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(A large battle cruiser circles the floating cargo ship, turning in order that it can approach its airlock.)
GARDINER: (OOV: Over radio.) Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship number C982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me? Over.
(GARDINER appears on the monitor on the deserted bridge. He is a young man in military uniform with a headgear that covers the ears but leaves the top of his head bare.)
GARDINER: (On monitor.) Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship number C982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me? Do you read me?
(The DOCTOR runs on the bridge and sits in STEWART'S chair.)
GARDINER: (On monitor.) Prepare to be boarded. Repeat: prepare to be boarded. Do you read me? Over.
DOCTOR: (Into microphone.) Hello battle cruiser, battle cruiser. This is the cargo ship. Over.
GARDINER: (On monitor.) What is your situation?
DOCTOR: (Into microphone.) The ship has been attacked and the cargo stolen. Over.
GARDINER: (On monitor.) Do you have casualties?
DOCTOR: (Into microphone.) Yes, the crew are stunned, but otherwise they're unharmed. Over.
GARDINER: (On monitor.) We shall lock on...five seconds from now.(The DOCTOR checks his watch, switches off the microphone and leaves the bridge.)
(The nozzle of the battlecruiser docks with the cargo ship.)
(The echoing sound of the docking reaches the airlock area. JO is helping STEWART drink from a small flask as the DOCTOR returns.)
DOCTOR: It's alright, Jo. We're being rescued.
STEWART: What happened?
DOCTOR: Well, don't worry, old chap. You'll be all right now. I think...(STEWART hears airlock lock opening as the cabin pressurises.)
STEWART: Draconians! They're boarding!
(GARDINER enters through the airlock, accompanied KEMP by some heavily armed soldiers.)
GARDINER: Stewart?
(He points his gun at the DOCTOR.)
GARDINER: Who are you?
DOCTOR: Passengers.
GARDINER: I see. Having a fancy dress party? (To STEWART.) What happened?
STEWART: Dragons - attacked us.
GARDINER: Did they get the cargo?
STEWART: I don't know.
JO: Yes, they took everything.
DOCTOR: Including some rather valuable property of mine.
GARDINER: Well, tough luck.
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you very much.(HARDY gets to his feet.)
HARDY: (Groggily.) Dragons...they attacked us.
(GARDINER goes to help him.)
GARDINER: Yes, we know. (To the DOCTOR.) You say you're passengers. Isn't that a little unusual on a cargo ship?
DOCTOR: Well, we're here, aren't we?
GARDINER: (To STEWART.) Where did you pick these two up?
STEWART: I don't know. I can't seem to remember...
GARDINER: (Harshly.) Pull yourself together! How did they get on board?(STEWART thinks desperately for an answer.)
STEWART: Stowaways...that's it - they were stowaways. They were sending messages!
HARDY: That's right - they were helping the Dragons! They're traitors!(The soldiers all raise their blasters to cover the DOCTOR and JO.)
JO: But that's absolute nonsense! Look, we didn't want to be on this ship - it was an accident!
GARDINER: You said you were passengers?
DOCTOR: I was merely trying to avoid a lot of tiresome explanations, old chap.
GARDINER: Stewart, I'll leave Kemp on board to take your ship back to Earth.
STEWART: What about these two?
GARDINER: Lock them in the hold. Put a guard on them.
JO: But we haven't done anything!
GARDINER: They say you have! Take them away.
DOCTOR: Now, if you'll only listen to me...
GARDINER: You can talk to Earth Security. They'll listen - it's their business. Put 'em in the starboard cubicle.
KEMP: Alright, get moving.(At KEMP'S gunpoint, the DOCTOR and JO are led away into the hold area.)
(...and back towards their previous 'cell'.)
KEMP: In there.
(JO enters and then the DOCTOR who is roughly pushed in by KEMP. He collides with JO as the door is slammed shut behind them.)
JO: Woops! No need to push!
(The door is secured and the soldiers move off.)
DOCTOR: Listen!
(They hear echoing noises through the ship.)
DOCTOR: The ships - they're unlocking.
(And sure enough, the battlecruiser moves off from the cargo ship.)
(JO looks out of the grille and sees KEMP stood on guard nearby.)
JO: Still watching the door.
DOCTOR: That's what he's there for, isn't it?(The DOCTOR sits calmly on the bench while JO starts to pace the room, thinking furiously. Suddenly, her face lights up.)
JO: Right! We'll give it a few minutes, then I'll start groaning and pretending I'm ill. When he comes in, you can use your Venusian karate!
DOCTOR: And then what?
JO: Then, we'll take his gun, go to the flight deck and make somebody take us back to Earth.
DOCTOR: (Quietly.) Jo? This ship's already going back to Earth.(JO'S face falls.)
JO: Oh... Oh, dear, mm.
(She puts a finger to her lip, paces, thinks once more and again has a eureka moment...)
JO: Hey, I've got a terrific idea! I saw this film once, you see, and there were these two gangsters, big fellers they were, with sort of cauliflower ears...
(The DOCTOR sighs...)
DOCTOR: Look, Jo...
JO: And one of them...
DOCTOR: Will you stop pacing up and down like a perishing panda! Now come and sit down. Let me think, will you?(JO sits quietly.)
DOCTOR: That's better.
(But not for long...)
JO: Doctor?
(The DOCTOR sighs once more.)
JO: Well, now the Ogrons have gone, why don't the crewmen remember what really happened?
DOCTOR: Because the true facts have been erased from their minds, that's why.
JO: Well, yes, but why do they keep telling lies about us?
DOCTOR: Well, they don't know that they're lying, Jo. They're desperately trying to fit us into their version of things.
JO: Well, what are we going to do then?
DOCTOR: Well, when we get back to Earth, we've got to reach someone in authority whose mind isn't already closed.
JO: Closed to what?
DOCTOR: Jo, look, these people believe that the Draconians are attacking their spaceships, right?
JO: Right.
DOCTOR: And we know that they're wrong, don't we?
JO: Well, yes, it was Ogrons.
DOCTOR: Well, we also know that the Ogrons couldn't possibly have created that hallucinatory device that makes the Earthmen think they're Draconians.
JO: Oh... Oh, well that's simple then. I mean, all we've got to do is: find out what's going on, who's behind the Ogrons, where they've taken the TARDIS, go and get it back and then we can all go home - right?
DOCTOR: Right.
JO: Oh. I don't know what I've been worrying about...
(KEMP appears on a small black and white videoscreen on the desk in the PRESIDENT'S office, watched by the PRESIDENT herself and GENERAL WILLIAMS.)
KEMP: (On monitor.) We are now in space port ten. The ship will land in...fifteen minutes. The crew are safe. Also aboard - two human stowaways, origins unknown.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: I want a cordon around the landing area the minute that ship touches down. Nobody on, nobody off till I get there.
KEMP: (On monitor.) Sir.(GENERAL WILLIAMS switches the screen off.)
GENERAL WILLIAMS: I'd better get down there. I want to handle the preliminary interrogations myself.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Good.(He heads for the door.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: General Williams.
(He stops.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Whatever you find out, you'll report directly to me.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Dryly.) Naturally. And now if you'll excuse me?(He heads out. A ghost of a smile flickers over the PRESIDENT'S face.)
(The DOCTOR and JO wait in their room on the cargoship. JO is once more pacing as the DOCTOR remains sat calmly.)
JO: What do they think they're doing? We've been landed for simply ages.
DOCTOR: Well, twelve minutes, to be exact, Jo.
JO: Shh!(They can hear footsteps approaching.)
JO: Someone's coming.
(The door opens and KEMP enters, his blaster raised. More soldiers are outside the door.)
KEMP: Outside.
JO: We want to see somebody in authority.
KEMP: You're going to - outside.(He pushes her outside the door. The DOCTOR follows, taking his cloak with him.)
(GENERAL WILLIAMS walks up at that moment.)
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Now then, what's all this about?
(Having heard the version of events from the DOCTOR and JO, WILLIAMS has returned to the PRESIDENT.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Draconian agents? Are you sure?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: What else can they be? Their story is obvious nonsense.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: But why? We... Why would the Draconians leave them on board the ship?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Firmly.) The Draconians are preparing for war.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: You're still only suspecting then? There is no proof.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Then they need to plant human agents, traitors, on this planet to sabotage our war effort.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: But we are bound to suspect them. They must have realised?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: The Draconians probably thought the crew was dead. We could easily have accepted those two as passengers - two unfortunate refugees from a Draconian attack, ideally placed for espionage.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: If you are right, the sooner we confront the Draconians with this, the better.(She presses the intercom on her desk.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (Into intercom.) Bring the prisoners in. (To GENERAL WILLIAMS.) We'll bring them face to face with the Draconian ambassador.
(GARDINER leads the DOCTOR and JO down a heavily guarded gloomy passage in the security building. The passage is roofed by heavy bars which create shadows of bars across the walls and floors. He points to a doorway.)
GARDINER: In there.
(With some reluctance, the DOCTOR and JO enter a stark cell. There is one padded bench and a small table affixed to a wall. The walls are a scruffy white. The DOCTOR starts to divest himself of his cloak. GARDINER follows them in, his tone and manner slightly softer...)
GARDINER: When did you last eat?
JO: Quite some while ago.
GARDINER: Well, I'll see they send you some food.
DOCTOR: I'd like to get a message through to your president.
GARDINER: Not a chance. I'm going straight back to my ship. Don't want to get mixed up with security. It's not healthy.(He looks at the two unusual prisoners.)
GARDINER: Look, I'll give you a piece of advice.
GARDINER: Sooner or later, you're going to tell them everything. They'll use the mind probe. You talk to them now. You'll save yourselves a lot of trouble.(He walks out of the cell and presses a sensor on the wall. A metal door hums and slides closed. JO jumps up with worry.)
JO: A mind probe?!
(The DOCTOR sits calmly.)
DOCTOR: Oh, you don't want to worry about those things, Jo. As long as you tell 'em the truth, they can't do you any harm.
JO: They can't?
DOCTOR: No, of course not. Well, they're only sort of computers with a few extra knobs on. And you know how stupid computers can be, don't you? Now come and sit down, stop worrying.(JO sighs with worry.)
DOCTOR: Come on. Sit down.
(He takes her hand and she sits.)
DOCTOR: Did I ever tell you the story about how I was once captured by the Medusoids?
JO: What are they?
DOCTOR: Medusoids?
JO: Mmm.
DOCTOR: How can I describe them to you? Well, they're a hairy jellyfish with claws, teeth and a leg.
JO: Eurgh!
DOCTOR: Anyway, they put me under one of these mind probes things, you see, and tried to get me to tell them where I was going. So, I said I was on my way to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purple horse with yellow spots.(JO giggles.)
JO: What happened?
DOCTOR: Well, the poor old machine just couldn't believe it - had a nervous breakdown.
JO: And then what happened?
DOCTOR: Well, they put me under another one of these mind probe things and the same thing happened.
JO: But you weren't telling the truth - I mean, you weren't really going to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a...? What was it?
DOCTOR: A purple horse with yellow spots. Yes, I was. You see, they were all delegates for the third Intergalactic Peace Conference.
JO: How did you get away from these things?
DOCTOR: Well they had to turn me loose eventually.
JO: Why?
DOCTOR: They ran out of mind probes!(JO bursts into laughter and the DOCTOR joins in.)
(HARDY and STEWART stand in front of the PRESIDENT'S desk while she questions them with GENERAL WILLIAMS. The DRACONIAN PRINCE and his similar looking First Secretary stand behind the two spacemen, listening impassively.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: And you are quite sure it was a Draconian battle cruiser.
STEWART: Of course, Madam.
HARDY: They locked on, and boarded us. We saw them. They were Draconians.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Thank you. That will be all. I hope you will soon recover from your ordeal.(The two men nod and leave.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (To the PRINCE.) Well, your Highness?
DRACONIAN PRINCE: These men are your servants. They are saying what they have been ordered to say.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: On this occasion, we have more than our servants to confront you with. We have captured two of your human agents.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: We have no human agents. Subversion and espionage are expressly forbidden by the treaty of peace between our two empires.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: A treaty which you have flagrantly broken.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: (Annoyed.) I shall return to my embassy.(He turns to leave.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (Urgently.) Just a moment please, your Highness. (Into intercom.) Bring them in.
(The door hums open and the DOCTOR and JO and led in by a guard at blaster point.)
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Now these people stowed away on the cargo ship. They transmitted signals which enabled your battlecruiser to home in on its prey.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: I know nothing of this.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Perhaps you do not, but some servant of the Draconian empire employed them.
DOCTOR: Madam? I can assure that I've never been employed by anybody! Least of all by the Draconians.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: (Smiles.) Your servants should have been better rehearsed in their lies.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Or they're showing a misguided loyalty to their Draconian masters.
DOCTOR: If we really were working for the Draconians, why did they leave us in your ship?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: To act as spies when you were brought back to Earth.
DOCTOR: Allow me to congratulate you, sir. You have the most totally closed mind that I've ever encountered! (To the PRESIDENT.) Madam, I beg of you to listen to me. Some third party is trying to provoke war between Earth and Draconia. You are both being duped.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Take them away.(The guard steps forward.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Just a minute, please. (To the DOCTOR.) Why should a third party wish to do this?
DOCTOR: I've no idea, Madam, but believe me, that is what is happening.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Impatiently.) Take them away.(The DOCTOR and JO are grabbed by two soldiers and hustled out. The DOCTOR yells back as he is led away.)
DOCTOR: Now please listen to me! If you don't you'll be involved in a war that could cause the death millions!
(The DRACONIAN PRINCE walks over to the PRESIDENT'S desk and looks haughtily down at her.)
DRACONIAN PRINCE: Is this the evidence upon which you accuse me?
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: I must ask you to convey a formal protest to your Emperor.(He strides towards the door...)
DRACONIAN PRINCE: I shall inform him of this latest insult to the honour of the Draconian empire.
(He and his secretary leave. The PRESIDENT sits with her head in her hands.)
GENERAL WILLIAMS: We should have used the mind probe before we saw the ambassador. If we'd had a full confession...!
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Has it occurred to you that they might have been speaking the truth?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Huh! Is it likely? Mysterious alien giants that can change their form? A pocket spaceship that appear inside another?
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: I suppose you're right. It is nonsensical.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: Just you leave them to me. I'll get the truth out of them - eventually.
(The security headquarters is an ugly futuristic concrete construction, made up of blocks of buildings, ramps and walkways. All of these are patrolled by guards. Two of them lead the DOCTOR and JO up a couple of steps and along one of the walkways between guards posted at regular intervals. They are led up to a doorway in a higher point of the building.)
(They are then led along the corridor that leads back to their cell.)
(They enter their cell and the door hums closed. JO sits.)
JO: Well, we've seen the President.
DOCTOR: I've got to get them to listen to me - for their sakes as well as ours.
JO: Well, why their sakes?
DOCTOR: Well, that was a Draconian with the President, you know? Obviously an ambassador of some kind.
JO: So?
DOCTOR: Well, clearly Earth and Draconia are on the brink of war, and they both believe it's the others fault.
JO: Well never mind about that. What about getting us out of here?
DOCTOR: Well I can but try.(He takes out his sonic screwdriver and, after a smile at JO, examines the door.)
DOCTOR: Yeah, seems a fairly conventional type of electronic lock - rather old-fashioned really. Here goes.
(He switches the screwdriver on. A whine starts to build up, followed by a blaring alarm. The DOCTOR gives up with a rueful look.)
DOCTOR: Yes, well, I think we'll sit here for a while after all.
(The two sit quietly down as the alarm continues to blare...)
(The office of the DRACONIAN ambassador is plain and functional. There is one white desk and a single white visitor's chair. A light sculpture hangs from the ceiling and a full length window in the corner overlooks a terrace and pleasant garden. The double doors open and the PRINCE and the First Secretary enter.)
DRACONIAN PRINCE: But why? Why should they produce such an elaborate lie?
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: The ways of the Earthmen are devious. They're an inscrutable species.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: Obviously they are preparing the next stage of their plan. First, the attacks on our ships and now - this.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: Is it possible, your Highness, that for once the Earthmen spoke the truth? Some plan of the Emperor of which your Highness has not been informed?
DRACONIAN PRINCE: The Emperor would not possibly contemplate such a plan. We do not break the treaty of peace.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: Shall I prepare your Excellency's report to the Emperor on this meeting?
DRACONIAN PRINCE: I must have more information.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: It would be useful to question the humans who were found on the ship.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: They are supposed to be prisoners.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (Meaningfully.) Prisoners have been known to escape, your Highness.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: (Also meaningfully.) Not without help. And that would be a grave act of hostility. I could not possibly countenance such a plan.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: But...should two escaping prisoners...seek sanctuary in this embassy, it would be uncivilised to turn them away.(The two aliens look at each other. The PRINCE smiles.)
DRACONIAN PRINCE: I must not detain you longer. No doubt you have "duties" demanding your attention?
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (Bows.) Your Highness.(He leaves.)
(The PRESIDENT stands in her office, looking into space and thinking. The desk monitor buzzes.)
(Her SECRETARY appears on the screen.)
SECRETARY: (On monitor.) The first secretary from the Draconian embassy wishes to speak you, Madam President.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Very well.(The picture changes to that of the First Secretary.)
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (On monitor.) I'm honoured that you consent to speak to me, Madam President.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: What is it that you wish to say?
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (On monitor.) It concerns the two Earthmen who were found on board your cargo ship.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (On monitor.) His Highness would like to question them - in your presence, of course, Madam President.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: For what purpose?
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (On monitor.) His Highness feels that such an interrogation would help to convince you that they are not agents of Draconia.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: I shall have them brought here immediately. I suggest his Highness joins me here. We shall question them together.
(Three guards, blasters ready, approach the DOCTOR and JO'S cell. The lead one presses the wall sensor and the door opens.)
(He enters. The DOCTOR and JO are still sat down on the bench.)
CELL GUARD: On your feet.
DOCTOR: Mmm, why?
CELL GUARD: You heard me - move.
DOCTOR: Not unless you give me some good reason.
CELL GUARD: The President wants you. Is that good enough?
JO: Perhaps she believed you?(The DOCTOR gets up.)
DOCTOR: Are you sure it's the President? Not another ridiculous interrogation.
CELL GUARD: I said move!
DOCTOR: Come on, Jo, Perhaps we can convince them after all.(The two leave.)
(The two are led out into the sunlight that manages to permeate between the heavily guarded concrete blocks. Up above them, a blaster with sights fixed, is raised. It fires and the guard in front of the two prisoners falls to the ground. The DOCTOR pushes JO to the safety of one side. He looks up and sees that their attacker is a Draconian soldier. Another shot rings out and another Earth soldier falls.)
GUARD: Move, ___!
(The guards start to return the fire but there are several Draconians and they have the advantage of surprise.)
DOCTOR: Get up! Right!
(The DOCTOR tries to lead JO away but they are quickly surrounded by the Draconians who have now dealt with most of the guards who lie dead around them. The DOCTOR tries to fight off the Draconians but a blaster is put to his neck. Nearby, JO runs up a flight of steps, pursued by three guards.)
JO: Quickly - the Doctor!
(At the top of the flight of steps, JO runs into a fourth guard. The other three run up and re-take her.)
JO: But you don't understand! It's the Draconians - they've got the Doctor!
GENERAL WILLIAMS: We must demand the immediate withdrawal of the Draconian embassy.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Break off diplomatic relations completely?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Angrily.) What diplomatic relations? The embassy staff have behaved like criminals.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (Angrily.) We don't know that the ambassador was behind this!
GENERAL WILLIAMS: The attackers were Draconians. They were clearly seen. The Draconian embassy tricked you into moving the prisoners, then mounted an armed attack in order to rescue their agents.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: Is the girl here?
GENERAL WILLIAMS: She's outside now.(She presses the intercom.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (Into intercom.) Bring the girl in. I wish to question her.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: And the closing of the Draconian embassy.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: I do not intend to break off diplomatic relations!
GENERAL WILLIAMS: But surely there's no alternative once this news gets out?
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (Firmly.) Then it mustn't, General Williams. It is your responsibility to ensure a complete security blackout on this incident.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Surly.) Very well, Madam. Under protest.(The door hums open and JO is led in by a guard.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (To the guard.) You can go.
(The guard turns and leaves.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: (To JO.) Come forward, my dear.
(JO nervously approaches her.)
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: You realise that the escape of your colleague has left you in a very serious position?
JO: But he didn't escape - he was kidnapped!
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Coldly.) He was rescued - by your Draconian paymasters.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: The wisest course you can take now is to make a full confession. Remember your colleague has left you to your fate.
JO: Oh, but you've got it all wrong! You see, the Doctor was pleased when you sent for him because he wanted to talk to you. And...
GENERAL WILLIAMS: (Interrupts.) We have eye witness reports on what occurred.
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: We need to know how you came to work for the Draconians.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: When were you recruited? How many agents do they have on Earth? What are their plans?
PRESIDENT OF EARTH: If you tell us everything, I'll promise I'll see to it personally that you will be treated leniently.
JO: (Desperately.) But I don't know what you're talking about! Look, we told you the truth when we first came here! We're not working for the Draconians.
GENERAL WILLIAMS: We're wasting time. I suggest you let me apply deft interrogation techniques without delay.
JO: Look, you can use your mind probe or whatever - I'm telling you the truth.
(The DOCTOR is sat in a chair in the middle of the floor by two Draconian guards. The PRINCE and the First Secretary are there.)
DOCTOR: Well, I must say it's very nice of you gentlemen to invite me here. And where is Miss Grant?
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: Your companion is still with your fellow Earthmen.
DOCTOR: Don't you realise what you've done? You've now finally convinced them that we're both Draconian agents.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: There is no need to maintain this pretence. We know that you are both agents of the Earth government.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: You're part of a plot against the Draconian empire!
DOCTOR: My dear chap, I've already been through all this with the President of Earth. She thinks I'm working for you.
DRACONIAN PRINCE: You are working for General Williams.
DOCTOR: I'm what?
DRACONIAN PRINCE: General Williams hates out people. Once before, he caused war between us and the Earthmen. Now he plans to do so again.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: Such a war would be madness since both empires would be destroyed.
DOCTOR: Yes, I couldn't agree with you more. That's exactly what I've been trying to say to you. The Earth cargo ship was not attacked by Draconians.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: It was not attacked at all. The whole story is a lie!
DOCTOR: I can assure you that it was attacked - but by Ogrons.
DOCTOR: Yes. Some third party's employing them trying to make trouble between Earth and Draconia.(The PRINCE and the First Secretary look at each other.)
DRACONIAN PRINCE: (To the DOCTOR.) If you tell us the details of General Williams' plan, we shall be able to expose him to your President. There will still be a chance for peace.
DOCTOR: My dear chap, nobody is more devoted to the cause of peace than I am. But I cannot tell you something that I don't know.
DRACONIAN FIRST SECRETARY: (Icily.) We have mind probing techniques just as efficient as those employed by you Earthmen. If you do not speak now, we shall force you to confess!(The DOCTOR slams his chair arm in anger and impatience.)
DOCTOR: Don't you realise you're completely on the wrong tack? There is a plot - yes - but the Earthmen are not behind it, any more than you are.
(The First Secretary gestures to the two guards.)
(They approach the chair. The DOCTOR stands, grabs the two guards and throws them forward towards the Secretary. He then does a backward flip on his chair as one of the guards goes for his blaster.)
(The DOCTOR runs through one of the open windows and onto the terrace followed by the Secretary and the guards.)
(The exterior of the embassy is another futuristic building but this time of a warmer brick. The DOCTOR looks over the terrace edge and then climbs over it. He runs down to a lower terrace. One of the guards above yells down...)
FIRST GUARD: Stop him!
(There are two more guards on patrol below. They react as the DOCTOR runs down the planted terrace and raise their blasters.)
(The DOCTOR karate chops this guard and easily pushes down the next who tries to stop him. He jumps out onto a lawn and thus out of the embassy area. He is almost instantly surrounded by Earth guards.)
(JO sits alone and concerned in the cell. The door hums open and the DOCTOR stands there at gunpoint. He waves.)
DOCTOR: Hello, Jo.
(He walks in and JO rushes up to him.)
JO: Doctor, where've you been?
(The door closes.)
DOCTOR: I've been paying a brief but unwilling visit to the Draconian embassy. And I'm afraid I had to leave in rather a hurry and found myself back here.
JO: Well, what happened?
DOCTOR: Well, believe it or believe it not, Jo, they think we're working for General Williams and trying to provoke a war.
JO: Oh no!(She slumps down on the bench disconsolately.)
DOCTOR: Yes, Earth is blaming Draconia and Draconia is blaming Earth.
JO: And both sides are blaming us.
DOCTOR: That's about it.(Suddenly, JO hears the same pulsating signal that she heard on the cargo ship. She jumps to her feet with a look of fear on her face.)
DOCTOR: What's the matter?
JO: Well, that sound...the one I heard on the cargo ship. I think I can hear it again.
(Outside, the guards on the walkways also hear the sound. They look round for the source. One of them looks down from a ramp and sees the strange form of an Ogron below. He pulls out his blaster and sees the ape-like creature change into that of a Draconian - who promptly shoots the guard. A second running battle breaks out in the area, but this time between the far stronger Ogrons and the Earth guards. One Ogron is a casualty but they easily break through the cordon of guards and run up the stairways to the entrance door. There the sole guard sees the Ogrons as Draconians before they shoot him down. They then rush at the door...)
(...smashing it down with little finesse. They shoot down the two guards who approach them and then shoot the lock of the DOCTOR and JO'S cell.)
(The door hums open and they enter, blasters pointed.)
JO: Ogrons!
OGRON: You - come!
Dr. Who
KATY MANNINGPresident of Earth
VERA FUSEKGeneral Williams
LEWIS MAHONEYDraconian Pilot
DICK MILLSScript Editor
BARRY LETTSDirected by
© BBC 1973