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Ian and Barbara are in his car, driving down the night road.
BARBARA: Over there! Where the policeman is.
The car comes to a stop before that old wooden gate.
IAN: The fog's cleared. We're lucky.
BARBARA: She can't have got here yet. (nervous pause) Oh, I suppose we are doing the right thing? ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
IAN: You can't justify curiousity.
BARBARA: But her homework --
IAN: Oh, it's just an excuse, really. I've seen far worse. The truth is, we're both curious about Susan, and we won't be happy until we know some of the answers.
BARBARA: You can't just pass it off like that! If I thought I was just being a busybody, I'd go straight home! I thought you agreed she was a bit of a mystery!
IAN: Yes. Well, I expect there's a very simple explanation to all this. ...... . .
BARBARA: Well, I don't know how you explain the fact that a fif -- that a fifteen year old girl does not know how many shillings there are in a pound.
IAN: (blinks) Really?
BARBARA: Really! She said she thought we were on the decimal system.
IAN: Decimal system?!?
Ian and Barbara are in his car, driving down the night road.
BARBARA: Over there!
The car comes to a stop before that old wooden gate.
IAN: Lucky there was no fog. I'd never have found this.
BARBARA: (throwing on her scarf) Well, she doesn't seem to have arrived yet. (nervous pause) I suppose we are doing the right thing, aren't we?
IAN: Only justified curiousity.
BARBARA: But her homework --
IAN: Bit of an excuse, really, isn't it? I've seen far worse. The truth is, we're both curious about Susan, and we won't be happy until we get some of the answers.
BARBARA: Well, you can't just pass it off like that! If I thought I was being a busybody, I'd go straight home! I thought you agreed she was a bit of a mystery!
IAN: Yes, but I think you'll find there's a very simple explanation to all this...........
BARBARA: Well, I don't know how you explain the fact that a teenage girl does not know how many shillings there are in a pound. ...... ...... ...... ......
IAN: (blinks) Really?
BARBARA: Really! She said she thought we were on the decimal system.
IAN: Decimal system?!?

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