Waggles coffee mug to colleague, who goes to get some)

EXT, Car, on road again, still night
(Gwen makes yawny noise)
SUZIE: Tired?
GWEN: I'm fine.
SUZIE: Don't want you falling asleep at the wheel. One corpse is enough for this car, thanks.
GWEN: Don't say that.
SUZIE: What?
GWEN: Corpse. Cos you're not.
SUZIE: What am I, then?
GWEN: I dunno, you're just not, though.
(Pause, more car)
GWEN: When you're dead... I mean, when you die... What happens?
SUZIE: What do you want me to say?
GWEN: The truth.
SUZIE: Really?
GWEN: Tell me.
SUZIE: You religious?
GWEN: Just sort of in passing, you know.
SUZIE: Do you believe in Heaven?
GWEN: I dunno.
SUZIE: Yes, you do. What do you believe?
GWEN: Stupid, but I always sort of think... Like, you know, white light and all that. And I think of my Gran. Like she'll be there. Waiting for me. The smell of carbolic.
SUZIE: Your faith never left primary school.
GWEN: So what's out there?
SUZIE: Nothing. Just nothing.
(Pause, Gwen with shock face, stare at Suzie)
GWEN: But, but if there's nothing, what's the point of it all?
SUZIE: This is. Driving through the dark. All this stupid, tiny stuff. We're just animals, howling in the night, cos it's better than silence.
(slight pause, look at Gwen being silent)
SUZIE: I used to think about Torchwood, all those aliens, coming to Earth... What the hell for? But it's just instinct. They come here cos there's life, that's all. Moths around a flame. Creatures clinging together in the cold.
GWEN: So when you die, it's just...
SUZIE: Darkness.
GWEN: And you're all alone? There's no-one else?
SUZIE: I didn't say that.
GWEN: What do you mean?
SUZIE: Why do you think I'm so desperate to come back? (Shot changes so Suzie is way on the left and we see the road moving outside the car on the right) There's something out there... in the dark... ..and it's moving.

INT Hub, in the dark still
JACK: Parting is all we know of / heaven and all we need of hell.
No, try another.
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Success is counted sweetest / by those who ne'er succeed.
Christ, she was a bundle of laughs.
JACK: Success is counted sweetest by / those who ne'er succeed.
TOSHIKO: Wait a minute, just had a thought... If words cause the lockdown, maybe numbers reverse it... Try the ISBN, every book's got a different number.
JACK: You getting this?
DETECTIVE SWANSON: Yup, hang on, I'm looking...
TOSHIKO: Read it out. (At her computer ready to type)
JACK: The keyboards aren't working.
TOSHIKO: But The membrane underneath might just recognise the code.
(Tosh types, computer does the power up bar)
JACK: That's it! Everybody, move, move, move! Cathy, thank you.

Gwen pushing Suzie down a corridor

Tosh computer
TOSHIKO: I've got the tracker on Gwen's car. It's a hospital. Giving you the co-ordinates now.

SUV on larger better lit road, seen from sky
JACK: On the way. How long's she got?
OWEN: It's only a guess, but I'd give Gwen about 40 minutes.
JACK: Kathy, I want the road ahead clear. I'm gonna break the speed limit, big time.

Police place
DETECTIVE SWANSON: All units, give Torchwood priority, repeat, give Torchwood priority.

Dark sort of hospital room
(Dude from photo earlier, Suzie's father, lying there with wires and tubes and all sorts)
(We-the-camera roll in with Suzie, then see Gwen push her in and close the door)
GWEN: Suzie... I don't, em... I'm not... (Hand to head, flinch back into corner) Oh, my God, this headache, it's... (pull hand down, covered in red blood) What's happening to me?
SUZIE: I'm sorry, Gwen. You're getting shot in the head. Slowly. And believe me, it hurts. (Pulled off head scarf, lightly touches shot places) Almost better. Completely gone, soon.
GWEN: No! (Collapsing in corner, crying a bit) No, no, no...
SUZIE: (Gets up, leans over bed) Dad?
GWEN CRIES (hands on head on floor in corner, making pain noise)
SUZIE: It's me, Dad. Wake up! (starts to wake) Dad? It's Suzie. (he looks all bzuh) Hello, Dad. (Pulls breath tube out hard)
SUZIE: And goodbye.
GWEN: What are you doing?
BEEPING (goes irregular)
SUZIE: Oh, that's worth coming back for. Sending him into the dark. Just what the bastard deserves.

Suzie pushing Gwen now (who tries to grab for passerby but isn't that coordinated any more)

Hospital room (he flatlines, seen from above, much medical fussing)

Car in the dark

Tosh desk
TOSHIKO: They're moving again. Can't predict a specific destination, not yet.

SUV, Jack driving
JACK: Keep feeding it through, we're catching up.
JACK: Hello?
SUZIE: (in Gwen's car, driving now) Did you like the poem, Jack?
JACK: Suzie, don't let her die. The glove is killing Gwen and keeping you alive.
SUZIE: I know.
JACK: Then stop.
SUZIE: But I get to live. Why would I stop?
JACK: (sounding puzzled/surprised) For Gwen's sake.
SUZIE: She replaced me. Now, I'm doing the same to her. Isn't that fair?
JACK: Suzie, we've got a tracker on that car, we're gonna catch up, I promise.
SUZIE: And what happens then?
JACK: If she's dead, then I'm gonna kill you, Suzie Costello. I promise, I'm gonna kill you for the last and final time.
SUZIE: But would you? When there's a part of her that's now me? Could you really do that if I'm the only thing left of her?
JACK: Why are you doing this?
SUZIE: Because life is all, Jack. You should know. I'd do anything to stay. Anything.
JACK: Suzie. Please. Just stop.
SUZIE: She's a real find, this one. Gwen Cooper. She's better than me. She's so much better. I was never any good. Jack, I'm sorry.
JACK: Suzie!
(violin music finishes and we see the cars on the road)
(drama music kicks in as Tosh starts speaking... yeah I know music doesn't usually go in transcripts, but it is what fills the pauses)

TOSHIKO: Jack, she's heading for the coast line on the B587. It's a place called Hedley Point, there's some sort of ferry, goes out to the islands. Get a move on.
JACK: Owen, how long we got?
OWEN: Minutes.

(See car head along the road, with the sky going dawn-blue.
See sky shot of Cardiff with a little glowy sun just risen.
This is important, because it is Not A Continuity Error when we get to the next scene)

EXT, Hedley Quay, DAY
(Car drives up and pulls up. Number plate N197 OYO, in case you're interested.
See out through windshield, fence with barbed wire top. See car pull up in front of more fence with wire. I notice because I'm using the same sort of imagery in a presentation on Tuesday to make a point about limits and freedom.
See Suzie get out, glance down the quay, nice open view with sea. Sign says "Do not tie up ANYTIME".
Goes around car, gets Gwen out. Gwen is in no state to cooperate, or indeed move much.)

SUZIE:It's beautiful, Gwen. Can you see? We'll take the ferry. Go out. As far as we can. Keep on running cos he won't hurt us. We'll keep on going, you and me...
(See them through fence, then camera goes high and see over wire.)

(SUV drives up behind them. Jack driving, Owen pumps his gun with finger on trigger ready.)

(Gwen gives up on movement entirely and collapses. Suzie kind of drops her.)
SUZIE: Oh, I'm sorry. (Kneel next to her) Have you gone? Gwen?

(SUV pulls up. Now we get some shots of the guys mixed with the talking. Owen runs in with gun, Jack starts behind but overtakes. Hate to say it but Owen has a better serious run, though Jack looks like he's going flat out fast.)

SUZIE: Can you hear me? Gwen? Poor Gwen Cooper. (glances back, sees guys, quickly kisses Gwen) Safe journey. (Gets up and runs)

(Jack jumps over Gwen and Owen stops, shoves gun in back of pants, and goes to be medical on her)

JACK: (Stop, pull gun, aim steady) Let her go.
SUZIE: (Standing at the end of the quay with a lighthouse visible behind) I can't.
JACK: Let Gwen go.
SUZIE: (louder) I can't.
JACK: Owen, how is she?
(Pause, Owen picks up and cradles Gwen)
JACK: (Not taking his eyes off Suzie) Owen! Report!
OWEN: I think we're too late.
JACK: If I kill you, does she live?
SUZIE: But you can't, Jack. Cos look at me. I'm the last thing left of Gwen Cooper, can't you see it? Just the smallest bit of her?
JACK: (Eyebrow, slight head shake) Not one bit. (*bang*)
(Suzie, blood spatter, spin falling down)
JACK: (looks back now) Owen? Anything?
OWEN: Nothing.
JACK: But I broke the connection.
(Suzie opens eyes and grins. Moves hand.)
(Jack moves in closer and points gun down at her)
JACK: I killed you.
SUZIE: Can't die. (*bang* *bang*) Never gonna die.
JACK: How much more of this do you want? (*bang* *bang* ... and some squishy noises)
SUZIE: (Rolls over with a wet slap) It's all your fault, Jack. You recruited me.
(Jack stare, Suzie stare, Jack... idea!)
JACK: The glove. Tosh! Destroy the glove! It's keeping them connected!

Tosh, base
TOSHIKO: Ianto, armaments, code five.
(Ianto reaction, goes quick to get)

Quay, day
(*bang*) (... you'd think he'd save one for when the glove was gone)
SUZIE: Captain, my captain. Do you want to know a secret?
(Ianto codes in to arms locker, grabs a particular gun, throws to Tosh, she aims and readies)
SUZIE: There's something moving in the dark and it's coming, Jack Harkness. It's coming for you.
(Tosh fires, glove utterly shatters)
(Suzie twitches and goes squishy)
(Gwen twitches and starts breathing with a gasp, and kicking and stuff)
OWEN: Whoah! Whoah! It's OK. It's OK, it's OK, it's OK.
GWEN makes whimpery noises
(Jack sees them, turns, looks at Suzie, who is very definitely dead this time)

(And we go to songvid. Lots of images, bit of Owen/Gwen, mostly angsty!Jack standing over corpse while the ferry shows up in the distance, and some meaningful eye contact with Gwen.)

# If I should die this very moment
# I wouldn't fear
# For I have never known completeness
# Like being here
# Wrapped in the warmth of you
# Loving every breath of you
# Still my heart, this moment
# Or it might burst

(Sky shot of Cardiff, going back to the Hub)

# Could we stay right here till the end of time?
# Till the earth stops turning?
# Wanna love you till the seas run dry
# I found the one
# I've waited for. #

INT, Torchwood Morgue
(Jack on right, Ianto on left with clipboard, corpse!Suzie in middle in pulled out draw)

JACK: Thanks for doing this.
IANTO: Part of my job, sir.
JACK: No, I should be doing it, but... (Sigh and lean on locker, look away) One day, we're going to run out of space... (Long shot, so we see it's a big big room, but still, he's saying they'll fill it one day.)
(Pause, back to medium shot)
(Close up on Ianto)
IANTO: If you're interested... I've still got that stopwatch.
IANTO: Well. Well, think about it. Lots of things you can do with a stopwatch.
JACK: Oh, yeah. I can think of a few.
IANTO: There's quite a list.
JACK: I'll send the others home early. See you in my office in ten.
IANTO: That's ten minutes (click stopwatch) and counting.
(Jack walks away happy)
IANTO: Oh, Jack? (pause, turn to look back) What do you want me to say on the death certificate? (Watch still ticking in the background, audibly)
JACK: Good question.
IANTO: She had quite a few deaths in the end.
JACK: I don't know. Death by Torchwood.
IANTO: I'll put a lock on the door, just in case she goes walking again.
JACK: Nah, no chance of that. The resurrection days are over, thank God. (walks off again)
IANTO: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure. That's the thing about gloves, sir. (Jack pauses) They come in pairs. (Jack looks back at him, Ianto looks down. Clipboard, pen. Jack turns again and walks off.)

Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd

Some bits added while listening. Sometimes I put them in blue, sometimes I forgot. Oops.
I put in red some bits that were subtitled but I can't hear.
(italics) is all stuff I typed, as is underlined

Awkward silence is a major component of the episode so I tried to put it in where appropriate.
Also they don't half play around with camera angles and little flashback montages. Bit hard to write it all down, takes far longer to read than see.

Note on Wolf/Wharf - I've read someone say there is a Wharf bar in Cardiff, but not a Wolf one. However the subtitles say Wolf, and I hear Wolf, and I see Wolf when I watch her saying it, so I think it is Wolf. YMMV.

Cathy vs Kathy - I don't know, the subtitles give both. I took the e off the end of Costello and put it back on Briscoe but there's no handy display of Cathy.



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