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(VORG is working on the scope. SHIRA shakes her head.)
SHIRNA: The power's still dropping, Vorg.
(PLETRAC steps forward.)
PLETRAC: What are you doing?
VORG: (Quietly.) I wish I knew.(VORG suddenly realises who is talking to him. He spins round.)
VORG: Er, oh! Routine maintenance, your worship.
(SHIRNA suddenly lets out a cry of fear and disgust. At her feet, a panel on the side of the scope opens and the tiny form of the DOCTOR staggers out and then falls to the floor. Now outside of the compression field, he starts to grow to full size watched by the horrified observers.)
PLETRAC: (Panicking.) Eradicator detachment - stand by!
(The returned functionaries start to prepare their weapon as the DOCTOR starts to stir.)
SHIRNA: It's one of the Tellurians!
PLETRAC: Hurry! It must be eradicated!(SHIRNA bends down to help the DOCTOR as he sits up groggily.)
SHIRNA: Why? He hasn't done anything wrong. (To the DOCTOR.) Are you alright, dear?
PLETRAC: Don't touch it! It's probably crawling with germs!(VORG pulls SHIRNA away.)
VORG: He's right, Shirna. Come away - the thing must be destroyed!
PLETRAC: Eradicator detachment - one charge, maximum intensity...(KALIK, with ORUM not far behind, steps between the eradicator and the still woozy DOCTOR.)
KALIK: Wait!
PLETRAC: Stand aside, Kalik.
KALIK: This procedure is not in order.
PLETRAC: Not in order?
KALIK: The eradicator cannot be used without authority from the tribunal.
PLETRAC: In an emergency, it's perfectly...
KALIK: (Interrupts.) One alien...hardly constitutes an emergency.
PLETRAC: The function of this tribunal is to keep this planet clean. This Tellurian creature comes from outside our solar system and is a possible carrier of contagion.(Now fully recovered, the DOCTOR gets to his feet.)
PLETRAC: Furthermore the creature may be hostile.
DOCTOR: Would you kindly stop referring to me as the "creature", sir, or I may well become exceedingly hostile!
PLETRAC: Silence! This...tribunal is deliberating.
DOCTOR: The tribunal is not deliberating. The tribunal is arguing. Quite nonsensically, if I may say so.
PLETRAC: (Angrily.) The tribunal will not tolerate insolence from unauthorised lifeforms!
DOCTOR: Will one of you kindly explain to me exactly where I am? Which planet, I mean?
KALIK: You are on Inter Minor.
DOCTOR: Inter Minor? What, not Metebelis Three, the famous blue planet of the Acteon galaxy?
ORUM: Oh no.
DOCTOR: I see.(He turns and sees a familiar shape.)
DOCTOR: Oh, thank heavens the TARDIS is safe anyway.
PLETRAC: This "container" is yours?
DOCTOR: Yes, it is indeed.(He then sees the scope. Nearby, VORG is thoroughly enjoying the display of the DOCTOR'S authority over the Minorians.)
DOCTOR: And oh yes! Just as I thought - a miniscope. (Angrily.) Now this is outrageous! Who is responsible for this device? (To PLETRAC.) Is it yours?
PLETRAC: Certainly not! It is the property of this Lurman. The female is his assistant.(The DOCTOR looks at a grinning VORG who, in turn, gestures to SHIRNA. The DOCTOR bows to her. She simpers and giggles as the DOCTOR turns back to PLETRAC.)
DOCTOR: And you sir, you are?
(PLETRAC steps forward, desperately trying to re-assert his authority.)
PLETRAC: Chairman Peltrac of the admissions tribunal.
(ORUM speaks an aside to KALIK...)
ORUM: One wonders why the tribunal is submitting to questioning by this creature. Shouldn't it be the other way round?
DOCTOR: Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you gentlemen, but you are all in very serious trouble.
ORUM: (To KALIK, laughing.) Really, one almost admires its audacity!
DOCTOR: You are, I take it, the representatives of authority on this planet?
PLETRAC: (Proudly.) One's authority comes direct from President Zarb himself.
DOCTOR: Then you have allowed the importation and the operation of a machine that is expressly forbidden by intergalactic law.
PLETRAC: (Haughtily.) One did not allow it! One has already ordered the deportation of the Lurmans and their machine.
DOCTOR: But for the moment, the machine is here and it is in operation. Surely you'll scarcely deny that?
PLETRAC: (Caught out.) Well...strictly speaking, one...must concede that, er, in a sense...
DOCTOR: (Interrupts.) Then you are responsible, are you not? As a direct result of your carelessness, my young companion is trapped inside this machine, in a situation of extreme peril.
PLETRAC: (Snaps.) Look, one is forced to remind you that the question before this tribunal is your own eradication as a menace to public health!
DOCTOR: (Ignoring him.) If you will allow me...to rescue my young companion, and give what help I can to the rest of the unfortunates trapped in here, then I am prepared to overlook the entire matter.
ORUM: One is indeed overwhelmed!
DOCTOR: If not, then you'll just have to take the consequences. Let me know when you've made up your mind.(He moves over to inspect the scope. VORG and SHIRNA are delighted and impressed by the performance.)
VORG: Marvellous, Shirna! What audacity, eh? Do you know, I do believe he's one of us?
SHIRNA: One of us? He's a Tellurian.
VORG: Of course, but I recognise the type. He's in the carnival business, I'm sure. I mean, look at his manner and look at his clothes. Don't forget that I've...I've worked many a Tellurian fairground.
SHIRNA: You may be right. He's certainly got the style.
VORG: Oh, I'd wager on it. He's got the measure of these grey-faced idiots right enough.(Nearby, the three Minorians are arguing...)
KALIK: Personally speaking, one is against this whole thing.
PLETRAC: One might have expected you to take that attitude, Kalik. Orum - are you for or against the use of the eradicator?
ORUM: Against.
KALIK: You are outvoted, Pletrac.
PLETRAC: Very well. Eradicator detachment - stand down.(The functionaries step back from the weapon. The DOCTOR overhears this and steps up behind the momentarily alarmed Minorians.)
DOCTOR: (Smiles.) Thank you for your timely intervention, sir.
(He starts to walk away again.)
PLETRAC: Wait! Where are you going?
(The DOCTOR points back at the scope and smiles.)
DOCTOR: Just over there!
(He goes off without another word. PLETRAC bites his lip.)
KALIK: You're very nervous, Pletrac?
PLETRAC: (Quietly.) Not nervous so much as puzzled. What use is the Tellurian to you?
KALIK: (Soothing.) Of no use.
PLETRAC: You never do anything without a reason, Kalik. Why did you try to save the Tellurian's life?
KALIK: Out of...mercy and compassion. Vorg will tell you.(Smiling, KALIK walks off, followed, as ever, by ORUM. PLETRAC is looking more and more suspicious. Nearby, an admiring VORG and SHIRNA watch the DOCTOR as he continues to work on the scope.)
VORG: I bet he understands the palare. Listen to this. (Laughs.)
VORG: The Tellurian carnival lingo - watch.(He steps up to the DOCTOR.)
VORG: Palare la carny?
(The DOCTOR looks up, confused.)
DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?
VORG: Varda the Bona Palone?
DOCTOR: I...I'm sorry, er...
VORG: Niente dinari round here, y'jills.(VORG laughs. The DOCTOR speaks slowly and loudly...)
DOCTOR: I...I must apologise. I...I'm afraid I do not understand your language.
VORG: Oh, you understand alright! You're a showman, the same as me, ain't you?
DOCTOR: Are you a showman, sir?
VORG: Allow me to introduce myself. I am the great Vorg!(He gestures with an imperious finger in the air and then gestures to SHIRNA.)
VORG: And this beautiful young lady is Shirna, my assistant.
(The DOCTOR bows again.)
DOCTOR: Delighted, Miss Shirna. I am the Doctor.
VORG: "Doctor" - great title, you know. Doctors, Professors - always pulls 'em in.
DOCTOR: Tell me, sir, are you in charge of this disgraceful device?
VORG: Yes, why? Is something wrong?
DOCTOR: Yes, something is very wrong. I too have an assistant, you know, and she's trapped inside this machine. Now somehow I've got to get her out.(He opens an inspection panel on the console.)
VORG: Oh, Doctor, Doctor! I wouldn't put your hand in there. Those Drashigs can take a lump right out of you.
DOCTOR: Drashigs?
SHIRNA: They followed you out of the circuit. They're running wild inside there now. Doing terrible damage, aren't they, Vorg?
VORG: Oh, they've broken through to statofields. Very soon, I'm going to lose the entire collection.
DOCTOR: What, lose them? That would be a tragedy.
VORG: You can say that again. My insurance doesn't cover the replacement of livestock.
DOCTOR: (Furious.) Livestock! Now let me tell you, sir, that the people inside that ship are human beings.
VORG: That's right - Tellurians, Ogrons, Drashigs - oh, marvellous collection.
DOCTOR: The collection of the simplest animal lifeforms is a dubious enough pursuit in itself, sir. But the collection of civilised intelligent beings is a positive crime! Now let me warn you that I intend to put an end to this shameful business.
VORG: Well, there's no need to get excited. It's putting an end to itself.
DOCTOR: Huh? What does that mean?
VORG: The scope's packing up. All the life support systems are going to break down soon.
SHIRNA: Even on tickover, the power's almost down to critical.
DOCTOR: How long will it last?
VORG: Who knows? Can't be much longer.
DOCTOR: (Urgently.) Well that means that every living creature in there will die, including my assistant! Now somehow, I've got to find a way of saving them!
(JO is hiding on the deck behind some of the ship's deck paraphernalia. She watches as ANDREWS and MAJOR DALY meet in their search.)
JOHN ANDREWS: Have you seen her?
MAJOR DALY: Not this side.
JOHN ANDREWS: Well, she can't get away. We'll get a search party together and search the ship.(The two men move off, as does JO but in the opposite direction.)
(ORUM gestures to KALIK to join him. He points over at the DOCTOR as he works on the scope, watched with an element of disinterest by VORG and SHIRNA.)
ORUM: (Whispers.) What is the Tellurian doing?
KALIK: Trying to rescue the other Tellurian, one imagines.
ORUM: They are clearly social creatures.
KALIK: Mmm, and harmless.
ORUM: (Nervously.) Pletrac is growing suspicious. If he should decide to examine the eradicator, he will discover that...one has rendered it useless.
KALIK: You worry too much, Orum.
ORUM: President Zarb still decrees the death penalty for acts of treason!
KALIK: Have you destroyed the part?
ORUM: What part?
KALIK: (Impatiently.) From the eradicator!
ORUM: Oh, you mean the trizon?
ORUM: Yes, it's here.(ORUM is about to hold the object up but KALIK stops him.)
KALIK: We will conceal it in the Lurman's baggage, and then if anything should go wrong, one of us can always...discover it.
ORUM: (Whispers.) Of course! Blame it on the Lurman.
KALIK: (Smiling.) An alien spy and saboteur.
(JO enters the silent hold of the ship.)
JO: Doctor?
(She walks further into the hold.)
JO: Doctor, you there?
(She suddenly sees the hole torn by the Drashig, but...)
JOHN ANDREWS: There she is!
(She makes a run for the hole but an Indian sailor runs forward and grabs her. ANDREWS steps forward.)
JOHN ANDREWS: Now then, Miss.
JO: It's alright. I know the routine.(She allows herself to be led towards the door.)
(The DOCTOR pokes his nose into the inspection hatch on top of the console of the scope. Alarmed, VORG scurries over to SHIRNA.)
VORG: You know, Shirna, he could lose that nose of his...
(He snaps his fingers.)
VORG: ...just like that.
(SHIRNA is suddenly alert.)
(She nods towards the base of the scope where the panel by which the DOCTOR exited is starting to shake - as if something the other side was trying to push against it.)
VORG: (Alarmed.) The Drashigs!
SHIRNA: They've reached the outer hull! Vorg, if they get out, they'll expand to full size!
VORG: Come on, it's time we left - come on!(He pulls her away from the area and into the part of the port with the cargo hatch. They run straight into PLETRAC.)
PLETRAC: And where are you going?
VORG: (Nervously.) Er, where are we going, yes.
VORG: Home - we thought we'd take a shuttle out to the thruster base.
PLETRAC: A transporter has been ordered for you. You will be taken, together with your machine, to the thruster base.
VORG: (Nervously.) There's...there's no need to worry. I mean, we can find our own way. Don't bother. Er, you can keep the scope, your welcome to it.
PLETRAC: You will remain here until the transporter arrives! The quarantine regulation on the conveyance of aliens is explicit. You will be taken to the thruster base in a transporter which we then be disinfected before further use!
VORG: Disinfected?(PLETRAC pulls out his two-pronged hand weapon and starts to herd the two Lurmans back towards the area which contains the scope.)
PLETRAC: Back! Back! Back!
(ANDREWS opens the door to MAJOR DALY'S cabin and the Indian sailor pushes JO inside.)
JOHN ANDREWS: Now, Miss, I'm gonna lock you in here until...
JO: (Interrupts.) Until the Captain can find time to see me. I know!
JOHN ANDREWS: Right, sensible girl.(He pulls the door to and locks it. JO listens carefully and goes to the door with her own set of skeleton keys.)
(The DOCTOR pulls a small burnt component out of the scope as, nearby, VORG and SHIRNA stand and watch nervously.)
VORG: D...Doctor, I shouldn't stay too near the scope - the...the Drashigs, you know?
DOCTOR: Yeah, listen, Vorg, I shall need your help. I've gotta get back inside this machine.
VORG: (Shocked.) What?
DOCTOR: Well, it's the only way I can get Jo out of there in time and save the rest of your livestock. But I shall need you to trigger the settings for me.
VORG: Settings?
DOCTOR: (Impatiently.) Look, this is your machine, isn't it?
VORG: Well, of course it is, why?
DOCTOR: Then I presume you know how it works?
SHIRNA: He won it, Doctor.
DOCTOR: He what?
VORG: It was during the Great Wallarian Exhibition.
SHIRNA: You know what gamblers the Wallarians are? Well, Vorg had the Magum pod concession.
VORG: Surely you've seen it? I have three Magum pods and a Yarrow seed. You know, the quickness of the hand deceives the eye. You put the Yarrow seed under the middle pod...
DOCTOR: (Interrupts.) Yes, yes, I have seen something similar. Y...you say you won this machine. And you haven't the faintest idea how it works?(VORG nods.)
DOCTOR: I see. Well, look, t...this Wallarian that you got it from, did he by any chance give you a...a green or a blue disc - a thing about this big?
(He holds a finger and thumb about two inches apart.)
VORG: Oh, he gave me a lot of odds and ends. They're in my bag. I think there is something like that.
DOCTOR: Well go and have a look, will you? It's very important.(VORG starts to search through their luggage.)
SHIRNA: What's the idea, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well, it's simple really. You see, the scope's, er, omega circuit is broken. Now if I can link it to the TARDIS and use that as the master, I can re-programme the scope.
SHIRNA: And what will that do?
DOCTOR: Well, two things I hope. It'll enable me to get Jo out of here in time, and get her out of this wretched contraption, and it will return all the other lifeforms to their original space/time coordinates.
SHIRNA: So they'll all get back to where they came from?
DOCTOR: I sincerely hope so, yes.(VORG returns with the requested object.)
VORG: Is this it? It's a bit mucky, I'm afraid.
(He hands it to the DOCTOR who looks it over.)
DOCTOR: Yes, that's it. Thank heavens you've kept it. Look, come with me and I'll tell you what I want you to do.
(He leads them towards the TARDIS but thinks better of letting them enter.)
DOCTOR: Erm, would you mind just waiting there for a moment?
(He goes inside the TARDIS.)
(Just outside one of the archways that leads from the port, KALIK has been speaking to a group of four functionaries.)
KALIK: (Quietly.) Now remember, do nothing until you get the signal - is that clear?
(They grunt and nod.)
KALIK: (Quietly.) Good. About your business - quickly.
(They move off as ORUM comes up.)
ORUM: (Whispers.) The transporter must arrive shortly.
KALIK: (Quietly.) So, do you think my plan has failed?
ORUM: Upon reflection, one is conscious of certain flaws.
KALIK: Indeed?
ORUM: One gathers the intention is the escape of these..."Drashigs" in order to cause a disaster that will reflect badly upon President Zarb and his regime.
KALIK: Admirably put.
ORUM: To this end, one has...sabotaged the eradicator in order to leave the city defenceless.
KALIK: Precisely - the bigger the disaster, the better for us.
ORUM: (Nervously.) Yes, but is it not possible that one might oneself become part of that disaster?
KALIK: Mmm, there is a certain...minimal risk.(KALIK moves off.)
ORUM: One has no wish to be devoured by alien monstrosities - even in the cause of political progress!
(ORUM scurries after him. A functionary approaches and skirts the pair, moving off out of earshot. KALIK makes sure that they are not observed.)
KALIK: (Quietly.) When the Drashigs burst from the machine, the city will be taken by surprise. We, on the other hand, will be ready to remove ourselves from the area of danger.
ORUM: One trusts the removal will be speedy! According to that Lurman, the ferocity of the Drashigs is formidable!
KALIK: No doubt he exaggerates. And, in any case, I'm sure that as commissioners of Inter Minor we shall prove to be more than a match for these, er, primitive lifeforms.(ORUM sighs.)
KALIK: Have no fear, Orum. My plan will not fail!
(He walks back into the space port and ORUM follows.)
ORUM: Well, it will if the Drashigs don't escape!
ORUM: And there's no sign of that.
KALIK: Shh!(The calmer KALIK holds up a hand for silence. VORG and SHIRNA are working on a large piece of equipment that the DOCTOR has brought out of the TARDIS. The two Minorians can hear a faint knocking sound. Making sure that they are not observed by the Lurmans, they move nearer the scope and bend down. KALIK points to the slightly moving plate at the base of the machine.)
KALIK: (Whispers.) Listen.
ORUM: (Whispers.) They'll never break through those plates! They're molectic bonded disillum.
KALIK: (Whispers.) Then perhaps one had...better give them a little help.
(JO succeeds in opening the cabin door.)
(She slowly steps out. She looks round and sets off.)
(The DOCTOR has engineered an intricate set-up of machinery to carry out his plan, The device that VORG and SHIRA were working on before resembles a large junction box. This is connected by a series of thick cables to the TARDIS and with another set to the scope. The DOCTOR is finishing off the wiring.)
VORG: Will it work, Doctor?
DOCTOR: (Impatiently.) Yes, of course it'll work.
VORG: Well, it's not very well insulated.
DOCTOR: Then don't touch any bare metal. Right, now listen to me.(The DOCTOR points to a handle-switch that juts out of one side of the machine...)
DOCTOR: This is the phase one switch here.
(...and then to a second that juts out of the other side.)
DOCTOR: And this is the phase two. Now don't touch the phase two until the last possible moment - do you understand?
VORG: I've got that - phase one, phase two, yeah.
DOCTOR: Good.(PLETRAC steps forward.)
PLETRAC: What are you doing?
SHIRNA: The Doctor's going back into the scope.(The DOCTOR gives her a look for babbling out his plan. She lowers her eyes.)
PLETRAC: (To the DOCTOR, imperiously.) You will remain here! You came here illegally. Regulations demand that you be sent to the ICCA.
DOCTOR: Mmm, what's the ICCA?
VORG: The Inner Constellation Corrective Authority. You won't like it, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Prison?
PLETRAC: You are, by your own admission, a vagabond.
DOCTOR: Oh yes...yes, very much so.(He looks at VORG who nods almost imperceptibly.)
DOCTOR: Phase one.
(VORG pushes down the handle. The DOCTOR, stood with his palms flat on the junction box, fades out of sight, utterly throwing PLETRAC.)
PLETRAC: What? Er, stop! Er...
(He pulls out his hand weapon and fires. The air oscillates and the junction box explodes.)
VORG: Oh, n...oh no!
SHIRNA: We'll never get him back now!
(The DOCTOR materialises, miniaturised once more and flat on the floor of a circuit path. He is seemingly unconscious. He comes to and sits up. He clambers to his feet and sets off.)
(VORG is desperately trying to make sense of the wires within the junction box.)
SHIRNA: Can you fix it?
VORG: I don't know, I...all these wires!
SHIRNA: Well, you must try.
VORG: Well, I'm doing my best.
SHIRNA: The Doctor's relying on us.
VORG: Well, put your finger on there a minute, will you?(He points to a metal terminal.)
(There is a fierce crackle and a spark. SHIRNA shrieks and snatches her hand back.)
VORG: Good, that must be the live terminal.
(JO has made her way, unnoticed this time, back down to the hold. She carefully enters and goes to the ripped hole that she saw last time.)
(She calls into the workings.)
JO: Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me?
(There is no reply as her voice echoes round. She seems to give up.)
(She is lost in thought as, suddenly, the DOCTOR'S voice calls out to her...)
DOCTOR: (OOV.) Jo? Jo, is that you?
(She looks back into the workings and sees the DOCTOR appear across the circuits.)
JO: Doctor! Doctor, where've you been?
DOCTOR: Look, stop asking silly questions and come on!
(Delighted, she jumps through the ripped hole, up and cross the circuits and joins him.)
JO: Doctor!
(They run off.)
(As VORG continues his repairs, SHIRNA looks through a toolbag.)
VORG: Haven't you found that sprock yet?
SHIRNA: I think you've lost that too.
VORG: Oh.(They fail to see KALIK on the other side of the scope as he tries to free the plate. ORUM runs up to him.)
ORUM: (Whispers, urgently.) We'll have to hurry, Kalik! The transporters due!
KALIK: (Whispers.) Keep Pletrac busy!
ORUM: (Whispers.) One will try!
KALIK: (Whispers.) Orum!(He hands ORUM his hand weapon to use if necessary. ORUM takes it with some reluctance and moves off. Meanwhile, SHIRNA lifts up the unit from the eradicator which has been deposited in their toolbag.)
SHIRNA: Is this part of something, Vorg?
VORG: Mmm?(He takes the metal and plastic unit.)
VORG: Where'd you get that?
SHIRNA: I found it in your bag. Do you know what it is?
VORG: Ha! I haven't seen one of these since my national service days.(VORG doesn't notice that a humming tone is coming from the scope.)
VORG: The old fourteenth heavy lasers. Oh, what an outfit! Our battery sergeant was a Crustasoid mercenary...
SHIRNA: (Interrupts.) Vorg! The power's almost down to critical! Is the phase two switch ready?
VORG: Well, it won't be long. I've just got to fix this junction box.
(Within the scope things are getting critical. As the power starts to run down, the chamber of circuits fills with smoke. The DOCTOR tries to pull JO up a circuit. She gasps with the lack of air.)
DOCTOR: Come on, Jo.
JO: (Gasping.) I can't...
DOCTOR: Come on!
JO: (Gasping.) ...get...get...my breath!
DOCTOR: Come on, the circuits are going!
JO: (Gasping.) I can't...
DOCTOR: Come on, Jo! Come on, one last effort, we're nearly there.
(The effect is the same on the "SS Bernice". CLAIRE staggers into the saloon, holding onto the walls for support.)
MAJOR DALY: Claire...oh...
MAJOR DALY: My dear...(She falls into the MAJOR'S arms as ANDREWS, also struggling, comes into the saloon.)
JOHN ANDREWS: What's the matter?
MAJOR DALY: Give us a hand.(They lay CLAIRE on a seat.)
MAJOR DALY: It's heat exhaustion. I should never have brought her out here.
(The MAJOR himself falls back unconscious on a padded bench. As CLAIRE breathes faintly, ANDREWS falls to the floor.)
(Just outside the port, ORUM "runs into" the returning PLETRAC.)
ORUM: Ah, the transporter has arrived at last!
PLETRAC: Yes, it is time to get these aliens aboard.(PLETRAC tries to step past ORUM but the Minorian side-steps and gets in his way again.)
ORUM: Why was it delayed?
PLETRAC: One understands that the functionaries at the transporter depot are refusing to work double shifts.(Again they both side-step...)
ORUM: What impudence!
PLETRAC: Yes, the functionaries are getting above themselves. We live in troubled times.(...and again.)
PLETRAC: Oh, do get out of the way, Orum!
(ORUM, holding KALIK'S weapon but too scared to use it, finally moves aside. PLETRAC takes his first steps towards the port when he hears the roar of a Drashig and a scream of terror from KALIK. He looks in horror at ORUM and moves off.)
(Within the port, VORG and SHIRNA back off in terror as the Drashig rears above KALIK. He runs across the port but the Drashig pursues him.)
KALIK: No, no, no, no!
(PLETRAC yells an order at the functionaries.)
PLETRAC: Quick, the eradicator!
(They however have different ideas and run off. PLETRAC shows surprising bravery and takes over the gun himself. He presses the trigger several times but there is no response.)
PLETRAC: Sabotage! Run for your lives!
(He does so. Realising what he holds, VORG himself runs for the eradicator as the Drashig continues to roar.)
VORG: This way!
(He plugs the unit into the underside of the barrel of the eradicator.)
(Outside, KALIK falls back as the Drashig plunges down at him.)
SHIRNA: Vorg, look here!
(She points through the archway at the Drashig. He swings the gun round and fires. The red glow surrounds the creature's head and it falls to the ground, dead. Another Drashig has escaped from the scope and roars directly over the two Lurmans.)
SHIRNA: Look out!
(VORG swings the gun round and fires again.)
(Their steps slow and turgid, the DOCTOR and JO stumble their way along a circuit. Unable to go on, they fall to the floor. The DOCTOR gasps...)
DOCTOR: Vorg...Vorg...the phase two switch...
(The occupants of the saloon cabin are totally unconscious.)
(VORG and SHIRNA look over the dead smoking Drashig.)
VORG: Well, that's that.
SHIRNA: Well, what about the Doctor?
VORG: Oh, it must be too late.
SHIRNA: Well, we can try.
VORG: (Shrugs.) If you like.(He approaches the junction box and pushes the phase two handle down. He glances at the front of the box.)
VORG: No, it's no use. The power's completely gone.
(SHIRNA sighs.)
VORG: No, no, wait a minute!
(Suddenly, a hum of power is heard from the machine. VORG pushes the handle fully down.)
(A lone Drashig, still in its swamp, vanishes.)
(The entire "SS Bernice" also fades away.)
(The DOCTOR and JO, still and unconscious, fade from view.)
(The junction box is starting to run away and the scope's glowsphere is flaring with light.)
VORG: I'll have to switch it off.
SHIRNA: But, you can't!(The scope's glowsphere explodes. It is now just a melted mass sat on top of the ruined console unit.)
VORG: Well, that's it then.
SHIRNA: No, wait!(She looks at the floor and sees a full-sized DOCTOR and JO fade into view.)
VORG: It worked!
(The two start to stir. The DOCTOR pushes himself up.)
DOCTOR: Hello, Vorg. Well, you cut that a bit fine didn't you?
(He gets to his feet.)
VORG: Oh, we had a spot of bother here.
(JO starts to come round.)
JO: Doctor...Doctor...
DOCTOR: It's alright, Jo. It's alright, Jo, we've made it.(He helps her to her feet. JO looks round her new surroundings.)
JO: Well, where are the others?
DOCTOR: Others?
JO: Well, yes - on the ship?
DOCTOR: Well, I reversed the original settings and linked them to the TARDIS, so they should still be on the ship.
JO: But...back in 1926 in the Indian Ocean?
DOCTOR: Yes, exactly.
(The MAJOR lies in his pyjamas in bed. Their time loop broken, his finally finishes his book closes the cover. There is a knock on the door.)
MAJOR DALY: Who is it?
(CLAIRE comes in.)
CLAIRE DALY: Only me. I didn't wake you, did I?
MAJOR DALY: Course not.
CLAIRE DALY: I wouldn't want to wake you just to say goodnight.(She sits on the end of the bed.)
MAJOR DALY: Been reading.
CLAIRE DALY: Have you finished it?
MAJOR DALY: Yeah...seems like the longest book I've ever read in me life.
CLAIRE DALY: It does seem to have been a long trip somehow.(Suddenly she frowns, again as if she had a slight memory of events...)
MAJOR DALY: Mmm?(She thinks a moment more, then sighs.)
CLAIRE DALY: Oh...nothing.
MAJOR DALY: Disappointing ending, you know? Fellow became a missionary. I thought he was going to marry her.
CLAIRE DALY: (Laughs.) Oh, you are an old romantic, aren't you, daddy? I'll bet half your stories about the east are just romances.
MAJOR DALY: You'll see for yourself tomorrow, Claire - Bombay!
CLAIRE DALY: Mmm, I'm looking forward to that.
MAJOR DALY: Mmm, don't think young Andrews is though! (Laughs.)
CLAIRE DALY: That's what I mean, you see - romantic! Good night, daddy.(She gets up and gives her father a kiss.)
MAJOR DALY: Goodnight, my child. Sleep well.
(She leaves the cabin. The MAJOR yawns and picks up a pencil. On his bedside calendar, he is finally able to put a cross through Tuesday 4th June 1926.)
(As the DOCTOR and JO wheel the junction box back into the TARDIS, VORG is at the eradicator, watched by a bored SHIRNA, as he regales PLETRAC with the story of his bravery.)
VORG: There was this second monster, barreling in at ninety degrees, practically breathing down my neck, and I swung like this, see, keeping low and I gave him a quick burst right in the vitals! That shot it was!
(PLETRAC nervously pushes the pointed eradicator away from himself.)
PLETRAC: (Smiles.) We are all extremely grateful to you. Your valour will not be forgotten.
VORG: (Smiles.) Well, it's my natural reaction to stand and fight, you know.
PLETRAC: (Smiles.) Our president will almost certainly wish to honour our Lurman guests for their courageous action.
VORG: Some form of, er, decoration perhaps?
SHIRNA: But how are we going to live? The scope's had it, and we haven't a credit bar to our name.
VORG: You leave that to me, my dear. I say, Pletrac, old man, er, let me show you a little trick.(He puts a hand on PLETRAC'S shoulder, to a flinch of disgust from the Minorian. VORG takes his hand back.)
VORG: I'm so sorry.
(VORG, the showman, starts to put the tools of his trade on the standing end of one of their pieces of luggage.)
VORG: Now, I have here three Magum Pods and a Yarrow seed. Right? Now, I place the Yarrow seed under the middle pod, like so.
PLETRAC: Mmm hmm.
VORG: Now, I move them very very slowly, now watch.(He moves the three covering shell-like pods round.)
(The DOCTOR and JO have come back out of the TARDIS and are watching. The DOCTOR whispers something to JO.)
VORG: Watch carefully. Are you watching? You tell me which pod you think the seed is under.
PLETRAC: (Confidently.) The middle one.
VORG: The middle one. Er, you wouldn't like to wager say, er, a couple of credit bars on your judgement, would you?(SHIRNA shakes her head to herself.)
PLETRAC: Certainly. One will wager two credit bars that the seed is under the middle pod. Ha! One can hardly discount the evidence of one's eyes.
(VORG puts down two blue-tipped metal bars down as his part of the wager and lifts the middle pod. Underneath it is, of course, nothing.)
VORG: Oh...you're unlucky.
PLETRAC: One was obviously too hasty. One will not make the same mistake a second time.
VORG: Another little wager?
PLETRAC: Five credit bars, er, no - ten!
VORG: Whatever you say, Pletrac! (Laughs.)(PLETRAC hands over a yellow tipped metal bar to a delighted VORG.)
VORG: Thank you. You know, I'm going to like it here! You remind me of the Wallarians, you know? They're great sportsmen too! (Laughs.) There we are.
DOCTOR: (To JO.) I don't think we need worry too much about our friend, Vorg.(She smiles and nods.)
VORG: (To PLETRAC.) Now, this is the one, right?
PLETRAC: (To VORG.) Indeed.
JO: (To the DOCTOR.) I think he'll probably wind up president.(The DOCTOR and JO laugh and he gestures for her to enter the TARDIS.)
VORG: (To PLETRAC.) Watch carefully.
PLETRAC: One watches.
VORG: I move them very, very slowly like that. Now, keep watching. Now you tell me...which pod you think the seed is under.
VORG: I'm giving you a chance to...(He is interrupted as the TARDIS engines echo round the port. They all look up in surprise as the blue box fades away. SHIRNA smiles...)
BBC Radiophonic WorkshopIncidental Music by
BRIAN HODGSONVisual Effects Design
JOHN HORTONCostume Designer
© BBC 1972