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The ringing of the school bell brings an end to another day at high
school. The students spill out of the classrooms, chattering to each
A middle-aged woman, obviously a teacher, follows the students
out, calling back into the classroom.
WOMAN: Wait in here please, Susan. I won't be long.
Two female students walk before the camera, very interested in a
pamphlet they're reading. A young male student comes up, mocking
their excited tones. The girls roll their eyes. One whispers something
naughty to the other, they smile and move along.
After saying good night to several students, the teacher stops to
talk to one student about the class assignment. (This is hard to
make out)
WOMAN: Good night.
Having received a book, the middle-aged woman (a teacher,
obviously) walks up to the school lab. With a quick knock, she
walks in.
The ringing of the school bell brings an end to another day at high
school. The students spill out of the classrooms, chattering to each
A middle-aged woman follows the students out, calling back into
the classroom.
WOMAN: Wait for me, please, Susan. I won't be long.
Two female students walk before the camera, very interested in a
pamphlet they're reading. A young male student comes up, mocking
their excited tones. The girls roll their eyes. One whispers something
naughty to the other, they smile and move along.
... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
Having received a book, the middle-aged woman (a teacher,
obviously) walks up to the school lab. With a quick knock, she
walks in.

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