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[ Index for this story ]
(The great wooden door is opened and JO is thrown to the floor. The door is pulled to behind her. She gets up and starts hammering on it.)
JO: Open the door and let me out!
(She turns. From the darkness of the columns comes the bellow of an animal. JO looks over in the direction of the sound and a look of sheer terror appears on her face. A creature faces her. It has the body of a strong and well-muscled man but from the shoulders upwards, it has the appearance of a bull - the MINOTAUR!)
(LAKIS comes running onto the terrace where the DOCTOR and DALIOS are still sat in conversation.)
DALIOS: What is it?
(She falls at the King's feet.)
CRITO: (OOV: In pursuit.) Come back!
LAKIS: Forgive me, Lord King, forgive me!(CRITO runs in and grabs LAKIS.)
DALIOS: Tell us, child.
CRITO: Your pardon, lord.(CRITO starts to pull her out. LAKIS calls out as she is dragged away.)
LAKIS: Lord Hippias and the high priest have gone into the lair of the guardian followed by the Lady Jo!
(The DOCTOR jumps to his feet.)
(The MINOTAUR starts to make his way towards JO. It roars and runs towards her. With difficulty in her long Atlantean dress, she runs into the depths of the labyrinth and hides behind a pillar. The MINOTAUR approaches and she runs off again.)
(KRASIS approaches the door in the temple that leads down to the labyrinth. A guard is on duty. KRASIS hears someone approaching on the steps that lead down from the concourse and the DOCTOR turns the corner into view.)
KRASIS: (To the guard.) Seize this intruder!
(The DOCTOR grabs the raised trident and pins the two men back against the wall by their necks.)
DOCTOR: Sorry to hold you up like this, Krasis, but I need that key!
(He grabs the key out of KRASIS' hand, snaps the trident in two over his knee and dashes for the door, unlocking it before the guard and KRASIS can react. They give chase.)
(Down in the labyrinth, a deadlier game of chase is in progress as JO runs from pillar to pillar and down darkened torch-lit passages. She comes up against a mirror and turns, seeing the relentless MINOTAUR coming round a corner and making its way towards her. Suddenly the DOCTOR'S voice rings out.)
(He stands near the entrance door to the labyrinth, looking round and listening to the bellows of the guardian.)
(He walks into the labyrinth.)
DOCTOR: Jo, where are you?
(Further in, the MINOTAUR rounds a corner. It has JO firmly in its sights. Suddenly, HIPPIAS rounds a corner, a torch in his hand.)
HIPPIAS: Stay back!
(The MINOTAUR turns and goes for the young Atlantean. HIPPIAS throws his torch at the creature but it is ineffectual. The MINTOAUR grabs him and throws him across the room. HIPPIAS gets to his feet and bravely jumps on the back of the creature but it merely raises him into the air and throws him through a mirrored wall. Suddenly, the DOCTOR is stood at the end of a row of columns, his red-lined cloak held out like a matador and calling out yells in Spanish. The minotaur turns and charges him, head down and horns out. The DOCTOR neatly side-steps the guardian, swirling his cloak. The manouevre is repeated but this time, the DOCTOR neatly chops the MINOTAUR on the back of the neck as it passes. It slides to the ground and the DOCTOR runs off towards JO.)
JO: Doctor, are you alright?
DOCTOR: Yes.(He sees the MINOTAUR charging again.)
DOCTOR: Look out, Jo!
(The creature sweeps between them and straight into a wall. The force of the impact brings the huge blocks of stone down, killing the creature and revealing a brightly-lit chamber beyond. The DOCTOR and JO go and look through the hole in the wall.)
(JO suddenly remembers...)
JO: Hippias! He saved my life.
DOCTOR: I'm afraid he's dead, Jo.(The DOCTOR looks further into the chamber at the source of the bright light.)
DOCTOR: The crystal! It's the crystal of Kronos!
(And the original glowing crystal is indeed sat in its receptacle. The two walk towards it, carefully circling the dead guardian.)
DOCTOR: There you, Jo. That's what all the fuss has been about.
JO: It's beautiful...but at the same time, horrible. It gives me a funny feeling.
DOCTOR: Well, cheer up, Jo. Now that we've found the crystal, the Master's little game is at an end.
KRASIS: Not quite!(They spin round as KRASIS and two guards step out of the shadows behind them.)
KRASIS: The game is just beginning! A pity you will not live to see the end.
DOCTOR: And that's where you're mistaken, Krasis. And if you value your own life, you will take me to see the King - now!
(A shock awaits them when they KRASIS takes them to the terrace.)
MASTER: But, I am the King.
(The MASTER looks towards the high priest.)
MASTER: Oh, didn't he tell you? (Laughs.) Oh, he's a jolly fellow, our friend, Krasis. He loves a joke.
(The stony-faced humourless priest stares at the DOCTOR.)
DOCTOR: Does he really?
(The doors to the rear of the terrace open to admit GALLEIA to a blast of trumpets. She wears a long blue and silver dress.)
MASTER: A complete success, our little...palace revolution.
DOCTOR: What happened to King Dalios?
MASTER: Why, nothing.
DOCTOR: Then he's still alive?(The MASTER stands for the Queen.)
MASTER: Why, certainly. And treated honourably.
GALLEIA: Even though Dalios is an old man, the King is still the King.
MASTER: And now it appears that I have to thank you both.
JO: What for?
MASTER: For giving me the crystal.
DOCTOR: You don't mean to say that you still intend going ahead with this...
MASTER: Tomorrow you will both receive a suitable reward - an introduction to the mighty Kronos...(His voice hardens...)
MASTER: And this time, Doctor, there will be no mistake.
DOCTOR: I wouldn't count on that.(The two are led away by the guards and KRASIS.)
MASTER: Right, Lady, I have a lot to do so...you must leave me too.
(The MASTER turns to go but GALLEIA is annoyed by his tone and manner.)
GALLEIA: Must I, indeed?
MASTER: You would question my decision?
GALLEIA: Perhaps. It depends what you mean to do.
MASTER: You must learn to obey, my love.(He strokes her cheek.)
MASTER: To do my will. To carry out my commands without question, like a soldier.
GALLEIA: You mean like a servant girl? And you must learn, "my love", that Galleia is a Queen.(She storms off, leaving an angry MASTER.)
(The DOCTOR and JO sit chained to the wall of a straw-lined cell. JO struggles against her manacles.)
DOCTOR: Any luck?
JO: Funnily enough, they didn't include Atlantean chains in my escapology course. No, it's no good. Doctor, what are we going to do?
DOCTOR: (Calmly.) Well, well just have to play it by ear, won't we?
JO: What happens if the Master wins?
DOCTOR: Well, the whole of creation is very delicately balanced in cosmic terms, Jo. If the Master opens the floodgates of Kronos' power, all order and all structure will be swept away, and nothing will be left but chaos.
JO: (Depressed.) Makes it seem so...pointless really, doesn't it?
DOCTOR: I felt like that once when I was young. It was the blackest day of my life.
JO: Why?
DOCTOR: Ah well, that's another story. Well, I'll tell you about it one day. The point is, that day was not only my blackest, it was also my best.
JO: Mmm? Well, what do you mean?
DOCTOR: Well, when I was a little boy, we used to live in a house that was perched halfway up the top of a mountain. And behind our house, there sat under a tree an old man - a hermit, a monk. He'd lived under this tree for half his lifetime, so they said, and he'd learned the secret of life. So, when my black day came, I went and asked him to help me.
JO: And he told you the secret? Well, what was it?
DOCTOR: Well, I'm coming to that, Jo, in my own time. Ah, I'll never forget what it was like up there. All bleak and cold, it was - a few bare rocks with some weeds sprouting from them and some pathetic little patches of sludgy snow. It was just grey. Grey, grey, grey. Well, the tree the old man sat under, that was ancient and twisted and the old man himself was...he was as brittle and as dry as a leaf in the autumn.
JO: But what did he say?
DOCTOR: Nothing, not a word. He just sat there, silently, expressionless, and he listened while I poured out my troubles to him. I was too unhappy even for tears, I remember. And when I'd finished, he lifted a skeletal hand and...he pointed. Do you know what he pointed at?
JO: No.
DOCTOR: A flower. One of those little weeds. Just like a daisy it was. Well, I looked at it for a moment and suddenly I saw it through his eyes. It was simply glowing with life, like a perfectly cut jewel, and the colours! Well, the colours were deeper and richer than you could possibly imagine. Yes, it was the daisiest daisy I'd ever seen.
JO: And that was the secret of life? A daisy? (Laughs.) Honestly, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Yes, I laughed too when I first heard it. So, later, I got up and I ran down that mountain and I found that the rocks weren't grey at all - but they were red, brown and purple and gold. And those pathetic little patches of sludgy snow were shining white. Shining white in the sunlight. (Smiles.) You still frightened, Jo?
JO: (Smiles.) No, not as much as I was.
DOCTOR: That's good. I'm sorry I brought you to Atlantis.
JO: I'm not.
DOCTOR: Thank you.(The door to the cell is unlocked and opened and a familiar white robed figure is thrust in.)
GUARD: Inside, old man!
(DALIOS stands up to the GUARD.)
DALIOS: I demand to be taken to the Lady Galleia!
GUARD: You'll do as you're told.(He pushes DALIOS back in the cell.)
DALIOS: How dare you lay your hands on me! I shall see the Queen! Out of my way, slave!
(The GUARD strikes DALIOS to the ground with his trident. The old man gasps and falls on the floor and the door is shut. The blow has knocked all the strength out of the King and he lies stunned in front of the DOCTOR and JO. Manacled, they are unable to help him.)
DOCTOR: Dalios! Dalios!
DALIOS: (Weakly.) Who would have thought it...my sweet Queen...
DOCTOR: Is the Master responsible for this?
DALIOS: (Weakly.) Ah...but tis no matter. Come closer.(He manages to lift his head into JO'S lap.)
DOCTOR: What is it?
DALIOS: (Weakly.) There's so little time...so little. I tell you the vision of a dying man. Atlantis was doomed. You are a true philosopher. The world must be...must be saved. And you are the one to do it. The only one. Who'd have thought it? My lovely Galleia...(He falls back.)
DOCTOR: Dalios!
(But he has gone. JO grows tearful.)
DOCTOR: We won't fail you, Dalios.
(It is the next day. On the forecourt of the temple, another meeting of a much-reduced council takes place before the people. KRASIS and MISEUS are among those assembled. The MASTER sits on the king's throne and the DOCTOR and JO have been brought up in their chains and have been placed, one on each side of the temple steps. Trumpets sound and CRITO slams down his staff.)
CRITO: Silence! The Lady Galleia, Queen of Atlantis, now speaks.
(The trumpets sound again and GALLEIA stands.)
GALLEIA: Brethren of the council, my faithful few. Our troubles are now at an end. No longer shall we tread beneath the hand of an old defeated king. I shall present to you his holiness, the most venerable, Lord Master.
(The MASTER stands another trumpet salute, a murmur from the crowd and a shouted comment from the DOCTOR to JO.)
DOCTOR: Quite above himself, isn't he?
CRITO: Silence!
MASTER: Greetings to you, my brothers. I grieve to see the council is so small. And yet I rejoice that you, the few who have put me here, have come to claim your just reward. Today, you shall see the mighty one himself - Kronos, the most terrible.(The crowd gasps at the mention of the name.)
MASTER: Krasis, the high priest will assist me. Prepare, Krasis.
(The crystal unit from the MASTER'S TARDIS has been brought out onto the concourse and KRASIS walks over to it. Into the top has now been inserted the true crystal which towers a foot above the one from the Newton Institute. Watched by a puzzled crowd, KRASIS starts to flick switches on the machine.)
DOCTOR: And what happened to the rest of the council?
JO: Yes, where are they?
DOCTOR: Are they alive?
MASTER: The point is academic, Doctor. In a few moments, it'll be of no further interest to you.
DOCTOR: Then satisfy my curiosity now. Are they indeed alive, or are they dead like King Dalios?(The Queen looks sharply at him.)
GALLEIA: The King is unharmed!
DOCTOR: The King is dead, Madam!
JO: (To GALLEIA, softly.) It's true.(GALLEIA stares at her, shock registering in her face.)
JO: We were there when he died this morning.
(GALLEIA looks as if her world has fallen apart...)
GALLEIA: You were there? You saw him? (To the MASTER.) Is this true?
(The MASTER doesn't respond. GALLEIA stands and calls out across the crowd.)
GALLEIA: Is this true? Is the lord Dalios, your King, no longer alive?
(She looks at the MASTER, trembling with anger.)
GALLEIA: Answer me!
MASTER: He died this morning. He was an old man.
DOCTOR: And you were responsible for his death!
GUARD: Quiet!
GALLEIA: (Tearfully.) You promised.
MASTER: I promised you power. And you shall have it. Power to realise your most ambitious dreams!
GALLEIA: You promised he should not be harmed!
MASTER: He was an old man - and he was stubborn!(She strikes him.)
GALLEIA: Oh, you! (To the guards.) Seize him! Seize him!
(The guards close in on the MASTER and grab hold of him.)
MASTER: Krasis, the switch!
(KRASIS pulls the main switch.)
DOCTOR: No, stop him! Stop him!
(KRONOS starts to emerge from the crystal, growing in size and strength.)
MASTER: Kronos! I, the Master, welcome you! I, the Master, bid you do my will!
(The guards release the MASTER as they and the crowd cowers back from the screeching creature which flies over the temple concourse.)
MASTER: I command you - destroy these men!
(The MASTER points at the guards but the creature makes no move towards them.)
MASTER: Obey me! I command you! I order you to obey!
DOCTOR: He'll never obey you! Don't you understand yet what you've done! He's out of control!
MASTER: ___!(The MASTER runs for the crystal unit as KRONOS starts to wreak havoc on Atlantis. Lightning flashes and the stones of the temple start to crash to the ground, falling on top of the people. GALLEIA frees JO who runs through the chaos at the MASTER.)
DOCTOR: Jo! Jo, come back! Jo! Jo!
(As the MASTER takes the main crystal out of the unit, JO jumps on his back. He runs into his TARDIS with JO still clinging to him.)
DOCTOR: Come back, Jo! Come back! Jo!
(The computer unit dematerialises. Few people now remain alive in the debris but one of them is GALLEIA who also frees the DOCTOR. He runs into his TARDIS and swiftly dematerialises. GALLEIA stands with her head bowed in the ruins of the temple with the dead people all around her. KRONOS continues to fly above the destruction.)
(Having only recently been freed, the MASTER uses a handcuff to secure JO again, this time by one of her hands to his console.)
MASTER: There, Miss Grant. I think we've seen the last of the Doctor. Buried for all time under the ruins of Atlantis.
(He laughs, but then a thought seems to strike him...)
MASTER: You know, I'm going to miss him.
JO: He's not finished - I just know it!
MASTER: Of course he is.
JO: (Shouts.) No, you're the one that's finished! Do you think that...that creature out there will ever let you control it?
MASTER: I do so already. He came when I called. You saw that yourself.
JO: Like a tiger comes when he hears a lamb bleating.
MASTER: Nicely put, my dear. You know, that was worthy of the late lamented Doctor himself.(He claps his hands in delight and walks over to the crystal.)
MASTER: You know, I could kick myself for not having polished him off long ago! Just think of the future - dominion over all time and all space! Absolute power forever! And no Doctor to ruin things for me!
(The DOCTOR suddenly appears on the scanner.)
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Don't worry, Jo.
JO: Doctor!
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) I'll soon sort him out for you.
MASTER: (Shocked.) Doctor! Well, you must be as indestructible as that wretched TARDIS of yours! And how exactly do you propose to..."sort me out"?
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) By making you see reason - and making you destroy that crystal.
MASTER: Uh? Why should I? I have my TARDIS, I have Kronos and I have Miss Grant. Now, my reason tells me that I hold all the cards.
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Ah, but there's one card that you've forgotten.
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) The trump card. I could stop you whenever I please.
MASTER: You are bluffing, Doctor.
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Am I? How about time-ram?
MASTER: Time-ram? (Contemptuously.) You couldn't do it in that old crock!
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) The two TARDIS's are operating on the same frequency, and our controls are locked together. See for yourself.(A dial on the console starts to move towards an orange zone. Beyond it is a red zone marked "DANGER". A buzzing sound fills the room.)
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) You know what'll happen if that control goes over the safety limit, don't you? Tell him, Jo.
JO: The two TARDIS's occupy exactly the same space and time, and that means that you...
MASTER: (Snarls.) I know very well what it means!
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Do you?
MASTER: Yes! (Reluctantly.) Oblivion!
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Top of the class. Extinction - for you, the TARDIS and the crystal.
MASTER: And for you and Miss Grant.
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Oh yes, of course. But by then, Kronos will be free, and the universe will be saved.(The MASTER slams the console and stands back.)
MASTER: Very well. Go ahead.
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) What?
MASTER: Go ahead - time-ram!
JO: You can't be serious?
MASTER: Do you think I'm going to dance to the Doctor's tune like some performing poodle? Look, Doctor, you want to stop me? Try!
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Very well. Goodbye, Jo.(The dial enters the orange zone and the buzzing grows louder. It moves by gradients towards the red zone and teeters on the edge.)
MASTER: Well? Why have you stopped?
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) To give you one last chance.
MASTER: (Shouts scornfully.) Nonsense! You can't bring yourself to destroy her - now admit it! It's that fatal weakness of yours, Doctor - pity, compassion...(He laughs.)
MASTER: You know, for a moment there, you almost had me believing you!
JO: Don't listen to him, Doctor! Think of all those millions of people who'll die! Think of all those millions of people who'll never be born! Do it, Doctor, quickly!
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Jo, there may be another way.
MASTER: Of course there is - the way to immeasurable glory!
JO: Goodbye, Doctor!(She lunges for the control.)
DOCTOR: (On scanner.) Don't do it!
JO: Too late!
MASTER: No!(The MASTER jumps forward to stop her but she manages to put the dial into the red zone and the two TARDIS's implode in a bright burst of energy...)
11: VOID
(The explosion contracts and the two TARDIS's appear in a strange void, where the blurred ground is yellow and the sky a deep blue.)
(JO and the MASTER are both unconscious on the floor of the MASTER'S TARDIS. JO is now free of her manacle. She starts to come to.)
JO: Doctor...
(She sits up.)
JO: Doctor...
(She heads out of the door.)
13: VOID
(She cautiously crosses the void from the MASTER'S TARDIS and enters the DOCTOR'S.)
(There she finds the DOCTOR also unconscious on the floor. She strokes his head.)
JO: Doctor? Doctor?
(He comes to.)
DOCTOR: Jo...you alright.
JO: I'm fine. Dead, of course, but I'm fine.
DOCTOR: Dead?(He sits up.)
DOCTOR: What are you talking about? You're no more dead than I am.
JO: Well, that's just it. Well, I mean, that's what I mean. I mean, you're dead too, and so's the Master.
DOCTOR: And I suppose we're all in heaven?
JO: Yeah, or somewhere. Hey, come take a look.(She leads him to the door.)
JO: Come on.
15: VOID
(He steps out of the TARDIS and joins her.)
JO: Groovy, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Yes...yes, it's fascinating. But somehow I don't think we're in heaven.
JO: Well, where are we then?
DOCTOR: Well, that's just it. I don't know myself. You shouldn't have put us into time-ram, Jo. In any case, I was just about to do it myself.
JO: Oh, really?
DOCTOR: Now look, Jo, I...(She laughs.)
DOCTOR: No, not really.
(Suddenly they hear an echoing polite cough. They turn. In place of the never-ending void, a huge female FACE appears with golden eyes and lips. The DOCTOR bows towards the gigantic apparition.)
DOCTOR: Greetings.
(The FACE laughs and speaks in an echoing but slightly indistinct feminine tone.)
FACE OF KRONOS: Your courtesy is always so punctilious, Doctor.
DOCTOR: You know me?
DOCTOR: Well, you must forgive me, but, erm...I can't quite place you.
FACE OF KRONOS: I am Kronos.
JO: You? But you're a girl.
FACE OF KRONOS: Well, shapes mean nothing.
JO: But a little while ago you were a...a raging monster and an evil destroyer.
FACE OF KRONOS: I can be all things - a destroyer, a healer, a creator. I'm beyond good and evil as you know it.
DOCTOR: W...well, where exactly are we?
FACE OF KRONOS: On the boundary of your reality and mine. You brought yourselves here.
DOCTOR: Ah yes, the time-ram.
FACE OF KRONOS: At the moment of impact, I was released. That saved you and took you to the threshold of being.
DOCTOR: (Sighs.) Well, what now?
FACE OF KRONOS: I owe you a debt of gratitude nothing could repay. What would you wish?(The DOCTOR and JO look at each other. She answers the question on their behalf.)
JO: To go home?
FACE OF KRONOS: You shall.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
JO: But what about the Master?
FACE OF KRONOS: (Coldly.) He stays.
JO: And what will happen to him?
FACE OF KRONOS: Torment, of course! The pain he has given so freely will be returned to him, in full.(Having heard this, the now-conscious MASTER comes running out of his TARDIS, his face full of terror.)
(He sinks to his knees before the DOCTOR, his hands clasped begging...)
MASTER: Doctor, please?! Please help me, I can't bear it! Please, Doctor, please?!
(The DOCTOR appears unmoved, but looks down from his pitiful enemy and up at the giant FACE.)
DOCTOR: Mighty Kronos, may I ask one last favour of you?
DOCTOR: His life - his freedom.
FACE OF KRONOS: (Curtly.) He made a prisoner of me.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know. But would you allow us to deal with him in our way?
FACE OF KRONOS: I do not understand you, but if that is your desire, so let it be.(The MASTER raises his head and gets to his feet. His face is full of relief.)
MASTER: Thank you, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Don't thank me. You're coming back to Earth with us.
MASTER: Yes, of course.(The DOCTOR opens his TARDIS door and starts to enter. JO follows and the MASTER also but he pushes JO against the DOCTOR and makes a run for his own TARDIS.)
(The door to the MASTER'S TARDIS closes and it starts to dematerialise.)
DOCTOR: Kronos! Stop him! Stop him! Kronos!
(The computer unit vanishes in a flash of light. KRONOS appears almost amused.)
FACE OF KRONOS: You asked for him to be given his freedom - he has it!
JO: Here we go again.
(The infant BENTON sits on the adult's clothes on the floor of the laboratory while STUART tries to feed him from a dish. The baby merely cries.)
STUART HYDE: Come on, baby Benton. Come on, get it down you.
(STUART gives up. RUTH is still adjusting the machinery.)
DR. RUTH INGRAM: What are you feeding him on now?
STUART HYDE: The remains of my lunchtime sandwiches mashed up with some cold tea.
DR. RUTH INGRAM: Well, stop playing mothers and fathers and come and give me a hand. I think I'm nearly there.
STUART HYDE: And what are you trying to do?(She puts a unit back in place and closes an inspection panel.)
DR. RUTH INGRAM: Well, if I'm on the beam, we should be able to close the gap in time for good. Right, switch on, Stu.
STUART HYDE: Okay.(They take their places at the consoles.)
(The DOCTOR and JO are in the TARDIS and back in flight.)
JO: But, why? I mean, why did you even ask?
DOCTOR: Jo, would you condemn anybody to an eternity of torment - even the Master?
JO: No...no, I guess I wouldn't.
DOCTOR: No. Well neither would I - even though he was responsible for the destruction of Atlantis.
JO: (Sadly.) So terrible though, when you think about it - all those people.
DOCTOR: Yes. Well, Jo, we're about to land back in Cambridge. Just think - it all happened three thousand, five hundred years ago.
(The power of TOMTIT is starting to build up again.)
STUART HYDE: Three-o, three-five, four-o...
(The TARDIS materialises on the other side of the room.)
STUART HYDE: Suffering catfish!
DR. RUTH INGRAM: (Unfazed.) Increase in power.
STUART HYDE: Well, Ruth, look!
DR. RUTH INGRAM: Yes, it must be the Doctor. Now concentrate, Stu. Increase in power!(JO, still in her Atlantean garb, and the DOCTOR walk out of the TARDIS.)
STUART HYDE: Four-five, five-o...
DR. RUTH INGRAM: Isolate matrix scanner.
STUART HYDE: Five-five, check!
DOCTOR: What's going on here?
STUART HYDE: Six-o, six-five, seven-o...
DR. RUTH INGRAM: See if it's working, Stu.(He runs to the window.)
(The BRIGADIER and the UNIT troops start to move, slowly at first but gathering speed.)
STUART HYDE: (OOV.) Hey! Yes, it is!
(Wisps of smoke start to come out of the machinery.)
DOCTOR: It seems to be working a bit too well.
DR. RUTH INGRAM: It's running away again.
STUART HYDE: Ruth, everybody, get down. It's going to go up!(They all duck down as the main unit explodes.)
(Outside, time runs at a normal speed. The BRIGADIER sends some of his troops in one direction and follows the others in the direction of the laboratory.)
(TOMTIT, now out of action, is silent.)
JO: You'll just have to start right at the beginning again.
DR. RUTH INGRAM: No, I couldn't. Not without the professor. Just as well I guess.
DOCTOR: So it's done its job. Everything's now back to normal.(The BRIGADIER, pistol in hand, and several armed troops burst in the door.)
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Right, stand quite still everyone!
(He stops as the four people look calmly at him. He looks round rather foolishly.)
DOCTOR: A very good question, Brigadier.
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Doctor, glad to see you're back.(He suddenly takes notice of JO'S Atlantean dress and wig.)
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Miss Grant, what on earth are you doing in that extraordinary get-up? (Shouts.) And where, for heaven's sake, is Sergeant Benton?!
STUART HYDE: (To RUTH.) The baby! We forgot the baby!(They start to dash round the consoles of TOMTIT, but SERGEANT BENTON stands. He is almost naked, covering his modesty and with an embarrassed smile on his face.)
SERGEANT BENTON: Would somebody please mind telling me exactly what's happening around here?
(All but the BRIGADIER burst into laughter...)
Dr. Who
KATY MANNINGBrigadier Lethbridge Stewart
JOHN LEVENEDr. Ruth Ingram
and BBC Radiophonic WorkshopMusic
JOAN BARRETTVisual Effects Designer
MARTYN DAYStudio Lighting
BARRY LETTSDirected by
© BBC 1972