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Susan is almost boiling with rage.
SUSAN: It's impossible unless you use D and E!!
IAN: (O.S.) D and E?!? Whatever for?? Do the problem that's set, Susan!
SUSAN: I CAN'T, Mr. Chesterton! You can't simply use three of the elements! ...... ......
IAN: (O.S.) Three of them?? Oh. Time being the fourth dimension, I suppose. But what do you want E for? What do you make the fifth dimension?
Susan looking up at him, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
SUSAN: Space......


Susan is almost boiling with rage.
SUSAN: It's impossible unless you use D and E!!
IAN: (O.S.) D and E?!? Whatever for?? Do the problem as set, Susan!
SUSAN: I CAN'T, Mr. Chesterton! You can't simply work on three of the dimensions!
IAN: (O.S.) Three of them?? Oh. Time being the fourth, I suppose. But then what do you need E for? What do you make the fifth dimension?
Susan looking up at him, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
SUSAN: Space......


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