Tallinn Crap Beer Festival 2022 updates
18 June 2022
After a nice long sleep, it's time for a report.
The full version of this is now archived in our
TCrBF gallery of shame.
![[IMG: ]](images/gallery/2022/Fest-portrait.jpg)
This year we were aligned again
alongside the cultured cattle.
As always, there were plenty of perverts
requesting the worst we had to offer.
![[IMG: ]](images/gallery/2022/Fest-realfale.jpg)
Some real sweeties showed up. And a few rough criminals.
And then there was the Boss.
Thanks, everyone, for the donations and the true Crap
11 June 2022, late afternoon
One more festival successfully down the drain!
Under lovely weather, we had a lovely turnout for some truly hately
drinks. Among the 'favourites' were the sweet, sweet vileness of
Redd's Wicked Sour Apple and Wicked Black Cherry, the fakeness of
Candy Beer Saga Vol 2, and the toys donated from a madman's Romper-room
Special mention goes to Noroc Blondä, a same-day surprise
donation from Romania. This was a fitting summary of what it's
all about: 3 litres of pure TCrBF class.
Thanks to all of you who 'get it'!
Some reviews spewed onto the Internet live:
'Oof' - about 8.6 Extreme
'Nice and warm, cardboard and fizzy.' - about Noroc Blondä
'Miks' - about Romper Extra Strong Cherry
A few images will be arriving on these pages in a few days.
If you have (or have found) any to share, please let the shtaff know.
10 June 2022
Avast, me hearties!
An all-AmeriCAN delivery has just arrived from across the water!
Are you ready for SaTURDay?
8 June 2022
TCrBF 2022 celebrates haze going macro...
The latest addition to the beer list for Saturday,
thanks to Finland's biggest breweries,
provides four signs that New England ain't so new anymore.
Prepare your tastebuds for the TCrBF Haze Pride collection:
4 June 2022
We're still hoping for some jump scares -
surprise donations of demonic deviance, as next weekend draws closer.
But, in the meantime, we've received the next best thing:
a testimonial that gives a summary of why we do this crap...
It's fucking stupid, and I love it!
With that reminder, let's get ready to see what's
bubbling away in the krapikatel!
16 May 2022
Rejoice, fans of classic horror -
and prepare yourself for the opening feature on 11 June.
That includes keeping your eyes open for suitable nightmares,
• from supermarkets... • from your friend who's
traveling, • but maybe not that odd-looking can
that's sitting on the kerb.
Prepare for the scare!
18 April 2022
Abandon hope, all ye who treasure beer!
Because THAT TIME OF YEAR is approaching...
We're afraid we can't promise that 2022's TCrBF will be as crap as previous years'.
But it will exist. And surely that's scary enough already!
If you would like to help make it as crap as possible,
drop us a note at the address up there ^,
or pass that horror can to us at the local pub.
ThDrinking of you meanwhile,
with a few Premium goodies lined up to destroy your taste buds.
The Shtaff
Older updates
Archived updates from the 2021 festival can be found here...