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first broadcast - 6th May 1967
running time - 23mins 34secs


(JEAN puts down her phone.)

JEAN: Negative report from Air Sea Rescue, sir.
COMMANDANT: But with two aircraft ditching, there must be some signs of wreckage.
DOCTOR: (Gently.) Why do you think the Chameleon plane crashed into the sea?

(The COMMANDANT stares at him.)

COMMANDANT: Because it disappeared off our radar screen!
DOCTOR: But it stood still first!
COMMANDANT: Because it must have collided with the RAF plane and dropped like a stone.
DOCTOR: Why do you think that?

(The COMMANDANT snatches a note-pad from his desk and draws a big circle, bisected by a horizontal line.)

COMMANDANT: You see, when a plane on that radar appears to stand still, it is in point of fact dropping straight down.
DOCTOR: What about straight up?
COMMANDANT: (Wearily.) Oh my dear Doctor! To get above our radar umbrella like that it would have to climb vertically until it was a hundred miles high. The darned thing would be in outer space.
DOCTOR: Exactly!


(As they speak the Chameleon spaceship is streaking upwards, Earth's atmosphere left far behind. Far above in the blackness of deep space there hangs the giant gleaming sphere that is the Chameleon space station. The spaceship speeds towards it. The entry doors slide open and the space craft disappears inside. Flight Four-One-Nine has arrived...)


(The Chameleon space craft has now landed in the space station hangar, and BLADE and ANN DAVIDSON come out of the flight deck and head for the exit door. ANN DAVIDSON is carrying her large metal tray, which she has now fitted with a cover.)

ANN DAVIDSON: That plane they sent to follow us. Should we have destroyed it?

( they move down the aisle.)

BLADE: We could eliminate a whole squadron of their toy planes and they'd never get on to us. Their minds can't cope with an operation like this. Remember the teaching of our Director - the intelligence of Earth people is comparable only to that of animals on our planet.

(From his hiding place in the galley, JAMIE watches them leave the plane. He emerges to find that the plane has landed, and seems to be empty. As BLADE and ANN vanish through the door, two more figures come onto the plane. JAMIE gets a quick glimpse of shapeless coveralls and equally shapeless blobby heads, then they turn in the other direction and move away.)


(Swiftly and silently, JAMIE follows BLADE and ANN from the plane. He finds himself in a long featureless metal corridor. BLADE is nowhere in sight, but ANN DAVIDSON is just disappearing around a corner. JAMIE follows her. Just around the corner there is an open door and JAMIE peers inside. ANN DAVIDSON seems to be taking small objects from her tray and stowing them away in a series of metal filing drawers. As she finishes her work JAMIE ducks back out of sight round the corner. He sees ANN come out of the store room and carry on in the other direction. Moments later he hears voices behind him, coming nearer. He creeps forwards and ducks into the little store room for refuge, closing the door behind him.)


(Once inside, JAMIE looks around curiously. There is little to see, just row upon row of metal drawers occupying every wall from floor to ceiling. JAMIE opens one at random, and gives a gasp of horror. The compartment is divided into six moulded segments and in each one lies a doll-like shape. But they are not dolls. They are living, breathing people, young humans somehow miniaturised and made dormant. Hurriedly closing the drawer, JAMIE looks round the little room. Hundreds of drawers, and, for all he knows, hundreds of store rooms like this one. The sheer scale of it all is staggering. The door slides open behind him.)

ANN DAVIDSON: I thought I'd missed one of you. I wondered what happened to you.
JAMIE: What have you done to them?!
ANN DAVIDSON: Close that drawer.

(She is standing in the doorway, a ray gun in her hand. She steps to one side, and two shapeless figures shamble into the room.)

JAMIE: No... No... Don't leave me.

( ANN leaves the room.)


(More shots of planes and the airport buildings.)


(JEAN is on the phone.)

JEAN: Right, thank you.

(She puts the phone down.)

JEAN: Air Sea Rescue say they're still searching but there's no trace yet.

(The phone rings and the COMMANDANT picks it up.)

COMMANDANT: Commandant.

(He listens.)

COMMANDANT: I see - did the pilot managed to bail out?

(He listens again.)

COMMANDANT: I'm sorry.

(He puts down the phone and turns to the others.)

COMMANDANT: They've found the remains of that RAF plane. The pilot had been electrocuted.
DOCTOR: Do you still think these people are from Earth?
COMMANDANT: I don't know, Doctor. I just don't know what to think. If only there was one solid piece of evidence.

(The DOCTOR looks up as CHAMELEON-MEADOWS comes into the room and takes over his usual station.)

DOCTOR: I think it's just come in!

(He nods towards CHAMELEON-MEADOWS.)

DOCTOR: Do you mind if I question him? I think I know how to make him talk.

(Followed by the astonished COMMANDANT, the DOCTOR goes over to CHAMELEON- MEADOWS and taps him on the shoulder. As CHAMELEON-MEADOWS swings round the Doctor takes out the two sheaths, one black, one white from his coat pockets.)

DOCTOR: You know what this is, don't you?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: I don't know what you're talking about.
DOCTOR: Oh I think you do. Roll up your sleeve.


CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Do I have to take orders from him, sir?
COMMANDANT: I think perhaps you should explain, Doctor. After all, this man is working for me.
DOCTOR: You only think he's working for you! Commandant, your personnel are being systematically replaced. And this is how they're doing it. This is not Meadows, it only looks like Meadows. He's wearing one of these things on his arm.
COMMANDANT: (To CHAMELEON-MEADOWS.) Very well, do as he asks.
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: But sir, this is ridiculous...
COMMANDANT: We all have to help in this, Meadows. Roll up your sleeve.

(Slowly, CHAMELEON-MEADOWS begins to obey, then he stops and makes a dash for the door.)


(As he passes her, JEAN throws a chair in his path and he crashes to the ground. Two astonished technicians lift CHAMELEON-MEADOWS to his feet.)

COMMANDANT: Now get him in this chair.

(The technicians do so.)

COMMANDANT: Jean, send for the police. (To the DOCTOR) All right Doctor, go ahead!

(The DOCTOR nods to one of the technicians.)

DOCTOR: Roll up his left sleeve.

(The half-dazed CHAMELEON-MEADOWS offers no resistance as the technician obeys, and reveals the black sheath on the prisoners forearm.)

DOCTOR: There we are.

(The DOCTOR grips MEADOW'S wrist and studies the controls set into the sheath.)

DOCTOR: Now then. What happens if I were to turn one of these?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: (In panic.) Don't touch it!

(He wrenches his arm away.)

DOCTOR: (Quietly.) Ah, I see. Right. Now then, you are going to answer all my questions. And in return, I promise no harm will come to you. Do you understand?

(CHAMELEON-MEADOWS nods utterly defeated.)

DOCTOR: Where are your planes taking all their passengers?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: There's a... satellite, about a hundred and fifty miles up.
DOCTOR: Why are you abducting all these young people?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: We had a catastrophe on our planet. A gigantic explosion. As you've seen, we have lost our identities. My people are dying out!
COMMANDANT: But what use would our people be to you?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Our scientists devised a process so that we could take on the physical characterises of another being.
DOCTOR: (Pointing to the band on CHAMELEON-MEADOWS' arm.) This is part of the process?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Yes, that's why you mustn't touch it.
DOCTOR: (Sternly.) How many of these young people do you hope to abduct?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: This time - Fifty thousand.
COMMANDANT: Fifty thousand!

(Even the DOCTOR is astonished.)

DOCTOR: How large is this satellite?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: On the journey in our planes, the passengers are miniaturised.
DOCTOR: I see. How many of your people are working here at Gatwick Airport?

(The DOCTOR reaches out as if to touch the sheath and CHAMELEON-MEADOWS screams: )

CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: That's the truth, I tell you. I don't know.
DOCTOR: Very well. What happens to the people whose identities have been taken over, the originals?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: They're somewhere in the Airport, I... I don't know exactly where.
COMMANDANT: (Determinedly.) I'll have the whole place torn to pieces to find them.
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: No, you mustn't find them.

(He becomes silent, as if realising that he has given too much away, that he has revealed some weakness.)

DOCTOR: Why not?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: You... you mustn't, that's all.
DOCTOR: Because if we do find them we'll find one of these on their arms, eh?

(The DOCTOR brandishes a white sheath.)

DOCTOR: And if we remove it, something terrible will happen to you?

(CHAMELEON-MEADOWS closes his eyes.)

DOCTOR: What if you have to change back?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Well, that can be done, but with the machine.
DOCTOR: The machine in the Medical Centre?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Yes. None of us know where our own originals are. Except that Nurse.
DOCTOR: Nurse? What about her?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Oh she was cunning. She's got her own original with her.
DOCTOR: Where is it?
DOCTOR: I think you do know.

(He puts his hand on the controls in the band.)

DOCTOR: Now, are you going to tell me?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: It's in the Medical Centre.
DOCTOR: Right. You're going to show me where it is.
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: I... I daren't. She'll have me destroyed.
DOCTOR: (Still with his hand on the controls.) Are you going to co-operate or are you not?

(Two policemen come into the room.)

CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: All right. It won't make any difference. You'll never see those fifty thousand young people again!
DOCTOR: (To the COMMANDANT.) I think I'd better take him down there - the Medical Centre.


(SAMANTHA lies strapped to the couch in the inner room of the medical centre, conscious but gagged. She watches helplessly as CHAMELEON-PINTO checks her bonds then goes through to the outer room. In the outer room she opens a Red Cross cabinet on the wall, and presses a concealed button, turning the back of the cabinet into a monitor screen. SPENCER's face appears, and his voice comes faintly from a hidden speaker.)

SPENCER: (OOV.) What is it?
CHAMELEON-PINTO: This girl. What do we do with her?
SPENCER: We need to use her as an original. That way we can get one of our people close to the man who is menacing us. He will then be killed.
CHAMELEON-PINTO: But surely Captain Blade isn't bringing any more of our people to Earth...

(She brakes off, closing the cabinet door, as the DOCTOR comes into the room. The Nurse turns, her face impassive.)

CHAMELEON-PINTO: Can I help you?

(The DOCTOR speaks over his shoulder.)

DOCTOR: Bring him in.

(The DOCTOR steps aside and two policemen bring CHAMELEON-MEADOWS into the room.)

CHAMELEON-PINTO: (Calm.) I'm afraid I don't understand.
DOCTOR: I think you two have something in common.
CHAMELEON-PINTO: (To a policeman.) Is this man ill, officer?
DOCTOR: Roll up your sleeves.
CHAMELEON-PINTO: What are you talking about?
DOCTOR: Officer!

(One of the policemen comes forward and holds CHAMELEON-PINTO's wrist while the DOCTOR pushes back her sleeve revealing the black sheath.)

CHAMELEON-PINTO: Please take your hands off me.
DOCTOR: Certainly. I've seen all I want to see. I'll have that, if you don't mind!

(He takes the silver freezer-pen that is clipped to her tunic. He turns to CHAMELEON-MEADOWS.)

DOCTOR: Now then, where is her original?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: (Pointing to the inner room.) It's in there.

(As the DOCTOR heads for the inner room the Nurse shouts:)

CHAMELEON-PINTO: You can't go in there!
DOCTOR: Would you rather be destroyed?

(Turning to one policeman.)

DOCTOR: Keep an eye on her, officer.

(He turns to the other, indicating CHAMELEON-MEADOWS.)

DOCTOR: Bring him along.

(SAMANTHA's eyes light up with joy as the DOCTOR hurries into the inner room, followed by CHAMELEON-MEADOWS and a policeman. The DOCTOR hurries over to her and unfastens her straps.)

DOCTOR: Sam! Sam, are you all right? Are you all right Sam!

(She struggles to a sitting position.)

SAMANTHA: I thought I was done for there. Pins and needles...
DOCTOR: You're lucky it was no worse.

(He rolls up her left sleeve, but there is no sheath on her arm.)

SAMANTHA: (Indignantly.) What are you doing?
DOCTOR: Just checking up!


DOCTOR: Now then, where is the Nurse's original?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: It's in a panel in the wall, somewhere. The control's in the couch there.
DOCTOR: All right, Officer.

(CHAMELEON-MEADOWS crosses to the couch and operates the controls. The panel slides back, revealing the upright figure of the real NURSE PINTO. Her left sleeve is pushed back and there is a white sheath on her forearm.)

SAMANTHA: Flipping heck! But she's in there!

(In the outer room, the CHAMELEON-PINTO is washing her hands at a basin, watched by the young constable. She picks up a towel and begins drying her hands. She turns, fumbling a little with the towel. Suddenly she drops it, and there is a ray gun in her hand. She fires, and the policemen falls. Immediately she heads for the inner room. When she appears in the doorway, CHAMELEON-MEADOWS is preparing to assist the unconscious NURSE PINTO from the cabinet. It is SAMANTHA who sees the Chameleon Nurse first. CHAMELEON-PINTO is aiming the gun at CHAMELEON-MEADOWS.)

SAMANTHA: Look out!

(Before she can fire, CHAMELEON-MEADOWS wrenches the white sheath from the real Nurse PINTO's forearm. The Chameleon-Nurse simply vanishes, somehow imploding. In her place there remains only a congealing blob of protoplasm with a black sheath embedded in the centre. Beside it, in a crumpled heap is her uniform, with the ray gun close by. The real NURSE PINTO staggers from the Cabinet, and CHAMELEON-MEADOWS catches her just in time. The DOCTOR is holding SAMANTHA who is surprised and horrified at the remains of CHAMELEON-PINTO.)

DOCTOR: It's all right Sam. It's all right.
SAMANTHA: (Breathless.) She's vanished!
DOCTOR: Put her on here.

(The DOCTOR helps him to get NURSE PINTO onto the couch.)

DOCTOR: There we are. (To CHAMELEON-MEADOWS.) Will there be any permanent damage?

(He points to her band.)

CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: You can take that off now.

(NURSE PINTO opens her eyes, looking round dazedly.)

DOCTOR: It's all right. You'll be quite all right in a few minutes. There.

(He notices a stack of files on a nearby table, and picks one up, studying it absorbedly. He becomes aware that SAMANTHA is tugging at his sleeve.)

SAMANTHA: Doctor, what's happened to Jamie?
DOCTOR: What on Earth are these doing here?
SAMANTHA: Doctor, Jamie wasn't anywhere near the kiosk the last time... LOOK YOU'RE NOT LISTENING. I THINK THEY'VE GOT JAMIE!
DOCTOR: Jamie! Where?!
SAMANTHA: Well you should know. You got him to pinch me ticket!
DOCTOR: Pinch your ticket?
SAMANTHA: To stop me from going to Rome.
DOCTOR: (Seeing.) Oh you mean Jamie...
SAMANTHA: Has gone in my place.

(The DOCTOR shakes his head worriedly.)

DOCTOR: First Polly and Ben, and now Jamie. We've no time to lose.

(They walk out.)


(JAMIE has been strapped firmly to a metal grille in the stock room and abandoned. Immediately he was left alone he began struggling to get free, and he is still struggling furiously some time later when the door opens and CROSSLAND appears.)

JAMIE: (Delightedly.) Inspector!
CROSSLAND: Let's see if I can get you out of there.

(He begins working on the straps.)

CROSSLAND: How did you get here?
JAMIE: I... I came on the plane, stole someone's ticket.
CROSSLAND: You ought to have been miniaturised on the journey.
JAMIE: Min... miniaturised?
CROSSLAND: Reduced in size - like all the youngsters in these cabins. Did you not have anything to eat or drink?

(JAMIE shakes his head, ashamed.)

JAMIE: No, I... I felt too ill!
CROSSLAND: That explains it. The food is the first part of the process.
JAMIE: Inspector, what is this place?
CROSSLAND: A satellite, Jamie. A flying ship in space. These people are from another planet. It seems the Doctor was right after all. Does anyone down there believe him yet?
JAMIE: Oh I... I'm not sure. I... I don't think so.
CROSSLAND: I suppose it is too much for them to believe. But surely the Doctor's convinced them that something is going on?
JAMIE: Aye, I think maybe the Commandant...
CROSSLAND: Yes, Jamie.
JAMIE: Inspector, have you escaped or something?
CROSSLAND: No-one escapes from here.
JAMIE: But the plane that comes here. Well it must go back to Earth. We could get on it!
CROSSLAND: The last plane to Earth is leaving now. They've just gone back to pick up their own people.
JAMIE: Surely the Doctor will think of some way of rescuing us.
CROSSLAND: Not this time, Jamie. This time, he's up against a mind superior even to his. The mind of the Director.
JAMIE: You mean someone clever than the Doctor?
CROSSLAND: The man in charge of this whole mission.
JAMIE: (Suspiciously.) You seem to know a lot about it, Inspector.

(CROSSLAND smiles.)

CROSSLAND: Of course I do, Jamie. I am the Director!


(We see the space craft take off from the Space Station and start its journey back to Earth.)


(HESLINGTON is at his radar screen, the COMMANDANT at his shoulder. The COMMANDANT indicates a particular bearing.)

COMMANDANT: This is the bearing where the Chameleon plane vanished. I want to know if it reappears there. They've a flight due any minute.
HESLINGTON: Very good sir.

(The COMMANDANT crosses over to the DOCTOR.)

COMMANDANT: Now then Doctor, what's all this about personnel files?
DOCTOR: Over here, I'll show you.

(They go over to the COMMANDANT's desk and the DOCTOR pats a batch of files.)

DOCTOR: I found these in the Medical Centre. Records of twenty-five people who work here. Each one of these has been taken over by Chameleons.
COMMANDANT: Right. I'll have them all under arrest within fifteen minutes! (Into the phone.) Airport Police please. (To the DOCTOR.) Now look at this.
DOCTOR: What is it?
JEAN: Chameleon Air Schedules.
COMMANDANT: You see here their last flight of the season goes in an hour. (Into phone.) Er.. Superintendent Reynolds please.
DOCTOR: (To himself.) The last flight? Well that's exactly why they mustn't be arrested.
COMMANDANT: (Into phone.) Superintendent? Commandant here.
DOCTOR: (Shouting.) Will you please listen to me!
COMMANDANT: (Into phone.) Will you hold on a moment please?
DOCTOR: These people must not be arrested.
DOCTOR: Somewhere in outer space, there are fifty thousand young people, three of my friends amongst them, and somehow we've got to bring them back. I want to get on this last flight, which means the Chameleons must think that everything is going according to plan.
HESLINGTON: Commandant?
COMMANDANT: (Into phone.) Reynolds, I'll call you back. (To HESLINGTON.) Now what is it?
HESLINGTON: This blip. It's just appeared out of nowhere and it's coming this way!
COMMANDANT: Right well keep tracking them. It may be the Chameleon plane returning.

(The COMMANDANT turns back to the DOCTOR.)

COMMANDANT: Now look here, Doctor. All very well talking about getting on that plane, but how?

(The DOCTOR beckons to CHAMELEON-MEADOWS, who comes over, trailed by his accompanying policeman. The DOCTOR looks up at him.)

DOCTOR: At the moment, you look like a man called Meadows. Could you shed that identity and become somebody else?
CHAMELEON-MEADOWS: Yes. Yes, some of our people have been processed twice.
DOCTOR: Good. Then in that case I shall pretend I am a Chameleon, and get on board that way.

(The COMMANDANT looks unconvinced.)

COMMANDANT: But even if you get on that plane, what do you hope to do?
DOCTOR: I don't know until I get to the satellite... and then I will have one card to play. And that's up to you Commandant.
COMMANDANT: What's that?
DOCTOR: The people the Chameleons have taken over, the originals, are hidden somewhere here in Gatwick Airport. You have got to find them.
COMMANDANT: Of course, and get those fearful things off their arms.
DOCTOR: No, no, no! Find them, by all means, but don't tamper with those arm sheaths. Otherwise we lose our one threat - the one thing I may be able to bargain with!
COMMANDANT: Yes I see that.

(He rubs his aching forehead.)

COMMANDANT: But I still don't see how you're going to get on that plane, let alone convince them that you're one of their people.
DOCTOR: That will depend entirely on Nurse Pinto.
COMMANDANT: Jean, get onto Superintendent. Reynolds.


(Soon a willing NURSE PINTO has the DOCTOR lying stretched out on the couch in the inner room of the Medical Centre, giving a very good imitation of someone who has just been processed. He looks up at NURSE PINTO.)

DOCTOR: Now is everything clear? You're sure you understand what I am asking you to do?
NURSE PINTO: Yes, of course, but we've got to think of those young people.

(They fall silent as they hear someone coming into the outer room. Seconds later BLADE enters. At the sight of the DOCTOR, a ray gun appears in his hand.)

BLADE: How very convenient. Lock the door.
NURSE PINTO: No, don't shoot! This is Meadows. He had to be re-processed.

(BLADE's gun is still trained on the Doctor)

DOCTOR: (Calmly.) The Doctor became too suspicious of me as Meadows. I was able to kidnap him. The rest is as you can see.

(BLADE nods, apparently accepting the story and puts away his gun.)

BLADE: A pity. It was useful having someone in Air Traffic Control. But then of course we have possession of the Doctor's brain.
DOCTOR: You think that will be useful?
BLADE: Undoubtedly.
DOCTOR: That means that you'll be taking us up to the satellite?

(BLADE gives him a suspicious look.)

BLADE: I am taking everybody back to the satellite on the next plane. It's the last flight. Surely you haven't forgotten that?

(The DOCTOR nods towards the machine.)

DOCTOR: The re-processing. It's difficult to remember details.
BLADE: Yes, of course, I understand.

(He turns to NURSE PINTO.)

BLADE: What have you done with his original?
DOCTOR: In a safe place.
BLADE: It should be with the others.
DOCTOR: Tell me where that is and I'll have it transferred.
BLADE: There's no time for that now. Jenkins will see you through Immigration.

(BLADE produces two passports from his briefcase, one for NURSE PINTO and one for the DOCTOR.)

BLADE: We leave in fifteen minutes.

(BLADE turns and strides away.)

NURSE PINTO: Do you think we convinced him?
DOCTOR: (Thoughtfully.) I don't know. However we've got aboard that plane. Come on, don't let's be late.

(They hurry away.)


(JEAN is on the phone.)

JEAN: Right. Thank you.

(She puts the phone down.)

JEAN: That was the police, sir. They say the passengers are now boarding the Chameleon plane.
COMMANDANT: Did they see if the Doctor had got on board?
JEAN: Yes. He was with Nurse Pinto. All the passengers are adults and most of them have been identified as airport personnel.
HESLINGTON: Commandant. Chameleon plane's requesting clearance for start up.
JEAN: All right Heslington, normal procedure. Give them clearance.

(HESLINGTON leans forward.)

HESLINGTON: (Into mike.) Chameleon Three-Four-Five, stand by for start temperature...


(And very soon we see the plane take off.)


(Before very much longer they are watching the Chameleon blip on the screen.)

COMMANDANT: Yes. Now it's stationary. It must be ascending vertically.

(He goes over to his phone.)

HESLINGTON: The blip's getting fainter, sir. That means he's rising above our radar umbrella.

(Once again, the COMMANDANT is busy on the phone.)

COMMANDANT: (Into phone.) Ah Superintendent, the very man.
HESLINGTON: Blip's just gone, sir.
COMMANDANT: (Into phone.) Now look, Reynolds. We've got to get every man of your force on that search. There isn't a moment to lose. Time's running out on us.


(In the Medical Centre, SAMANTHA is watching JEAN searching the files. She looks on for a while in silence and then asks:)

SAMANTHA: Any luck?

(JEAN shakes her head sadly.)

JEAN: No. Look at that! Wish my files were as neat as that!

(She pulls open a drawer. It is empty.)

JEAN: How about you. What about the kiosk?
SAMANTHA: Not much. Just a few papers.
JEAN: Hmm... Oh we'd better get back to Air Traffic Control then.


(They enter the room.)

JEAN: Just a few papers sir.
COMMANDANT: Well, there might be a clue there.
JEAN: Commandant, surely they'd put them somewhere... I mean, well somewhere we'd never think of.
COMMANDANT: (Fiercely.) We've got to think of it, Jean, wherever it is. The Doctor's relying on us. Thousands of lives are depending on us finding those originals - and quickly!


(There are only a very few passengers on the Chameleon plane this trip, most of them in the uniforms of airport personnel. The DOCTOR and NURSE PINTO sit side by side in an empty row just a little apart from the others.)

NURSE PINTO: How much longer, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I don't know. I should think we're almost there. Don't worry.


(Again we see the space craft docking with the station.)


(The DOCTOR and NURSE PINTO watch as the windows go dark, as a vast metal shape looms before them, and then seems to swallow them up. The lights come on and the DOCTOR pats NURSE PINTO's arm reassuringly. The plane comes to a sudden stop, and seconds later BLADE appears at the head of the aisle.)

BLADE: One moment! Owing to the complete success of our operation, living space on our satellite has had to be used for our... cargo. Therefore, quarters will be re-allocated. Report to the accommodation centre for instructions.

(The rest move away.)

NURSE PINTO: Do you think he's suspects?
DOCTOR: I don't know. Let's follow the others.


(The double of JAMIE (CHAMELEON-JAMIE) sits upright in a metal chair, a bank of complex equipment close by. CROSSLAND (now known as the DIRECTOR) stands over him.)

DIRECTOR: What is your name?

(A croak comes from JAMIE's throat. The DIRECTOR adjusts controls and says:)

DIRECTOR: Try again, What is your name?

(He speaks without his original Scottish accent.)

DIRECTOR: Where do you come from?
CHAMELEON-JAMIE: From Earth, a place called Scotland.
DIRECTOR: Excellent.

(BLADE comes into the room.)

BLADE: Director.
DIRECTOR: What is it?
BLADE: We have found two impostors. The Doctor and Nurse Pinto. I want permission to have them destroyed.
DIRECTOR: One moment.

(He turns to the newly created CHAMELEON-JAMIE and asks: )

DIRECTOR: What do you know about the Doctor?
CHAMELEON-JAMIE: He is not of this Earth or of this century. He has travelled through time and space. His knowledge is even greater than ours.
BLADE: Director, this man is a danger to us, he should be destroyed.
DIRECTOR: And I say he must live - but as one of us.
BLADE: (Furious.) You will regret it.

(The DIRECTOR stares coldly at him.)

DIRECTOR: You have your orders, Captain Blade.

(BLADE turns and marches angrily from the room.)


(As the little group of passengers moves along the corridor, the DOCTOR and NURSE PINTO deliberately allow themselves to fall behind.)

PINTO: What do we do now?
DOCTOR: We slip away and see if we can find these young people. Come on.

(The DOCTOR turns a corner and finds himself facing BLADE. He tries to get passed him.)

DOCTOR: (Cheerfully.) Ah, Captain Blade, we're carrying out your instructions. We're looking for the accommodation centre.

(BLADE gives him one of his unpleasant smiles.)

BLADE: My instructions don't apply to you. You two won't be needing living space.

(The DOCTOR and NURSE PINTO, seeing that they have been found out, turn to run, but suddenly they are surrounded by the shambling featureless forms of unprocessed Chameleons...)

Next Episode

Doctor Who



Captain Blade


Jean Rock



Inspector Crossland

Samantha Briggs

Nurse Pint


Title Music by
and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Story Editor

DAPHNE DARE (Credited, but only did costumes for parts 1&2.)
SANDRA REID (Not credited on screen, but did costumes for parts 3-6.)




Film Cameraman

Film Editor




(c) BBC TV

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