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(A strange oscillating sound fills the TARDIS console room as the DOCTOR lies on the floor of the room. His features glow and blur and then change into those of a younger, dark-haired man. The glow subsides and the stranger lies unconscious and not moving.)




(BEN and POLLY stand up over the figure and look down in astonishment. His clothes also seem to have changed and the neat small-checked trousers are replaced by a baggy pair of loud large-checked trousers ended off by a pair of pointed boots.)

POLLY: (Amazed.) His face, his hair - look at it!

(The oscillating sound dies away leaving the room in silence.)

BEN: (Amazed.) He's breathing...

(He looks around the previously darkened console room.)

BEN: ...and the TARDIS seems to be normal.
POLLY: Ben, what are we going to do? We can't just leave the Doctor there.

(BEN indicates the figure on the floor, barely able to comprehend what has happened.)

BEN: (Amazed.) What, him? The Doctor?
POLLY: Well, that's who came through the doors - there was no one else outside. Ben, do you remember what he said in the tracking room? Something about "This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin."
BEN: (Astounded.) So he gets himself a new one?
POLLY: (Uncertain.) Well, yes.
BEN: Oh, do me a favour!

(The man on the floor is starting to breathe somewhat heavily.)

POLLY: Ben, whatever happened, happened in here.
BEN: But it's impossible!
POLLY: Not so long ago we'd have been saying that about a lot of things.

(The stranger on the floor moans and BEN and POLLY jump back.)

POLLY: Oh, Ben!

(The stranger is opening his eyes. He struggles to sit up, but immediately clasps his head as a searing pain inflicts him and a sound like a whine mixed with a drumbeat reverberates through his mind. His dark hair is uncombed and scruffy. The man, still wrapped in his cloak, looks at BEN and POLLY, but his vision is distorted from the effect of his transformation. Continuing to hold his throbbing head, the stranger begins to call out...)

DOCTOR: Slower... (Louder.) Slower!

(The sound starts to slow and then momentarily stops. It starts again but is getting slower and slower, almost as the man commanded.)

DOCTOR: Concentrate on one thing!

(The stranger peers in concentration at the TARDIS console. Gradually, the panel of knobs, dials and levers focus clearly in his eyes and the sound dies away. Relieved, the man takes his hands away and looks round him. He suddenly smiles a broad roguish grin.)

DOCTOR: It's over.

(He laughs deeply.)

DOCTOR: It's over.

(The man staggers to his feet, and grabs hold of the TARDIS console to steady himself. Underneath the cloak, his upper clothing has also changed. The waistcoat has disappeared and a pair of braces decorated with shamrocks and stars holds up his baggy trousers. In place of the neat long black tie is spotted bow tie, held in place with a safety pin. He glances over the TARDIS controls and circles the console. He operates a number of controls.)

BEN: Doctor?

(BEN and POLLY hear the familiar sound of dematerialisation. The man suddenly grabs hold of his face and starts to feel his features. He tries to move across to a wooden chest on the far side of the room, tripping over his cloak as he does so. He struggles to divest himself of it but finally succeeds. He moves on again towards the chest but trips slightly, the DOCTOR'S precious ring dropping off his finger as he does so.)

DOCTOR: The muscles are still a bit tight.

(The man staggers on as POLLY picks up the ring. She and BEN watch in confusion as the man pokes his head into the chest and begins to rummage through the contents.)

BEN: What are we going to do?
POLLY: It is the Doctor. I know it is...I think.
BEN: It's not only his face that's changed - he doesn't even act like him.

(The man continues to rummage, pulling out a large scruffy frock coat which he immediately puts on and then continues with his search of the chest.)

BEN: (To POLLY.) Come on, it's time we sorted this out.

(BEN walks over to confront the stranger.)

BEN: Now look here!

(The stranger thrusts a mirror from the chest into BEN'S hands.)

DOCTOR: Hold that.

(BEN takes the mirror.)

DOCTOR: And tilt it.

(As BEN obeys the man's order, the stranger stares deep into the mirror. At first he sees an image of his current face. But suddenly this changes into an image of the old DOCTOR. The man stares at the image in confusion. The image eventually turns back to that of his current self. Grunting in satisfaction, the DOCTOR again turns back to the chest, leaving BEN still holding the mirror.)

BEN: Have you done with this?
DOCTOR: Put it down, put it down.

(BEN does so, his frustration and anger increasing.)

BEN: Now, what's the game?
DOCTOR: (Cries out.) Ah!

(The little man pulls out an ornamental dagger from the chest. He examines the object thoughtfully.)

DOCTOR: The crusades, from Saladin.

(He once more turns back to the chest.)

DOCTOR: (Gleefully.) The Doctor was a great collector, wasn't he!
POLLY: But you're the Doctor!

(The man pauses for a moment.)

DOCTOR: Oh, I don't look like him.
BEN: Who are we?
DOCTOR: Don't you know?

(The man places the dagger back in his pocket, and then brings out a dull-looking piece of metal from the chest. It is angled at one end with a square hole cut into it. A look of fear appears on his face.)

DOCTOR: Extermination!

(BEN and POLLY look at each in mutual puzzlement. The man replaces the metal back in his pocket and turns back to the chest.)


(He has discovered a magnifying glass. Peering through it, he studies his hands.)

DOCTOR: Ah, very good. Nails need growing.

(BEN takes the ring from POLLY and holds it up before the man.)

BEN: Now look, the Doctor always wore this. So if you're him, it should fit now, shouldn't it?

(BEN grabs the man's hand, and slips the ring on. However, it is far too big for the finger.)

BEN: There - that settles it.
DOCTOR: I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it's spread its wings.
POLLY: Then you did change!
DOCTOR: Life depends on change...and renewal.
BEN: (Sarcastically.) Oh, so that's it - you've been renewed, have ya?
DOCTOR: I've been renewed, have I? That's it, I've been renewed!

(He paces round the room slightly.)

DOCTOR: It's part of the TARDIS - without it, I couldn't survive.

(He suddenly speaks harshly to POLLY.)

DOCTOR: Come here!

(POLLY looks nervous. The man lowers his tone and repeats the command...)

DOCTOR: Come here.

(POLLY steps warily closer to him.)

DOCTOR: The Doctor kept a diary, didn't he?
DOCTOR: I thought so. Now, I wonder where?

(He walks back to the chest.)

DOCTOR: I wonder where?

(BEN and POLLY watch him as he resumes his rummaging.)

POLLY: He's a very different Doctor, Ben.
BEN: Yeah, maybe. Just where do we stand, though?

(Suddenly, an expression of joy appears on the DOCTOR'S face, as he pulls a tattered recorder from the storage box. He immediately blows a short tune on the recorder, while shuffling a few steps of a dance at the same time. At the conclusion of the tune, the DOCTOR deposits the recorder into a pocket of his voluminous coat and resumes the search of the storage chest. He pulls out another object - a book with "500 YEAR DIARY" embossed on the cover. He starts to flick through the pages.)

POLLY: Doctor? Doctor, what's going to happen to us?
DOCTOR: I think...I think we must have landed for sometime. I think it's time we went for a stroll.

(The DOCTOR grabs a tall-peaked stove-piped hat from the chest, and places it on his head. With his eyes firmly placed on the diary's contents, the DOCTOR walks over to the console and flicks a switch. The TARDIS doors glide open. BEN and POLLY are alarmed.)

POLLY: (Shouts.) But you don't know where we've landed!
BEN: (Shouts.) No, you haven't checked the oxygen or the temperature or anything!

(The DOCTOR doesn't look up from his diary but carries on reading.)

DOCTOR: Oxygen density one-seven-two, radiation nil, temperature...eighty-six - strong suggestion of mercury deposits. Satisfied, Ben? Now, are you two coming or are you not?

(He walks out.)

POLLY: He does know us! He said "Ben", didn't you hear him?
BEN: Yeah, I heard. But he might just have been copying you though, mightn't he?

(They follow him.)


(A rough, mist-covered landscape. The ground is littered with curving rock formations and small bubbling pools of liquid. At regular intervals, a small spray of liquid is emitted from one of the pools, causing the rocks to be covered by a small silver filament. Oblivious to the surroundings, the DOCTOR strolls by one of the pools, his concentration completely on the diary. The DOCTOR strolls directly towards a small pool of hissing mercury, apparently unaware of the danger. Just as he is about to step into the pool, he steps in a different direction and circles the pool. Suddenly he stops and looks back, realises that he has averted the danger and laughs quietly. He looks down...)

DOCTOR: Oh no!

(He steps out of a second pool of water that he has walked into. Somewhat gruffly, he yells back...)

DOCTOR: (Shouts.) Are you coming, you two?

(He continues on his way but then stops and looks up. He notices a medium-sized rock blocking his path. Pulling a tape measure from one of his pockets, the DOCTOR measures the rock and then scribbles down some notes in his diary. He looks round, smiles and then backs up. Putting his hat into his pocket, he flexes his knees.)

DOCTOR: Time I put you through some tests, I think!

(The DOCTOR moves back a short distance, carefully studying the rock in front of him. Suddenly, he breaks into a run, and successfully leap-frogs the rock. Suddenly, a voice calls out...)


(The DOCTOR ducks into hiding behind the rock as a man in a dark tunic strolls into view.)

EXAMINER: Hello? Is there anyone there? Hello?

(Neither the new man nor the DOCTOR see a futuristic-looking pistol being raised and pointed from nearby.)

EXAMINER: Hello? Why don't they come?

(The DOCTOR steps out of hiding and the man sees him. He walks up to him with his hand outstretched.)

EXAMINER: Ah, so you've come at last. I'm from Earth. I'm the Examin...

(Suddenly, a shot rings out. The EXAMINER collapses at the DOCTOR'S feet. The DOCTOR glances around his surroundings in startled surprise. He is about to rush behind the rock, when he looks back to the victim on the ground. Realising that the man could still be alive, the DOCTOR cautiously moves towards the body and kneels next to it. His worst suspicions are confirmed - the man is dead. The DOCTOR notices a badge attached to the dead man's uniform. He removes his predecessor's wire-rimmed spectacles from a pocket, and places them on. However, when the DOCTOR attempts to examine the badge, all he sees is a misty blur. Realising that his new incarnation has no need for spectacles, the DOCTOR removes the glasses, and places them back in his pocket. The DOCTOR then turns his attention back to the badge and reads the wording on it aloud...)

DOCTOR: "Earth Examiner. Accord every access. Vulcan."

(As the DOCTOR searches the EXAMINER'S body for further information, another figure begins to move in. The figure is wearing a shiny white suit with a close-fitting hood and large goggles, which completely obscures the stranger's appearance. The stranger raises the pistol to the DOCTOR'S back. Suddenly, BEN'S voice shatters the silence.)

BEN: (OOV.) Doctor?! Where are you?

(The DOCTOR turns around as he hears BEN'S voice. The new figure quickly steps behind a nearby rock, but the DOCTOR has detected the movement. The DOCTOR turns towards the rock, but the figure has disappeared. Behind the rock, the stranger reverses his hold on the pistol - he now intends to use it as a bludgeon.)


(BEN and POLLY have emerged from the TARDIS, and are closely examining one of the mercury pools.)

BEN: Whoa, they're hot!
POLLY: Hmm, do you think the air's like this everywhere?
BEN: Nah - might be just round here. Don't want too many lung full of it, I know that. Here, when I was a kid, we used to live opposite a brewery. You could take a walk and get tipsy all in one go!

(POLLY kneels next to the pool for a closer look.)

POLLY: It's beautiful!
BEN: No, don't touch it, Polly!
POLLY: I wasn't going to.
BEN: No, it's quicksilver - it gets through the pores.

(BEN looks across the swamp.)

BEN: Where is the Doctor, or whatever he is, got to?

(As BEN looks around for the DOCTOR, a cloud of steam is suddenly emitted from the mercury geyser. It sprays all near to POLLY'S face. She coughs and splutters.)

BEN: What's the matter? Hey, Polly!

(As BEN kneels next to her, POLLY suddenly falls unconscious and collapses against him. BEN cries out.)

BEN: (Shouts.) Hey, Doctor - wherever you are! Quick, there's something happened to Polly!


(The DOCTOR, still holding the EXAMINER'S badge, glances around his surroundings in alarm.)

BEN: (OOV.) Quick, over this way!

(The DOCTOR is about to stride towards BEN'S voice, but the figure suddenly emerges from behind the rock, and strikes the DOCTOR on the head with the pistol. The DOCTOR is knocked unconscious. In the DOCTOR'S motionless hand, the figure carefully places a button. The stranger then proceeds to drag the EXAMINER'S body away.)


(Meanwhile, BEN is trying to lift POLLY to her feet. Suddenly, another cloud of toxic vapour is emitted from the mercury geyser.)

BEN: (Shouts.) Doctor!

(Like POLLY, BEN begins to cough and splutter. Slowly, BEN fades into unconsciousness. BEN'S last vision is of a another white-suited figure approaching.)


(A third, older, white-suited figure approaches the one who looks over the DOCTOR. As they are all dressed identically, it is impossible to say which was the DOCTOR'S attacker. Both have pushed their goggles off their eyes. The older man speaks.)

BRAGEN: Ah, Quinn, there you are. What have you got there?

(He sees the unconscious DOCTOR.)

BRAGEN: My people have found two more of them by one of the pools.
QUINN: This one's got a nasty bruise on the back of his head. Fallen over his feet and knocked himself out, I suppose.
BRAGEN: I suppose so.
QUINN: (Exasperated.) Why don't they use the kit we send them?
BRAGEN: Yes, the other two have had a rather bad dose of fumes - the girl has anyway.
QUINN: Girl?
BRAGEN: Yes, but she'll recover.

(Two more of the protection-suited figures approach, one helping a groggy BEN and the other carrying an unconscious POLLY in his arms.)

QUINN: (To BRAGEN.) These comic-opera guards of yours do have some uses after all.
BRAGEN: I pick them for their physical fitness.
QUINN: (Cutting.) I thought it wasn't for their I.Q. Give me a hand with the Examiner, will you.
BRAGEN: I wonder why Earth has chosen to send an Examiner to Vulcan? Just now, I mean?
QUINN: I don't know.
BRAGEN: A mystery, isn't it? He isn't due for another two years.

(Meanwhile, BEN is slowly recovering from the effects of the fumes. QUINN walks over towards him.)

QUINN: How do you feel?
BEN: Oh....
QUINN: We saw your rocket overshoot the landing area.
BEN: Eh?
QUINN: Don't worry - most of the ships from Earth do over-shoot. I'm Quinn, Deputy Governor.
BRAGEN: Bragen, Head of Security.
QUINN: Let's get all back shall we? I'll take the girl.

(QUINN takes POLLY from one of the guards. BRAGEN speaks to his men.)

BRAGEN: Here, you two, help carry the Examiner.

(He indicates the DOCTOR, and the guards start to pick him up as BRAGEN turns back to BEN.)

BRAGEN: I suppose you Earth people can't wait to examine Lesterson's space capsule?
BEN: Eh?

(BEN'S puzzlement is replaced by surprise when the DOCTOR'S eyes suddenly open. The little man winks at him, and then closes his eyes again.)


(LESTERSON, a dark-haired man with round spectacles, is sitting at a bench in his large laboratory, polishing a dull-shaded piece of metal. He wears a long white lab coat. A pair of double doors on the left-hand side form the entrance to the room. On the right-hand side of the rear wall is an alcove dominated by a large window. Through this can be seen gantried rooftops of buildings below the laboratory. Within the alcove are various bits of machinery and devices, some mounted on the alcove wall. A large alien-looking space capsule with a tipped nose-cone dominates the right-hand side of the laboratory. It looks sinister and utterly different from anything else in the room. JANLEY, LESTERSON'S young female assistant, walks into the room. Despite her youth, she is very confident in her attitude and wears a simple two-piece dark tunic with short sleeves.)

JANLEY: Lesterson?
LESTERSON: Look at this.

(He holds up the metal but JANLEY ignores it.)

JANLEY: (Worried.) They've just brought in an Examiner from Earth, and a couple of assistants.
LESTERSON: An Examiner? What's he here for?
JANLEY: I thought you'd know.
LESTERSON: Ah, it's the capsule, it must be.

(He looks over with some passion and covetness at the large object within the room.)

LESTERSON: Well, they can't stop me working on it, I can tell you that.
JANLEY: Could anyone?
LESTERSON: The Governor's always been difficult about it. But surely they wouldn't send someone all the way from Earth just to...?
JANLEY: (Interrupts.) Look, what about the meeting?
JANLEY: Yes - I've arranged everything. Can we still use the old rocket room?
LESTERSON: Yes, I suppose so. But I do wish you wouldn't get mixed up with these pressure groups, Janley.
JANLEY: Well, somebody has to do something. The colony's running down and you know it.
LESTERSON: Well, I am too busy.
JANLEY: But if we ran things, you'd have better facilities, more money. I wish you'd take an interest.
LESTERSON: Now look, I don't mind letting you have the use of one of my rooms now and again, Janley, but don't try to involve me.

(He gets up and looks over the alien capsule.)

LESTERSON: This is what I find important. Two hundred years in a mercury swamp...

(He holds up the piece of metal in his hand. It looks very like the one that the DOCTOR found in the TARDIS chest.)

LESTERSON: ...and this piece of metal that dropped from it. Look - a couple of minutes polishing and it's as good as new.
JANLEY: (Unimpressed.) Wonderful.
LESTERSON: Rain, damp, heat, mercury - nothing touches this metal. No corrosion, Janley - think of that.
JANLEY: Well, I hope the Examiner lets you go on with your experiments.

(She turns and heads for the door.)

JANLEY: Frankly, I doubt it.

(She pauses at the door.)

JANLEY: I think the Governor's brought the Examiner here to stop you opening the capsule.

(LESTERSON suddenly looks concerned.)

JANLEY: You should join our group, Lesterson. You might need us one day.

(JANLEY strides from the room. LESTERSON watches her leave, a worried expression on his face.)


(The DOCTOR, BEN and POLLY have recovered from their ordeal and have been left to rest in a small room. It has a couch bed and two chairs. A round grilled window overlooks the arching rocks of the mercury swamp outside. The DOCTOR is sat cross-legged on the bed, frowning and blowing a tune absent-mindedly on his recorder. He wears the badge from the dead man on his coat lapel. BEN and POLLY, the latter playing with something in her hands, are sat on the two chairs. BEN is growing increasingly angry at the new DOCTOR'S attitude to their situation.)

BEN: So the murdered man was the real Examiner?

(Nodding, the DOCTOR blows a series of three two-tone agreement notes on the recorder.)

BEN: Well, didn't you see who did it?

(The DOCTOR shakes his head, blowing a high-pitched shriek of a note for "No". POLLY holds out the button for all to see.)

POLLY: The Doctor got this button though.

(The DOCTOR resumes his tune.)

BEN: Well, I think it's pretty dull around here. I don't know why we don't just go back to the TARDIS.

(The DOCTOR again shakes his head, blowing a high-pitched note.)

POLLY: Doctor, are you going to let them think you're the real Examiner?

(The DOCTOR nods mischievously, blowing two more two-toned "Yes" notes on the recorder.)

POLLY: Well, won't that be dangerous?

(The DOCTOR pauses, and then blows a faster "Yes" sequence of notes. BEN has had enough and suddenly reaches forward, snatching the recorder from the DOCTOR'S hands.)

BEN: (Shouts.) Look, why don't you stop blowing that thing and talk to us properly?
POLLY: (Shouts.) Ben!
BEN: (Shouts.) Now don't you start - it's bad enough with him!
POLLY: Well, he hasn't done anything.
BEN: No, that's just the trouble! He knows what happened back at the TARDIS, yet will he tell us? Will he come out and say? Will he admit to being the Doctor?

(BEN blows an angry "No" note into the recorder in answer to his own question. At that moment, there is a knock on the door on the right-hand side of the room.)

BEN: (Shouts.) Come in!

(The door opens and a guard in a peaked cap and dark military-style uniform enters. He stands to attention and BRAGEN, out of his protection suit, and another man walk into the room followed by a second guard. BRAGEN and the new man both wear short-sleeved tunic uniforms with their name badges on. The second man's identifies him as "HENSELL". He also has a badge of office on his right breast. He is a small, portly, man with a short white beard. He is fussy and filled with his own self-importance. The starch BRAGEN stands next to him as he speaks to the travellers...)

HENSELL: I am Hensell - the Governor. I trust you're all feeling much better?

(The DOCTOR takes the button from POLLY and pockets it.)

BEN: Huh, I've felt worse, Governor.

(BEN is suddenly puzzled by the title.)

BEN: The Governor?

(HENSELL ignores the question...)

HENSELL: If Earth had seen fit to warn us you were coming, we might, possibly, have been able to guide you down to the landing area.
DOCTOR: If Earth didn't warn you we were coming, Governor, they must have had a very good reason. I wonder what it was?
HENSELL: Now look here - I run this Colony. I'm entitled to know why you've come to Vulcan. What is your brief?
DOCTOR: I am the Examiner.
HENSELL: Why are you here?
DOCTOR: To examine. And I intend to start my examination at once!

(The DOCTOR suddenly moves forward and examines BRAGEN'S tunic. He ignores the look of puzzlement on everyone's face. HENSELL tries again.)

HENSELL: Someone's leaked reports about these rebel groups - that's it, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Your turn now, Governor.

(The DOCTOR moves across to scrutinise the Governor's uniform.)

BRAGEN: There is Lesterson's capsule.
HENSELL: (Sharply.) Internal affairs are my business, Bragen. Please don't interfere!

(But the DOCTOR is immediately interested in BRAGEN'S comment.)

DOCTOR: Please go on.

(HENSELL takes up the explanation while the DOCTOR continues to stare at BRAGEN...)

HENSELL: The capsule. It was found in a mercury swamp. It must have been here for centuries.
DOCTOR: Interesting - continue.
HENSELL: For centuries before the Earth colony arrived. I felt it might be dangerous, it might contain bacteria.

(The DOCTOR thinks and then returns to the bed.)

DOCTOR: (Quietly.) I shall examine the capsule...later. You may leave us.

(HENSELL, his authority rocked, hesitates...)

HENSELL: I shall look forward to your report. Bragen, see that the Examiner and his party...get some proper clothes, will you?

(HENSELL, BRAGEN and their two guards leave. The DOCTOR looks down at himself.)

DOCTOR: (Indignantly.) We are wearing proper clothes!

(He places the recorder to his lips, and starts playing again.)

BEN: (To POLLY.) Oh, how did he get that thing back again? (To the DOCTOR.) That was a bit of a cheek, wasn't it? Er, seeing if the Governor was the guy that you got the button off?
POLLY: Doctor?
POLLY: When he was talking to you, you were staring at the other man?
DOCTOR: Yes, very rude of me, wasn't it? Terrible manners.

(The DOCTOR lowers his voice and BEN and POLLY move in to listen...)

DOCTOR: To tell you the truth, I was studying his reactions - seeing if he agreed with the story.
BEN: Did he?
DOCTOR: Must have a look at that capsule.
BEN: You know, you wanna watch you don't take this Examiner stuff a bit too far.
DOCTOR: Our answers must come from that mercury swamp.
BEN: 'Cos at least one bloke ain't gonna be fooled.
DOCTOR: When Bragen found us, he definitely said space capsule.
BEN: Look, you're not going to fool the guy that did the real Examiner in!

(But the DOCTOR returns to his tune on the recorder. BEN sighs and gives up...)


(Later, in a corridor, BRAGEN is pinning up a notice on a board. Two guards attend him. QUINN strides up, clearly agitated. He also now wears a colony tunic, though of a lighter shade than BRAGEN'S)

QUINN: Bragen! What's all this nonsense about having to have a pass to see the Examiner?
BRAGEN: It's the Governor's idea.
QUINN: Surely it doesn't apply to me?
BRAGEN: It's not my order, Quinn. I expect the Governor wants to keep people away from him.
QUINN: It sounded like one of your red-tape ideas.
BRAGEN: It has nothing to do with me.

(BRAGEN turns his back on QUINN and carries on with the notice board.)

QUINN: (Angrily.) Right!

(Frustrated, QUINN walks away, but almost collides with JANLEY as she hurries around a corner.)

QUINN: Sorry, Janley.
JANLEY: (Laughs.) My fault.
QUINN: Are you all right?
JANLEY: Yes. Lesterson's just cleared me out of his lab.

(QUINN laughs.)

JANLEY: Is the Examiner going to let him open the capsule?
QUINN: I don't know. I'm on my way there now...if I can push past Bragen's army of layabouts.

(JANLEY touches QUINN'S left sleeve...which is missing a button.)


(Night has fallen and in LESTERSON'S laboratory, the DOCTOR studies the strange capsule. The others watch on in anticipation. BEN and POLLY have changed into colony tunics. In the room with them are LESTERSON, HENSELL, QUINN and JANLEY, the latter now wearing a white lab coat. The DOCTOR crosses from the capsule to the bench and notices the piece of metal that LESTERSON was polishing. He picks it up, with a concerned expression on his face.)

DOCTOR: Where did you get this?
LESTERSON: It dropped from the capsule.
DOCTOR: Dropped?
LESTERSON: Yes, when it was being hauled into the laboratory. But, you can see! This metal could revolutionise space travel. That's why I'm insisting that we open it. Well, who knows what other marvels there may be inside?
HENSELL: But Lesterson, I didn't think you could open it?
LESTERSON: Well, I have a theory. I'm convinced that the opening mechanism on the other side is either here, or here.

(While LESTERSON is occupied with HENSELL, the DOCTOR pulls out the piece of metal he was studying in the TARDIS. His concern increases as he compares it with LESTERSON'S piece. POLLY and BEN exchange puzzled looks as the DOCTOR mutters to himself...)

DOCTOR: Extermination...

(LESTERSON is still speaking to the colonists and indicates a closed doorway in the capsule...)

LESTERSON: Now, my theory is that I can insert a laser ray in this ridge here.

(The DOCTOR and his companions join them.)

LESTERSON: The ray spreads, fuses the opening device and gets us in.

(HENSELL turns to the DOCTOR.)

HENSELL: Examiner, I shall have to make it your responsibility.
DOCTOR: A laser? Why not? It shouldn't be too difficult.

(The blow torch-like laser has already been set up in front of the capsule. LESTERSON switches on the torch, causing a small beam of light to shine onto the first spot indicated by LESTERSON. Nothing happens.)

LESTERSON: Well, we'll try the other side.

(LESTERSON shines the flame on the other side of the door. Suddenly, there is a click of machinery from within. The hatchway door slides open. Everyone rushes forward simultaneously to stare into the capsule. The DOCTOR and LESTERSON cautiously step through the entrance door, and into a small dark empty compartment.)


(The DOCTOR immediately starts to study the right hand wall as the others crowd into the small space. A closed arch in the wall is obviously another doorway. Their words echo in the enclosed metallic room...)

LESTERSON: Hmm, it's a bit...disappointing.
DOCTOR: Not really. This is just an entry bay, isn't it?
LESTERSON: Yes, I...I suppose so.
HENSELL: Well, this doesn't get us very far does it?
LESTERSON: Ah, getting into the rest of the capsule will take time, Governor.
BEN: Well, can't you use that torch thing again? That must be an opening door.
LESTERSON: (Hurriedly.) Well, I should have to measure it up and find out where the lock mechanism is.
DOCTOR: And I think we'll leave if for tonight.
LESTERSON: Leave it?
HENSELL: Leave it for tonight? But what did we come here for?
DOCTOR: (Tersely.) That is my decision, Governor.
HENSELL: But, good heavens above, man!
DOCTOR: (Interrupting.) Two hundred years, you say, this has been buried?

(He starts to leave the capsule.)

LESTERSON: Oh, at least. Now, there must be something in the inner compartment.


(LESTERSON follows the DOCTOR back into the laboratory. The others follow.)

LESTERSON: We shall be able to find out where it came from originally.
DOCTOR: It didn't come from this planet - Vulcan.
LESTERSON: Oh no, no, no. The metal is quite alien.
DOCTOR: (Quietly.) Alien, yes. Very alien. Goodnight.

(The DOCTOR abruptly walks from the room.)

BEN: What's he up to now?
POLLY: Ben, we're not going to let him out of our sight.

(BEN and POLLY follow the DOCTOR, leaving the colonists to contemplate the situation.)

HENSELL: Well, Lesterson, you got your way. Was it worth sending for this Examiner? This idiotic Examiner?
LESTERSON: (Puzzled.) I didn't send for him. I thought you did.
QUINN: Why don't you let me talk to the Examiner, Hensell? I can find out what's he's here for.
HENSELL: No, no, no, no, you keep away from him. We'll leave him to work with Lesterson here. We've all got enough to do without having to worry about some amateur critic from Earth interfering.
QUINN: But with five minutes, I ___...
HENSELL: (Interrupts.) You heard what I said, Quinn. You won't mind keeping the Examiner busy, Lesterson? I don't mind what you do with him so long as you keep his nose...out of our business.
LESTERSON: Yes. All right.
HENSELL: All right. Well, we shall talk about it tomorrow.

(LESTERSON watches as the rest of the colonists file out of the room. Once alone, he turns back to his workbench. He suddenly realises the piece of metal that he was polishing has disappeared - the 'Examiner' must have taken it. A worried expression appears on LESTERSON'S face.)


(Later that night, in the sleeping quarters, BEN lies on the bed idly handling the DOCTOR'S recorder as POLLY looks through the door.)

BEN: What?
POLLY: Shh! He's in the corridor.
BEN: Who is?
POLLY: The Doctor, you clod! Come on - quick!

(BEN gets up and follows her out.)


(They are in time to see the DOCTOR disappear around the end of the corridor.)

POLLY: (Quietly.) He's going towards Lesterson's lab.
BEN: (Quietly.) Of course - to the space capsule!
POLLY: (Quietly.) Come on.


(The DOCTOR steps into the deserted laboratory and over to the capsule. As the DOCTOR reaches its entrance, he dips into his pockets and withdraws the two pieces of metal - the one shined by LESTERSON, the other from the TARDIS. He disappears into the capsule just as BEN and POLLY silently enter the laboratory.)


(The DOCTOR creeps up to his discovery in the wall, unaware that BEN and POLLY are close behind him. He inserts the shiny piece of metal into the thin opening, and pushes the 'key' home. There is a hum as the inner door of the capsule slides open.)


(The DOCTOR looks into the darkened interior through the arched doorway. Within, covered in dust and cobwebs are two Daleks! They are still and their arms and eyes for the most part droop downwards although the arm of the Dalek on the left sticks into the air. The DOCTOR doesn't turn round but quietly speaks to his two companions as they creep up behind him.)

DOCTOR: Polly, Ben, come in and meet the Daleks.
BEN: What?
DOCTOR: The Daleks.

(The DOCTOR begins to walk further into the inner chamber. The other two follow him. Suddenly, the air inside the capsule disturbed, the arm of the Dalek on the left drops downwards. POLLY gasps with fright and then sighs with relief.)

POLLY: (To the DOCTOR.) You could have opened this before.
DOCTOR: These two pieces of metal are identical. The Doctor got one of them from the Daleks himself.
BEN: Why do you keep saying the Doctor if you mean you?

(The DOCTOR ignores him and carries on looking over the DALEKS.)

DOCTOR: I knew I should find them here - I knew it.
BEN: Ah, they look harmless, not very lively.
POLLY: What do you think? Two hundred years in a swamp and you wouldn't look very lively either. Nothing could live through that, could it?
BEN: Live?
DOCTOR: Nothing human, no.

(POLLY suddenly points to the floor.)

POLLY: Doctor, look!
BEN: What's the matter?

(The DOCTOR bends down to examine the floor. There is the shape of the base of a third Dalek on the floor.)

DOCTOR: (Shocked.) Well, there were three Daleks in here! What's happened to the other one?

(Behind the DOCTOR, BEN spots something moving in the corner. Paralysed with fear, he chokes...)

BEN: Doctor!

(POLLY gasps, as the DOCTOR turns to confront the horror - a gruesome claw-like appendage crawls from out of the shadows...)

















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