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(With a familiar high-pitched whine, a Stegosaurus appears within the series of emanating rays. Suddenly several figures comes through the door - GENERAL FINCH, the BRIGADIER and two regular army soldiers.)
GENERAL FINCH: There's your monster-maker, Brigadier - caught in the act!
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Doctor, you're under arrest.(The DOCTOR remains calm as he realises the trap he has fallen into.)
(SARAH is watching the seemingly endless film in the reminder room. It now shows views of cities overcrowded by people and traffic.)
BUTLER: (OOV: Film commentary.) Overcrowding in man, as in all other animal species, increases hostility and aggression, leading to the greatest crime of all - war.
(The image changes to scenes seemingly from the troubles in Northern Ireland. SARAH adjusts her place on the seat. Her face does not look happy.)
BUTLER: (OOV: Film commentary.) With the development of the atomic bomb, man now has the choice of destroying his planet quickly, through war, or slowly, through pollution.
(The door opens and the film cuts out. It is MARK. SARAH gives him the briefest and most chilling of looks.)
MARK: How are you feeling now?
SARAH: Hungry, tired and I've got a headache.(MARK shuts the door and speaks earnestly.)
MARK: Sarah, you're in grave danger.
SARAH: Oh, what's that supposed to mean?
MARK: The elders are very dedicated to our cause. They are not going to permit a disruptive influence.
SARAH: (Suddenly worried.) You mean they'll kill me?(MARK raises his eyebrows in confirmation. SARAH gets up and thinks. She speaks with conviction.)
SARAH: Perhaps...the time that I spent in suspended animation...has affected my thinking in some ways? Take me back to the elders. Let me talk to them again.
MARK: (Relieved.) Yes, of course.(He goes to the door and opens it for her. She promptly elbows him in the stomach and darts out of the door, pulling it shut behind her and locking MARK in.)
MARK: (Shouts.) Sarah!
(He bangs on the door.)
MARK: (Shouts.) Sarah!
(It is night. The DOCTOR is led into the headquarters schoolroom by two armed soldiers. Only YATES and BENTON, manning the radio, are there. They stand as they see FINCH and the BRIGADIER follow the DOCTOR and his escort. FINCH waves the two UNIT men to stand at ease with his swagger stick. The DOCTOR has a slight smile on his face.)
GENERAL FINCH: Alright, Captain Yates, take this man and lock him up.
(The BRIGADIER steps forward.)
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Sir, aren't we going to question him first?
GENERAL FINCH: There's no time for that now. I must report his capture to the Minister.(He heads for the door.)
DOCTOR: Yes, and no doubt he'll be very pleased to hear it...
(FINCH halts in his tracks.)
DOCTOR: Since he arranged the whole thing.
GENERAL FINCH: You are in an extremely dangerous position, Doctor. I advise you to keep silent.
DOCTOR: Oh, that's just what you want, isn't it - my silence?
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: We really should interrogate this man now, sir. Trying to discover his base, the names of his associates...
GENERAL FINCH: (Interrupts.) All that can come later.(The DOCTOR sits calmly on a table.)
DOCTOR: Yes, well now that you've caught me, General, well you can end the evacuation and return your eight million Londoners - can't you?
GENERAL FINCH: That decision doesn't rest with me. It rests with the Prime Minister. Captain Yates?
GENERAL FINCH: Until further orders, you'll keep that man under close arrest. Come with me, Brigadier.(The BRIGADIER has been looking at YATES.)
GENERAL FINCH: I want you with me when I make my report.(FINCH heads for the door. The BRIGADIER glances round.)
(His voice has grown dangerously quiet. The BRIGADIER follows the GENERAL with the briefest of glances at YATES and BENTON. Immediately they have gone, the DOCTOR walks over to YATES.)
DOCTOR: Now listen to me, Mike. We haven't got much time.
(YATES starts to look at the papers in the file in front of him - a look of guilt on his face.)
DOCTOR: I want you to raise all the men you can muster and some kind of high explosive. Now I've got a pretty good idea where their base is...
(YATES ignores him and stands.)
CAPTAIN YATES: Sergeant Benton?
SERGEANT BENTON: Sir?(The DOCTOR looks as if he has finally realised what has really been happening.)
CAPTAIN YATES: Take the Doctor to a cell and lock him up.
CAPTAIN YATES: Keep him under constant guard. He's to talk to no one!
DOCTOR: (Quietly.) So it was you, Mike?(YATES looks at him but his manner is filled with discomfort.)
CAPTAIN YATES: I'm sorry, Doctor. I'll be in the Brigadier's office.
(He leaves quickly. The DOCTOR looks sadly at the door he has gone through. Without revealing any emotion, BENTON starts giving orders to the two soldiers.)
SERGEANT BENTON: Right, that empty storeroom - fix it up as a temporary cell. Check the lock on the door and do something about barring the windows. Oh, and put in a camp bed. Now move.
(The soldiers quickly leave. BENTON makes sure that they are not being overheard and then turns urgently to the DOCTOR.)
SERGEANT BENTON: Alright, Doctor, what's going on?
DOCTOR: Captain Yates is the man inside who's working against us.
SERGEANT BENTON: Oh come on, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I'm afraid it's true.(The DOCTOR looks out into the darkened corridor.)
SERGEANT BENTON: Well, what about the Brigadier?
DOCTOR: What indeed?(BENTON stands up straight.)
SERGEANT BENTON: Right then, Doctor - you'd better get busy.
DOCTOR: (Puzzled.) What?
SERGEANT BENTON: You'd better start overpowering me, hadn't you? You know - a bit of yer...(He points to his neck.)
SERGEANT BENTON: Venusian oojah?
(The DOCTOR grins with delight at the show of trust by his old ally.)
DOCTOR: Thank you, Sergeant Benton.
(BENTON turns his back on the DOCTOR.)
DOCTOR: Are you ready?
SERGEANT BENTON: Yeah!(BENTON shuts his eyes tight. The DOCTOR gently presses the nerves in the back of his neck as the SERGEANT'S face relaxes as he slumps to the ground. The DOCTOR steps over him and runs out of the door.)
(GROVER arrives late for a meeting in the underground control room. WHITAKER and BUTLER are waiting.)
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: Sorry, Gentlemen. Well, the Doctor's safely under arrest at UNIT headquarters.
BUTLER: How long will they hold him?
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: Long enough. Soon the Doctor and his associates and everyone on this planet, except our chosen group...will never have existed. Shall we begin?
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: I've been waiting for you.(WHITAKER hands BUTLER a mug which he carries down to the lower level at the front of the control room and holds in the air.)
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: As you know, the...temporal beam has reached back through time and brought forward objects from the past. Now, by a completely different application of the same basic principle, I am about to reverse time. At least, in a limited field.
(WHITAKER crosses to a unit beside the main control panel and presses a button. A tubular device with a red glowing base descends from the ceiling. It hangs over a stand underneath it. WHITAKER nods to BUTLER who smashes the mug down onto the stand, breaking it into pieces.)
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: I shall now activate the time field.
(WHITAKER pulls one of the levers on the main transportation unit. The whine of power builds up and the rays emanate outwards. Within the time field, the cup reassembles and flies up into BUTLER'S waiting hand. His own movements also slightly reverse as his hand moves from the smashing position it was in earlier. GROVER watches impressed and smiles at a pleased BUTLER.)
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: There you are, Minister. For the space of a few seconds, I rolled back time itself.
(From a position hidden behind a panel, SARAH watches as ADAM comes out of a room and moves to a drinks dispenser. She sees him swig back the drink and go back into his room. She then moves to a transparent panel with a button beside it. She presses the button and the panel rises slowly upwards as she waits impatiently. She ducks under the still rising door...)
(...and into a side chamber. On one side is the airlock door of the spaceship with a illuminated panel with the words on it:
Also within the room are three small control units against another wall. They seem to be automatic as a series of levers on the middle control unit are moving up and down by themselves. She hesitates for a moment and then puts her hand on a lever and yanks it sharply downwards. Nothing happens. She chooses two more levers and moves one up and one down at the same time. Again there is no response. She moves to the right hand unit and presses several buttons. The response is the same. Coming to a decision, she runs out of the room.)
(MARK, still locked in the reminder room, is forced to watch the re-started film but takes more interest in it than SARAH. The screen shows scenes of riot police and protestors.)
BUTLER: (OOV: Film commentary.) The rules of so-called "civilised society" are breaking down as increased protest and disorder calls for stronger and more violent repression from the authorities, which in turn leads to more political violence. All over Europe...
(The door opens. MARK jumps up but SARAH is ready for him and struggles with him as she pleads.)
SARAH: Look, Mark, you've got to listen to me! I've got something very important to tell you - please!
(He stops struggling to listen.)
(BENTON stands to attention before GENERAL FINCH. The BRIGADIER, with an impassive face, and YATES are also there.)
SERGEANT BENTON: There was nothing I could do, sir. He attacked me.
GENERAL FINCH: Were there no guards?
SERGEANT BENTON: I sent them off to fix up a cell, sir.
GENERAL FINCH: What do you mean - he attacked you? There isn't a mark on you?
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: The Doctor uses a rather unique form of unarmed combat, sir.
GENERAL FINCH: You'll be court-martialled, Sergeant. Brigadier?
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Sir?(YATES looks at BENTON and then lowers his eyes.)
GENERAL FINCH: I'm instituting a full-scale search for the Doctor at once. I shall want the full cooperation of you and your men. They are to shoot on sight!
(The BRIGADIER looks sharply at FINCH who nods at BENTON.)
GENERAL FINCH: Meanwhile, put this man under arrest. Captain Yates?
(YATES follows his co-conspirator out of the room. The BRIGADIER watches them go.)
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: (Quietly.) Well, don't just stand there, Benton, go and put yourself under arrest.
SERGEANT BENTON: (Puzzled.) Sir?(The BRIGADIER stands in front of him and speaks quietly.)
SERGEANT BENTON: To that underground place, I think, sir.
BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Then we've got to find him before General Finch does. Get the men ready.
(SARAH has taken MARK into the side chamber. She presses button after button on the right-hand side control unit to show that there is no response.)
SARAH: Now will you believe me?
MARK: There must be some explanation?
SARAH: Mark, where is this planet we're heading for?
MARK: In another solar system close to Earth.
SARAH: (Smiles.) The nearest possible solar system to us is four light years away. With the most advanced spaceships developed, it would take hundreds of years to reach there.
MARK: One of our members invented a new space drive.(SARAH parts her hair to show her bruised forehead.)
SARAH: Do you see that bruise? I got that just before I was kidnapped and brought here. Now if I'd been here three months, it would have gone.
MARK: You were in suspended animation.
SARAH: (Despairing.) Oh, Mark! I've only been here a matter of hours. (Calmer.) Alright...alright, if we're in space, how did I get here?
MARK: You must have been transferred from one of the other ships.
SARAH: (Shouts.) There aren't any other ships! All this is a fake! We're not on a spaceship at all!
MARK: (Shouts.) Oh, that is ridiculous!
SARAH: I'll prove it to you.(She pulls open the door and stands in the airlock.)
SARAH: I'm going out through that airlock!
(She hangs onto the handle of the outer door.)
MARK: That opens directly out into space - you'll be killed!
SARAH: No, I won't - because the whole set-up is a fake. Now go out there and watch.(She pulls the inner door to. MARK moves into the main chamber...)
(...and shuts the panel door. He watches through a window which looks onto the airlock. SARAH pushes open the door and then turns and grins at MARK in delight. She then steps out into "space" and closes the outer door after her. MARK is stunned. He is about to reopen the panel when he hears ADAM'S voice.)
ADAM: (OOV.) Mark?
(ADAM comes out of his room as MARK desperately tries to keep the look of shock off his face.)
ADAM: Ah, there you are.
(ADAM sees that something is wrong as he approaches MARK.)
ADAM: What's the matter? Are you alright?
MARK: Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine, I'm fine.
ADAM: Ah, erm, how's our young friend?
MARK: She's alright.
ADAM: Ah, I thought I might have a chat with her. Is she still in the reminder room?(MARK leads ADAM away from the reminder room door.)
MARK: Yes, but I think we should leave her there a little bit longer. I...I think that's what she needs.
(ADAM looks closely at him.)
ADAM: You know, it might be a good idea for all of us to spend a little time in the reminder room before we arrive.
(MARK swallows hard.)
(It is now daylight and the DOCTOR, having taken a UNIT jeep, is driving along a road. He turns a corner and sees an army jeep parked on the other side of the road with several troops by it. He hurriedly reverses into a three point turn as the soldiers pile into their jeep to pursue him. He shoots off in the direction he has just come from as the other jeep follows at speed. The DOCTOR drives through the industrial site and into an abandoned and decaying factory. Only the walls and roof girders remain - no actual roof and no windows. The DOCTOR is about to pass an archway in the side of the factory but stops and reverses into it and the darkened chamber beyond. A moment later, the army jeep turns into the abandoned factory and speeds past the DOCTOR'S hiding place. After they have gone, he reverses out and goes back the way he came. He smiles as he drives on through the estate.)
(SARAH making her way from the mock spaceship, finds that she has never left the bunker and is in one of its passages. She stands outside the control room as she hears BUTLER and WHITAKER talking within.)
BUTLER: (OOV: Inside control room.) Well, Professor? That's the first time I've ever seen a Minister...lost for words.
(SARAH moves to the doorway control room.)
(She pokes her head round the door and watches the two men.)
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: We shall need the reactor running at full power.
BUTLER: Oh, it is.
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: Er, check it again.
BUTLER: (Patiently.) The reactor is working perfectly.
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: The power levels are critical. I must be assured that they are sufficient to trigger the time-field.
BUTLER: Alright, I'll check it again.(SARAH ducks away from the door...)
(...and presses herself against a buttress in the passage.)
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: (OOV: Inside control room.) Thank you very much.
(BUTLER walks out and in the opposite direction. SARAH follows him. He goes into a side passage while she spots the lift that she came down in ahead. She runs to it and presses the button. The up light illuminates green instead of blue.)
(Up above, GROVER sits at his desk. He leafs through a file then gets up and is about to open the door to his filing room lift when his desk intercom buzzes. He is about to ignore it but it buzzes again. He goes back to his desk and answers it.)
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: (Into intercom.) Yes?
SECRETARY: (OOV: Over intercom.) You're car's ready, sir.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: (Into intercom.) Oh, thank you.(He looks towards the filing room door.)
(Within the filing room lift, SARAH patiently waits to ascend to the surface.)
(GROVER collects his coat and picks up a pen off his desk.)
(The lift arrives. SARAH watches as the inner door slides back and she goes to the conventional panelled door, listens and then carefully opens it.)
(She looks round the door and sees that the office is empty. Being careful to close the filing room door, she crosses to the main door to the office and again listens carefully. She opens it and looks out into the corridor.)
(The DOCTOR drives the jeep down a track through the trees on the edge of Wimbledon Common. He hears a noise and looks up to see an army helicopter overhead. The DOCTOR carries on driving remorselessly as the helicopter turns and starts to follow him. The DOCTOR drives off as fast as he can.)
(Not far behind is an army jeep with four regular soldiers in it. They receive a radio message which the Corporal in the front passenger seat answers.)
HELICOPTER PILOT: (OOV: Over radio.) Tango one to patrol, over?
ARMY CORPORAL: (Into radio.) Patrol, over?
HELICOPTER PILOT: (OOV: Over radio.) He's turned off. Heading for the common, over.
ARMY CORPORAL: (Into radio.) Roger, out.(The soldier points to the driver to pursue.)
(The DOCTOR'S jeep reaches a fork in the track. About to take the left-hand fork, he suddenly stops, reverses into the right-hand fork and shoots back the way he came - as the army jeep comes down the left-hand fork from the opposite direction. It gives chase. The DOCTOR looks behind him and increases his speed. He looks up and sees the helicopter still overhead and following his every movement. The DOCTOR turns quickly to his left and into the cover of trees. The helicopter loses sight of him.)
HELICOPTER PILOT: (OOV: Over radio.) Tango one to patrol, over?
ARMY CORPORAL: (Into radio.) Patrol, over?
HELICOPTER PILOT: (OOV: Over radio.) He's turned again. Heading into the trees, I'm positive. He's somewhere among those trees, over.
ARMY CORPORAL: (Into radio.) Patrol, out.
(The DOCTOR'S jeep sits abandoned within the trees. Of him there is no sign. The army jeep comes up the track. The Corporal gets out, his rifle ready. He looks around him but can see no sign of their quarry. He goes back to his own jeep.)
ARMY CORPORAL: Right, everybody out.
(The soldiers do so with their rifle. Up a small rise, in the trees, the cloaked DOCTOR watches impassively as the Corporal gives his orders pointing to one soldier and in one direction.)
ARMY CORPORAL: You - down there.
(The first soldier runs off and the Corporal turns to the other two soldiers and points in the other direction.)
ARMY CORPORAL: You - down there.
(Those two soldiers move off. The DOCTOR descends slightly and hides in the ferns as one of the soldiers comes nearer. The soldier goes straight past him and the DOCTOR watches through the shrubbery as he goes. He then moves back towards the jeeps. Overhead the helicopter continues to fly over the woodland trying to get sight of the DOCTOR as back on the ground one of the soldiers, out of the sight of the Corporal, takes advantage of the his absence to sit down on a edge of a brick duct to a stream and light a cigarette. Nearby, and at the base of the rise, the DOCTOR moves slowly out of the ferns and towards the two parked vehicles. The helicopter still hovers over the trees as the DOCTOR gets inside the army jeep and quietly shuts the door. Suddenly, the radio comes to life.)
HELICOPTER PILOT: (OOV: Over radio.) Tango one to patrol, any luck, over?
(The DOCTOR answers the radio in an accent which is slightly rougher than his usual clipped tones...)
DOCTOR: (Into radio.) Hello tango one, patrol here. It's alright, we've got 'im. We're bringing 'im in now. Listen, inform all the other units, will you? Over.
HELICOPTER PILOT: (OOV: Over radio.) Roger, patrol. Congratulations. We'll inform HQ - get them to call off the search, out.(The DOCTOR grins and the helicopter flies off. The DOCTOR starts the jeep but suddenly hears a hail of bullets as the Corporal returns. The DOCTOR speeds off and the Corporal runs down the hill towards the DOCTOR'S abandoned jeep. He gets in and tries to start the engine but, sabotaged, it merely ticks over...)
(SARAH has made her way back to the temporary HQ and goes into the main room, followed by a flustered PRIVATE BRYSON. There is no one else there.)
SARAH: I tell you I have got a pass.
PRIVATE BRYSON: Then I must see it, Miss. I...I've got strict instructions.
SARAH: Well, never mind your instructions...
PRIVATE BRYSON: I've got to check everybody's pass.
SARAH: Look, where's the Brigadier.
PRIVATE BRYSON: Well, he's out.
SARAH: But where?
PRIVATE BRYSON: I can't tell you that, Miss.
SARAH: (Pleads.) Please, you've got to tell me!(BRYSON sighs.)
PRIVATE BRYSON: Well, they're out on this big hunt, Miss - looking for the Doctor.
SARAH: (Puzzled.) The Doctor?
PRIVATE BRYSON: Well, they had him arrested but he escaped. Well, he made the monsters.
SARAH: (Cutting.) Don't be ridiculous!
PRIVATE BRYSON: Well they caught 'im red-handed!
SARAH: Well, where's Captain Yates or Sergeant Benton?
PRIVATE BRYSON: All out on this man-hunt, Miss.(At YATES' desk, SARAH grabs a pen and paper and scribbles a note. BRYSON, unsure what to do, sits on another desk and watches her.)
SARAH: Look, I'm going to leave this note for the Brigadier. Now you see that he gets it, mm?
PRIVATE BRYSON: Yes, Miss.(BRYSON sighs and waits as SARAH completes her note. She puts down her pen and sighs. She looks up and smiles as someone else enters the room.)
SARAH: Oh, am I glad to see you.
(It is GENERAL FINCH who walks in with a surprised look on his face.)
SARAH: What's all this about the Doctor?
GENERAL FINCH: Er, re-captured. (To BRYSON.) Where is he now?
PRIVATE BRYSON: I'm sorry, sir. Who, sir?
GENERAL FINCH: The Doctor! I heard a message over the R/T to say he'd been caught. Wasn't at my HQ so I thought they must have brought him here.
PRIVATE BRYSON: No, sir, he's not here, sir.
SARAH: Look, the Doctor isn't behind all this, but I know who is - I know everything!
GENERAL FINCH: (Quietly.) Do you now?
SARAH: You...(He holds up a hand for her to be quiet.)
GENERAL FINCH: Alright. (To BRYSON.) Dismissed.
GENERAL FINCH: Get out!(BRYSON stands to attention, wheels round and leaves the room. FINCH watches him go and then leans over SARAH'S desk.)
GENERAL FINCH: Now, Miss Smith, what's all this about?
SARAH: Well, you're never going to believe this - it's Grover - the Minister. He's behind everything.
GENERAL FINCH: Oh, come now. That's impossible.
SARAH: No, I promise you - it's the truth. They're operating from a hidden control centre. It's underground and it's right beneath Grover's office. Well that's why he stayed in London.
GENERAL FINCH: He stayed because he's in charge of the emergency.
SARAH: He's causing the emergency!(She stands.)
SARAH: You've got to stop him - put him under arrest! Well, you can raid that place with your men.
GENERAL FINCH: Oh, come now. I can't take action against a Minister of the Crown simply on your word.
SARAH: I can prove what I'm saying is true. Come to Grover's office with me.(She takes a step towards the door as FINCH makes a show of considering her story.)
GENERAL FINCH: Mmm, well I think your story needs investigating.
(They start to walk out.)
GENERAL FINCH: Have you told anyone?
SARAH: Well, nobody here to tell. I'd only just arrived when you turned up.
GENERAL FINCH: Have you any idea why the Minister should be doing all this?
(GENERAL FINCH and SARAH walk into GROVER'S office.)
GENERAL FINCH: I don't understand. The place is absolutely deserted. Very bad security. Now where's this special room?
(SARAH points at the door to the filing room.)
SARAH: Over there.
(FINCH takes a step towards it but SARAH holds him back.)
SARAH: Shouldn't we have brought some of your men here with us? I mean, might be quite a few of them down there.
(FINCH goes to the door anyway.)
GENERAL FINCH: There's still no proof of your extraordinary story, Miss Smith. I must check it myself first. Delicate business this, you know?
(He opens the door and the inner door slides back.)
(They enter the room and SARAH closes the door behind them.)
GENERAL FINCH: It's just a file room.
SARAH: It's a lift.(SARAH opens the filing cabinet that GROVER was in earlier and starts to pull the file hangers back.)
SARAH: The controls are in here.
(FINCH picks up some of the other files.)
GENERAL FINCH: What's all this bumf?
SARAH: Oh, just a lot of old ministry files.(SARAH operates the lift but fails to see that FINCH is unholstering his pistol.)
SARAH: There.
(She turns and sees the weapon aimed at her.)
SARAH: Oh, boy! I really do choose my friends, don't I?
(FINCH stares at her but stays silent.)
(The illuminated down light next to the lift goes out.)
(The door opens.)
GENERAL FINCH: I think you know the way.
(SARAH turns and is led out.)
(GROVER sits in the control room with WHITAKER as FINCH leads SARAH in.)
GENERAL FINCH: Returning your prisoner, sir.
(GROVER is amazed.)
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: How did you leave the ship?
SARAH: There isn't any spaceship - stop playing.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: (To FINCH.) Did she tell anybody?
GENERAL FINCH: No, fortunately everyone was out of the way. I think the Doctor has escaped again.
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: I did everything you asked me to incriminate him - all wasted.
GENERAL FINCH: You did very well.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: Have you any idea where he is?
GENERAL FINCH: Well, he's probably on his way here now.(He pushes SARAH down into a chair.)
GENERAL FINCH: But he needn't worry us. The countdown is too close.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: It's time to go into the final phase. You, Whitaker, will produce a last wave of apparition monsters all over London to drive out any remaining people. (To FINCH.) You will order the complete withdrawal of all your troops, including UNIT.
GENERAL FINCH: The Brigadier's bound to protest.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: You have final authority - overrule him.
GENERAL FINCH: Well, I'll see to it right away. Er, what about the girl?
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: Leave her to me.
GENERAL FINCH: Well don't lose her again.(FINCH leaves as GROVER stands over SARAH.)
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: Now then, what are we to do with you?
SARAH: Just don't put me back on your fake spaceship, that's all.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: I don't think that'd be a good idea. You're rather a bad influence.
SARAH: What you're doing to those people on there is cruel. They all believe that they're going to a new world.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: And so they are - but their new world is this one. This world of ours swept clean and returned to its early innocence.
SARAH: You're going to take them back to the past?
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: We're going to bring the past to them.
SARAH: I don't understand.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: By rolling back time, by taking the Earth back to an earlier, purer age.
SARAH: (Puzzled.) Oh...oh...what about all the people on Earth now?
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: They'll vanish - they and their ancestors will never have been born.
SARAH: That's horrible! It's worse than murder.
CHARLES GROVER M.P.: No...you don't understand. But I hope, Miss Smith, when you do understand, you'll want to be with us. If you're ready, Whitaker?
PROFESSOR WHITAKER: Yes.(WHITAKER turns to the main time transportation unit. On the monitor a Triceratops is seen to materialise on a roof-top near to Westminster Abbey. GROVER looks pleased.)
(On a street near the houses of Parliament, a Brontosaurus eats the leaves of a tree.)
(A Stegosaurus stands in another deserted street overlooking St. Paul's Cathedral.)
(Elsewhere, a Tyrannosaurs Rex roars.)
(Outside Smithfield Market, the DOCTOR pulls to a halt as he sees another Brontosaurs ahead blocking the junction. He whistles in wonder at the sight and turns the jeep round to go back - but at that moment, he comes to a halt as another Tyrannosaurus Rex is materialised in his path...)
Doctor Who
JON PERTWEESarah Jane Smith
Lethbridge Stewart
JOHN BENNETTCharles Grover M.P.
NOEL JOHNSONProfessor Whitaker
JOHN LEVENEPrivate Bryson
COLIN BELLWritten by
and BBC Radiophonic
WorkshopTitle Sequence
BERNARD LODGEIncidental Music
DICK MILLSScript Editor
BARRY LETTSDirected by
© BBC 1973