[IMG: TCrBF banner, by SJ]


General crap is here   

Tallinn Crap Beer Festival 2024 updates

19 June 2024

Who's up for bottoms?                       
              ...Bottoms up!

A few people somehow missed TCrBF this year!
For you, we have just a few leftovers - sCraps - that need shifting into bellies.

Join us Some Place Tonight just before 1900 to help solve this problem?


16 June 2024

First off, please send pointers to photos from social media etc.
I'll try to put together a gallery page for 2024 as time allows. In the meantime...

Now that the dust and stomach has settled a bit,
it's time to take stock.
And what a stock we had this year -
the strange thirsty masses who make this possible outdid themselves,
to bring the biggest and baddest set of Craps yet. Thanks, all yous!

Each donation, from the bottom to the very bottom, was Special,
but some clear winners losers soon started to emerge.
One definite killer was OJ (specifically, O.J. Strong 16%).

There were plenty of Mocnes, a couple of Vahvas, some Stipruses,
and a 'strong blond' (even stronger than I am!),
but not much is stronger than blue steel:

We were sure we had found the Crap of Craps.
But then...
Haka Peach soon took pride of pain.

Some reviews of our fine fare from Untappd
(the mocnes went down - and came back up again? - especially well):

Perfume, alcohol, booze, harsh  - Special Extramocne
Malty garbage  - Slaskie Mocne
Banana  - Banana Makgeolli
Nästi  - Bertold
Why?  - Haka Peach

We lift our glasses to you, and we thank you again for raising
up yours! :)

<- Even triple-bagging it!

Cheers! Until next year/beer!


14 June 2024

No, people, you haven't missed it.
Several have asked.

It's called SaTURDay for a reason.
See you tomorrow!


5 June 2024

A Strong contender

A fan in Finland has something to donate for the main event of the weekend.
I'll step to the side and let him continue. This puppy is...

from Finland's oldest craft brewery, Pramia! Apart from professional grade malt liquor and artesan kilju, the other main product of the company is plastic, which is apparently manufactured on the same premises. This kind of explains part of the taste. It also is much harder to hit your binge drinking buddy dead with a plastic bottle, despite the hefty 0,75 l size.

I suppose the buyers at Alko had a really wet evening because this ended up on their shelves, but they couldn't even disguise the description well enough:
        “Golden-yellow, full-bodied, medium hopped, malty,
        honey notes, creamy, spicy, warm, balanced”

It took surprisingly long for Finland to get with the Eastern European big plastic bottle professional drinker game, but what an entrance! Also includes a whole 0,5 g of protein so one can skip a meal!


31 May 2024

This is what it's all about... [IMG: Arg - it's strong]


30 April 2024

      Reserve Your Spot Now

Space is limited – to 24 glorious US fluid ounces
[IMG: Steel Reserve Spiked Blue Razz]


1 April 2024

What the Van Girls hauled in for us is no joking matter!

The less said about the beauty on the left the better, perhaps.
Likewise, we'll let you judge for yourself whether Rambler's is a true Classic
but a Ratebeer review does offer a sneak preview: 'Poor.'
If that isn't enough of a spoiler, there's a more verbose comment: 'Piss-poor.'

Just drink the thing and find out.
I pity the fool who drinks the thing and finds out.

[IMG: Skoll Vodka/Agrum] [IMG: Rambler]


25 March 2024

As time marches on toward the traditional Shaturday...
    Get your donations in! And, in the meantime,

Beware the Ides of March! [IMG: St Ides]


17 March 2024

Admit it: This gives you the horn!
[IMG: Horns Hooves PET bottle]


14 February 2024

Start prepping your mouth
    for some strength from down south!

With these cans in stock...
...let's get ready to rock!

[IMG: Two Rocks from down south]


23 January 2024


[IMG: cartoon female silhouette drinking] [IMG: cartoon male silhouette drinking] It's time to start some serious throat training!

And you'll need eye exercise too... hunting those bottom shelves for classic TCrBF liquids


8 October 2023

[IMG: Trapisticko]

“ It's a Trap! 

— Admiral AckBarf (in Bar Wars Ep. IV: A Huge Nope)

  our first planet-killers have already entered TCrBF 2024 orbit.

And, oh yes,
  the word ‘mocne’ appears on at least three labels.
And others are sure to follow.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
...Or was that just a shiver of excitement?


Older updates

Archived updates from the 2023 festival can be found here...


Any opinions expressed on this page are opinions. And any resemblance to real facts or events is purely coincidental.