­ Tallinn Crap Beer Festival

[IMG: TCrBF banner, by SJ]

[IMG: contact address for tcrbf at asdf.org]

Intoxative summary

The Tallinn Crap Beer Festival has traditionally appeared near the thirsty queue for the Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend on Saturday afternoon.

[IMG: PET cap]
What is TCrBF? An overview is below...
[IMG: PET cap]
Our  Crap photo gallery
including 2024 pics – contact us if you find more...


TCrBF 2025 updates

[IMG: PET cap]


23 March 2025

••  Farewells...  ••

A Key Krap Kontributor and supporter has now left us. As I write this, we look back over the years and remember.
This might be a fitting time also to bid farewell to TCrBF itself. We shall see. 
No matter what, the concept proved glorious, and the reality of all those fun horrid events – ever since a cable spool confused Delfi and prompted that guy to share his homebrew – will live on in our hearts. Even longer than each fun horrid can or bottle lived on in our farts.

But it's the people, each of our fellow weirdos, who made TCrBF what it is. Thank you all! And remember Kairi.

Since there are a few items still rattling around the Fridge of Cringe, it's possible that there will be a small shit burial focused on Scandy drinkies. in early May (returning to the older Crap calendar). If this happens, it would be something small. We'd supply the glass holes, and we'd ask that you bring a small donation for Ukraine. Because not everyone needs a bunch of crap from a bunch of assholes.


27 August 2024

Autumn is here –
the season for shaking the branches
and seeing what fruits fall onto our heads.

We already have a very ripe one waiting for you:
this 2017 vintage beauty will be aged to perfection when TCrBF 2025 rolls around:

Also, we'll take this opportunity to thank you for your support.
We wouldn't want to be alone in the asylum.

Older updates

Archived updates from the last festival can be found here...

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[IMG: Prosenttimies logo] You might think that the whole idea of TCrBF is nonsense - and you may be right. It might be a refreshing oasis for the stomach or beer scene, or it might be just a mirage. Either way, you blink and then it's gone.

As with everything in life, there are two sides to every story, and that includes beer. TCrBF is that other side. TCrBF is those memories about beer that you've forgotten you even had. TCrBF is the wide-eyed view of the world that was accepting of all, without prejudice. TCrBF is you.

Any opinions expressed on this page are opinions. And any resemblance to real facts or events is purely coincidental.